Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 268 Recruiting people

After the orcs left, the real problem began to emerge——

How should task objectives be allocated?

There is only one task item, and there is only one final winner of the prize pool task.

No one is willing to give in, but most individual players also realize the gap between themselves and those truly high-end players after the orc war.

Especially the trio that followed...

Looking at the figure that jumped out of the car, many individual players had a little yearning and awe in their eyes.

Beyond half a step, everyone can still think of ways to trick him.

Two steps beyond...go home and wash up and sleep.

It turns out that among the players who entered the game at the same time, there were already such powerful masters.

"Brother, do you still remember me?" An individual player suddenly came up to Kuang Xin and winked at him, "We met last time when we were on a mission, and you asked me if I could hang out with you? "

Some of the individual players have seen the trio before, and some have even discovered the trio's extraordinary strength early on, and have intentionally or unintentionally mentioned whether they can join the organization where the three of them belong.

After all, these three people appeared together. Anyone with a good mind would know that their strength must come from the same source.

As long as they find out the reasons behind this trio's fortune, not only can they become masters as high as them, they can at least surpass other players by a large margin.

When playing games, what matters is that everyone above oneself is equal, and there is a clear hierarchy below oneself.

To show off, you have to pretend to be down, and the direct selectivity above is invisible.

Kuang Xin is not very good at facing the enthusiasm of others. Before he could speak, he was pulled aside by Gu Lan.

The tall elder sister stared at Kuang Xin with calm eyes, "Think carefully before answering. I don't know if the forces behind you are willing to be exposed. It's your ability and opportunity that you can get in. Be careful of outsiders dragging you down."

You must know that all interactive behaviors in this game are logical. The biggest feeling when entering this game world is not to treat this game world as a real game... at least when you come into contact with those NPCs.

After getting a rough understanding of the information, Gu Lan didn't want this upright little man to be easily deceived of the core information by others.

You must know that players are mixed, and what seems good may not necessarily be truly good.

Kuang Xin was at a loss for words with the concerned look in Sister Yu's eyes. Her gorgeous face was far more aggressive than Gong Yan's girl-next-door style. He couldn't control himself when he was not in a fighting state.

"'s okay, I know what's going on."

Ever since the boss promulgated the regulations, the three of them have discussed——

Xiao Dai and Yan Zi are responsible for discussing and he is responsible for listening.

Be careful when choosing people, after all, we share weal and woe.

If someone under his command makes a mistake, he will be blamed in the end, so if he is kicked out, it will be a huge loss.

This prize pool mission was the first time the three of them had official contact with many other players. The close contact made them clearly realize how much advantage they had over these ordinary players after growing up under the protection of adults.

Not to mention ordinary players, even top experts trained by large guilds like Black Hole and Thorns are no match for any of the three of them.

This further illustrates the generosity of my lord.

Maybe my master is not the most powerful one in the aboriginal world, but he must be the one who is most willing to train their players.

So I can’t be expelled from the master’s school by the adults!

In the past, the mentality of being dispensable to the organization "Ling Ming" has long since disappeared. Not to mention the current life, even if it accidentally dies one day, it will definitely be possible to get "Ling Ming" back after reopening. of.

The more attention they paid to the organization "Ling Ming", the more attention they paid to the rules established by the organization.

You can take people in, but you must go through an inspection.

He is not even a non-staff member of the organization in the team under his own name, but a non-staff member who has no status during his personal inspection period.

"Our organization can recruit people." Kuang Xin looked at the player again and directly told the news that everyone was most concerned about.

In fact, it was not just the player who came to get close, almost all the individual players, even those from Thorns and Black Hole, intentionally or unintentionally leaned to the side to rest, with their ears raised to listen to what was going on here.

As soon as Kuang Xin said this, many people were excited.

I met a good person!

You are willing to share this kind of resource, what a great person!

If it were them, they would definitely have to hide themselves to death.

Only when you have the advantages that you have, that's cool.

"However... our organization has very strict recruitment requirements."

"Yeah!" The first player to come up nodded.

strict? Very normal!

What trial? What assessment tasks?

Come on horseback!

"The most core to be kind and lawful."



There was a cry of surprise.

Of course, the name of the organization and its core pursuits and concepts cannot be disclosed for the time being, but some superficial appearances that can be used to filter can always be used to tell everyone.

"Supporting normal order, fighting evil crimes, protecting mankind, and killing aliens are the basic conditions for joining our organization. If you are willing to accept this premise, then they and I each have five quotas, and we can recruit non-staff personnel for the organization. . Of course, although they are non-staff, the formal benefits they enjoy are no different from us. It is just that in the eyes of the organization, each of our teams is a whole - sharing weal and woe, and sharing rewards and punishments. It is for this reason that you Your behavior will also determine our status within the organization, so before we accept you as non-staff members of the team, we personally need to conduct a period of investigation on those who are interested in joining, and please understand."

This was the plan that the three of them had discussed in advance - when other players inquired about it, Kuang Xin would announce the core information.

After all, he seems more sincere when he speaks...

Almost everyone listened quietly to Kuang Xin's speech. He...or the strength shown by the three of them was the reason why everyone listened quietly.

"Count me in!"

"Count me in!"

"Brother! Choose me, choose me! I am a good old man! I am a good citizen who abides by the law!"

Of course, there are also those who are dissatisfied with these regulations that sound troublesome, "MD has to abide by the law just to play games, go to hell! I don't want to get angry like that!"

"That's right! After joining the team, we are still just non-staff members. We have to get any benefits from them once. Who knows how many benefits they can withhold from us? Does the co-author ask us to work for him? I said how can it be possible? This kind of good news should not be told to anyone else! I want to go to you, but I won’t be the scapegoat!”

Those words came clearly to the ears, and to the ears of all players.

The people who say these words have ulterior motives, but the players who can be incited by them may not be very determined.

Kuang Xin and the others didn't care at all.

Although income will speed up the progress of obtaining contributions, it also means that it requires mental management.

It doesn't matter to the three of them whether to accept it or not.

If you just go with the flow, it will be easier to find like-minded friends.

"Count me in."

Gu Lan said to Kuang Xin with a smile, then turned around and walked towards Gong Yan who was squatting aside and treating the injuries of some players, "Shall I join a group with you? You can do whatever you want to investigate."

Although she also has some development channels of her own, they are not forcibly bound to her personal background. She is a free agent and can go wherever she wants.

The behavior of these three people also made her think it was okay, so she became even more interested in the organization behind them.

As for why she joined Gong Yan's group...she knew that she had a brain.

Teaming up with Kuang Xin might seem like stealing in the eyes of these three people, so it would be better to open up your plan and join the team of this obviously smarter girl directly to show...loyalty.

Those in the group with Kuang Xin should all be brainless tough men in close combat.

"Yes! Sister!" Gong Yan immediately agreed with a smile, "Sister is welcome to join us!"

"You can count me as a brother!" Xu Ruoguang, who was far away, left Ren Fengxing in front of him and ran over.

"Alas, brother! I'm asking you something..." Ren Fengxing held his arm to prevent him from leaving.

Ren Fengxing didn't want to join the crowd like other players, and the trio didn't look like people who could be won over, so it was better to find another way.

He still remembers the "Alpha Strike" move.

I believe that my actions of leading all the players to rescue them will definitely make the other party grateful.

Xu Ruoguang, who was pulled back, looked at him with confusion, "I'm a player, you ask me?"



"Are you a player too?"

"Otherwise? If you have anything to say, go ask uncle." Xu Ruoguang put away the other person's hand and turned around and ran towards Kuang Xin, "Add me one more! Add me one more!"

Ren Fengxing, who stayed where he was, looked at the other person's back silently, feeling like crying without tears.

There is no name or health bar above the head! Bad review!

Turning around to look at the real NPCs...

The uncle carrying the knife looked towards where Xu Ruoguang was running towards with a smile on his face, his eyes narrowed to a slit, "Let's listen to Xiaoguang..."



"That's almost it. Where to go from now on is your own business. For now, let's talk about the practical aspects of the distribution of this mission item!"

Some players couldn't stand the excitement of everyone gathering in one place and ruined the lively atmosphere with cold words.

He is an independent person.

The thin player, who was holding a pistol tightly, glanced at all the eyes attracted by his voice with a cold face, "I propose that the Black Hole Guild submit this mission. They have the most efforts and the greatest contribution in this mission. They have also made the most sacrifices, and the final reward of this mission should be obtained by them. Anyone who disagrees is an enemy of all players present!"

I have never joined a guild because I dislike the normal starting point being too low.

There is a great opportunity for performance right in front of you.

Just for a temporary favor, you can get a thousand yuan per person. If you become his core confidant, wouldn't it take off immediately?

The skinny individual player glanced coldly at every player who looked over, "What do you think?"

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