Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 271 Psychic Gift Package

"You're late." Yueying's voice was calm, without any intention of blaming him, he simply stated the facts.

There is no longer the staccato manner in which he spoke like he was gasping for breath last night.

"Well..." Bai E nodded and admitted before explaining the reason, "I passed out during training in the afternoon and just woke up."

"What do you humans call psychic stress training?"


"..." Yueying didn't say much, but her eyes flashed with sadness.

Humans with a large population can use some unconventional methods to train, which is something that their elves will never be able to achieve in their lifetime.

Without distracting too much energy on irrelevant matters, Yueying just gently ordered: "Sit down."

After Bai E sat down cross-legged, Yueying asked softly: "It's been a day, how do you feel?"

"I feel like... they don't seem to be under my control."

Just like the psychic stress resistance training this afternoon, one's own psychic ability to communicate with "foreign enemies" only made the pressure on oneself even greater. It was purely a traitor.

'they? ’ Yueying murmured softly, and it was a bit strange to focus on “them”. “It’s normal. Your will has not fully adapted to their existence. Before establishing a deeper connection, you will occasionally have the illusion that they do not belong to you.”

Over time, connections naturally deepen.

Deliberate practice will also speed up this process.

"Let's try it." Yueying closed her eyes, "Perceive your body, spread your spiritual energy to the body, use spiritual energy to 'understand' your body, and transform it into what your body needs when needed. ability."

Using psychic energy to enhance the body's basic attribute expression is the most basic use of psychic energy. It is a skill that every psychic can master. The only difference is the duration and the magnitude of the bonus.

[You are learning psychic related skills...]

[Trigger the teaching task—Spiritual Heart Crossing. 】

[Teaching Task—Spiritual Mind Crossing: You have initially possessed psychic powers, but you are just getting started. How to make good use of this power that belongs to you alone, you still need to put in more effort and study hard. Mission requirements: Follow Yue Ying's guidance to complete a 0/1 increase in physical attribute expression, thus officially starting the first stage of psychic energy - spiritual soul crossing. Mission completion reward: Psychic limit +1. 】

[Teaching: The use of psychic powers is a completely new field for you. You need to pay a certain price (combat experience/general experience) to follow the other party's guidance to gain complete skills in using psychic powers. (Consumption: 10 experience points/min)]

Bai E was not in a hurry to give in his experience. Ever since he learned the psychic breathing method, he had very little experience left.

Combat experience has been completely drained, and there are only 779 general experience points left. Before getting new supplements, you can't spend too much money.

Just like what Yueying said, Bai E tried to use his will to communicate with the "little elf" who seemed to be incomprehensible.

The dense spiritual energy enveloped Bai E's body, and the 4 points of spiritual energy transformed into extraordinary power, soaking into his every cell of his body in some indescribable way.


Beside Bai E, Yueying, who felt the spiritual aura that was not like the one at the beginning of his awakening, couldn't help but be slightly surprised.

How could he have such a total amount of spiritual energy just one day after awakening his spiritual energy?

You must know that the progress of spiritual energy is always accumulated bit by bit, and it is difficult to improve a lot instantly.

To accumulate the amount of spiritual energy to this extent within one day after awakening his spiritual energy, it can only be said that this human warrior's talent is even better than he imagined.

["Lucky Blow" charge +1. 】

Bai E opened his eyes, feeling the extra strength surging in his body, and felt a little happy in his heart.

Is Jiang Zi simple?

Bai E was a little surprised by the fact that he learned a new ability purely on his own without the help of experience for the first time.

It seems that my brother is also a genius.

[Psionic Energy Level 1—Spiritual Mind Crossing: You have mastered the method of using spiritual energy to enhance the expressiveness of your own attributes. From now on, you can use spiritual energy to empower your physical energy, insight, and reflection at any time. It can be done at the same time or individually for certain attributes. (Bonus strength: stepwise decrease, currently 4%/12%; consumption: stepwise increase, 1 point of spiritual energy is consumed every minute before the current 4 minutes, and the spiritual energy state cannot be maintained below 1 point of spiritual energy, 4 to 10% of the "current psychic energy" is consumed every minute for 30 minutes, and the decay is at least 1 point each time. After 30 minutes, 10% of the "spiritual energy limit" is consumed every minute, and the decay is at least 1 point each time.) (Note: The same " "Not getting rest" is turned on intermittently during the conscious period, and the timing is superimposed.)]

[You have successfully maintained the "Spiritual Soul Crossing" state for at least 1 minute, completed the increase in expressiveness of all aspects of the body's attributes, and mastered the "Spiritual Soul Crossing" state proficiently. Reward: Psychic power limit +1, has been issued. 】

"It seems that you have mastered the use of spiritual soul crossing." Yueying nodded with satisfaction. Bai E, who had just entered the spiritual energy gate, had almost no secrets in front of her, and every change that happened to him would be clear to her. perceived.

Spiritual Mind Crossing is the basic skill of the first level of psychic power, so no one teaches it. Sooner or later, as you become familiar with psychic powers, you will master it by yourself. This is nothing to be surprised about.

"Spiritual Soul Crossing will accompany you for the rest of your life. As your spiritual energy accumulation becomes more mellow, the assistance it can provide you will gradually increase."

There is nothing to elaborate on this point, Yueying simply skipped it and talked about the next key point.

Bai E has just awakened his psychic powers, and there are too many basic psychic skills to learn and master.

“The next thing you need to master is a little bit of external exposure.”

The application of blessing to oneself is so basic that it cannot be more basic, and it is naturally difficult to extend it to things other than oneself.

Yueying's eyes randomly looked at Bai E's body, and finally fell on his calf, "Pull out your dagger."

Other weapons are too inconvenient, and only small daggers can be carried with him. Bai E needs to ensure that he has a weapon to use at any time.

"Yes." Bai E suddenly pulled out the dagger. The specially treated matte black dagger would not attract attention at night.

"Imagine that your psychic energy is an extension of your body, like an invisible tentacle... Use the psychic tentacles to sense the existence of the dagger, go deep into its internal structure, and incorporate it into your 'domain'... …”

[Trigger teaching mission—Psychic Enchantment. 】

[Teaching Task - Psionic Enchantment:...Task completion reward: Psychic power limit +1. 】

Bai E, who had similar experience in gun fighting, felt that he could accomplish this easily.

The spiritual energy that he felt was like a gray mist spread from his body to the dagger in his hand, and all the structural properties that made up the dagger emerged clearly in his mind like a "list of ingredients".

So I subconsciously know how to make it show the properties I want.

Yes, subconsciously.

Everything in the realm of psychic energy is subconscious behavior.

There is no need to understand what the ratio of various elements should be in order for the substance to exhibit the desired characteristics, and there is no need to understand the laws in which those wonderful chemical reactions occur slowly.

Just know...what you want.

The dagger... softened.



Yueying looked at Bai E with a strange look.

Normal people's first attempt is to make it hard. How do you...

Bai E waved the limp dagger in his hand, and the soft sword-like texture made a sound like metal breaking through the wind.

Due to the bonus of the special attribute "whip tip" in the fighting specialization, Bai E is also very interested in soft weapons.

I was a little surprised to find that I could actually make it soft.

What a magical power...

[You have successfully used psionic energy to change the properties of the objects you hold. The teaching task - psionic enchantment has been completed. Reward: Psychic power limit +1, has been issued. 】

"It's more difficult to become soft than to become hard. It seems that you have mastered this technique of using psychic energy." Yueying was not too surprised. These basic entry-level skills are also the first step in awakening psychic energy for her. It's really nothing if you master it naturally in a moment.

"The next to make full use of psychic energy."

[Trigger the teaching task - Breath of the Spirit. 】

[Teaching task - Breath of the Spirit:...Reward for completing the task: upper limit of psychic power +1. 】

Explode higher when needed and save more willpower when easing off.

Psychic energy is generated by will, and easing the output of will is to save the output of psionic energy.

As Bai E, who personally transformed the elven breathing method into a psychic breathing method suitable for humans, there is no pressure to master the use of this breathing method, and it is easy to understand.

[Spiritual Breathing: You have mastered the method of making full use of spiritual energy. From now on, during the continuous "Spiritual Heart Transition" and "Psychic Energy Enchantment", any time when there is no intense output will be charged for your burst. It also reduces spiritual energy consumption by 33%, and at the same time can increase the actual effectiveness by up to 50% when bursting. 】

[...Teaching task - Breath of the Spirit, has been completed. Reward: Psychic power limit +1, has been issued. 】

Basic psychic gift package.

For example, after leveling up and breaking through, taking skills bit by bit, this feeling of rapid improvement is a bit addictive.

Bai E looked at Yueying expectantly, waiting for her to give him more abilities he needed.

This elf lady is like a walking treasure house. Whatever you dig out of her will be enough to benefit you a lot.

Yueying lived up to her expectations, looking at Bai E who had learned a trick again and nodded with satisfaction, "Then the next step is to actually use spiritual energy to perform a 'miracle'."

[Trigger teaching task—Psychic Proverbs. 】

[Teaching Task - Psionic Proverbs:...Reward for completing the task: upper limit of psychic power +3. 】

"Even the words spoken by powerful psychics also have extraordinary power. The beliefs mixed in the words will invisibly affect the will of the listeners. Of course, language is just a form, and anything that can make other people The way you send the message can be used as a carrier..."

Whether it was the military camp psyker Bai E had met before or Yueying himself, they all used this ability intentionally or unintentionally.

Yueying who spoke thought of his "gaffe" last night.

At that time, she was unable to control her distracting thoughts, which resulted in her words unconsciously being laced with lust.

Fortunately, the human warrior in front of him had a strong will and was not infected by himself, otherwise...

If he had given a warm response, I can't imagine what would have happened last night.

There are risks at every moment on the path of psychic energy, and practitioners need to strictly control themselves.

"...Note that as your spiritual cultivation becomes more advanced, you need to control your powerful thoughts. If every word you utter has the power to affect people's hearts, what you should consider is how to prevent it. Influence the minds of others. The influence is mutual. When you spread your thoughts endlessly, you will also receive the chaotic thoughts from other people, which is not good for you." Yueying looked serious and said one word Every word is taken seriously.

The Psychic Proverbs are not only methods for using psionic energy, but also self-restraint for restraining psionic energy.

Only when you learn to use it can you learn to exercise restraint.

Bai E nodded slowly, "I understand."

This technique is obviously more difficult, and the reward given after completing the task has also been changed from the upper limit of 1 point of psychic power in the previous three teaching tasks to 3 points.

Rewards are often tied to difficulty.

After trying it twice, he realized that this could not be learned by relying on his own "talent". Bai E directly started the cheating mode using experience assistance.

[You are paying general experience to modify your maxim transformation...]

[Current conversion completion rate: 35.7%]

[…Teaching task—Psychic Proverbs, completed. Reward: Psychic limit +3, has been issued. 】

The technique of Psychic Proverbs is neither easy nor difficult. After spending a full 600 points of experience, it can be considered that I have mastered it.

Exactly 10 o'clock.

Four tasks, while mastering basic psychic skills, also greatly increased Bai E's total psychic energy.

"Okay, that's about it for today... There aren't many skills you can learn with your newly awakened psychic power. Before your psychic power reaches a certain level, it's most important for you to increase the reserves of your psychic power itself. thing."

[Tip: Your psychic power is temporarily not enough to support a higher level of learning. Quickly increase your total psychic power. After you have at least 50 points, you can find Yueying to learn more advanced psychic skills. 】


Bai E nodded, stood up and said goodbye.

"Miss Yueying, goodbye."


Bai E, who was leaving, looked at the many newly acquired abilities on the panel and the fact that he only had 179 points of total experience stored left. A sense of urgency rose involuntarily from the bottom of his heart.

You have to find an opportunity to harvest.

Give them a little more strength——

I'll add all the new psychic skills I've learned to the second-level power store!

Gong Yan, the one in the trio, seems to be inclined toward psychic abilities. The skills provided in the power shop have never had psychic abilities, so he rarely gains experience from her.

The other two are basically bald and need to be replaced by sheep.

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