"And be quick~" Wallis smiled excitedly, as if thinking of the scene where all "bounty hunters" were working for themselves, "Before dawn! I don't have much patience."

Faced with the other party's urging, Gu Lan excitedly added, "I can also pledge it."

The Valkyrie of Thorns was not afraid at all. She was even more excited when she saw that the "hostages" would encounter a "special plot" when the mission failed.

"Why don't you forget it?" Dai Lian is not particularly willing to take risks with things he is unfamiliar with. This mission exudes weirdness from beginning to end, not to mention that the current situation is also extremely weird.

It seemed that because of the arrival of himself and others, even the thugs who were torturing others stopped what they were doing and turned to look at the five of them quietly.

Those wailing people seemed to have stopped suffering, and curled up on the ground, twisting and looking expectantly... as if they and others were their saviors.

This kind of silent attention is really heart-breaking. Dai Lian doesn't want to stay here for a moment longer. Besides, with adults backing them up, they can safely develop far better than other players. There is no need to do this. Seems like a strange task.

"What do you think?"

"I think it's okay." Gong Yan held her arms on both sides with both hands. Even though the underground hall was warm, the gaze of the mechanical eye always made her feel like a thorn in her back.

"I think we should just leave and don't mess with him." Facing the disgusting-looking thing opposite, Kuang Xin felt irritated even by looking at him.

Xu Ruoguang looked at everyone and nodded in agreement, "I think so too."

As he spoke, his palms trembled slightly as he held the hilt of the sword at his waist.

It's excitement...

The other party's aura is so familiar...so familiar that I want to go up and strike him with a sword!

"Okay..." Gu Lan had no choice but to shrug. Everyone wanted to be more conservative, and she couldn't ignore everyone's opinions. This was not her guild alone, "I listen to you."

"Sir... I'm afraid we can't accept your request." Dai Lian's face was calm and he said "Sir", his attitude was already equal.

Facing different NPCs, you need to show different "attitudes".

Players are not entities that you can bully at will.

"We came back just to fulfill our responsibilities and bring you the things you entrusted... As for your current request, we really don't have time. Sorry."

"Don't do it?" The smile that had always been on Wallis's face suddenly froze, and the remaining native eye emitted a dangerous cold light, "Don't do it? How can you not do it?"

"Sir, we only have a temporary entrustment relationship. We have completed the task, and it is time for you to fulfill your promise." Dai Lian reminded: "The things are above, you can send someone to inspect them, and then... settle the entrustment. "

I don’t know why it is so difficult to settle the mission rewards this time.

Maybe there was some special plot, but Dai Lian didn't want to get into such content that seemed too weird.

Wallis is obviously unwilling to let go of these five strange "bounty hunters" who can bring him unimaginable power. Facts have proved that doing things for him can bring him power, so they must keep doing it. !

How can you regret it?

"How can you regret it? How can you regret it?" Wallis asked one after another, each sentence getting heavier and heavier, and the expression on his face became more paranoid and crazy, "You should do things for me! This is It’s your responsibility to come into this world!”


His answer was a bullet.

From behind the five players...from the stairs connecting the rooms on the ground.

The ancient double-barreled shotgun fires a long and narrow bullet, and the mysterious inscription outlines a dazzling pattern on the bullet.

Only Gong Yan and Gu Lan could pay attention to it, but they couldn't understand its meaning at all.

The five players who belatedly "heard" gunshots looked back and saw two men in black trench coats grabbing the edge of the floor above with one hand and turning over from the not-so-wide staircase.

As the two landed lightly, two bodies that had lost the breath of life fell limply from above, making two muffled "snap" sounds.

"We really found a big guy!" The man of medium stature walking in front held a double-barreled shotgun with one hand, and his eyes slowly swept over all the creatures he saw.

A faint gray spiritual energy adhered to his eyes, allowing him to discern how the creature in front of him was related to the devil.

The thick demonic aura attached a layer of evil and ominous aura to everyone.

And the core source... as dark and deep as a curved point in high-dimensional space, is undoubtedly the figure standing alone in the center of the hall.

The tall and thin companion who was left behind casually looked at the surrounding structures after coming down, and kicked open a wrench-like device.

As the gear chain rattled, the entrance to the ground was closed by a slowly moving iron door.

He pulled out his two silver scimitars with a "crack" sound, and the blades of the scimitars reflected warm orange light.

"No one can leave today!" The tall and thin man grinned and his voice was hoarse and low.

The demonic scent that filled his nose was so disgusting, but it also made him feel extremely excited.

Looking across the two people who suddenly appeared, Dai Lian saw a familiar symbol between the collars of their windbreakers, so he whispered to his companions: "They are from the Arbitration Institute."

They were not the two they were familiar with before, but the people in the arbitration office generally behaved like this.

And since the people from the arbitration office can smell it and find it here, the answer is already there.

The leader of the war gang with abnormal behavior in front of him has become a believer of the devil at some point!

Are they... involved in some special plot event?

I don't know if I can get any benefit from it.

Dai Lian's eyes flickered, and he subconsciously took a step back. He heard the executives from the two arbitration offices behind him, who were considered to be relying on and considering allies at the moment, shouting in unison: "Don't come here!"

"You guys step aside!" X2


The two executives looked at the five players with wary eyes, "He will wait until we have finished dealing with you devil sons! Don't even think about escaping, you can't escape!"

The institute's current attitude toward the Devil's Son is somewhat ambiguous.

After all, these people themselves are not demons, and based on the information collected so far, these people do not tend to do things for demons.

The facts that happened in front of them can also be used as evidence. They have been here for a while, but they were just observing what kind of relationship between the son of the devil and the believer of the devil, so they never showed up.

And obviously, the devil's son and the devil's believer are not one and the same.

The players who heard the words of the arbitration office executive looked confused——


"Son of the devil?"

"How did we become the 'sons of the devil'?"

"What is the Son of the Devil?"

Dai Lian didn't hesitate too much, he just pushed everyone to lean towards the edge.

In any case, the current home match is not between the five of them, but the showdown between the war gang leader who has surrendered to the devil and the two arbitration office executives.

They...maybe they were reduced to carrying cameras?

The few players who realized that there was something exciting to watch no longer felt nervous at the beginning, but were full of expectations for the showdown of high-end combat power in the game.

Wallis raised his head to the sky and spread his arms as if hugging something.

"Do you think I didn't notice you?" His voice was rumbling, becoming less and less like a human voice, as if there was boundless thunder behind it to accompany him. When he turned his head and lowered his head, he was like a monster that cannot speak. The ferocious face described has replaced his original mechanically modified face.

"I'm just here, waiting for you to come in!"

The aura of cruelty spread instantly like a tsunami, and the surging spiritual energy stirred up another unrealistic sense like an underwater whirlpool, attracting all the people present to come closer involuntarily.

It's as if even the soul has been absorbed...

The true form of the devil...is coming!

"real body!"

"It turned out to be the real body coming directly!"

Visible horror instantly appeared on the faces of the two executives.

There is a world of difference between the true form of the devil and the devil's followers.

In their brief exploration just now, the only real core of demon believers here is the boss of the underground war gang in front of them... But how can one person summon the true form of the demon!


The terrifying voice like a demon echoed in the depths of the dark street like a bell.

It's like a scream coming from the bottom of the human heart, making people feel sincere awe from the depths of their souls.

As if his heart was being lifted tightly, the unknown fear was eroding Kilde's mind like waves.

No sound...

But the voice rings directly from the human heart.

Gilder was all too familiar with this situation. During the countless days and nights of suffering, it was this kind of spiritual fear that tortured every fellow refugee, including him.

It's a devil!

Another demon appears!

The moment he realized this idea, Gilder took his hand out of his arms.

The flare gun he had been holding tightly in his hand was covered with sweat on his palms. Gilder raised the muzzle of the gun and pointed it at the sky.

"call out!"

The orange fireworks left a trail in the sky that lasted for a long time, and the sharp buzzing could be heard even from very far away.

military camp.

When the soldiers standing guard on the tower saw the missiles flying straight into the sky, their eyes narrowed slightly and they shook their heads helplessly.

"Those war gang people... just like to cause trouble."

If you can't defeat someone, this is the most common practice of gangs outside.

But even if those guys beat their brains out, it would have little to do with their military camp.

Only when the commotion goes too far will someone notify them to send someone from the military camp to deal with it and shock them.

Generally don't take it seriously.

But it's the first time I've seen such a lively scene in the middle of the night...

As a companion, the night guard soldier looked hard in the direction where the signal flare flew, and then shook his head with some regret, "It's too far away, I can't see the excitement..."

"Hey, hey? Stop looking, someone seems to be coming inside?" Hearing his companion's words, the soldier turned and looked at the military camp behind him.

Sure enough, a slender figure walked quickly towards the door.

"Who wants to go out in the middle of the night?"

The hood was slightly raised, and the delicate jaw appeared in front of the soldier guarding the door.

"It's Miss Yueying..."

"Let go!"

"Someone is here again..."

"Why are you up so late at night?"

"...He is the armored battalion instructor sent by the Arbitration Agency."

"...let it go!"

"Someone is here again..."

Bai E faced the light and showed his pass...

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