Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 278 A flurry of swords!

It's an acquaintance.

That eldest lady?

Is she here too?

"But sir..." Dai Lian pointed to the broken bodies of the two executives they put aside, "your two colleagues have been injured."


Franka was startled and looked attentively, only to see a familiar symbol on the two inconspicuous black bodies placed aside - a long sword with black flames rising.

Two colleagues have already arrived?

And... injured to this extent?

Franka frowned for a moment, alarm bells blaring in her heart.

It seems that the goal is more difficult than you thought!

Also... How could the source of the demonic aura that I could feel so far away from the military camp be so weak?

"It doesn't matter, leave this to me and you guys step aside."

The newborn eldest lady has no idea what fear is, and judging from the feedback, her first attack has achieved certain results.

Just because your colleagues can't do it doesn't mean you can't do it either. For any strong person to grow, confidence in himself is essential.

There are many active thinking beings underground that are connected to the devil's aura. Franka, who has a slight sense of the devil's aura, taps the ground with her toes.

"There are still many living people down there. If you have time, you can go rescue them."

Regardless of whether these ordinary people will fall in the future because they have witnessed demons with their own eyes, they must not be abandoned at this moment because of what has not happened yet.

"Got it!" Dai Lian was the first to reply.

Gong Yan looked at the young lady from the Arbitration Institute who seemed not to be very "reliable" because she was young and radical, and reminded in a soft but quick voice, "This demon has special abilities for psychic energy. You have to be careful.”

The two executives just now obviously suffered a big loss in this regard, and taking advantage of everyone's entanglement, Gong Yan secretly fired a few shots with his small pistol.

The bullet feedback with psychic energy allowed her to learn some detailed information about this demon from the panel——

【? ? ? (Demon) (Chaos): ... Traits: Adaptive Armor, Shadow Surround,? ? ? 】

[Surrounded by shadows: His desire and greed for spiritual energy allow him to absorb all the spiritual energy he comes into contact with. Every time he attacks a target with spiritual energy or is hit by an attack with spiritual energy, he can draw a certain amount of spiritual energy from it. Can be used for oneself. The specific extraction efficiency is determined by the confrontation of the "psionic cohesion" of both parties. 】

" careful..."

The two executioners did not die completely. They heard that another companion came after smelling the devil's breath. Their dying spirits were obviously a little more active. The executioner with two swords reminded weakly in a broken and decaying voice, "Be careful. Don’t let your spiritual energy go out.”

They are also experienced executives, and they have figured out strategies to deal with it after one or two mistakes——

By completely converging the psychic energy within oneself and only using it to enhance the expressiveness of one's own physical attributes, one can slightly avoid the special "authority" of this demon. Any slightest release of it is an act of benefiting the enemy by strengthening the opponent's strength.

"I know." Franka looked at the other party with full concentration.

She doesn't have a player's panel, so she can't clearly express every characteristic of her opponent in literal form. However, the feedback brought by her attacks still allows her to instinctively know the opponent's general abilities.

...even if it's a bullet coming out of the barrel.

The psychic energy attached to it is the tentacle of her spirit.

Want to absorb my psychic energy?

You are not qualified!

Franka's eyes glowed with a faint aura——

One stage of spiritual energy, spiritual and spiritual crossing.

The long sword was unsheathed, Franka's figure flashed, and she was already attacking the opponent like a phantom.

Facing this new opponent, the devil also did not dare to be careless.

The other party had already used bullets to demonstrate her attitude and strength as soon as she arrived. This was the first time she was "injured" since she appeared in this world.

Facing Franka's long sword, even though there was still some arrogance in the countless eyes, the colors of caution and solemnity already appeared in most of the pupils.

Swish, swish, swish!

The light of the sword is like lightning.

The snow-white sword light danced into a dazzling ball of light, and even the reflected pale moonlight looked so desolate and deadly.

Moon Falls Sword Dance.

This is Franka's special skill that she learned from a human swordsman master.

At the same time, her body had already adjusted its genes with genetic optimization fluid, and she had never neglected the exercise of her own three-dimensional basic attributes.

The training of psykers only requires more attention than ordinary people. In private, where no one can see, Franka's requirements for herself are almost unimaginably harsh.

If it were not for the firm practice from the heart, how could her spiritual power be so coherent?

Even if the spiritual energy is released, it is still her spiritual energy!

The sword light fell like snowflakes in chaos, each piece shining with a deadly cold light.

Yueying, who was hiding in the dark, looked away from the two figures also hiding in the corner, and quietly watched everything happening on the front battlefield.

She arrived earlier but didn't show up.

This was something that happened in human territory and had little to do with her.

Even if it is the enemy of all intelligent creatures like the devil, in the final analysis, this devil is just the enemy that these people need to face at the risk of their lives.

In the overall situation, this ordinary demon cannot affect much.

Of course it can be easily solved by her taking action, but human matters... why should she, an elf, solve them?

Before showing nobility of soul, in her eyes, all humans... were no different from those primitive monkeys in the mountains and forests.

Except for that special android warrior...

And it is in these special events that we can discover why those noble souls shine.

Perhaps, after the situation really gets out of control, she will consider taking action to save the situation.

But not right now...

The moon shadow lurks quietly, no one can detect it.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

The cold sword light was waving, and occasionally the confrontation of gold and iron could be heard.

Among the countless sinking souls, there is one whose will is to retreat slightly in the battle.

‘How about we withdraw? ’

The soul belonging to Wallis already felt a little bit out of control about the scene in front of him.

The growing noise attracted more and more attention.

Even if the strength gained from those bounty hunters is enough, even if the demons from other worlds are indeed powerful, if too much attention is attracted before the strength develops, the truly high-end combat power among humans will be attracted. , this is a dead end!

‘What are you afraid of? ’ The devil’s whisper echoed in Wallis’s soul, ‘Our power will be stronger when we attract more attention. What are you afraid of? ’

‘But is this beyond the limits of what we can currently handle? ’

'limit? Why do you think we have limits? ’

Human greed has no limit!

The surge of will provides an instant violent burst of spiritual energy.


The violent aura exploded instantly, and the meat hammer hit the sword.

Even though the long sword was as hard as an iron wall with the blessing of spiritual energy, the transmitted power still directly smashed Franka's entire body away like a battering ram.

The instantaneous burst of psychic energy caused Franka to pause slightly before she was able to seize the opportunity.

"Tsk!" Franka, who was holding the sword, slid back on the ground for more than a dozen steps before she relaxed slightly. The sore and tearing feeling on her arms and chest were all eroding her senses.

The body has always been the foundation that supports the will, and the decline in physical strength and spiritual energy has also affected her tenacity to a certain extent.

This demon... is so powerful.

His power is unbelievably terrifying, and his defense means that even if his attacks are effective, they will have limited effect.

This was her first face-to-face confrontation with the true form of the devil.

It is indeed the terrifying creature from the legend!

This is the true strength that a demon should have. For example, the original demon that I heard was defeated by a big-headed soldier alone was like a fairy tale in comparison.

Franka took a breather, and the fighting spirit in her eyes became even stronger.

In any case, he is already the last line of defense here.

Don't allow the devil's scope of action to expand. These are the regulations that must be followed when dealing with devils!

Moreover, those people whose origins are unknown are moving out the bodies that have lost their souls one by one from the collapsed ruins. There is still hope of saving these people.

If this demon is not killed as soon as possible, even if the soul imprisoned by it returns to the body in the end, its corruption will almost become inevitable.

Any human being who is unprotected and exposed to high-dimensional space for a long time or to demons who are the condensed entities of high-dimensional space power will be infiltrated into the bone marrow and soul by those imaginative powers that exceed reality.

In every dream, every moment of trance, and every moment when concentration is not maintained, the pollution that has been suffered will spread from the bottom of consciousness like living darkness, flooding the entire soul.

And every soul will become a channel for demons to invade reality.

The longer it lurks, the more dangerous it becomes.


The sword trembled.

With the injection of spiritual energy, the edge of the sword became even sharper.

Skills derived from specialization are not exclusive to Bai E. All natives have the possibility of acquiring or even creating this inheritance.

Skill - Touken Ranbu!

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