Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 282 Franka’s proposal

The words are cold, but this is the wisest choice.

Rather than letting these people become supporters of Chaos in the future due to the corrosion of high-dimensional space, it is better to clean them up now to eliminate future troubles.

The two more senior executives frowned and glanced at the civilians who were gradually waking up, with some unbearable expressions in their eyes.

Although there is a high possibility of being corrupted in the future, at this moment, it is obvious that they have not really reached that step.

Just clear it up...

Some civilians who were close to the tip of their ears heard Franka's words, and their bodies that had just stood up immediately fell to their knees again, begging for mercy.

"No... sir!"

"Don't kill us, sir!"

"It was Wallis who threatened us! We are not on the same path as him!"

The sound was chaotic, everyone fighting for their own life from their own perspective.

Bai E stood aside, silent.

I even wanted to run away.

The devil is solved, the benefits are obtained, and the rest... probably has nothing to do with him, right?

But Bai E wanted to stay and see how they would deal with it because he was curious about the appearance of the demon and the whole story, as well as the arbitration style.

Many calls for mercy surround my ears, and what they represent is the small will of every suffering ordinary person to survive.

Even though the two more senior executioners had executed countless demon believers, they still felt soft-hearted and hesitant every time they encountered such a mortal begging for mercy.

Killing is for the greater good.

Otherwise, in this kind of unsupervised settlement outside the city, these corrupted humans have secretly organized themselves together. If they gather together again one day and create a bigger trouble than today, it will be a big trouble. least at this moment, now, these people are just simple victims.

They are not the so-called "purists" in the institute, and they are not crazy enough to kill anyone without mercy if they come into contact with any information related to "devils".

"..." The two old partners looked at each other in silence.

It was a difficult decision for them to make.

Franka didn't press for further questions, but looked at the demon's body with some fear.

"Also, what's going on with this demon?"

An ordinary level demon is actually so powerful.

She is naturally quite clear about the definition of the strength of the summoned demon. It stands to reason that the size of the group of believers who summoned it should be very large, otherwise it would not be so difficult to deal with.

But no.

Although Franka arrived late, observation of the battlefield environment is a basic ability that every master who needs to face battle needs to master.

She found no traces of large-scale sacrifices at the site, which means the cult of believers who summoned the demon might not be as large as she thought.

This is the exception.

All abnormal situations have the value of being analyzed and recorded.

"It's the son of the devil." The double-sword executive looked at Kuang Xin, Xu Ruoguang and others who were still carrying out rescue operations not far away, following the wailing sounds underground.

In fact, there was someone beside him - Gong Yan who helped him up.

Hearing this word, which was not the first time he heard it tonight, Gong Yan glanced and cheered up secretly.

Son of the devil, are you talking about them?

Specifically referring to the people in your own team, or... the entire player group?

The moment they discovered that this game truly looked like a real world, Gong Yan and the others were already quite curious about the attitude of the aboriginal people towards these players who suddenly appeared in their private chats.

After all, the player's behavior is really incompatible with the background style of this world.

Now...maybe we finally have the answer.

Bai E's body remained motionless and his ears quietly pricked up.

Player? Son of the devil? What is the inside story of the world that I don’t understand?

"Son of the devil?" Franka looked at the back of Kuang Xin who was trying to move a boulder, her big beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, "Are they the son of the devil?"

She had recalled three of them... she had met them and even handed them a bottle of exorcism essential oil.

Looking at the present moment... these demon sons obviously knew the mysterious master who suddenly appeared, otherwise they would not have shown relief after the first arrow was shot without even realizing it.

Perhaps, this mysterious master who suddenly appeared is the adult they once mentioned?

Well...everything is right.

Franka's smart eyes once again swept across the civilians who were kneeling begging for mercy and returned to her eyes.

The double-sword executive was looking at Gong Yan beside him and fulfilled his promise to her, "I said, after everything is over, I will explain your current situation to you in detail... You are the sons of the devil."

"...Everyone who comes into contact with you has a high probability of becoming a follower of the devil. Not all of them, but compared to normal circumstances, the probability is at least ten times higher."

"...At the same time, the strength of the demon believers who have become demon believers after coming into contact with you is unimaginable compared to their original level. It is definitely far beyond any demonic gifts obtained by humans who became demon believers in the past. This is very abnormal. The demon we just encountered is proof. According to the records of our Arbitration Institute, it is impossible for a demon summoned by a single person to have such strength."

"...I don't know whether it was your original intention to cause this situation, or whether it was a misfortune that simply happened to you and you didn't know it. But I must fulfill my responsibility-bring you back to the prison."

Yes, the execution order for the devil's son in the institute is not to kill without mercy.

Before the exact cause is understood, the method of killing without mercy is too extreme.

They require a lot of research…

Taking him away with an unknown title would most likely mean losing his freedom.

Gong Yan took a step back subconsciously.

Dai Lian, who was supporting another executive officer, also took a step back, his eyes even showing a hint of caution.

"Hey, hey, hey! We just joined forces to fight, we don't have to fight, right?" Franka raised her eyes and glanced to the side, "My lord, this is your person, right? How to deal with it, or else? Do you have any advice?"

Franka deliberately led these things to this mysterious man.

The other party is powerful, and may have discovered the characteristics of the devil's children earlier than they realized. Otherwise, why did he happen to find such a group of devil's children to become his subordinates?

It’s just that the opponent’s camp is unknown.

At this moment, he was able to kill the demon, and he had saved the demon believer before his eyes...

Coupled with what I heard from his subordinates before about his kind and even innocent philosophy...

What a strange position.

Compared to the demons that have been solved and the magical son of the demon, Franka is more curious about this mysterious leader of the organization who has interacted with her several times.

Bai E remained motionless, and he listened to what the executive revealed to the player.

Son of the devil?

NPCs who come into contact with players will become powerful demon believers...

Is it because... the mechanism of task feedback strength?

But why is he okay?

Coupled with the demon with "greed" as its core that was just solved...

Thousands of connections emerged in his mind, and Bai E had a vague guess, but he was not sure.

"I support their own choice." Bai E replied softly.

"You have already become an enemy of our arbitration once." Franka's eyes flashed with an elusive light.

The two executives, who could barely stand up, winked wildly at the young and ignorant young lady——

Are you crazy?

Their executives are just more focused on hunting demons and demon-related matters...or paranoid.

But that doesn't mean you're a fool.

The master in front of them had just easily killed the high-dimensional demon that the three of them were helpless in front of their eyes. How could his strength be comparable to that of the three defeated generals?

If you make people angry, your ashes will be scattered among them.

Even the institute will not seek revenge from the other party because of this.

This is the rule.

The reason why their arbitration office has great privileges when investigating demon-related matters is because they do not have the slightest rights elsewhere. When a human does not touch the taboos of demons, the executives have no reason to treat a human The master of position takes action.

Franka didn't care, but had a strange smile on her lips.

Bai E didn't look at her directly, but his tone also became dangerous, "What do you think?"

After several contacts, he knew that Franka was not the kind of paranoid person, and she must have something up her sleeve at the moment.

"Let's do this..." Franka's eyes glanced around, and the civilians were still kneeling on the ground, kowtowing.

Everyone has heard about what the Arbitration Institute does. When it comes to annihilation, it is really annihilation, and it shows no mercy when it comes to demons.

They can even be hunted to the ends of the earth.

If you offend a war gang, you can always survive in another place.

Being targeted by the Arbitration... there is probably no better place on the planet.

It might be more peaceful to bury yourself in a cemetery.

The fear comes from the heart, and many people have already smashed their heads.

"They..." Franka's fingers moved and came to the players again, "And they... how about you help us manage them?"

Tu Qiongdeng saw that all the words were meant for Bai E.

Whether they are civilians or children of demons...

Franka stirred up the source of all these contradictions because she wanted to bind all these things to this mysterious master.

If he is as glorious and majestic as his men say of him, if he really has the determination to carry out his bright ideas... then let's get started.

From this moment on!

stand out! Stand until the sun comes down!

Stop being sneaky!

Through this corner of the world, let the world know your existence.

Let me see... what kind of person you are!

Franka's eyes were burning, staring closely at the figure under the earthy brown robe.

"How about it? The sons of demons are dangerous, and these people are destined to be corrupted. If there is no strong person sitting in charge, you know... we will not rest assured, and we do not have enough manpower..."

The answer is self-evident. Franka's tone was light and she continued: "So from now on, this territory will be governed by you or your men. The son of the devil... the civilians who have seen the devil, none of us. If I ask again, I only need your guarantee! They... will all be safe."

After speaking, Franka looked at her two colleagues and said, "Senior, can you accept this method?"



Couldn't agree more.

As long as we don't start fighting now, everything won't be a problem.

The issue of demon children can be discussed later, and civilians who have personally experienced demon disasters do not have to be executed on the spot.

Moreover, Franka's proposal was actually what they wanted. With this mysterious master in front of them looking after this neighborhood, even if there was another demonic disaster, it would only be a matter of two arrows, which was so reassuring.

Franka pursed her lips slightly and looked back at Bai E again, "So... what's your answer?"

[Tip: The improvement of a force's reputation also requires the support of the physical territory. At this moment, you are standing on the edge of a hugely influential decision-making. Faced with the other party's proposal, you decide...]

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