Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 284 Three Phases of Main Line

Looking at the direction in which the figure disappeared, Franka's eyes sparkled with stars, and she couldn't look away from her eyes for a long time.

'So cool...'

There was only one thought in the girl's mind for a while.

Perhaps the current choice was not within the other party's plan, but even in the face of sudden changes, this series of detailed arrangements seemed orderly.

And the courage is unprecedented.

Each of those decisions, whether they were planned or improvised, were bold beyond imagination, and this... is exactly what is needed here.

People who have just emerged from the shadow of the devil need not only blessings from the sky, but also... change.

Change is what they need most today.

Adapting to a new life will consume all their energy. Only in this way will they have no time to recall everything they have seen and experienced today.

It may be useful, it may not be useful, but even if it only reduces the probability a little bit or delays the time a little bit, it is still good.

"Goodbye then~"

Franka looked at the "sons of devil" and said, "You have a very powerful leader."

After taking a final glance at everything in front of her, Franka put her hands behind her back and turned to leave.

The rest of the things have nothing to do with her. After all, she is just an instructor in the military camp teaching the big soldiers...

After using special equipment to recover the demon's body, the two executives also came to the "sons of the devil" and sighed sincerely: "Thanks to you this time, but we may have to study your secrets in the future. I can’t help but trouble you to cooperate.”

While speaking, the medium-sized executive smiled and said, "But don't worry, you have such an adult behind you. We will not do anything excessive to you. We will just cooperate with the research and even give you some money." A reward.”

Arbitration firms do not have a style of doing things; only each executive has a different style of doing things.

They are not those paranoid "purists", and the problem of these "sons of the devil" has not yet been determined.

For friends who have just fought side by side, even if these people bear the name of "sons of the devil", they are more willing to use a soft policy.


The long street became quiet again. Looking at the civilians on the black street who seemed to have lost all their strength and were lying on the ground, the five players looked at each other.

"Is that the boss you're talking about?"


"Gudong~" Xu Ruoguang swallowed, "I'm hugging you on my lap!"

No matter what the descriptions of Kuang Xin and the others were before, nothing was as impactful as the proof of their actual performance.

The same opponent, an official monster in this game that was helpless against the organization, was killed by his own master with two arrows.

This kind of crushing in strength is the real level of differentiation.

Gu Lan didn't come back to her senses for a long time. Her mind kept echoing with the arrows piercing out of the darkness and the promise she made to all the civilians on the underworld.

Is this the adult you are about to follow?

If she had only done it for tangible benefits before, this unique first meeting undoubtedly strengthened her determination to follow.

Such a leader with extraordinary charm and strength, even if he knows he is a virtual character in the game, can't help but make people yearn for him.

"But why did he leave..." Xu Ruoguang looked at the direction Bai E was leaving, "What should we do? Didn't he say he wanted to take someone in?"

"Emmm..." Kuang Xin scratched his hair and explained with a naive smile, "We usually meet at noon. The adults are very busy and usually don't have time. This time the attack is probably just to see if we can find time to come over and help. "

Although he didn't know the cause and effect of why the Lord appeared in time, Kuang Xin, who blindly worshiped his Lord, had already figured out the Lord's wisdom and martial arts.

Xu Ruoguang nodded sadly, "Okay..."

The two figures separated and returned to the camp soon after. The soldier guarding the door felt confused as he touched the back of his forehead.

"Is this the same place they went to?"

I left the camp and returned to the camp in the middle of the night. It was unreasonable to say that I was not going to the same place.

But if we were going to one place... an executive from the Arbitration Institute and an ordinary soldier from the military camp, what could they do together?

It’s also divided into front and back... to deceive others?

"Tsk tsk~"

The soldier who was about to close the door saw a graceful figure walking back from a distance.

"It's Master Yueying..."

have to.

"It's really lively tonight."

Yueying walked into the military camp and walked into the darkness, then gently raised his head and looked with clear eyes in the direction of the soldiers' dormitories crawling in the darkness.

She followed him all the way, but the other party didn't notice her presence.

So she followed him all the way to the military camp, avoiding the executive officer of the Arbitration Institute who came later, and finally returned to the military camp.

So it is certain that the mysterious master is from the military camp?

And it also uses arrows... Even the techniques are familiar to me.

Except that it was completely not the power he taught.

Where did the warrior learn that?

Yueying's eyes flickered, then he raised his feet and left.

Maybe ask tomorrow night.

Moreover... a top human warrior with his own private plans and ambitions is much more interesting than a simple cannon fodder.

"Tsk tsk~"

Seeing the dark figure disappearing into the shadows between the tents, the soldier guarding the gate felt that tonight was an eye-opener.

"It's still triangular..."

"Stop talking nonsense! Miss Yueying, I am a goddess!"

"Alien goddess? You are disloyal!"

"You fart!"

"You are disloyal."

"You fart!"

Bai E flew back to the camp.

There were too many things revealed by killing the demon, and the choices after completing the main mission also required quiet reflection. He urgently needed to return to a safe place to digest.

The dormitory in the military camp is his warmest home.

Everyone in the dormitory was resting quietly. It was already the deepest moment of the night, and it was even close to sunrise.

Everyone was sleeping peacefully, but Bai E's spiritual energy was beating one after another.

Psychic power is a magical power, and there is almost no precedent of robbing other people's psionic powers for their own use.

The spiritual energy that loses the control of the original owner will only dissipate in the air for the first time, and once again become an ownerless free existence in that magical high-dimensional space.

But now, the 50 points of psychic energy controlled by the underlying logic supporting the "lucky blow" cannot be dissipated. They are controlled "around" Bai E, trying to escape from left and right, but unable to break free from the invisible shackles.

Bai'e, who had psychic powers with alien attributes, didn't dare to let go of his mind and absorb it directly. Fortunately, his newly acquired skill - Soul Black Hole was helping him solve this problem.

This skill is said to be a skill, but it is more like the power of some rules controlled by those demons.

Bai E can actively activate the black hole to absorb all nearby rootless souls.

It was like snatching food from the devil's power, absorbing the soul of the war gang leader who turned into a devil, and finally letting him return to nothingness.

Or exist passively...

Bai E could feel that the existence of this skill had permanently changed his soul form.

It was like a whirlpool appeared in my mind.

The alien psychic powers were struggling as if they were caught in a giant millstone.

The special attributes belonging to "greed" were crushed away bit by bit by the "black hole", and what was left... was only the purest and most original spiritual energy itself.

[Your "Skill - Soul Black Hole" digests a ray of alien spiritual energy and converts it into your ability. The upper limit of spiritual energy is +1. 】

[...The upper limit of psychic power is +1. 】




From the end of the battle to the time he came back, this "+1" has jumped many times. Currently, his upper limit of psychic energy has reached a full 27 points, and it is even growing rapidly.

The newly added spiritual energy was even more than what Bai E himself had before. This sudden swelling made Bai E's soul bear more pressure.

Not used to it, but it hurts and makes me happy.

Psionic energy is the true embodiment of extraordinary power. Its existence allows Bai E to feel a full sense of power stirring up and down his entire body. Every bit of growth is as intuitive as the improvement of basic attributes.

Now he... just feels like he can do anything.

The increase in strength is only a subtle influence. Even if the spirit body feels a little strange, it does not affect Bai E's ability to maintain his clear thinking.

Compared with the surge in spiritual energy level which only has benefits, the biggest impact on oneself after killing the demon this time is the completion of the main mission.

After the second phase of the main mission is completed, the third phase of the main mission also begins to emerge, and requires one's own active choice.




Three completely different routes are in front of him. Bai E can even use his consciousness to follow the light blue subtitles in front of him one by one to check their subsequent development requirements...

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