Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 293 The first experience of the spirit body

The high-dimensional space was in chaos. Bai E, who gradually came into contact with this space under the guidance of Yueying, did not directly perceive how magnificent this strange space itself was.

Without complete preparations and strong cultivation, "looking directly" into high-dimensional space is an extremely dangerous act in itself.

Psykers who have been immersed in the psychic system for a long time find it difficult to control their urge to travel through this mysterious space all the time. Those whispers lingering in their ears are always guiding them to explore deeper into the world. .

Fortunately, Bai E had not long since entered the realm of psychic energy, and even the whispers of high-dimensional space had not had a real impact on him yet, so he naturally had no desire to be tempted by the whispers to explore.

Yueying's guidance allowed Bai E to focus only on his own spirit body, instead of observing more unknown areas that he should not be exposed to at this stage.

For the first time, Bai E's perception of his spirit body seemed extremely stable. This was the stability achieved by the elves' one-on-one training.

The spirit body... is like a soft jellyfish without any protection.

Translucent, faint light, fragile...and changeable.

Bai E really didn't know how to describe it. The only closest image he could think of was those elves in the sea.

The only difference is that his spirit body still has a roughly humanoid outline.

Although it is his own spirit body, he seems to be watching from a ruthless third perspective.

It's like eyes independent of the outside of the body are observing your entire body. The feeling is so wonderful that it goes beyond normal cognition, and has a forbidden beauty.

Looking at Yueying on the side, the other party's spirit body has graceful curves. The high-dimensional space mapping spirit body without the concept of clothing is as graceful and graceful as her body covered by clothing in reality. The light and graceful twists are like a piece of life. A mermaid in the water is so agile.

A faint glow outlines her outline, and lights of different colors and brightness are carved into detailed parts. At the core, there is a radiating ice crystal highlight shining brightly on the chest.

Yueying's voice rang in the ears of the real world. Bai'e, whose consciousness was immersed in the spirit body, only felt that the voice seemed clearer and more moving, as if something with a physical substance penetrated directly into his body...his own thinking. .

"The existence of the curtain is not to reduce the brightness in the physical sense, but to deceive the devil's perception. This is a layer of consciousness deflection established outside the spirit body. You need to understand this first before you can learn."

Yueying's spirit body circled Bai E's spirit body in a light circle in the "dark sea" like a dexterous swimming fish. The cold voice from the real world that was both distant and deep into the soul continued to be received by Bai E. "Now, use your spirit body to 'observe' this layer. I know this is difficult. Don't worry, we have a lot of time."

[You are paying combat experience to analyze the curtain constructed by the target spirit...]

[Current analysis completion level: 0.3%]

There is no concept of time and space in high-dimensional space, and the passage of time has nothing to do with the real world. However, the sense of passage of time perceived by the spirit body is the only criterion for judging the consumption of experience.

The passage of "time" is like running water, flowing slowly, gently but irresistibly through the two spiritual bodies.

Time has taken nothing away, leaving only tangible changes.

[You are paying combat experience to analyze the curtain constructed by the target spirit...]

[Current analysis completion: 32%]

"about there……"

Yueying's voice sounded faintly directly in his consciousness, as if he was suddenly lifted out from under the deep water. Bai E, who was gasping for air, only felt the indescribable pleasure of being relieved from the suffocation.

"Hu~hu~" Bai E took a few breaths subconsciously.

"Building a deflection curtain is a long process and cannot be learned overnight. Before you learn it completely, you must pay attention to the restraint in the use of your own psychic powers."

Of course it is difficult to control yourself from using the power you already have, but you must be careful when using it——

careful! Be careful again!

Reduce the frequency and intensity of use.

Every use of psychic energy before the curtain is established is tantamount to dancing on the tip of a knife, and even after the curtain is established, it can only hide the intensity of the psychic explosion below a certain level.

Too intense burning or active thoughts will still break the concealment effect of the curtain.

"I know..." Bai E nodded cautiously.

The field of psychic energy is mysterious and unpredictable, but it follows certain rules.

The analysis part was not enough to support him in building his own curtain, but at least he learned some of the keys to this skill.

Without the accumulation of sufficient progress in the field of psychic energy, it is indeed impossible to establish an effective spiritual body defense system with a beginner's psychic energy body.

Before they grow up enough to establish their own defense system, the growth process of a psyker is always accompanied by the covetousness of demons, which is indeed dangerous and deadly.

Safety when burning psychic energy once or twice does not mean that it will always be the case, and you must be careful in the future.

I just don’t know if the mission process that Hu mentioned is troublesome. When it comes time to burn spiritual energy, I have to control it...

As he spoke, the dim light on the horizon spread in Bai E's afterglow.

Bai E stood up and said respectfully, "Excuse me, Miss Yueying."

Bai E didn't find any utilitarian appeal in this young lady from the elves.

She tried her best to teach her many abilities without raising any requirements, as if she was simply teaching for the sake of teaching.

Such a pure elf should be respected.

"But I might not be able to come over tonight." Bai E turned his head and looked at the horizon.

It was completely bright. I hadn't slept all night, but I didn't feel sleepy.

The mission Hu and the others are talking about is today, and they don’t know how the mission of tracking sandworms compares with the last mission to pick up refugees, but there is a high chance that they won’t be able to come back in time tonight. Say hello to Yueying in advance to prevent her from waiting in vain. Night.

"Okay." Yueying nodded, stretched out his hands and slowly picked up the hood from behind and put it on again, and the hidden shadow instantly covered it, "Goodbye."


Bai E turned around and left. On the day of the mission, Hu and the others got up very early.

Looking at Bai E's leaving figure, Yueying, who was hiding in the shadow of his hood, squinted his eyes.

I don't know why, maybe because I revealed his identity in the outside world, or maybe because of some change in his own state of mind, Bai E seemed a little... proactive today?

Or aggressive?

Compared with the previous "humbleness", it feels a little more powerful.

But it doesn't make people feel uncomfortable at all, but more of a feeling of closeness... Is it because it has become more real?

"..." Pursing her lips, Yueying put her hands behind her back and turned to leave.

His steps were light and seemed a little brisk.

"Hey! Where did you go so early in the morning?"

Dashan, who was sorting out his equipment, asked in surprise when he saw Bai E coming back.

"Training..." Bai E simply replied.

He felt that the psychic powers he had learned from Yueying were not exposed yet. An artificial person could practice psychic powers... Moreover, he learned the breathing method from an elf. He didn't know what kind of ripples it would cause.

After all these things, he no longer has the worry of being dissected. However, some things can always be pursued in a more favorable way.

An android warrior capable of practicing psychic powers? ×

An android warrior who adapted the elf breathing method to fit the human body! √

The surprise is to be explosive enough, regardless of whether the higher-ups in the human race pay attention to it.

So in normal times, you have to cover up a little bit.

Bai'e was vague at the moment, and his teammates just thought he was practicing in the morning.

"Gitui!" Dashan exclaimed, "Awesome!"

They didn't see Bai'e when they were sleeping, and they didn't see Bai'e when they woke up.

You can't live without sleep, right? Putting aside the impossible reasons, I can only say that this kid is really trying too hard!

They have obviously worked very hard, why is it that even the "effort" itself is not "harder" than that of others?

"Damn it!" Yuzu secretly gritted her teeth, her kitten-like stubbornness making her self-esteem particularly strong.

"Okay, hurry up and pack your own equipment. We are ready to gather and set off." The talking tiger threw a small black round electronic device to Bai E, "Put this on your chest, and it will Monitor your vital signs and let the base know your situation at all times."

"Ah?" Bai E played with the small thing in his hand doubtfully. He noticed that there was a small indicator light on this small electronic device, which was flashing red light regularly.

Song Ying seemed to be more interested in these technological equipment and took the initiative to explain: "We are allowed to try out the new equipment issued by the Ministry of Information first. It is said that we can monitor our vital signs and approximate location when we go out on missions at the base, so as to Roughly judge whether the task is completed. More complex sensor collectors are still under development. This is just a basic model. Anyway, you can just wear it and treat it as providing them with test data."

"Oh~" Bai E nodded clearly.

Needless to say, this creation that surpasses the current LAN information transmission distance must be a technological innovation caused by the last restart of the Internet root server.

Big technological changes may not be possible for the time being, but this technology that may have existed for a long time now only needs to change the receiving end of the signal, and innovation is very fast.

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