Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 316 Buried Golden Age Ruins

Nine versus three, and involving team command, there is no reason to be afraid, right?








"Captain, what are you counting?" Zero asked curiously.

Bai E, who was sitting in the car sorting out the documents in his hand, said nothing.

He heard approaching footsteps——


"Click!" Rose opened the car door and clapped her hands casually, her warm voice filled with a bit of relief, "I warmed up, it's okay."

It's me who's warmed up, but it's my opponent who's OK.

"Have you taken it?" Zero curiously walked around Rose's body and tried to look outside, and found that the other party seemed to notice that his eyes were deliberately avoiding her.

Didn't look at it...

"I'm convinced." Shitou said, and then he was a little dissatisfied, "Sister Rose, you struck too quickly... and you didn't even let me try more."

"Hahaha~" Rose smiled heartily, "Next time, next time for sure."

"Get in the car when you're convinced." Bai E shook his head, "Let's set off."

In the past, when I was a member of the team, I was criticized by others. After all, my strength and identity were not up to par, so there was no point in forcing my way forward.

But now that he is already the captain, how can he still tolerate others making fun of him?

Besides, this is the army.

Look at the fist place.

Don't talk about the issue of seniority. It's not the veteran who can be successful, but the ability to be successful.

Not convinced?

After a beating, he was convinced.

The three people left behind were just to take care of the face of the two opposing teams. In fact, in this kind of melee without using equipment, Bai E believed that Rose alone could defeat the two opposing teams.

You know, Rose has been injected with genetic optimization fluid, and Bai E has also taught her the Advanced Physical Training Plan 3.0, and her strength has improved by leaps and bounds in recent times.

In the past few days of hand-to-hand combat, it was difficult for Bai E, who didn't use any trump cards, to defeat her simply by relying on his basic attributes and level 6 fighting specialization.

When it comes to a real life-and-death fight, Rose's level is probably no less than that of the Blood God. It should be more than enough to take down two teams whose members are unlikely to be all fighting masters.

Moreover, the melee strength of Shitou and Yuzu is definitely not bad. Shitou may still be a little unfamiliar in the fight. Yutou has been practicing harder and harder recently after the last big change. Bai E also taught her a high-level physical training plan.

Adding the two of them together is another insurance policy.

Bai E didn't want to lose the command just because he was showing off.


Start the engine and drive away.

Among the two off-road vehicles that followed obediently behind the main body, a group of people who had been beaten with bruises and swollen faces looked at the backs of the people with only a trace of smoke and dust in front of them in surprise and fear.

"Hey~ Captain...what are their backgrounds?"

"Hiss~ That's right, Captain... They are so fierce. Are they really the last batch of artificial beings that just came out?"

"Hiss~ It's broken! Is there some newly developed high technology above that has missed us?"

The captain received special attention, his cheeks were bulging high, and he was buzzing when he spoke, "How the hell do I know! Hey, that bitch is really ruthless..."

Only Nowitz was sitting at the back, with a silly smile on his face, as if he was still recalling the taste of the fist that hit him in the face...


"Anyway, just listen to others and it will be over. MD has such subordinates, he is worthy of being the son of those big bosses."

The stronger his subordinates are, the more they prove Bai E's status in his heart.

With such a group of fierce men as his subordinates, a pig can earn a lot of military merit!

The wilderness remains as desolate as ever, with only some alert beasts running away due to the movement of vehicles.

Of course, due to the influence of alien genes, even the planet's native beasts have long become grotesque.

For the inexperienced, it is easy to make mistakes.

Learning to distinguish the difference between the natural environment and enemy surveillance is also what a mature special forces soldier needs to learn and master.

Bai E drove the car and glanced indifferently outside the car window.

The location marked on the map...that is, the location of the signal base station is actually not too far from where they happened that day.

Basically the same journey, also without any danger.

When he was about to pass the limit where he felt a throbbing that day, Bai E deliberately concentrated his energy.

This was the first time he had returned to the scene of the incident since the last incident.

And obviously...personal experience can better explain the facts——

Same location, same feeling.

Bai E took out a prepared communicator and found that the indicator light on it turned gray and dim.

Sure enough, the moment you pass this limit, the connection between the communicator and the city information base station will be blocked and replaced by some mysterious force.

But I really don’t know whether it was the work of a bug...

So this is the reason why the Ministry of Information decided to directly restart the global signal base station after this attempt was effective, right?

Through the conversion of signal base stations that exist all over the world, signals from various places can be transmitted multiple times, thus eliminating the impact of this so-called "worm nest field".

Gathering his thoughts, Bai E stepped on the accelerator.

Not encountering enemies is naturally a good thing.

Now he really wants to fight, but if he can complete the mission without any danger, it can be considered responsible for the lives of other people.

Even if he witnessed death countless times, he would still feel sad the next time he witnessed death coming...

The goal is clear and never stops along the way.

The ruins are hidden under a patch of wind and sand, and the hard steel water chestnuts unyieldingly reveal their sharp corners in the loess.

This is the trace that everyone found after lying on the ground for a long time according to the map.

The strength of the golden age is extraordinary. The outer walls of the base station made of the Yuan Alloy series are indestructible. Even after nearly 500 years of desolation, the erosion of nature has not been able to shake the cornerstone of this base station.

Of course, the main reason is that neither bugs nor orcs are interested in fighting against a large piece of iron that cannot be broken open from the outside world.

Without these two biggest threats, nature's ability to corrode human technological creations was limited. So when Bai E and others arrived, even the corners of the outer wall of the base station still looked like they had not suffered any damage.

The only problem is...

"Where is the door?" The soldier jumped out of the car behind and kicked the small metal corner that protruded from the ground.

Bai E opened the car door, took out a handful of shovels from the storage compartment at the back of the car, and threw one of them to the team members who were muttering to themselves, "It's in my hand... dig first."

[Tip: Discover small "ruins" that can be explored. Current exploration degree: 0.1%...】



More than four hundred years of vicissitudes, coupled with the appearance of various creatures in turn, have created the ruins of the Golden Age that were completely buried in the loess.

The earth-rammed ground is particularly practical...

It is also very laborious to dig.

"Who knows how big this base station is?"

They are elite special forces soldiers. When did they become engineers working on the ground?

The soldier looked at the blisters on his hands and felt a terrible pain.

Of course, this little injury is nothing. What really hurts is that there is no hope.

The more you dig, the bigger you dig...the more you dig, the bigger you get...

How big can you build a broken base station?

"It would be great if someone could help us..." A soldier held a shovel and took a short rest.

Whimsical at the same time.

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