Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Character panel Bai E (free)

Character panel - Bai E (free)

(End of Chapter 329)

【Name】: Bai E

[Race]: Human

[Template]: Genetic modification optimization phase I

[Health]: 200/200 (Basic 100+ (Physical Energy -10)*20)

[Identity]: Leader (Dawn)

[Physical fitness]: 15.5/24




[Gene optimization degree] (current tendency: none): 3.3/100

[Skills]: Gun Fighting (Light Firearms), Absolute Defense (Fighting), Powerful Shooting (Long Range Weapons), Gifted Release (Fighting), Extreme Analgesia, Soul Black Hole, Lucky Blow (Current Charge: 130/100 )

Stealth (63/100)

Crafting(3/300)(Level 1)

[Traits]: Sharp five senses, battlefield instinct, well-trained, bloodthirsty instinct (lurking), hive mind (lurking), resistance to death, regenerative blood, photosynthesis (lurking), mechanical body

[Feat]: Quick recovery (unlocked) 99% unlock progress, self-suppression, over-limit drive, weapon master, blind fighting (level 4) (1042/2000), instant kill of hundreds of heads, rage, mechanical rhythm (4 Level)217/2000

[Proficiency] (Learning points*16):

Light Firearms Specialization (645/2000) (Level 4)

Military Firearms Specialization (2/100)

Small Arms Specialization (299/300) (Level 1)

Heavy Weapons Specialization (300/500) (Level 2)

Ranged Weapon Specialization (293/2000) (Level 4)

Fighting Specialization (197/5500) (Level 6)

Throwing Expertise (18/200) Level 1

[Psychic Power] (One paragraph of *Spiritual Mind Crossing): 99/99 (Spiritual Breathing, Psychic Enchantment, Psychic Proverbs, Psychic Curtain)

[Knowledge] (Technology Points*12):

Firearms Care and Maintenance (104/300) (Level 1)

Logging (17/300) (Level 1)

Stealing (2/100)


First Aid (Bandaging) (Level 2) (Full Level)

Anatomy (level 4) (full level)

Conventional vehicle driving (level 3) (full level)

Computer Hardware Maintenance (Gold Technology Edition) (137/500) (Level 2)

Advanced physical training 3.0 (full level)

Body Transformation Project 1.0 (256/300)

Energy Shield Science

[Knowledge Points]: Basic actions of mecha control

[Technology]: Management +1, Sociology +3, Psychology +1

Basic Electrical Manufacturing and Processing (1258/3000) (Level 1)

Essence Extraction Equation (0/3000) (Level 1)

Basic steel smelting technology (0/1000)

Basic parts forging process (0/1000)

[General experience]: 2579

[Combat Experience]: 3520

[Scientific research experience]:

[Mutation risk]: extremely low


Dawn (Reputation Level 2):

Management Center - Gilder: Productivity +10%, Collaboration +5%, Foreign Trade Transactions +5%, Financial and Internal Affairs Stability Improvement;

Guard - Xu Ruoguang: Heresy -80%. 】

[Light Firearms Specialization (Level 4): Shooting accuracy +12%, critical hit +2%, arc strike (special) +5%, quick reload +1. 】【Quick reload +1: The speed when changing bullets and magazines is increased by 10 (+5)%. 】

[Firearm Maintenance (Level 1): Maintain light firearms, restore target durability by 3 points, and target cooldown time is 24 hours. 】

[Logging (Level 1): Slightly increases the possibility of cutting more wood from logs, while the logging efficiency is +5%. 】

[Self-suppression: In order to suppress the overly sensitive five senses, you have learned the method of reducing body sensitivity. From now on, your "will" can maintain "absolute calmness" whenever needed, and will no longer be affected by physical instincts; at the same time, mental restraint also allows your spirit body to be in a high-dimensional space received a certain degree of protection. (Note: Mastering "self-restraint" is a prerequisite for every elf to practice "breathing method".)]

[Dawn Leader: You can issue force tasks to all "Dawn" members. The current number that can be issued is 1. The number of tasks that can be released increases as the force's reputation level increases. 】

[Well-trained: more adaptable to team combat, insight +1 and reflex +1 when no less than "five" combat units are fighting together; easier to survive and block in complex combat environments (more than 10 combat units within 20 meters) +5%, dodge +3%. 】

[Bandage (Level 1): Quickly stop small-scale bleeding, greatly isolate the possibility of infection, repair the target's own immunity, and the target's blood recovery +1/H. 】【First Aid (Level 2): ​​Quickly treat all injuries except immediate fatal injuries, isolate any possibility of subsequent deterioration, activate the target's own vitality, and the target's blood recovery +3/H. (This effect requires consuming the target’s own mobility reserve: 10 points/H)]

[Gun Fighting Technique: Allows you to hold a gun with both hands and use the gun itself to parry; Insight Expression +2, Reflection Expression +2, Rate of Fire +50%, Block +30%, Dodge +30%, Movement Speed ​​+10 %. Consumption: 10 points of psychic energy (100 points of action reserve)/min. 】

[Range Weapon Specialization (Level 4): Shooting accuracy +14%, rate of fire +9%, range +400 meters, arc strike (special) +8%, scatter level (special) +3, fixed wind level (special) +2. 】【Dingfeng (Level 2): ​​Your attack can always hit the target accurately regardless of any obstacles. After at least 0.45~0.95 seconds of charging, your attack gradually reaches its peak: attack kinetic energy +3, attack power ( Puncture) +4, ballistic speed +25%, and ignores any "featherweight" environmental factors. 】【Scatter (Level 3): Double shot success rate +80%, triple shot success rate +25%, quadruple shot success rate +5%, quintuple shot success rate +0.1%. 】

[Management +1: Now you can manage more people, and your qualifications for commissioned publishing +1. 】

[Sociology +3: The population under your jurisdiction has a greater sense of identity with you, and the content of entrustment authority has been improved - the general experience limit of a single entrustment of basic combat-type entrustments has been increased to: 50~200 points, and the general experience of entrustment in a single day has been increased. The quota authority is increased to: 50~700 points; the single entrustment quota authority for basic resource-based entrustment is added: 0~50 scientific research experience points, and the single-day entrustment quota authority is added: 0~150 scientific research experience points. (Effective when the commission is newly issued.)]

[Psychology +1: Now you have won more trust from the population under your jurisdiction and can assign more tasks in advance. The stacking amount for the same type of commission issuance is +1, which consumes the corresponding authority quota on the second natural day. 】

[Handwork (Level 1): Your hands are more dexterous, and your reflex performance +1 when performing light-hand work. 】【It is detected that the character currently has a special attribute in the "Light Firearms Specialization" - "Quick Reload +1", and the skill "Handmade" adds an additional 50% effect to it. 】

[Overlimit Drive: Through honing and familiarizing yourself with the body, you have mastered the method of exerting output beyond the limits of the body. From now on, you can maximize your body's output power, consume up to 30% more physical strength when making all physical fitness-related judgments, resulting in up to 150% of the actual judgment effect; at the same time, you can recover your physical condition faster and consume "mobility reserve" to convert physical strength. It consumes an additional 50%, speeds up recovery by 200%, and has the ability to actively maintain status. The consumption and recovery ratio are the same; and it is more efficient when exercising any ability related to physical coordination that requires physical coordination, such as: improving "Fighting Specialization" The efficiency is increased by 20% when the "Dexterous Weapon Specialization" is upgraded...]

[Conventional Vehicle Driving (Level 3) (Full Level): There is no secret to you about the driving method of any conventional vehicle. Vehicles can reach places where people can reach, and at the same time, the riding experience of the passengers is greatly improved. Speed ​​control over speed limit +30%. (Your driving skills have reached its peak, but the peak driving ability of conventional vehicles is only the basis for unlocking the ability to drive more types of vehicles. Now, you have reached the point where you can master more "specific vehicle" driving abilities through learning/training. preconditions.)]

[Computer Hardware Maintenance (Gold Technology Edition) (Level 2): ​​You are familiar with all functions of computer hardware, you can keenly troubleshoot all possible failures related to computer hardware, and are proficient in disassembling and assembling all related electronic components, and you also have certain repair capabilities. 】

[Feat - Weapon Master: The combat experience of ancient warriors makes you familiar with all understandable weapon types. Any "weapon type" specialization ability you master has +1 specialization level expression when actually used (actual expression is not over level 10). (Currently available bonus specializations: Dexterous Weapon Specialization, Heavy Weapon Specialization, Long Range Weapon Specialization, Light Firearms Specialization. 】

[Trait - Resisting Death: The biochemically modified body is filled with inexhaustible blood and a barrier substance that can cheat death. When sustaining fatal injuries, your body can maintain its final vitality until rescue arrives. When sustaining damage exceeding the upper limit of blood volume, 1 point of blood volume can be maintained, and a certain level of mobility is guaranteed, which will last until "it escapes from danger and begins to heal"; or "the surviving subject suffers a crushing blow"; or "a certain period of time (depending on survival)" Depends on the status of the subject)". 】

[Tough Skin: Your body can protect you from more damage from the outside world, reducing strike damage by 30%. Puncture and slash damage that does not exceed energy level 7 cannot cause actual damage; physical (defense) expression +2 . 】

[Light Weapons Specialization (Level 1): Attack speed +12%, armor breaking +1%. 】

[Absolute defense: greatly strengthens the resistance to blows, cuts, and punctures, and at the same time is slightly immune to the effects of factors including but not limited to (acid, fire, ice, electric shock); physical (defense) expression +5, physical (recovery) performance +3. Consumption: 3 points of psychic energy (30 points of action reserve)/min. 】

[Kill a hundred heads instantly: After practicing your skills over time, you have reached the pinnacle of your skills. From now on, you can use all your skills to complete the ultimate blow to the target in a "moment". The "psionic energy" or "action reserve" you consume determines the multiplier of your strike. You can consume up to 10 points of psionic energy or 100 points of action reserve to cause up to "9" times the actual strike effect. This strike can be Hitting the same target is regarded as "one blow", and being able to hit multiple targets is regarded as "simultaneously"; at the same time, due to the difference in "unarmed" or "weapon (non-firearm) type" held, the intensity of the blow you inflict will also vary. It will be different. Judging from the current specialization ability of the character, when using a "long-range weapon" to launch this strike, the intensity will be "2" times that of the "unarmed" state. And without consuming any psychic energy or mobility reserves, this skill can also make your normal attacks have a minimum "2" times the actual strike effect, but your body needs time to calm down the effects of this instant burst. Load (cooldown: 5 seconds). (Can grow: From now on, every special attribute you obtain in "Fighting Specialization" and "Weapon Specialization" will be reflected in this feat. After obtaining enough growth, the ability of this specialty will still be You will receive an unimaginable extraordinary improvement.)]

[Blind fighting (level 4): In "dark environment", the expression of insight (hearing) +4, the expression of insight (touch) +3, the expression of insight (smell) +2. 】

[Extremely effective analgesia: You have learned the ability to numb your own senses. From now on, you can completely ignore all the pain you feel at the cost of temporarily losing your "touch", and you can do it before the body tissues are extensively destroyed. Always maintain optimal combat status. Maximum duration: 1 hour. If the time limit is exceeded, some body functions may be permanently lost. Cooling time: 24 hours after turning off the skill effect. 】

[Rage: Your anger is endless, and the angry flame drives your body. From now on, the "anger" emotion you feel will be added to your "reflection", and at most it will be reflected in battle. Strength +3. 】

[Powerful Shot: You shoot an arrow that transcends the ordinary. The arrow will not deflect or stop due to any factors before reaching the maximum range. The kinetic energy of this strike is doubled, and the piercing attack power is doubled, but the power of each target passed through is doubled. Reduced by 10% to a minimum of 60% (used together with "Special Attribute - Fixed Wind", it will be combined into "Special Skill - Wind Break"). Consumption: 3 points of psychic energy (30 points of action reserve)/time. 】

[Heavy Weapon Specialization (Level 2): ​​Attack power (strike) +4%, critical hit +2%. 】

[Trait - Five senses keenness: It can increase all expressive abilities related to the "insight" attribute, and at the same time, the thinking speed +10%. (Currently available bonus abilities: Traits - Well-trained, Expertise - Blind Fighting.)]

[Specialty - Mechanical Rhythm (Level 4/7): Through continuous practice, you will become more and more comfortable in controlling the mecha. The way of action is roughly the same as that of the human body, allowing you to find a way to bypass the analogy. From now on, you can transform all the specialized abilities mastered by your physical body into the actions of the mecha, which makes your mecha look like a spiritual life. (Current conversion rate: 50%)]

[Spiritual Breathing: You have mastered the method of making full use of spiritual energy. From now on, during the continuous "Spiritual Heart Transition" and "Psychic Energy Enchantment", any time when there is no intense output will be charged for your burst. It also reduces spiritual energy consumption by 33%, and at the same time can increase the actual effectiveness by up to 50% when bursting. 】

[Skill - Soul Black Hole: Your will is enough to carry all illusory souls, and all empty spiritual bodies will be able to temporarily exist in your 'domain'. From now on, you can briefly store or slowly absorb rootless souls. 】

[Dissection (Level 4/4): Proficiency in dissecting targets will allow you to completely extract "easy difficulty" resources from complex bodies from now on, with a high probability of extracting "medium difficulty" resources, and with a certain probability of extracting "difficulty" resources. Difficult" resources, and can ensure that all the resources you extract are "flawless"! 】【It is detected that the character's current combat skills are excellent, and your familiarity with the physical structure of the combat target allows you to launch "at least" basic energy level output +2 and basic damage value +2 in attack forms (light firearms, long-range weapons, fighting) against them 2; "Certain probability" basic energy level output +4, basic damage value +4. 】

[Technology - Essence Extraction Equation (Level 1): You have mastered the basic biological essence extraction process and are familiar with the relevant materials and equipment involved in the extraction process. From now on, you can preside over the construction and management of programmed production using Elite Extraction, and reduce losses in the production process to a certain extent. Production loss-10%]

[Technology—Basic Electrical Manufacturing and Processing (Level 1): You have mastered basic electrical manufacturing and processing processes, and are familiar with most details of basic electrical component manufacturing and assembly. From now on, you can preside over the construction and management of assembly line production using basic electrical appliances, and improve production efficiency to a certain extent. Production rate +10%]

[Fighting Specialization (Level 6): Strike Power +12%, Dodge +6%, Block +6%, Continuous Attack (Special) +6, Enhanced Defense (Special) +250%, Opportunity (Special) +10 %, joint technique (special) +100%, volley (special) +20%, acupuncture (special) +4%, whip tip (special) +4. 】

[Gift of relief: Having experienced hundreds of battles, you can already gradually discover your opponent's weaknesses as the battle progresses. From now on, you can keenly discover your opponent's weaknesses in battle and carry out precise strikes. Attack speed +30%~100%, critical strike +10%~30%, armor shattering +10%~30%. As the battle progresses, all bonuses will gradually increase to the maximum. (The peak value is reached after fighting the same target for more than 3 minutes. When dealing with the same type of target, the bonus for switching targets starts from half.) Consumption: 10 points of psychic energy (100 points of action reserve)/min. 】

[Mechanical body: Familiarity with mechanical properties allows you to understand the structure of machinery. From now on, you will be more talented in all mechanical related knowledge and technology. When investing experience to upgrade the level, -20% consumption; and when manipulating the mechanical structure (You can select a "mechanical structure" to resonate with it. After close contact for more than 48 hours, you will establish a resonance link with the target, and the resonance level will increase with the contact time. And continue to grow until it reaches the maximum value), the mechanical limitations are greatly reduced (note: raising the resonance level to the maximum level is a necessary prerequisite for the birth of a "machine soul"). 】

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