Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 348 A fight to the death?

"I'll do it." The acting captain's eyes lit up, "Captain Bai, whatever those people needed to pick up in the warehouse just now is under my control, right?"


"Okay! I'll do it!" The acting captain seemed quite positive and even licked his lips, looking impatient.

The other party was very enthusiastic, so naturally Bai E would not be disappointed, "Okay, I'll leave it to you."

Immediately Bai E began to "change into a living person".

Previously exposed biochemical components and 8,000 pieces of steel have been piled in the system space.

Virtual gadgets always look more satisfying when there are no materials in front of you. Bai E plans to fill the warehouse with stuff this time so that it truly looks like a warehouse and lives up to its name.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

With slight spatial distortion ripples, large swaths of finished steel materials appeared out of thin air and were neatly stacked on the cement floor of the warehouse.

The high-quality finished steel reflects the warm yellow light of the warehouse, and the metal material is shiny with oil, showing a reliable texture.

The two thugs from Gray Iron City looked at this scene with their mouths wide open in surprise...

Supplies are next. These things look shocking when viewed in front of you, but in fact, when converted into value, they are nothing to any high-ranking official in the city.

What's really surprising is the way Bai E took out these supplies - psychic storage!

In their knowledge, there is only one way to conjure materials from the void with bare hands, psychic storage.

The ability of psychic storage is not calculated in the value judgment in their human eyes. In the field of psychic energy, the only factor involved in psychic storage is "size".

Large tracts of steel appeared in front of us, and steel piles that were enough to occupy most of the warehouse not only appeared in large quantities at the same time, but even maintained this speed until most of the warehouse was filled.

Looking at Captain Bai's relaxed demeanor, if it weren't for the space limitations of the warehouse, he could have released more.

This level of spiritual abnormal must it be?

No wonder even their own captain’s spiritual power, which they considered extremely powerful, couldn’t suppress the White Captain of Blackwater City. They didn’t know what kind of high official this White Captain was in their military camp…

But if such a character wants to solve their problems, it should be easy, right?

"Okay." Bai E clapped his hands, full of satisfaction.

Filling more than half of the warehouse did not cost him even half of the steel he blasted out, and these large pieces of steel can be used in all aspects of construction after subsequent processing.

Whether it is building this underground base or building a black street, it can be used.

Bai E set a relatively low exchange price for it, but restricted it from being tradable and bound to individuals. If any trading behavior was discovered, he would be directly expelled from the organization.

"Let's do this for now. I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

Although the task is given to the players to handle, Bai E himself is also considering a breakthrough in his own spiritual power, so he naturally wants to follow him to have a look.

If there is nothing fishy in that arena, or there are only two or three small fish, then forget it.

If there is anything big...

Then give it a try.

"Um..." The boy who looked at Bai E climbing up the stairs and wanted to say something was grabbed by the acting captain.

"What are you doing?"

The boy's lips quivered, "I want to ask Captain Bai about our stabilizing fluid."

"No need to ask, Captain Bai knows it well." The acting captain waved his hand, his old-looking face full of convincing maturity.

"Ah?" The boy's face was full of confusion, "What do you mean?"

"Captain Bai even arranged work for us. We can't just use it temporarily, right?" When the captain doesn't have an intelligent personality, she basically serves as the core brain of the team, although she is not that clever. Many things, but still somewhat experienced.

The way Captain Bai treats them, he obviously regards them as his companions who can go on together in the future.

Naturally, as a leader, he will not fail to consider the wealth and life of his teammates in the team.

Just believe it and that’s it.

Perhaps, this is also the choice of our captain...

"Dabai and the others seem to be doing something big..." Nova's eyes flashed brightly, "Should we go and have a look?"

"..." The acting captain's face froze, "We are new here and don't understand anything. Isn't that not good?"

"It's just because I don't understand that I have to go out and interact more!" Nova said confidently with her hands on her waist.

"But Captain Bai said that it's hard to go out and show off until the dust settles on our Gray Iron City..."

"Then cover your head!" Nova grabbed a hood at hand, "Look, this is the prop that Baymax prepared for us. He just wants us to explore on our own."

They were planning to go out, so they had hoods on hand. How could such a coincidence happen in the world?

The acting captain's eyes were full of resentment, and he said clearly that he didn't feel that just now.

You were able to conjure it up using your psychic storage skills, right?

At seven or eight o'clock in the evening, it is the busiest time in the underground arena.

No matter what day I come, this place always seems to be bustling with people and hormones exploding.

Any bad emotions can be vented here without restraint, and those manic desires for violence can also be completely vented through other people's fist-to-flesh fights.

Whether it was Gong Yan, Gu Lan or Kuang Xin, they were all too eye-catching in a place like this, so they all disguised themselves.

"You go directly in to compete, and we'll wander around to see if we can find a chance to sneak into their backstage." Dai Lian made a general arrangement while outside the door.

"Okay." Kuang Xin clenched his fists. When he heard the familiar restless music, his body began to get excited subconsciously.

But then I thought about how the people I knew best in this game would soon see his performance on stage, and I felt a little conflicted.

What should I do if I can’t completely let myself go?

Before the little thought could even ferment, Kuang Xin's footsteps had already arrived at the registration office out of habit.

The weird hood on his head indicates his identity. In the days since he participated in the competition, the saying "The Bull Warrior never takes off his mask" has become popular, and there have even been many crazy imitators and admirers.

But no one has ever dared to imitate the first and most abstract headgear that belongs exclusively to Kuang Xin.

This has become his unique personal symbol here.

As soon as he saw the familiar hood appearing in front of his eyes, the staff in charge of registration was immediately refreshed and sat upright.

"Lord Ox Warrior."

"Well~" Kuang Xin, who was not on the court, seemed a bit taciturn. In such chaotic situations, his "cautious" personality always prevailed. At this moment, he just raised his chin and said concisely, "Sign up."

"Okay!" The staff member nodded and bowed in agreement, then raised his head and asked, "Sir, will you participate in the death battle today?"

For every gladiator who is familiar with and has some fame, as long as the opponent is not the kind of person who can get angry just by asking, the person in charge of registration will ask him casually when registering.

After all, compared to regular games that only determine the winner, a death-match that only determines life and death regardless of means is more enjoyable to watch, is more bloody and violent, and is more likely to arouse the emotions of the audience.

"No..." Kuang Xin wanted to refuse out of habit, but was suddenly stunned when the words came to his lips.

He came with a mission today. Maybe the fight to the death that he had always refused was the opportunity to truly start this mission?

After leaving the others, he felt that as a veteran gamer for many years, his keen sense of smell began to work, and his brain was spinning rapidly.

After hesitating for a moment, Kuang Xin asked cautiously: "Do we have to make a decision now?"

"No, no, no!" A flattering smile appeared on the staff's face, "You can change your mind before you go on stage. Deathmatch has the highest priority."

It doesn't matter whether he really agrees or not. What they want to see most in the arena is that the Bull Warrior's attitude has softened.

Through daily information collection, the management of the arena has its own judgment on the personal situation of each star player who often competes——

There are generally only three types of people who come to underground arenas to participate in competitions - to hone their skills, release their desires, and make money.

The strength of Niu Warrior was not very strong at the beginning, but it was obvious that it grew rapidly during the game.

At the same time, he is not short of money and his attitude towards money is quite casual.

He is extremely violent when fighting, but seems a little reserved when talking and doing things at ordinary times.

Based on a comprehensive judgment, he is a warrior who comes here to improve his skills and vent his usually repressed desires to a certain extent.

This kind of person is now motivated by death fighting, and it is definitely not for the higher winning bonus of death fighting. It is either for the more exciting battle itself and wants to get more progress from it, or... he is eager to kill and fight. blood.

Many warriors who hang out here for a long time will eventually take this path.

The violent expectations of all the spectators are slowly seeping into the bone marrow like poison. Rather than saying that the gladiators participating in the death battle are their own personal will, it is better to say that they are just a comprehensive expression of everyone's violent desires.

Now, there is another strong warrior who has truly taken his first step towards sublimation under this long-term subtle influence.

The staff member's face was glowing with enthusiasm, unimaginable enthusiasm, "We have not had a death match for several days, and the accumulated prize pool is much larger than the previous death match prizes. If you are willing to participate, We can build momentum for you as soon as possible.”

Participants in the death match can not only enjoy a fixed bonus, but also receive a proportion of the bets on the game. The more spectators, the greater the bet amount, and the more money the winner can obtain.

Even warriors who are not short of money still care about the invisible honor of "doing more than others".

Sometimes the meaning of money is not in themselves, but in the emotions they can bring about.

"Building momentum?" Kuang Xin muttered to himself.

Another key word.

Grand performances always need audiences, and building momentum means more audiences.

Fight to the death? Could it be the core that really started this mission?


How else could the adults allow themselves to participate in the competition here so long in advance?

You must know that not everyone can participate in a death match, or it is not worthy of the word "campaign".

In other words, even if ordinary people want to participate, they are just treated as abandoned scraps and sent to be killed like pigs.

Only star players who have been famous here for a long time are eligible to receive key publicity from the organizers of the arena.

In fact, his qualifications are not old either. It's just that his fighting style is crazy and unique, and he has made rapid progress in combat, so he can rise quickly in this arena.

Therefore, the reputation he has built in the arena may also be a hidden condition for starting this mission.

Everything is in the adult's plan!

"I still need to think about it again." Even if he is 99% sure, his cautious heart still dominates Kuang Xin's behavior under normal conditions. "If I don't participate in a death battle, how long will it take for me to take the stage?"

"There are currently three games ahead of you, sir." The staff looked at the schedule before answering accurately.

"Then I'll come back later." Kuang Xin turned around and left. He needed to discuss it with Dai Lian and the others.

"No problem, sir! Please watch for a while, sir!" the staff shouted respectfully from behind.

Normally registered contestants have to wait patiently backstage, but those familiar star contestants always have more privileges.

Seeing the back of the "Ox Warrior" disappearing into the crowd, the smile on the staff's face instantly faded, they turned around and turned on the headset, contacting the real person in charge of the arena, "Boss, the 'Ou Warrior' seems to be a bit involved today. The meaning of a fight to the death..."


There was silence in his voice for a while, as if he was weighing the pros and cons.

After a while, a reply came, "Steady him, I'll think of a solution."

It’s been a long time since there was enough Yong Lie’s blood as a sacrifice...

The Blood God, who had high hopes for him last time, has not been heard from for some reason since the battle of sublimation that was carefully crafted for him. Judging from the gossip heard from some of the soldiers with good relations in their military camp, the Blood God It seems that he was unfortunately killed in battle during an outing mission.

It is not entirely bad news that a warrior loyal to his master dies in battle in the material world. After all, a warrior whose soul can return to his master's arms is more able to feel the glory of his master.

But the owner seems... not very "happy"?

As the most loyal slave of his master, he certainly did not dare to guess his master's thoughts at will, but judging from the master's blessings he received... the master did not seem to have any special gifts because he had harvested the soul of the Blood God.

In this case, of course I have to work harder.

But the Blood God killed several aces in his hand in that battle, and no star players with great potential have appeared in recent days.

The "White Ghost" and "Crazy Lion" that he valued before were never seen again after the battle with each other, and he was also in trouble.

If this continues, the reputation and popularity of this arena will be taken away by other arenas.

Now, although this "cow warrior" is not too old, in view of his strong personal fighting style, he has also attracted a group of fanatical fans in a short period of time.

Doesn't it seem good to use him to be the first blood to please the master after such a long time?

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