Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 353 Invasion of the Material World


The most common low-level demon among war-type demons!

However, no matter how low-level the devil is, it is still a terrifying thing to humans.

The audience who were bewitched by the blood pool and had difficulty moving their feet, the moment they saw the true form of these high-dimensional demons, their legs naturally knelt down out of fear.

His face was dull and trembling like chaff.

"Pfft!" The huge demon, whose body had not yet completely risen from the blood pool, suddenly thrust out the blood demon sword in its hand.

The black and ferocious giant sword easily pierced the body of an audience member who was kneeling in a daze. The magic sword stirred like a living body, and the blood was instantly absorbed, and the body instantly withered like a thousand-year-old corpse.

"Poof~" The magic sword was pulled out, and the body was shattered into ashes.

"It's time for you to show off." Bai E's eyes narrowed slightly and he said to behind him.

When about half of the audience fled, the three players who had already dealt with Kuang Xin sending him out came back behind Bai E.

"Yes!" The three of them looked excitedly at the tall blood figures crawling out of the blood pool.

Since entering the game, they have fought mostly miscellaneous soldiers, and the weirdest and most powerful opponent they have ever encountered is just the green-skinned orc they encountered in the last prize pool mission.

But now this magical monster makes them truly feel that they are playing freely in a world with an extremely out-of-the-box worldview.

Dai Lian took out his bow and arrow, intending to shoot an arrow first to test the moisture.

"Evacuate everyone."



The three of them, who were full of fighting spirit and prepared for battle, never expected that the first order they received was just this.

At this time, Bai E also took off the folding compound bow hanging from his waist, intending to shoot an arrow to test the moisture. He explained: "The existence of these people will provide them with strength, and the blood is the core of the opponent's strength." . Remember, when facing the devil, saving others is also saving yourself."

Although humans are natural allies, when facing the devil, the souls absorbed by the devil will become the devil's help.

Do you want to kill the devil first before he does it? Or save your compatriots in front of the devil and weaken the devil's power?

Everything is just a thought.

Some purist tribunal executors often like to completely exterminate and use strong walls to clear the country to block the invasion of demons.

But Bai E didn't like that approach.


After hearing Bai E's instructions, Gong Yan agreed with a firm tone.

He picked up two nearby spectators who were stunned and turned around and ran away.

There is a huge disproportion between her petite body and her tall and thick figure. In terms of strength alone, she is obviously not as good as Kuang Xin, but as her psychic abilities gradually improve, she is able to accomplish more things with the help of psychic powers.

There were not many spectators left, and half of them had already run away. The rest could be easily rescued as long as they were not hacked to death immediately.

Bai E withdrew his attention and focused on the bow and arrow in his hand.

I don't know... how strong these demons are.

This was not the first time he encountered a demon, but the first time he came into contact with the original fear demon was in a special situation, with high rank and low strength.

The demons he comes into contact with later are either little Kami attacking spirits in high-dimensional space, or ordinary demons possessing humans and descending.

It is completely incomparable to the true form of the devil that is symbolized by some kind of consecration ceremony that is completely sacrificed by human resources.

Not to mention that in Bai E's current limited knowledge about demons, these war demons, who were called "vampires" by the executive officers, are still the most capable of fighting among the lower demons of the four major factions.

Right now...there are five in total.

Experiment with intensity.

Bai E squeezed the arrow tail tightly with his fingers, locking onto the opponent's bloody body with majestic tendons.

With a slight accumulation of energy, the bloody vortex seemed to condense on the arrow.

The cold arrow reflected the bright blood light and jumped out instantly!

"call out!"

The whirlwind follows the arrow and breaks through the wind!

The special form of "fixed wind" in the skill tree unlocked after level 4 long-range weapon specialization, powerful shooting, does not use more explosive skills, and the spiritual energy consumed is barely enough for the current Bai E to recover with the "quick recovery" Being equal is the highest output that can be sustained under Baihe's normal state.

"Poof!" The arrow easily penetrated the bloody body and brought out a piece of flesh and blood.

[Your attack caused 36 points of piercing damage to the target. 】

While the attack caused damage, it also brought Bai E more combat information about the opponent——

【? ? ? (Demon) (Chaos): HP 164/200 (blood pool state, recovering quickly); Defense 20; Mobility 100%; Trait: Vampire Demonic Sword...]

[Vampire Demonic Sword: Sufficient blood sacrifice can allow it to perform extraordinary strikes far beyond the standard. At the same time, every life killed with the demonic sword will bring sufficient feedback to the body, which will simultaneously increase defense and health. Attributes such as upper limit and life recovery. 】

Whether it is the body or the weapons in their hands, they look like different individuals, but they are essentially extraordinary things condensed from the essence of high-dimensional space. They essentially belong to the concept of "one devil".

Bai E's attack easily tore through the relatively fragile defense of this kind of demon soldiers, and the huge blood hole penetrated from front to back.

However, as the red tendons squirmed, the wound that had been shot returned to its original state in an instant.

In the blood pool that these vampire ghosts have not completely escaped from, there is a trickle of blood visible to the naked eye flowing upstream, constantly pouring into their bodies, and turning into a steady stream of replenishment.

The health value was jumping +1+1 right in front of Bai E's eyes, and it almost didn't take a while to return to full value.

It seems that the recovery ability is very buggy, but neither the defense power nor the blood volume are much, and the attack power cannot be seen at the moment.

Is this all the ability of a vampire?

Just as poor as their explosion rate——

【? ? ? (Demon) (Chaos) - Use "Lucky Blow" to kill and drop: Definitely (2000 combat experience points); Possible (Psychic Power (Bloodlust): 10). 】

Poor enough to fall to pieces.

The lower demons in the high-dimensional space were originally born from nothingness, so they have nothing except the spiritual essence that constitutes them.

But even so, the explosion rate that the half-virtual and half-real vampire in front of him can provide is far less impressive than the demon that exploded his psychic energy in the high-dimensional space itself before he established the psychic curtain last time.

Is it because the other party came to the material world? Or is it because the explosion rate has decreased due to the improvement of his strength?

Possibly both, or both.

Bai E doesn't worry about this, since he doesn't charge enough...

After several explosions, the charge has only been restored to 52/100, and I still have to find opportunities to increase my reputation.

The thought flashed through his mind, and Bai E picked up the arrow.

Normally, it would be more appropriate to launch an attack when these vampires have completely emerged from the blood pool and come out of the fuzzy areas of high-dimensional space and material world.

When you want to launch an attack, you will also reveal fatal flaws. Attacks are always two-way.

They are still in the high-dimensional space zone, stepping on the blood pool, and their recovery is almost endless. Attacking them at this moment is obviously not a rational choice.

But... high recovery ability? Then just shoot it with one arrow!

The total blood volume is only 200 points. Who can you look down on with such a crispy skin?

The long bow is unstrung.

Kill a hundred heads instantly!

"Bang!" A terrifying crit that struck simultaneously in nine places instantly tore into pieces the intimidating-looking body of a vampire.

The bloody pieces suddenly exploded and fell into the boiling blood pool without any movement.

[You have completely killed the target and gained combat experience*40. 】

The blood pool was not that big. Five vampires that were three or four stories high rose from it at the same time, occupying almost all of its space.

However, at this moment, one of them was directly shot by Bai E, and no replacement vampire was seen rising from it.

It seems that what restricts the other party from invading the material world from high-dimensional space is not a space issue?

Probably...this small sacrifice can only signify so many vampires?

Based on the little knowledge he had about demons, Bai E secretly speculated on the possibilities of what was happening in front of him.

"Hurry up, you guys..." Bai E glanced at the three players not far away who were still trying their best to move those stagnant bodies out.

This kind of ordinary vampire is not very powerful and cannot even arouse his desire to fight.

Instead of abusing food, it is better to leave it to the players to have fun.

"Oh~" The three players who watched Bai E shoot out a demon with an arrow nodded in agreement.

My heart was filled with astonishment.

What about the invincible state during cutscenes?

These ferocious and huge demons appeared with full momentum. The memory of fighting BOSS when playing games in the past hit them instantly.

You must know that these bosses didn't even have health bars when they appeared in the show. Now those demons with no blood pools on their feet obviously fit this state.

Dai Lian also shot an arrow secretly, and only got information similar to what Bai E saw.

There is a health bar, but the blood regenerates quickly.

The fight was in vain.

And right in front of them...this kind of demon monster, which they regarded as a BOSS level, was killed with one arrow?


The gap between people is indeed wider than that between people and dogs.

I hope to catch up with adults soon!

Dai Lian's eyes were shining with longing. He didn't expect to be better than the powerful NPCs in this game, he just wanted to be better than other players.

Think about it, if the people carrying the body today were other players, and I took the adult's place and shot down the big BOSS in their eyes with one arrow, wouldn't it be so cool?

In games, the pleasure comes from contrast.

As a result, the movements of moving the body became more and more agile, and resolutely completing the adults' instructions was what they needed to do most at the moment.

"I leave these things to you." Bai E immediately ordered.

It only costs 40 experience points, so there is absolutely no need to do it yourself.

It is almost impossible to improve something that is just a piece of cake for you.

It is better to give the players an exciting BOSS battle. After all, all the growth they can obtain in this fierce confrontation will ultimately have their own share.

Isn’t it more profitable than just waving your hand and cutting it down?

The cutscene with the remaining four vampires will take a while. After that, I can help the players fight the monsters for a while, and then let them play with them when they have free hands.

Bai E made a plan.

He glanced around, wanting to see if there was any cold weapon he could use.

Bows and arrows can only kill, not entangle.

Facing the blood-sucking demon sword that seemed to be untouchable, Bai E didn't want to use his mortal body to resist.

The insect-killing knife in the military camp may be suitable, but such a heavy weapon is obviously not suitable for carrying around.

As for here... I saw a metal rod of some quality.

As well as the three figures sitting in the highest auditorium, holding their chins and staring blankly here. After all, among a large number of figures who were standing or kneeling in a daze due to fear, there was a group of people sitting calmly watching the situation here with a smile. Three in a row would seem too eye-catching.

Nova? Why did they come running over?

"Come on!" As if she saw Bai E looking over, the petite Nova gathered her hands into a trumpet shape and shouted from a distance.

Do you know where to watch a show?

Bai E frowned and shouted from a distance: "If you have nothing to do, help them move together."

Nova immediately jumped up excitedly and waved in response from a distance, "Okay~"

The harsh heavy metal music has long been discontinued, and since the appearance of the blood pool, some kind of trembling bass has appeared in the abandoned factory where the entire arena is located.

It was like the depression of an impending war on an ancient battlefield. The footsteps of thousands of troops stepped heavily on the ground. The scouts in the distance looked at the trembling of the withered yellow grass in front of them, and the unspeakable shock resounded in the bottom of their hearts. .

Only the two people's shouting in the air slightly broke the eerie atmosphere, echoing dullly between the empty floors.

Bai E picked up the iron rod he was interested in, stared at it with both eyes, and used his spiritual energy to bend the iron rod instantly, and the head of the rod hung limply.

"Yeah~" Bai E nodded with satisfaction.

It's okay. Although the technique of psychic enchantment is not commonly used, it will never fail at critical moments.

"Buzz!" The bloody figure finally stepped out of the blood pool and swung the first heavy sword towards Bai E.

The bloodletting ghost who completely walked out of the blood pool was as terrifying as a real demon, more realistic and more oppressive.

But it seems that because they have completely entered the material world, their size is no longer the same as the dim visual appearance when they first rose from the blood pool.

Now it looks like... it's only about two stories high.

As a result, their vampire swords also shrunk year-on-year.

However, when the chop landed on the iron rod, there was still a sense of difference in the resistance of the embroidered needle to the machete.

"Cang!" The sound of gold and iron resounded throughout the audience.

The turbulent force was transmitted from the stick to Bai E's palm, which was slightly numb.

Perhaps Bai E could use his bow and arrow to kill one of them in an instant, but that was already the strongest output he could achieve now.

At this stage, he was definitely more offensive than defensive. He couldn't withstand being hit by an arrow with all his strength.

The vampires who have completely walked out of the blood pool don't care what a human thinks. Their mission in this world is to spread blood and war.

Several magic swords fell together and slashed at the small things in front of them.

[Trigger side mission-stop demon invasion. 】

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