Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 369 Advanced Driving

The instructor poked his head out of the car door behind the visitor from the mechanical court and asked in a tentative tone: "Look..."

Normally, this kind of performance would undoubtedly have passed the assessment of their regular pilots.

Training can only equip pilots with the ability to skillfully complete basic tactical actions. Truly powerful pilots always need to experience on the battlefield.

The selection of regular pilots is just an extremely basic assessment.

However, this gentleman from the Mechanical Court is here today, and he might have more ideas.

"Where is your control computer?" The person from the Mechanical Court stretched out his palm behind him.

The instructor obediently handed over the tablet in his hand, "Here it is."

As a pair of iron-gray metal palms gently held the tablet, the invisible data was instantly transmitted to the tablet in some wireless form, "allowing others to continue their assessment."


The instructor turned around and walked into the carriage, conveying the instructions from the mechanical court to each group of pilots who were waiting for the assessment.

As soon as he turned his head, he found that his tablet was suddenly in front of his eyes.

"Send him the teaching video inside."

The so-called "he" is naturally the second group W0721 who participated in the assessment and completed a set of technical moves perfectly.

"Okay sir."

"Let him practice hard. After everyone else has completed their assessment, I want to see his performance."

"It's an adult!" the instructor said excitedly.

This is a sign that the Lord of the Mechanical Court is tempted!

As long as the other party's request can be fulfilled, the path to entering the Mechanical Court in the future can almost be said to be a matter of course.

Adjusting the voice to a communication channel specifically for the W0721 group, the instructor said with a slightly excited tone: "I will send you a video later. Watch it carefully and study hard. After everyone has completed the assessment, you will perform alone. It’s time…take your chance.”

The Lord of the Mechanical Court was behind him, and it was difficult to speak clearly.

Bai E's voice responded calmly, "Roger that, instructor."

Click to send…

With the resurgence of Internet technology, LAN technology with limited transmission efficiency in the past is being gradually replaced.

Normally, the transmission time for video would start at one hour, but today after technological innovation... In just a minute or two, the video on the tablet has been transmitted to the visible display screen on the mecha. On.

During the transmission process, the instructor was not idle either.

‘Let me see what are the execution standards of their mechanical court? ’

He has always known that the Mechanical Court would select people from the armored battalion, but he was not an instructor earlier. When he became an instructor, there were not many people he brought with him who were noticed by the people of the Mechanical Court. As for the requirements of the Mechanical Court, Criteria has always been curious.

Now, thanks to the brats, we can get a glimpse of how powerful the people in the Mechanical Tribunal really are.

When the video was clicked, a beautiful sky-blue mecha suddenly popped out of its face. The instructor was so frightened that he almost threw his tablet away.




These are the many first impressions that arise in the minds of instructors who see that video.

The video is divided into two perspectives, one is the external performance of the mecha body, and the other is the actual internal operation of the pilot.

Looking at the performance of the external body alone, the performance of the mecha is decisive and sharp. The flexibility displayed by the mecha with countless subtle internal powers seems to be better than the physical performance of ordinary people. It is no longer like the regular pilots in the military camp operating the mecha. That dull, mechanical feel.

And if you focus on the actual operations of the internal pilots, you will find that there are so many corrective operations that your scalp is numb. Two pilots who work well together need to make countless synchronous command outputs even if they cooperate perfectly. It is those who watch. The extremely complex commands allowed each part of the mecha to coordinate perfectly, showing an amazing sense of fluidity.

If the requirements for ordinary pilots are just to learn to walk well, run and jump, the requirement of the Mechanical Court is to make the mecha look as dexterous as the human body, and even transcend the limitations of the physical body, pursuing the unrestricted pursuit of complete freedom. play.

Is this the basic requirement of the Mechanical Court for its internal members? powerful! too strong!

But then, the instructor began to worry about the pair of android pilots who received the video.

They themselves are unable to complete those top-notch operations. Can they master it just by trying and training for a while?

Or maybe the adults of the Mechanical Court only want to see the extent of progress? In fact, they are not required to fully master it in a short period of time.

That would be a bit too scary...

"It's... so difficult." After receiving the video, Rose watched it from beginning to end and felt her eyes were a little blocked.

This is no longer a question of whether it can be done. Even keeping up with every movement demonstrated by the pilot in the video seems to be no simple matter.

Every action demonstrated by the other party was not without purpose, and there was an inevitable meaning behind each action. After reading it over and over again with the goal of learning in mind, she did not even understand the meaning behind many operations.

"Remember?" Bai E's question came to his ears.


Bai E looked at Rose's confused face and found the answer himself, "It seems that I didn't remember it... Then watch it in slow play a few times."

"Yes." Rose responded subconsciously. With her mind focused on the changes in movements, she spent almost all her body and mind on understanding and memorizing those operations, and her brain's response in other aspects was much slower.

It wasn't until I adjusted the playback speed of the video to half speed and played it for more than half a minute that I realized the logic behind Bai E's question——

Wouldn't he have remembered it already?

Turning to look at Bai E's side face, I found that he was concentrating with his eyes closed...

Close your eyes and relax? !

The huge flow of information brought a certain load to Bai E's brain, and it did take some time to calm down.

Just like when he first came into contact with the operation of a mecha, he learned the basics of operating a mecha from the instructor. After watching the video, Bai E himself may not have fully remembered the meaning behind each operation in the demonstration. And achieve complete reproduction.

But the power from the system has forced everything to be split. As long as Bai E is willing to put in experience, nothing will be a problem.

[You are learning "Knowledge - Advanced Driving of Specific Vehicles (Armed Mechas)", and the progress is 100%. 】

[The learning progress of "Learning - Advanced Driving of Specific Vehicles (Armed Mechas)" has met the requirements, and the "Knowledge Point - Advanced Actions of Mecha Control" under the knowledge has been opened. 】

[Current unlocking requirement: General experience*3000. The prerequisite "Knowledge Point - Basic Actions of Mecha Control" is already owned, and the current knowledge point can be unlocked. 】

The basic movements he had mastered at the beginning showed that they were the prerequisites for unlocking the advanced movements. It was only until he got this unexpected teaching video today that Bai E had a channel to learn.

3000 points of general experience?

Isn’t it that the experience I have worked so hard to accumulate is used at this critical moment?

[Payment: 3000 general experience points. 】

[Knowledge point acquired - advanced actions of mecha control. 】

[Advanced mecha control actions: From now on, you can control all mechanically operated mechas to perform any action with "no limit" on the complexity of the action. 】

Truly unlimited operations!

A large number of execution mysteries poured into his mind, impacting Bai E's thinking like waves.

Imagination is mankind's greatest wealth.

However, a person's imagination is limited after all. No matter how talented Bai E is, he can't make something out of nothing.

This is the significance of the experience and efforts accumulated by the predecessors over time. Learning and inheritance... can save future generations from taking a lot of detours.

Inspired by the new knowledge, Baie realized where the obstruction he had occasionally felt during previous training came from.

Mechanical rhythm can transform many fighting or weapon fighting skills or concepts that one has mastered into the abilities displayed by the mecha.

However, without the operational foundation required to complete those actions, any concept of fighting or weapon fighting is like a castle in the air.

No wonder even though my mechanical rhythm expertise has now reached level 4, it doesn't feel like there is much of a gap from when it was level 1 at the beginning.

Now, with the familiarity and understanding of countless more delicate operations, the concepts that were transformed into mecha movements really began to cover Bai E's impulses in the form of instinct.

The palms of his hands rested casually on the mechanical gear levers at hand, and the countless mecha movements that flashed in his mind turned into definite execution operations, eager to try.

Unfortunately, at Bai E's current level, he was able to complete the basic main pilot assessment moves just fine. If he were to directly start the advanced moves he had just come across, it would still be difficult for him to use them as two people.

After all, he still had to wait for Rose to understand, and he couldn't help with this.

After the sour feeling in his mind subsided slightly, Bai E opened his eyes and looked at the rose beside him, only to find that the other person's eyes were fixed on the slow-playing video, and he was completely focused on it.

Realizing the "gap" between herself and Bai E, she became more attentive.

Time passed by, and the pilot combinations conducting the test also completed the assessment one by one.

The first pilot team to conduct the assessment failed to complete the test successfully. Everyone attributed it to being unfamiliar with the rhythm and wasting too much time in the first half.

As long as you pay attention to time allocation, everyone will feel that they can do whatever they want.

In particular, the second pilot team to appear confirmed their idea. The pair of artificial heretics were able to complete the assessment. There is no reason why they, the elites of natural humans, should not be inferior to them.


The third group failed.

The fourth group failed.

The fifth group failed.

It wasn't until the seventh group that the first pair of pilots, other than the android pilot group, to successfully pass the assessment appeared.

But there were no unnecessary twists and turns, and the adults of the Mechanical Court were not even interested in taking a second look.

The pilot team who barely managed to pass the test by stepping on the line can't tell whether it was more about strength or luck. It can only be said that it was barely, not amazing at all.

The instructor also knew this, so he simply recorded it without saying too much.

In addition to paying attention to the assessment performance of his boys, he spent more energy wandering back and forth between the Master of the Mechanical Tribunal and that special mecha.

What is special is not the mecha, but the number of the mecha...the pilot team represented behind it.

They had been silent for a long time.

Also... those operating standards make me feel numb when I look at them. Thinking about the difficulty of the operations, I feel even more clueless. If you want to master them in a short time, it is really not something that ordinary people can do.

I just hope that I can learn a little bit and show some progress, which is probably the best result.


Just after looking away, a hand-raising movement suddenly appeared in the peripheral vision, and the lone mecha standing far away from the large army suddenly moved.

This discovery made the instructor instantly put aside the kid who was actually conducting the ordinary assessment, and suddenly looked at the mecha numbered W0721.

Just like humans warming up before strenuous activities, the mecha also began to perform some small-scale movement changes on the spot.

Are you finally going to give it a try?

The instructor was full of expectations, and the member of the mechanical court who had been sitting silently beside him also sat upright without saying a word, with a look of anticipation in his pupils.

Waste... mediocrity...

He has also been paying attention to the pilot teams who were undergoing ordinary assessments. However, more than ten pilots have passed by now, and there is no one as amazing as the performance of the second pilot team.

Therefore, I am even more looking forward to the performance of this second team of pilots.

The execution standards I gave them are not actually the basic requirements of the Mechanical Tribunal for every pilot who joins the Mechanical Tribunal, but are just a direction for everyone to work towards.

Being able to achieve the level shown in the video is an absolute trump card even in a mechanical court.

Just as the instructor had guessed, what he wanted to see was just "progress."

The degree of progress represents the talent of comprehension.

Even if it is a little bit, it is outstanding and different from ordinary mediocrity.

That's all he wants.

And now...

"Buzz~" The sound of the mecha's operation was not loud, and it was even lighter under the noise of the mechas conducting ordinary assessments on the other side.

But at this moment, the sudden action of the mecha that had performed well earlier and went aside after apparently receiving a special order from the instructor obviously attracted the attention of everyone present.

"They moved..."

"I wonder if it attracted the attention of Lord Mechanical Court... They are really lucky."

"We also successfully completed the assessment, why didn't the instructor call us?"

"……you guess?"

"Are you ready?"

Bai E stared at Rose and asked with concern.

Rose took a deep breath, her rather majestic chest rising and falling, and then nodded firmly, "Try it."

"I fight your lord, just start trying, don't be anxious."

Due to the soaring command output in advanced movements, the main pilot also has to take on some of the responsibilities of the fighter pilot, as shown in the video.

But when placed among a group of pilots who need perfect coordination, it is always the shortcomings of the barrel that affect the overall performance.

Considering that Rose had just come into contact and Rose's abilities were limited, Bai E decided to take on more pressure.

"No problem, let's get started...get ready."




"Set off!"

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