Masati knows her younger brother better than anyone else, having been with her for more than ten years.

Therefore, he easily sensed his brother's unspoken but emotional "last farewell" from this brief meeting.

This was the last time he would see him, or so Fernandi believed.

What is he facing? Or what is he preparing to do?

Masati knows nothing.

Can't ask anything.

Since her brother chose to hide it, he would not reveal any information to her.

Who can I ask for help?

Perhaps only Bai E, who has the authority to enter and exit the military camp freely, can find out a little bit about the situation faced by Fernandi.

"Can you help him? Help him...he must be in some big trouble." The girl's eyes were red, and the tears she was sobbing did not dare to really fall. She did not want the other person to be kidnapped by her pain, even if This is the only straw she has found so far.

Bai E didn't panic, he just looked into the girl's eyes and asked seriously: "What did he tell you?"

"He didn't say... but I know him. He seemed to be just sharing with me the various people and things he had encountered over the past few days. It has changed a lot... but those are not the point. He just wanted to talk to me. , he wanted to talk to me finally, he must be planning to leave, or leave permanently."

"..." Bai E frowned and remained silent for a while.

Maybe Masati still doesn't know his true identity in the outside world, but he knows it himself... The Ratman follows Gilder in the outside world to handle some chores. His biggest problem is only his identity as a devil believer.

The only enemy he would attract would be an official institution like the Arbitration Institute. However, under Franka's mediation, all matters related to the underworld and heretics would be handled by him, even if other executives disagreed with this decision. , it should also be reported directly to Franka or Gilder, and they should inform him, instead of requiring the Ratman to bear the responsibility alone.

So...did something extra happen?

And only he can do it?

There were not enough intelligence sources, and Bai E could only look for possible reasons through a few clues.

"What did he tell you? Can you find any clues?"

"Him?" Masati's slightly red eyes were slightly lost in thought, as if searching for clues in her memory, "He told me a lot, about his life since I came to the military camp, and said he met a very good person. A group of companions encountered gentle things, met a gentle elder, and met a... very powerful and perfect adult. He said that he lived a good life outside and could help others every day, and no one would look down on him anymore he……"

Masati followed the long river of memory and pulled out the memories bit by bit.

It can be seen that the Rat Man selectively told some facts.

"And I have also seen what he said. Fernandi is indeed living a good life now..." Masati's slightly bright eyes quickly dimmed, "But he can't hide it from me. His every word Every sentence means parting. He hopes that I can see that he is doing well, he hopes that I can rest assured, and he hopes that... I can get used to the days without him. It seems that he has met a very powerful young man. My sister started it! Yes! Right! Right!"

Masati seemed to have finally found the source, and her tone was slightly encouraging, "He said that the young lady was very powerful, and she could save many people. He also asked me a question -"

"Sister...if, I mean if, someone once made you see the light when you were most desperate for this world, then in the days to come, when you have the ability and opportunity to spread this light, Will you do it?"

"Of long as we can help everyone, I think this is what we should do."

"Hmm~" The boy looked up from the shadows, his eyes bright, "Yes, sister, I think so too..."

"Yes! It's right here!" Masati, who was going through the facts one by one in his memory, finally found the real reason. "It's that 'very powerful young lady'. Fernandi wants to do something for her! He What do you want to do?”

"A very powerful young lady?" Bai E's eyes were slightly lost in thought, searching his memory for someone that everyone might know.

An eldest lady who always looks domineering in aristocratic clothes jumped out of her mind immediately.

Yes... besides her, who else could it be?

As the executive officer of the arbitration office, she has natural law enforcement rights against demon believers such as the Ratmen. It was because of the Ratman plague that everyone first got to know each other.

From the beginning to the end, the person most closely related to the Rat Man was the executive lady from the Arbitration Office.

Moreover, this eldest lady is not a rigid and stubborn person, so it is not surprising that her ideas are recognized by the rat people.

So, as Masati says – what exactly is she trying to do! ?

"I just don't know who the 'powerful sister' he is talking about is..." Masati was in a bit of trouble, and the problem fell into a new level.

"Maybe I have an idea."

"Hmm~" Masati raised her head suddenly, her eyes full of hope.

"You go back first, I need time to confirm. Of course, you don't have to worry too much. I will investigate this matter and give you a reply as soon as possible." Bai E stared at the other person with his eyes, giving his absolute promise .

Eyes can convey power, and Bai E will never break his trust.

So even though Masati was still feeling uneasy, she firmly turned around and left, "Sorry to trouble you."

"Do you know who it is?" As she watched Masati leave, Rose stared at Bai E's profile curiously. She was completely curious about Bai E's affairs.

"You can probably guess it."

"who is it?"

Bai E turned around and walked towards the gathering direction of psychic stress resistance training, "That's her."

This was the first meeting between Bai E and Franka in the military camp after his identity was exposed to the outside world.

Looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar figure standing at the end of the queue, Franka felt a strange feeling in her heart.

Although he is a master who is so powerful and has a certain influence outside, he can still endure the humiliation of being humbled under the military camp system...

Of course, it may also be because these two different identities are efforts towards the same goal.

The other party has never abandoned the mission of the artificial man, and any action is an explanation of its own mission.

["Lucky Blow" charge +5. 】


Bai E was silent.

I haven't spoken yet...

After all, there was no chance to talk alone. Following the end of the team, Bai E stepped into the familiar training cabin.

The same training as before, but a completely different level.

Psychic power...Second stage!

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