"Train well for me!" After an angry shout, Bai E heard the instructor's gentle voice coming from a separate channel, "Come on Bai E, let's continue..."

In this duel between the instructor and the students, the instructor felt that he was the one with the most pressure.

But it is precisely because of this that I have benefited a lot!

A pilot who doesn't want to go to the mechanical court is not a good armored battalion instructor!

Start practicing!

On the dark street in the early morning, a ragged black figure gradually emerged from the mist in the distance.

After getting a little closer, I saw clearly that it was probably another refugee who came to the city from the wilderness.

Xu Ruoguang, who was holding swords in both hands and crossing his chest, and the black street guards behind him, silently watched the black figure approaching.

During this period of time, the expertise in identifying people developed through contact with the spies who approached the underworld for various purposes was exerting its due effect at this moment.

[...No flaws were found. 】

Should be just a real refugee.

I was unlucky and ended up alone, but I was lucky enough to be within the radius of the city.

Even better luck was that I came to the Black Street.

Xu Ruoguang, who had determined the target's identity, strode forward. Suddenly he saw a uniformed figure coming to intercept him. The refugee apparently stopped cautiously and just looked at the guard members carefully with a pair of cloudy eyes. of the lower body.

"We are the security force in this gathering place to maintain order." First he introduced his family, and then Xu Ruoguang asked softly: "Where are you from?"

Looking up at the other person, Xu Ruoguang was a little surprised by the height of this refugee.

It's not obvious from a distance, but you can feel the real difference only when you get up close.

The body shape I chose was the same as in "reality". It was not too tall but not too short. It was within the normal height required by ordinary people for men. However, the refugee in front of me was more than a head taller than me and had a burly physique. , but his lips were white and cracked, and his breath was a little weak.

It should be because he hasn't received enough nutrition for a long time, which is also consistent with the other party's status as a refugee.

Xu Ruoguang did not become suspicious. Looking at the silent, wary and timid eyes of the other party, he just smiled gently and extended his right hand to the other party without disdain, "Welcome to the underworld, you can start a new life here. "

"..." The refugee's lips trembled slightly, with obvious surprise and surprise on his face, "Thank you... thank you."

The doctor, who was disguised on his face, sneered in his heart.

Being in someone else's territory, he naturally did not dare to go deep alone as he had been approaching to inquire about information. Naturally, it was difficult to obtain more detailed information about the gathering place here, so he could only think of other ways.

I thought it would be very difficult to sneak in, but I didn't expect to successfully penetrate into the enemy so easily.

'As a guardian of a force, he was so careless and failed! ’

"Come, come with me. I'll let them arrange a place for you. Although it's not big, it's at least a shelter from the wind and rain." Xu Ruoguang turned around and led the way, casually ordering the guards behind him, "We continue to patrol."

Following Xu Ruoguang, the doctor's cold eyes swept over all the visible scenes in front of him.

The gathering areas outside the city without heavily armed forces are full of prosperous scenes.

It would be inconceivable to be anywhere else without an idle slob.

But no matter how beautiful the internal organs are without a hard shell, they will eventually break when touched.

The more delicious it is, the more deadly it is.

'fail! ’

'fail! ’

All failed!

There were no powerful weapons of his own, no wall turrets of steel torrents, and no attempts to establish such a mechanism were even seen. The entire gathering place seemed to be completely undefended by a newly arrived "outsider" like himself. Seeing the head at a glance, how careless is this?

Just a gathering place for ordinary people to work for a living?

In just a few decades of life, how can we waste so much time on such basic aspects?

How could such a loser with no foresight take away No. 1?

It must be more than that!

Maybe... we can try it out?

"We're here." Xu Ruoguang, who was walking in front, suddenly turned around. The doctor who reacted quickly shrank his neck and lowered his eyes, pretending to be timid again.


Xu Ruoguang pointed to a row of gray cement houses, "This is it...although it is not big, it is enough to protect you from wind and rain. Since you have joined the black street, we will naturally provide you with enough food and housing to sustain your life, but as an obligation , and you have to do the amount of work you have to do every day. From now on this is your home, but it’s also the home for all of us.”


Seeing the tall and dull look on his face, Xu Ruoguang smiled helplessly and shook his head.

Then he saw the life political commissar coming from a distance, so he completely pushed this inconspicuous thing away, "That is the person who manages your life content. He will arrange the details for you."


After finishing his morning training, Bai E went straight to the black street.

The mecha was once again gloriously destroyed, and it was obvious that the afternoon had to be spent under the maintenance of the logistics personnel, so it had nothing to do with Bai E.

"Did anything happen?" Bai E often asked.

Gilder, who was counting everything, turned over the notes he took in his hand and answered seriously, "There are a few changes in personnel. I met several refugees from outside today, and they were not all together..."

"Is he the son of the devil?" Bai E raised his eyebrows.

As time passed, he also learned the identities of Kuang Xin and others when they were born - they all initially joined the aboriginal cognitive system as refugees.

Could it be that the refugees who appear together but don’t recognize each other right now are just another group of players who have obtained qualification numbers?

"Probably not..." Gilder shook his head.

Xu Ruoguang, who reported this matter, seemed to know that the adults would ask about this, and specifically warned that these refugees were not the sons of the devil, but there was no problem.

"Some large-scale natural disasters occasionally occur in the wilderness. It is normal for some refugees from all over the world to choose to stay close to the city in order to escape the disaster."

"That's good." Bai E doesn't know too much common sense in this world. Since his subordinates who have been given the responsibility have made a judgment, he will choose to trust it to a certain extent.

"In addition..." Gilder looked hesitant and seemed a little strange, "Not long before you came over, we received an order..."

"Order?" Bai E repeated in confusion, "Is there any problem?"

Kilder had never told him about the order in the past.

Orders are a good thing, they mean exchange of resources and the creation of profits. If there is no problem, why would Kilder look hesitant?

"Too many..." Gilder looked strange, "And what I want is steel."

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