Bai E, who performed best in training, has undoubtedly become the absolute core of this small pilot team, and naturally has a heavy responsibility.

Facing the inquiry from the superiors, Bai E responded in a deep voice, "No problem, sir!"

The troops rumbled in, and the ground shook.

Drones fly high and hover in the sky, slightly replacing the global satellite function that has long been absent in this era, and bringing environmental intelligence from a greater distance to the troops.

Occasionally when passing by the mecha, it seems that you can catch these small things that are like mosquitoes in comparison.

The mecha's body, which was more than ten meters high, gave Bai E a clear field of vision that could see farther. The earth stretched out into the invisible distance through the transparent glass portholes.

As the warm white sun in the sky gradually moves westward, some vaguely ferocious species have appeared at the end of the field of vision during the day.

As if they were aware of the movement in the distance, those little things quickly changed their previous trajectory after a visible pause.

The densely packed black bodies were changing rapidly on the ground like a moving carpet, which made people's hair stand on end.

However, the middle-level officers who sat in the command vehicle and saw this scene through the video captured by the drone breathed a sigh of relief.

Over the long period of dealing with bugs, humans have gradually deepened their understanding of bugs——

Unless it is accidental or forced, the insects will never arrange to fight outside the insect nest node network, except for the mysterious "master" and the "brain worm" living deep in the insect nest. , there are strict limits on the range that the mantis can affect as a node creature and the number of bugs.

Therefore, experienced front-line officers can often roughly judge the number of "node organisms" controlling them by the size of the observed workers and bees.

And only in the next moment, in the picture on the monitoring screen in the command vehicle, some of the cannon bugs on standby looked over.

These bugs carrying huge biological cannon barrels on their backs instantly assigned each other's responsibilities through the node network linking all wills. After just a short aiming, those biological cannon barrels contracted through the muscles, some kind of smaller and more precise The spore mines shot out instantly.


There was a sudden noise on the monitoring screen, and the picture originally displayed was blurred one after another.

"Snap, snap, snap!"

At a certain distance from the Sea of ​​Insects, small remote-controlled aircraft sent by humans crashed one after another.

Human small aircraft can indeed carry some small weapons for long-range air support, just like the drone group that finally controlled the field during the recruits' trial.

However, on the frontal battlefield, small aircraft with neither excellent flight speed nor agility have much practical value against the Zerg army with long-range units such as Cannonworms, and the weapons they can carry due to their limited size are naturally less powerful than expected. .

The benefits of using them on the frontal battlefield are not as high as the cost of manufacturing these aircraft. Therefore, some simple reconnaissance drones are generally only used to observe the battle situation and obtain information, and almost never directly participate in the battle itself.

However, the short-term visual field information provided by those crashed drones is still enough for human officers to make combat arrangements.

"Forward troops charge, suppress fire!"

"The tank battalion advances, and the 1st, 3rd, and 7th Infantry Regiments follow up simultaneously!"

"Cover the advance of the front army, and the artillery battalion will fire three rounds first!"

Orders from different levels and different organizations were quickly conveyed to every basic combat unit. The engines of the tanks that were originally moving slowly began to roar and accelerate violently.

The missiles carried on the V3 rocket vehicles carrying weapons of mass destruction in the middle and rear of the marching team also began to slowly "raise their heads" as the propulsion track rose.




After bursts of white smoke, snow-white missiles, under the thrust of the propeller, launched an air attack on the Insect Sea, which was aware of the incoming human army but had not yet completely dispersed.

The trajectory of the missile falling in the tall mecha's porthole seemed to be slow but actually urgent. The missile, which seemed to be able to control the mecha to easily avoid the trajectory, crossed the gray-yellow earth and the blue and white sky, and landed there in the distance. On top of the slippery earth full of mucus.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Small mushroom clouds rose instantly, and green-brown body fluids mixed with broken limbs shot out under the power of the explosion.


The thruster of the V3 rocket car once again set up the next snow-white rocket, and the next round of firepower salvo was ready again.

The tall angle of view of the mecha falling behind was enough for Bai E to take in everything. The completely different angle of view from the last time he participated in the battle allowed him to focus on a more comprehensive perspective.

Humanity is not without the support of long-range weapons. The insect sea army we encountered last time as infantry was already the result of human missile bombing.

The number of insects is despairing and terrifying, but the brave and fearless warriors never know why to retreat.

"Spread out! Spread out!"

The Zerg cannon bugs also launched a counterattack.

Human rocket vehicles need time to prepare weapons and refill ammunition.

Cannonworms also require the organism's own reactions and body functions for regulation.

The cannonworm that turned its muzzle lowered its body, and the biological cannon tube growing on its back began to condense different attacks——

Biochemical plasma cannons and spore mines.

One for armor and one for infantry.

Bugs do not need to differentiate into too many types of bugs. The same bug can also evolve to have different effects according to the situation it needs to face.

"target location……"

Familiar battlefield commands flowed through Bai E's mind, but the too quick reaction and artillery speed prevented Bai E from giving a warning.

You can still react when you are faced with it. You can give a reminder through the radio voice and let your teammates respond. Obviously, it is too late.

However, the military department did not know Bai E's abilities and did not need Bai E's reminder.

They have been dealing with bugs all year round and have their own methods to deal with all the known bug methods -

Resist hard.

Light blue crystal bombs streaked across the tracks remaining in the field of vision, and spore mines exploded into a green poisonous mist.

The tank's energy storage device was destroyed in the electrical turbulence, burned violently on the spot and exploded instantly.

The soldier roared in pain under the invisible biochemical insects and tried his best to rush out the last meter towards the insect sea.

"target location……"

Bai E, who was watching everything silently, suddenly felt palpitations in his heart. A deeper and heavier voice came from the back of the insect sea, followed by a murderous intention that was almost skin-cutting.

Bai E's eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the almost invisible vast land at the end of his field of vision.

The mecha array he was in was located at the very rear of the entire coalition army, and the attack range of the cannon bugs was not that far.

So...what is it! ?

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