The commander's will was quickly implemented. The rocket car operators who were raising the third round of missiles instantly changed their command input. The bombing direction originally aimed at the large-scale area behind the insect tide changed instantly, and all rocket cars were aimed at it. That's the only big target.

How the target's attack takes effect and what kind of technological content is behind it are what the people from the scientific research institute in the city need to worry about when they return to the city for analysis after the battle.

As a general who directs the situation on the battlefield, the most important duty he needs to perform at this moment is to reasonably arrange the distribution of his own combat power according to the threat level of the opponent.

Facing a brand new unknown behemoth, instead of cautiously testing it, it is better to attack it boldly and directly for a few rounds.

After all, the other bugs are within their known knowledge. Only this new bug has all its abilities that are not yet known.

If there is a large-scale field control ability similar to that of "Juggernaut", then the warriors present will face an unimaginable severe challenge.

Not even talking about the ability similar to "Juggernaut", just the large-scale bombardment ability currently displayed by the target, the degree of damage caused by it is already far greater than the damage caused by a group of scattered cannon bugs.

Even their Titan-class fighting mecha, which was supposed to be indestructible and indestructible, lost almost all of its mobility in the bombardment of the opponent. This was the first time they encountered, except the Overlord, that could pose a threat to the Titan-class armed mecha. The goal.

If this level of output is not dealt with first, their front will soon be completely destroyed.

The white missile clusters fired by a group of rocket cars carried everyone's expectations.

In the eyes of those who could observe the overall battle situation, including Bai E, the white missiles dragging orange tail flames successively fell towards the giant target that was unable to move.

The giant insect obviously reacted, but its body was too heavy for even it to control perfectly.

Facing the bombardment of missile clusters, even this behemoth, which was born purely for war, changed its posture as much as possible under the guidance of survival instinct, trying to resist the missile bombardment with the thick gray-brown chitin armor on its back. .

"Boom boom boom!"

The missile clusters controlled by no unified central control system failed to hit the target at the same time, so the continuous explosions lasted for a long time. Even the earth became torn apart under this unified bombing, and the sky was filled with smoke.

Broken clods of soil swayed around along with the rising mushroom cloud, and only a huge black shadow loomed in the smoke.

Until the smoke and dust slowly dissipated... the news of the frontal charge finally fell into the eyes of a group of people who were originally focused on observing the situation of the giant beast.


Bai E's eyebrows narrowed slightly, his eyes serious.

Not dead.

But it's okay.

The missile swarm bombing that could destroy everything was unable to shake the giant beast too much.

"It's no use!"

"Do you want to retreat?"

In the command car, an atmosphere of despair spread.

Facing the unknown behemoth, they did not expect to win it directly with a salvo of missile clusters, but at least they would achieve a considerable result, which would give them a rough estimate of the defense level of the behemoth, but now……


"No! It's hurt too!"

The giant beast's body moved, and the right leg that was used as a support suddenly buckled, making it difficult to support its heavy body.

"The lower side of its body does not have the same level of defense capabilities as its back."

As the giant beast stood up, its back covered with thick chitin bone armor formed a sharp contrast with its gray-white lower abdomen and claw area.

Faced with the bombardment of the missile swarm, almost no damage was seen on the back, but in the gray-white area below, there were a lot of damage and charred flesh exposed.

"We should be able to win with two more rounds of bombardment." An officer looked excited.

All fear comes from the lack of firepower. As long as it can be completely destroyed under the baptism of artillery fire, then there is nothing to fear from any opponent.

"Two more rounds of bombardment will make the frontal battlefield difficult."

The situation on the battlefield is always in a state of checks and balances. If you want to use long-range support firepower to specifically target the same target, it means that you cannot sufficiently suppress the opponent's main formation.

The loading capacity of the V3 rocket car is limited, and the ammunition filling speed also takes time.

With two more rounds of salvo time, the situation on the frontal battlefield may be quite bad.

Whether it was the cannon bombardment of bugs or the swarms of worker bugs and bee bugs from the opponent's numerous mantis bugs that began to lead the charge, without the fire cover of the missile cluster, the pressure faced by the mixed army was unimaginable.

"And it may not be possible to win."

Humans do not know the capabilities of the new bugs of the Zerg, and the new bugs of the Zerg will also collect exact data through battles. This is the experience that humans gained through flesh and blood in the past wars with the Zerg.

Facing the bombardment of human artillery fire, although the giant insect had instinctive self-protection actions, it did not completely cover up its shortcomings.

If it returns to its original "lurking" appearance, then the lower abdomen and limbs, which are "weak points", will be hidden under the thick carapace of the body.

"A salvo is not realistic."

“It’s time for our boys to step up.”

The mecha team that came with the army this time existed to deal with such emergencies.

Even if there was no preparation for launching a battle against this new behemoth in the initial plan, when encountering such a target that ordinary combat power cannot deal with, it is time for the Titan-class armed mecha to come into play, even if this This is also the first time for the first batch of pilots to set foot on the battlefield...

The commander who was specifically responsible for commanding the mecha squad gave a deep voice, "Mecha Combat Team No. 1, attack! Kill that giant beast. Victory belongs to mankind!"

[Trigger side mission—End the behemoth. 】

[End the behemoth: The behemoth that suddenly appeared on the battlefield is raging. Its existence is an unimaginable threat to your coalition army. You can only complete the beheading operation as soon as possible. Your attack on the Zerg expansion this time Only then can success be possible. Mission requirements: Behead the "Behemoth" within 3 minutes 0/1. Mission completion reward: Encyclopedia of Behemoths. (Countdown: 2 minutes and 59 seconds)]

"As you command, sir."

As the captain of the mechanized warfare team, Bai Eping responded and then issued an instruction in the team's voice, "Everyone, use me as the vanguard to launch a surprise attack. You must complete the beheading operation within three minutes!"

"Privately increase the time limit..." The commander of the mecha team gave the order, his eyes flashed slightly, and his eyes were evil.

The most disliked thing on the battlefield is a warrior with his own thoughts.

Warriors only have to perform their duties, not have thoughts.

He did not ask for a time limit, but he privately increased the time limit.

Is it to show off in front of superiors? Or is it just to show his authority as captain internally?

Either way, it's obviously an unpleasant starting point.

If you can do it, it doesn’t count as extra points, if you can’t do it...



There was a response in the voice of the mechanized combat team.

No matter what these team members think, on the battlefield at this moment, the instructions issued by Captain Bai E, as their direct superior, are everything to them.

Except for the unfortunate mecha whose calf was directly disintegrated by the giant beast, the other five mechas launched sprints from different positions at the same time.

Facing the giant mecha that is more than ten meters high, the bugs on the ground are as vulnerable as reptiles.

With every step of the foot, countless bugs turned into a mixture of broken armor and pus under the machine's big feet. Only the larger mantis bugs could mount some resistance to this behemoth, but they could not. Not much use.

Even so, these bugs still crazily climbed up along the non-smooth parts of the mecha's surface, and tried to use the sharp symbiotic weapons in their hands and their acid to attack some weak points on the mecha's surface.

Like a giant that is surrounded by ants, if it cannot keep moving, even if the entire body is made of eight-element alloy, it will eventually be buried in the swarm of insects.

The design of the mecha is a highly coordinated whole, and any external weight will cause this perfect balance to be broken.

This kind of abnormal feedback requires the pilot to rely on his own experience and operation to make up for it.

Of course, there are simulations of similar situations in simulated battles, but the reason why abnormal situations are abnormal is that they are changeable and difficult to replicate.

You can only rely on the pilot's keen perception of the aircraft body to make operational adjustments at all times.

Bai E also felt that his body was out of control to a certain extent.

Every moment his footsteps stopped in the insect swarm, those crazy insects would rush up desperately, so that his feet were now covered with small worker insects.

Although it is always in motion, the surface of the mecha, which cannot be cast in one piece and requires a certain amount of movement space for dexterity, is actually full of spliced ​​cracks. This is enough for those bugs to use symbiotic weapons full of spiked barbs. Attach yourself tightly.

Breaking away from the overall advancement of the troops and rushing into the enemy camp alone is easy to suffer the embarrassing situation of being trapped in the enemy camp. Not only Bai E, but other mechas following Bai E not far behind are also in the same situation.

Being able to withstand this kind of interference and continue to complete one's tactical goals is a consideration of the level of the pilot in each mecha.

The current interference is not enough to completely destroy a mecha, but they obviously cannot carry out the action of beheading the giant beast with too much burden.

"Speed ​​up the advance!"

In order to take care of his teammates, Bai E did not start at full speed.

Every time the mecha's speed increases by one level, the requirements for operational intensity increase geometrically.

If I want to speed up at this moment, I first need my teammates to keep up.

"Report to the captain, there is a risk of losing control!"

"Report to the captain, we are already moving at full speed."

It's not the full speed of the mecha, but the full speed of personal control.

Bai E frowned, looking at the giant beast in the distance that was lowering its body and planning to bombard it again, with some hesitation in his eyes.

It was also the first time for him to lead a team on the battlefield in a mecha. Unlike when he was fighting alone, he was familiar with the situation he could handle. The situation he encountered when using a mecha was completely different. Fighting alone without his partners... He didn't dare to make a decision easily.

Moreover, the link he established since his first contact with the mecha has not fully taken effect yet——

[Remaining link countdown: 20 hours, 38 minutes and 52 seconds. 】

The 48-hour link establishment time is calculated based on the time Bai E spends controlling the mecha inside the mecha. His actual training time since coming into contact with the mecha entity is less than 48 hours, which is far from establishing a deep connection with the mecha. The realm of communication.

He did not dare to take this risk easily if he acted rashly.


A mysterious image suddenly flashed through his mind, and the image of the deep rocky land quickly flashed through Bai E's consciousness.

Realizing this, Bai E suddenly turned his head and looked in the general direction of the image——

The rear of the entire military formation!



Almost the next moment Bai E turned his head to look over, dozens of ferocious sandworms jumped out from the ground.

The transport vehicle filled with logistics was instantly overturned, and the soldiers carrying guns were thrown high into the air.

Sandworms covered with sharp claws and blades were dancing wantonly in the sun...

"Meet the enemy! Meet the enemy!"

Needless to say, the voice channel must be in chaos now.

Even though they knew about the existence of sandworms and had expected them, when these evil creatures appeared at the rear of the military formation at an inappropriate time, everyone's spirits were instantly tense.

The elite divisions that had been reserved for a long time immediately launched a counterattack, and the battle line was not only staged at the front line where the flesh insect nest and the steel torrent met.

"Boom! Boom!"

Misfortunes never come singly, and the tremors of the earth were clearly transmitted from the mecha's body to Bai E's cockpit link.

As a combat weapon, the design consideration of mechas has never been comfort, but requires the pilot himself to have a clear perception of the environment he encounters.

As for the load on the body caused by this kind of perception, the pilot can only rely on the physical fitness of the pilot to resist it.

Fortunately, Bai E and Rose's physical fitness levels were at the top level in the entire military camp.

The tremor of the earth did not affect their combat status, but instead allowed them to immediately focus on the source of the tremor——

In the distance, three giant red figures were rushing towards each other from the southeast with heavy footsteps.


The giant crimson bug is undoubtedly the first thing that reminds people of that terrifying nightmare.

But no.

Bai E carefully looked at the shapes of the three giant insects——

It is somewhat similar to the Juggernaut, with the same six arms, the same dark red beast, and even the chitin armor on its body looks exactly the same thick, reflecting bloody reflections in the sunlight.

But the image of the newly emerged giant insect this time is more like a giant ape walking on all fours on the ground. The forelimbs, which are equivalent to the function of human arms, are not sharp double knives like a master, but a pair of drum-shaped round hammers.

The bone armor on the body does not have too many spikes, and the overall look is much rounder.

"They seem to be more defensive...maybe they are the guards of the cannon-firing behemoths?" Bai E narrowed his eyes to make a judgment.

came back! They're all back! Last month I was a little sluggish, but this month I won’t be able to do anything!

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