"Can we really trust him?"

The cannon bugs of the Zerg have no time to target the human detection drones. The officers in the command vehicle can finally observe the entire battlefield situation through the field of view provided by the drones. Therefore, everything that happens at the rear of the Zerg is Easily observed by everyone.

The insect sea composed of worker insects, bee insects, and mantis insects seems to be the largest in scale, but as human beings' old opponents, humans know them best. Facing the prepared human joint army, they are not even the slightest bit. threaten.

Elite insect species such as sandworms and cannonworms can certainly cause a lot of trouble to the human army, but as long as they are informed and prepared in advance, it will be nothing more than temporary chaos and extra casualties.

The battlefield destined by these results cannot attract the attention of these senior officers. Only the battlefield between mechas and Zerg beasts is the real core of this expedition.

So even the smallest movement will be magnified without limit at this moment.

The pilot named Bai E who disrespected military discipline drove the mecha and rushed into the rearmost camp of the insect wave.

Although we have to admit that the movements of the pair of pilots when rushing through the sea of ​​​​insects were fast and graceful, and every move showed natural smoothness, their first blow against the giant beast obviously did not achieve the effect that everyone expected. .

One knife struck the uninjured part of the giant beast.

Apart from a trace of blood that had to be magnified multiple times to barely see, it had no success.

Even in the face of the ferocious counterattack of the giant beast, it could not completely avoid it, causing the body to be corroded by acid.

The eight-element alloy that mankind is most proud of cannot withstand the acid of the Zerg. This fact can only be blamed on the Research Institute afterwards, but if the body is corroded by the acid, in any case, it can only be attributed to the pilot's limited ability.

"I think it's probably for free..."

"How can you trust this guy who acts randomly!"

"How about asking others to come back and withdraw the troops..." Someone looked at the top commander's face and cautiously put forward his opinion.

He would rather do nothing than make a mistake.

When encountering an invincible unknown force, withdraw troops honestly, and then send out troops to attack again after the Tactical Department or Scientific Research Department finds a way to restrain it. This is the safest strategic policy to face the Zerg in this dangerous world.

The supreme commander pressed his hands on the table in front of him, staring at the giant beast battlefield jointly displayed by dozens of screens. He gritted his teeth and insisted, "Wait a little longer!"

The Magic Blade is an enchantment, and the Ethereal Blade further enhances the strength of light weapons—swiftness.

The size of the mecha and the limited level of mechanical rhythm are destined to make it impossible to use the mecha to be as agile as the human body. Continuing to increase the speed will undoubtedly be half the effort with half the effort.

Instead, click on the magic blade to attach a special coating to the weapon, which can more effectively and directly increase the damage capability.

At the critical moment, all decisions are made in the blink of an eye.

Bai E didn't hesitate and directly added points again.

[Payment: Latent repair points*2, 1000 combat experience points. 】

[Acquired skill——Magic Blade. 】

[Magic Blade: Attach a special attribute coating to the surface of the weapon in your hand {slashing attack power + (20+extra psychic energy)}. Cost: 10 + (extra) psionic power (100 mobility reserves)/min. 】

[It is detected that the character currently possesses the psionic skill - "Psychic Enchantment". The skill "Magic Blade" can add additional attribute effects to the coating attached to the weapon. 】

The skills or abilities possessed by the characters once again had a linkage effect. The special discovery made Bai E feel slightly happy.

But the battle is not over yet. Ending the battle quickly is the top priority at this moment.

[Activate the skill—Magic Blade! 】

[Tip: The character is not currently holding any "light weapons". 】

[Correction: The character is currently driving the "Amplified Arms", and if he wants to continue to release skills, he needs to pay 10.3 times (currently) extra spiritual energy. (Tip: It is not detected that the character has the corresponding section of "Ability Amplification", and the skill - Magic Blade cannot take effect.)]


It's a waste of time.

Then go ahead!

Without the assistance of specialization skills, it relies on the strength of the specialization itself.

Now there are over 10,000 stored combat experience alone. If you don’t use the experience to quickly increase your combat power when needed, when will you use it?

[Payment: 2000 combat experience points. 】

The remaining expertise points are also paid at this time.

[Have learned "Level 6 Light Weapons Specialization" and simultaneously obtained potential repair points*2. 】

[Light Weapons Specialization (Level 6): Attack speed +18%, armor breaking +6%, detection (special) +6%. 】

[The current light weapons proficiency experience is 0/5500. When you reach 5500 points, you can master "Level 7 Light Weapons Specialization". (Note: At level 7 of specialization, the attached skill tree (second level) can be unlocked.)]

[Tip: Your current specialization level has reached the limit of a mortal body. It will be difficult for you to make more progress until your ability exceeds the physical limit. If you want to continue to increase your specialization level, you need to increase your insight and reflection attributes to more than 15 points. 】

The crazy surge in levels brings about pure changes in the strength of specialization.

Even if only half of the abilities can be inherited into the mecha, the ability to use weapons will be far better than before.

"Continue." Bai E shouted softly, and Rose Heart, as the host master, understood.

Maybe Bai E was just testing the target's exact defense capability, or maybe he was testing the strength of the weapon itself. No matter what he was doing, Bai E always had his reasons.

While fighting side by side with Bai E, she knew that she only needed to know one thing - follow the guidance and win the battle!

The sky is blue, and the mechas painted in blue and white jump over the reddish-brown ground.

The war knife split into the air, and the silver-gray blade was like a throat-cutting blade, easily swiping through the giant beast's defense.

The increase in attack speed brings about an increase in overall agility. The low probability of armor penetration and detection occasionally has a chance to take effect, allowing Bai E to find the most deadly part of the behemoth more accurately.

[The basic Titan-class armed mecha you drive uses skillful weapon attacks to hit the target, and the "Specialty - Mechanical Rhythm" experience +1. 】

[Trigger "Armor Break", ignoring defense! Causes 150 points of slashing damage to the target! 】

[...Experience +2. 】

[Trigger "Detection", absolute damage! Causes 250 points of slashing damage to the target! 】


"Much smoother than before...what happened?"

Any movement of the giant mecha can be easily observed. Even a "layman" officer who is not familiar with the operation of mechas can also see the difference between the front and rear of the mecha that does not obey orders.

Since the first two swords failed to achieve any success, the mecha seemed to have awakened in an instant, and began to use the sharp sword to lightly surround the slow-moving giant beast. Wherever the giant beast could not react and take care of it, it used the blade to leave a trace of its own. own merits.

"It seems really possible..." Some officers looked excited.

Although I understand that the frontal battlefield is anxious, it is difficult to win due to the comparison of military strength.

Unexpectedly, the situation on the battlefield behind the enemy who was charging alone was very good.

"But it's getting out of control..." The mecha commander frowned slightly, a little displeased with the pair of pilots' greedy and rash advances.

Fighting too hastily in order to kill the opponent quickly.


The auburn ground was covered with slippery slime. In order to avoid the acid sprayed by the giant beast, the giant mecha ducked in and fell down as if it had lost its balance.

One leg slipped in a straight line because of an unstable footing, and I had to use the arm on the same side to support it.

While the hands and feet were gliding side by side, the other arm was holding a sword. He seized the moment to raise the knife, lower it, and stab it in.


The sword penetrated from the lower part of the giant beast's belly, and even the officers who were far away and just watching through the screen seemed to feel the sharp and bone-piercing pain.

[...Experience +5. 】

[Trigger "Detection" and hit the vital point in the body! Causes 500 points of slashing damage to the target! 】

After piercing into the behemoth's body, he wanted to pull away, but the slight resistance brought by the sword slowed down the inertia of the mecha's sliding. Only this short-term leverage was enough for the pilot inside the mecha to regain control of the mecha's center of gravity.


The sword was withdrawn, and the machine was possessed and sucked away.

A seemingly out-of-control crisis is actually just a long-planned dangerous move.


The commander-in-chief clenched his fists and looked excited.

"But the reinforcements from the insect are coming soon."

The sight cannot be limited to the protagonists of this battle. Although the three red figures are slow and far away, they are almost reaching the core battlefield in their stride.

The nearest one was only a few steps away.

It is still unknown what kind of abilities this new unknown giant insect has.

Even if it is far inferior to the Dominator, with this kind of body shape, it is probably not an easy opponent to deal with.

"Captain! I'm coming!"

Bai E, who was always observing the entire battle, would certainly not ignore the pair of heavy hammers from the crimson giant beast coming from behind.

However, before he could connect it with his sword, a call from the team members came from the loudspeaker in his ear.

["Lucky Blow" charge +4. 】

William Li has never been convinced by this android captain. A shriveled android who luckily entered their mecha company was a great opportunity to smoke from the ancestral graves... Oh, by the way, they don't have ancestral graves, so they should be more grateful and keep their tail between their legs. Be a human being.

Unexpectedly, this pair of androids actually stood out step by step during training and became the captain of their regular pilots!

Even if this captain is only temporary when the mecha company is not fully organized, it still puts pressure on all their natural pilots.

What's the use of being able to compete with the instructor in training? What's the use of being admired by the adults of the Mechanical Court? On the battlefield...

Entering the battlefield... high-spirited and daring to take on the responsibility of breaking the situation.

The captain of the mecha company is so brave, how can the other pilots of his mecha company lag behind?

How could the captain be allowed to face the invasion of those insects alone!


The mecha, whose lower limbs were covered with small insects, suddenly jumped up and intercepted the red giant beast that was about to raise its double hammers in mid-air.

The huge mass of the mecha hit the giant beast, and the two rolled to the side together.

"Bah~" The flamethrower spit out scorching flames, and the small missile launcher on the shoulder instantly fired out a 4x5 phalanx of missiles and landed around him, splashing up a cloud of fire.

This is the power of the mecha. Even when the mecha loses control, the weapon modules attached to the mecha can still display its ferocious appearance.

Putting aside the close combat ability, as long as a pilot can master the basic driving ability of a mecha, whether he is a senior ace or a novice, the role he can play on the battlefield is very different. This is the mecha belt. Give human beings confidence.

"Captain, take care of the target first, and leave these three to us!"

Another blue-white figure passed by Bai E, and took the initiative to rush towards the other two red giant beasts that had not yet fully arrived.

["Lucky Blow" charge +4. 】


The moment he took the initiative to charge, Bai E no longer placed his hopes on these teammates.

But at this moment, even they have shouldered their due responsibilities, and Bai E naturally cannot let down the time they have bought with their bodies.


The sword flicked, and the mecha's pair of light blue crystal diamond-shaped "eyes" solidified towards its only opponent.

The "eye" with certain analytical capabilities is a combination of multiple information collection abilities. The behemoth's life breath has been weakened to the extreme compared to the beginning, and it is almost identical to the information collected on its own panel.

[Health: 780/3000...]

Of course, the life recovery ability provided by absorbing those small bugs is always replenishing the life of the giant beast, but the not-so-fast rate cannot keep up with Bai E's ability to cause damage.

In addition to its terrifying long-range bombing capabilities and resistance to external attacks, this behemoth's ability to resist when approached by a Titan-class armed mecha of the same level is really limited.

Moreover, its extremely slow movement ability also prevents it from perfectly protecting its physical weaknesses. When it encounters an opponent of the same level who has sufficient damage capabilities and quick movements, it is a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Not enough charge to use Lucky Blow.

The last few hundred points of blood, all in one go!

Bai E, who glanced at the panel for the last time, quickly output the command. After a short period of transmission through the electrical circuit, the mecha gently raised its sword, and the engine roared...


With a twist of the sword, the cluster thermal bomb was stuffed into the behemoth's riddled body.

A behemoth with a behemoth template will never die easily before its limbs suffer large-scale damage. With only the last drop of blood left, it is difficult to fall when faced with the attack of a sword. The limitations of cold weapons are overcome by hot weapons. end.


The bomb detonated inside the body, and even the skin suddenly expanded under the violent explosion, revealing a hot red light.

The last drop of blood that was unwilling to drain was also drained at this moment, and the body of the giant beast slowly fell.

[Cause 1 fatal damage to the target! 】

[You have completely killed the target and gained 200 combat experience points. 】


The giant beast's body completely collapsed behind the blue-white figure standing with a knife.

["Lucky Blow" charge +50. 】

Rose pushed the lever lightly, and the mecha turned its back.

The crimson behemoth raised its sharp claws high on its chest and was slashing at the mecha lying on the ground unable to break away...

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