In the early morning, Bai E yawned and woke up happily from the cockpit.

As he woke up, the lights in the cabin were softly lit in time.

The newly established link has limited capabilities, and cannot yet replace Bai E for the actual computer control operations, but it can still be easily accomplished by turning on the lights according to one's status.

Bai E glanced at the information on the panel——

[Resonance link:...Current delay effective time: 2.59 seconds. (As the duration of the resonance link increases, this delay time will gradually decrease.)]


The Information Department was busy in the early morning. Since the Internet was restarted, this formerly quiet department finally began to become lively.

"The minister is inside."

"The minister is over there."

There were people guiding him along the way. This was not Bai'e's first time here. Most of the staff who came and went knew this taciturn and handsome young man.

The moment he pressed his palm on the door, Bai E felt a certain spiritual stimulation.

After pausing for a moment, he could easily hear a dispute that seemed to be going on inside the door...or rather, it was more likely to be a one-sided accusation.

"It's been several days, and your people aren't ready yet?"

"...Or are you delaying time on purpose?"

The pressure of psychic energy oppressed the entire audience. Even when Bai E stood at the door, he could feel the frightening pressure.

The sound itself did not come out, but the spiritual energy carried the sound, allowing Bai E to perceive the meaning of the words.

Under the pressure of third-level psykers, even a relatively high-ranking person like Minister Eric did not dare to say anything against his will and could only answer truthfully.

"Sir, one of our thoughts is to make more complete preparations, but another thought is to wait for Captain Bai of the special team."

"Him?" Pan Sen frowned, and the soldier who was always taciturn in front of him appeared in his memory. "Is it necessary to delay our overall progress just for him?"

We still don’t know what the legacy left by the Electronic Demon will be. Every minute we wait, there will be a minute change. If it dissipates naturally or completely invades the server host group and causes irreparable losses, they will all be nailed. On the pillar of shame of history!

Moreover, there was a third-level psychic like him in the attacking team. Although his main direction of psychic power was not towards fighting, third-level was third-level, and rank was more important than anything else.

With him in charge, this operation is foolproof. Even if he encounters the difficulties encountered in the last trip, he can lead everyone to break out easily. Why wait for an ordinary soldier?

"Sir..." Minister Eric did not dare to look directly at the "giant" in front of him who was extremely tall in his own will. He just lowered his eyebrows and spoke his thoughts, "Captain Bai once had the experience of leading us through the wilderness. , and the last defeat of the electronic demon was also due to his leadership. With him here, our actions will be more foolproof."

Having the experience of working together, and the last time Bai E assembled his own signal transmitter to transmit the information back to the base when the Zerg signal was blocked, Minister Eric had a blind belief in the warrior who had created countless miracles. trust.

It seemed as if as long as he was there, there would be absolutely no problems.

Of course, it is impossible to wait indefinitely. If the captain still cannot give a reply within these two days, then he cannot disobey the will of the third-order psyker. At the same time, the legacy of the electronic demon cannot wait indefinitely. …

"..." Pan Sen, who was about to speak, frowned and pursed his lips, looking in the direction of the door in advance.

The next moment, there was a "squeak" sound and the door slowly opened.

A figure in black uniform stepped inside gently.

Looking at this unexpected figure, Pan Sen's eyes flashed with a strange look.

His psychic energy covered a large area around him. Although his observation of the outside of the house was somewhat reduced due to the obstruction of the material of the house itself, it was not completely ineffective.

But this figure seemed to have skipped over the fuzzy detection edge spreading around the house and appeared directly in the direction of the door.

It's just... I'm not sure if it's a subconscious illusion caused by the lack of subjective monitoring.

There are many ambiguities in the world of psychic energy. It is common for observation results to be less accurate due to the distraction of personal will. He is not sure whether it is just an accident.

Focusing his gaze firmly on the familiar warrior, looking at the other person's dull and rigid face and the inactive psychic energy around him, Pan Sen was sure that it was just an illusion that he had not paid attention to for a while.

It's also... He's just an android warrior, how can he have psychic powers?

"Sir, I heard that you are looking for me?" Bai E, who entered the door, looked at Minister Eric and asked proactively.

"Ah~ yes..." Minister Eric also didn't expect that Bai E would arrive at this time. He was stunned for a moment before responding: "It's what I told you last time... things in your military camp have been decided." Are you down?"

"Okay." Bai E smiled casually, "I came here today to talk to you about this matter. The training over there has ended, and I can take over the escort mission on behalf of the team."

"That's good." Minister Eric beamed with joy. He was even happier to hear that Bai E was willing to go with him than to hear that Pan Sen, the third-level psyker, was going to go with him. "Then let's make an agreement here. Yes, we will set off at six o'clock tomorrow morning. I will ask someone to contact the military department now. Captain Bai, you go back and implement the appointment."


Once things are confirmed, action will be swift and swift.

The Information Department, which originally seemed slow, immediately became busy, preparing everything needed for tomorrow's trip.

Bai E also said hello, then turned and left.

Pan Sen, a third-level psyker, stood aside and glanced at everything in front of him with a slightly displeased expression.

But he didn't say anything, he just snorted coldly, flicked the corner of his windbreaker and turned around to leave.

After returning to camp and telling Yuzu to implement the mission of the special team, Bai E once again got into the hangar alone.

Those machine servants were still shuttling under the feet of the mechas like ants. After seeing Bai E from a distance, they even changed their original path of action to avoid it.

Bai E, who climbed into the cockpit, once again found a comfortable way and began to practice psychic abilities.

As long as the breathing method obtained from Yueying is used, one can exercise one's spiritual power, but this process requires persistence over time and is by no means a quick fix that can see much results overnight.

"Your spiritual power has been improved through long-term hard training, and your spiritual power is +1/1."

[Resonance link:...Current delay effective time: 2.03 seconds. (As the duration of the resonance link increases, this delay time will gradually decrease.)]

At five o'clock in the morning, Bai E opened his eyes.

His eyes swept over everything in the cockpit in front of him, and Bai E's palm gently caressed it, as if caressing his lover.


The lights in the cockpit dimmed slightly, as if in response to Bai E's farewell.

At six o'clock on time, six vehicles left the camp on time.

Last time it was a covert operation that could not attract attention, but this time it was a large detachment that needed to carry more defense and technical personnel.

The only thing that didn't change was Bai E, who was still performing the navigation duties at the front of the car.

The action route planned in advance is slightly similar to last time, but not exactly the same.

Nothing is permanent in this era. The wild environment often changes under the influence of many factors, but delaying such a huge change... is still quite worrying.

Passing far past the Blood Crow Woodland they passed last time, people inside the three convoys were lying by the car windows, their eyes scanning the supposedly black woodland in surprise.

The blood crows that were originally standing on the branches disappeared, and were replaced by a whole brown forest stretching their bodies in the morning sun.

The forest has no leaves, only bare branches.

They are like living creatures with their own lives, branching out into countless strange-shaped branches that are twisted and entangled in the breeze. At first glance, they look like lovers interlocking their fingers, and you have me.

So much so that the entire forest seemed to be connected together and became a unified entity.

When I glanced at it from the corner of my eye, I seemed to be able to feel the fluctuations produced by the entire forest, which were as gentle and rhythmic as breathing.

"The Zerg infection has become more serious..." Minister Eric, who was sitting in the same car as Bai E, looked at the woodland from a distance, his face looking very sad.

Of course, the active expansion of the Zerg requires sending troops to "sow seeds" in order to be efficient and suitable enough.

But its existence itself will invisibly affect everything around it, and this impact is irreversible and will last forever.

Their genes are extremely aggressive and can interact wonderfully with any biomass they encounter.

"If the Zerg is not eliminated, sooner or later the entire planet will be invaded!" Minister Eric clenched his fists and clenched his palms, worried.

He is a person who has a pessimistic attitude towards the future of mankind, so he advocates accelerating the development of science and technology, hoping to quickly wipe out the Zerg around the world and completely eliminate the Zerg genes from the entire planet.

He knew the idea was difficult, even impractical.

But it is precisely for this reason that we must start with ourselves and start now.

The time left for future generations... is running out.

"Victory will definitely belong to us." Bai E glanced at the fading living forest for the last time in the rearview mirror and stepped on the accelerator.

This was the second time he walked through a similar wilderness. With his better driving skills, he was familiar with the roads and led the convoy to move quickly.

Blood Crow Forest, Sandworm Sea...

The risks encountered last time have passed one by one, and everything is unexpectedly calm.

Only after stepping into the lush forest again, the sight of a group of green-skinned boys jumping quickly in the jungle aroused the vigilance of Bai E, who was leading the team at the front.

Subconsciously tapping the brakes, Bai E whispered into the intercom: "Slow down, we found a group of orcs, prepare to hide on the spot."

A team that goes out to perform a mission is never obligated to break through mountains and rivers all the way. The final target point is everyone's goal. Everything encountered on the road can be avoided as long as it is not an unavoidable difficulty.

However, the moment Bai E's voice fell, another voice with a faint spiritual aura came from the voice, "No need."

This voice is so calm that anyone who hears it instantly feels full of trust.

Bai E frowned slightly, and the next moment he took the initiative to let go, he completely trusted the other party. The brakes that were lightly tapping under his feet were quietly released, and the vehicle returned to normal speed again... towards the group of greenskins far away at the end of the field of vision. The orcs ran straight away.

Almost face to face.

The green-skinned orc closest to the convoy was no more than three meters away, but it didn't even look at the direction of Bai E and others as it jumped over the ground of a big tree.

Six off-road vehicles emitting the sound of engines just passed through each other's eyes without causing any natural reflection from the living plants.

The soldiers and Information Department personnel, who subconsciously held their breath and clung to the window all the way, watched in amazement as the green-skinned orcs gradually fell to the invisible rear of the car, exclaiming in wonder, "Are they all blind?"

"You are still awesome, adults..."

Pan Sen sat on his seat and snorted with an arrogant expression, "I already told you that you don't need the protection of those special teams."

In this world, you don't have to fight to achieve your goals.

"My lord is so awesome."

"That's what my lord said."

Facing those admiring and respectful eyes, Pan Sen raised his chin slightly with a cold expression, "Go and do your work. Don't panic if you encounter something like this again, I will take action."

"Yes! Sir!"

Using the power of psychic maxims to force everyone to give up attention on him, Pan Sen collapsed, looking a little tired and rubbing his temples with both hands.

Third-level psykers only have more active psychic powers and are more suitable for external release, but they are far from being able to ignore consumption.

Bai E, who glanced at the car behind him through the car's interior rearview mirror, raised his eyebrows, pursed his lips and said nothing.

A third-level psyker doesn't look that powerful?

Coming to the familiar base again, the remaining personnel in the base who had received the Internet information notification in advance were waiting at the entrance of the base early.

Bai E, who was leading the team at the front, saw the thin young lady at the head of the team at a glance.

The assistant's face was as fresh and elegant as ever, but she looked much more haggard to the naked eye.

How huge is the size of a rebooted Golden Age server host farm?

But she is the only one who masters the technology and is responsible for maintenance.

During this period of time, she studied, researched and practiced all day and night.

Although she enjoyed it, she was almost reaching her limit and needed someone to help her and give her some time to relax.

"Long time no see." Bai E smiled at her with a gentle expression.

The assistant lady's face froze, and her face instantly bloomed with joy mixed with surprise, "...Long time no see."

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