Bai E, who went straight to the center console, first saw Pan Sen, who was meditating against the edge of the console.


It was eight o'clock in the morning. According to the rules, it was almost the time when the virtual world should appear.

Yesterday, the other party's "eating" behavior was constantly interrupted. Today, it is not certain whether he will advance or retreat.

"No." Aryan shook his head, leaned close to Bai E's chin, raised his chin sideways with the back of his hand, and whispered, "Master is practicing."

After a long enough sleep recovery, Panson regained full energy again.

As if hearing Bai E's voice, Pan Sen opened his eyes. A dark light flashed through his eyes, and then disappeared.

"Here we come." Pan Sen stood up without any help, and looked at Bai E with excitement on his face, "I woke up this morning and thought of a great plan to deal with the virtual world."

Bai E's heart trembled, and he stepped forward suddenly, "Sir, after you rested, I also thought of an excellent plan!"

"Oh? Tell me."

"According to previous records, under normal circumstances the virtual world only appears once a day..." Bai E said while observing Pan Sen's face.

When he found that the other party's face was getting more and more excited and approving, Bai E was sure that everyone wanted to go together, because this was the most direct guess——

"Yesterday, however, due to your many interruptions, the target had to come to eat again and again. If we can continue to interrupt its 'eating', maybe we can make it unable to get energy replenishment. , thereby increasing the time it takes for each next meal. If this time can be accumulated..."

"Yes!" Pan Sen insisted, "That's right! I just read the log records you mentioned. At the beginning, the longest time the other party stole computing resources lasted more than 23 minutes! If If you give me so much time to finish netting it, I will definitely be able to catch it!"

"Yes! That's it! Sir!" Bai E's face also glowed with excitement, "According to the rules, we have a great chance!"

"That's it for today!" Although I have not yet reached an extraordinary level of tempering my spiritual control, as long as I have enough time and complete preparations, I don't have to drag my tired body to confront the opponent head-on. , then Pan Sen thinks this matter should be a sure thing!

Seeing that the plan he came up with was also approved by Bai E, Pan Sen felt more confident.

Pressing on the edge of the center console, his eyes unconsciously scanning everything in front of him without focus, Pan Sen just pressed his palms and whispered softly, "Come on... come on..."

Show up!

Today, I will have another form of competition with you!

Time passed by, and Minister Eric and his assistant Miss Aryan also seemed quite excited after hearing that the adults had a more confident plan.

If adults can successfully capture the virtual world, then the information about the virtual world will naturally not be hidden from the eyes and ears of their information department.

Being able to gain more knowledge in this field will undoubtedly speed up their research in this area.

11:49 p.m.

"Beep, beep, beep~"

The virtual world that most likely has no resemblance to human will finally appeared again at noon amid strong expectations. When it appeared, it caused the first alarm on the center console.


"Let's go!" Pan Sen looked at Bai E, who led the way knowingly.

Although I don’t want to see the end of the virtual world being captured by Pan Sen, after all, I don’t know what the virtual world can bring to mankind... or to myself. If I am not destined for this thing, I will not necessarily suffer a big loss. .

And judging from the exchange this morning, this Master Pan Sen has a friendly and trusting attitude toward him for some reason. If the things are kept in his hands for a while, he will wait until he can reveal the fact that he has psychic powers. See if you can ask the other person for advice or ask to see the virtual world, and the other person might agree.

Let’s take a look first...

Bai E tried his best to lead the way, but Bai E had no intention of causing trouble.

Find the area, lock in the location, and catch the distractions.

Done in one go.

The process of repeating it many times is already very handy for Pan Sen. It does not require precision and just uses "capture" psychic energy to "scare away" the opponent the moment it locks onto the opponent. That is too simple.

Once...twice...three times...

1:31 p.m.

2:18 p.m.

5:59 p.m.




With continuous violent interruptions, it was gradually determined that the virtual world without human consciousness began to launch sneak attacks on the computer room like a hysterical mad cow.

However, every time he was "frightened", he immediately ran away.

10 O'Clock……

11 o'clock……

12 o'clock……

"Why aren't you here yet?"

"Could it be that you were scared away?"

The four people who had been waiting by the center console for more than two hours murmured in confusion.

The virtual world is a special existence that everyone encounters. No one has experience. When encountering any changes, they can only rely on the information at hand to make basic logical guesses.

"Where else can we eat besides this place?"

"Perhaps it has some pre-definition setting that it will starve to death after being discovered several times in a row?" Aryan casually made a guess that he did not need to take responsibility for.

Then the whole hall fell silent for an instant.

In their human world, in order to prevent their creations from being misappropriated by others and causing unnecessary losses, it is normal to lock the account or device settings after entering the wrong password several times in a row.

It would be reasonable to say that this higher-level existence has similar settings.


"No way..." Minister Eric tugged at the hair on the top of his head that was not thick, and his tone was a little uncertain.

But the air fell into silence.

Until the sound of "didi-didi" came again, everyone's bad guesses were dispelled.

"Huh~" Aryan, who immediately went to the center console to check the stolen area, breathed a sigh of relief.

'so far so good……'

I almost realized what I said became a prophecy.


The edge area of ​​the entire underground machine room.

"Do you want to continue to scare it away?" Bai E, who came to the area, turned around and asked.

"Of course." Pan Sen replied.

This was their planned strategy, how could they give up because of a small change.

This is only the first day. If we give up the plan now, we will fall into the same suffering as yesterday. In the endless stalemate and consumption, we will see who can't hold on first.

Now that you have decided to implement it, you must carry it out for at least a few days until the other party is "hungry" to a sufficient level so that the other party can "eat" for a long enough time next time.

"bring it on."

Plan executed!

Five times…

ten times……

Twenty times...

Fifty times...

Interrupted again and again.

The virtual world never stops, so Pan Sen cannot stop either. He has to deal with a sneak attack almost every hour or two.

Minister Eric and Miss Aryan, who were responsible for monitoring the central console, naturally began to take turns.

It wasn't until the evening of the fourth day that Pan Sen, who felt about the same, stopped interrupting.

Even after several days of testing, they had determined that the virtual world had no logical thinking similar to humans, but he still noticed that the other party was "attacking" more and more frequently, even less than half an hour. of "impatient".

After the energy shortage, the virtual world will only launch reckless attacks again and again.

"Didi didi~"

"Here we come!" Pan Sen, who had closed his eyes to rest, opened his eyes.

The bloodshot eyes were a little scary.

He had not slept for several days, and had to use his spiritual energy at very short intervals. Although he had enough resting time in between, he had not even recovered from natural rest due to frequent consumption and meditation. His mind was already like this. The twitching pain of being stirred wantonly by the red-hot iron rod.

Ever since the interruption just ended, he had decided that this would be the last time!

The testing and stalemate for several days will finally end today!

The magnificent spiritual energy swept across the 4*4 space, and the virtual world that randomly appeared in a corner could not escape.

Arriving as close to the target as possible, Panson closed his eyes, and the spiritual energy he exerted with all his strength escaped from his brain.

This time, no reservations!

The final battle, either victory or defeat!

The milky white psychic tentacles wandered along the edge of the black mirror at a neither fast nor slow speed. Bai E, who was watching from a distance with his spiritual senses, calmed down and watched the show quietly. At the same time, the other half of his sober will was also paying attention. Time in the real world——

One minute……

Two minutes...

five minutes……

ten minutes……

The spread of psychic tentacles is not fast, but very steady.

After several days of training on his own psychic abilities and becoming familiar with this process, Pan Sen has become more and more comfortable in controlling psychic powers.

As long as enough time is allowed, the "capture" net will completely wrap up the "black mirror" of the virtual world. It is just a matter of patience.

Obviously, a psyker who can reach the second-level psyker through his own efforts, and even can still have the ability to persist in a long attrition battle with a target after becoming a third-level psyker, the most important thing is patience. .

Tangle and weave, weave silk into a web.

The big net of psychic energy finally completely enveloped the "Black Mirror", like a thin cocoon that seemed to have a gentle breathing twitch in the world of psychic energy.

‘It’s done! ’ Bai E sighed secretly in his heart.

"It's done!" Pan Sen clenched his fists after completing the capture, and the psychic energy controlled by his will began to tighten the "rope", slowly pulling the newly obtained prey towards him and towards his chassis in the psychic world - storage. space.

Only there can it be accurately said that this incorporeal thing in the spiritual world has completely become one's own personal property.



Bai E only saw the virtual world wrapped in the arresting net slowly falling into the dense space around Pan Sen.

The next moment, a loud bang resounded in the spiritual world.

The endless strong wind blew against Bai E's spiritual senses, mixed with the touch of countless glass-like shards across his cheeks.

Through the moment of direct contact, Bai E realized what these glass-like fragments were——

Fragments of storage space...

Pan Sen's storage space exploded!

Storage space is directly connected to personal will. It can almost be said to be the concrete manifestation of personal will in the spiritual world. Although it does not represent personal will itself, it is also closely related to will.

Yueying didn't tell Bai E what the consequences would be if this thing exploded one day. After all, nothing like this seemed to have ever happened in her knowledge, but it was obvious... Pan Sen was in Bai E's house right now. In front of me, this unexpected result was displayed.

"Poof!" Pan Sen in the real world suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood.

The whole person's momentum instantly succumbed, and the spiritual energy in the sky quickly shrank and collapsed toward himself to stabilize himself.

Bai E, who was standing aside, immediately reached out and held Pan Sen in his arms. In his ears, Minister Eric's loud and panicked inquiry came, "What happened? Sir, are you okay?"

"I'll take him to the medical room!" Bai E picked up Pan Sen and ran away, showing his responsibilities.

"Let's go together!" Minister Eric followed closely behind him, his face full of nervousness.

Master Pan Sen was bleeding from his seven orifices here last time, and now he is bleeding from his seven orifices again...

He didn't understand the world of psychic energy, but he just felt that the gears of fate might be here...or maybe they had started turning since the last time.

The medical room... was in chaos.

The personnel at the base were all brought by Bai E during the two troop transports. Among the people who came the first time, Bai E had the best medical skills. The second time, they brought professional doctors with them and planned to stay here for a long time. However, doctors who lacked the assistance of various modern instruments could only temporarily stabilize Panson's vital signs through their own experience and technology.

"Keeping his life is the limit of what I can do. The world of psychic energy... I don't understand." The doctor told him truthfully.

Minister Eric, who had the highest status in the base besides Pan Sen, nodded blankly, "Oh~"

Lord Panson's sudden collapse disrupted all his thoughts, and the Lord didn't even give the slightest warning or hint before the accident, so now he is so confused that he has no idea what to do next. .

Looking at the figures surrounding the hospital bed in front of him, Bai E silently retreated behind everyone.

After leaving the medical room and getting further away, Bai E ran away and headed straight for the underground computer room.

Days of confrontation must not be wasted here.

Pan Sen failed!

But this does not deter Bai E's courage.

The problem lies in the level of Pantheon storage space.

This is the bit of information I got from the aftermath of the explosion at that shattering moment.

As for my storage space, everyone in Yueying considers it to be first-rate.

If Pan Sen can't do it, why can't he try it himself?

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