"I'll go ahead and explore the way."

When the brigade is setting out, someone must go to the front to act as a scout to avoid worries and dangers.

As Dai Lian has the strongest insight ability in the team, he naturally does his part.

"Go ahead, we'll follow slowly." Gong Yan agreed with a smile.

"I need two more people."

After all, when encountering a situation, in addition to coming back to report the news, someone has to continue to keep an eye on him. Dai Lian cannot do the work of several people by himself.

But now, except for his own team of four, everyone in the team listens to Gong Yan alone, and he cannot command them.

"No problem." Gong Yan said, looking back behind her, "Wenbo, Wenyan, you and Xiaodai are together."



The noise was so loud that it alerted Dai Lian before his eyes even noticed it.

After climbing up a rugged rocky mountain, the situation further away suddenly became clear——

A sea of ​​green is a mess.

Seeing those figures jumping up and down, Dai Lian's eyes instantly narrowed into a dangerous gap.


He had encountered these things once before, and he was deeply impressed by their almost invincible nature.

The tyrannical body cannot be killed even by the mine bombardment. If it were not for the arrow that he inherited from the adults, the team of players waiting for the mission would have been wiped out in one wave.

And even an arrow from an adult cannot instantly kill these extremely powerful guys. Last time, it was better to say that they were scared away than they won the battle.

And this time... at least hundreds!

Such a large scale must not be allowed to be encountered by the ordinary people behind him!

"Wenyan, go back quickly and ask them to stop. It's best to evacuate to the rear."


The orc group is right in front of the team. Maybe the team behind should consider taking a detour?

But the first thing that needs to be done is...not to let the other party find out.

It is difficult for a large group of ordinary people with thousands of people to move, so they can only rely on luck to avoid being discovered by the other party.

Looking at Wang Wenyan at the foot of Xiaoshi Mountain who quickly ran back after hearing the order, Dai Lian sighed softly and murmured to himself, "I hope my luck will be better..."

As he spoke, he turned around and looked at the green ocean in the distance again.

The orcs didn't know what they were doing, and they gathered in a chaotic group. Among them, two orcs who didn't like each other were seen fighting together.

Some debris could be vaguely seen flying between the fists and feet. I don't know if it was a knocked out tooth or something small on the body.

As for the remaining orcs, they all gathered in a circle. In the circle, there were only two greenskins who looked slightly different in size and were fighting each other.

The action was fierce.

"What are those things?" Wang Wenbo asked from the side.

They were born in Gray Iron City and have never had the opportunity to come into contact with anything outside Gray Iron City.

Although I knew there was such a thing in the game from the expansion pack announced by the game company, I had never seen it before.

Not to mention that his basic attributes are not as good as Dai Lian. He can only see a green tide surging on the plain in the distance, and the details are completely invisible.

Dai Lian replied in a deep tone: "Orcs."

After hearing Dai Lian's answer, Wang Wenbo looked at Dai Lian's profile curiously and asked, "Have you ever encountered him?"

Wang Wenbo was a little excited after finally encountering new content in the game.

It seems that the eldest sister's decision is right. With these people from the outer city, the game content becomes more interesting.

They are players, not the poor aborigines who are really struggling to survive in this world.

The fun is far more important than the danger.

"Encountered it."

"Is it great?"

"Almost impossible to kill."

"That you?"

"Scared away."

Dai Lian didn't speak anymore, he just lowered his body and minimized the area of ​​his body exposed outside the stone.

From the same distance, they could see the orcs, and the orcs could see him.

Although there may not be any orcs who scan the surrounding environment carefully, they cannot be careless.

Looking at Wang Wenbo who was trying hard to see the distance with his eyes wide open, Dai Lian took out a small thing from his arms and handed it to him.

"Here~ be careful, don't break it, it's very expensive."

"Telescope?" Wang Wenbo took it carefully, a little overjoyed.

Place a small black object in front of your eyes, and the scene in the distance will instantly appear before your eyes.

Wang Wenbo controlled the field of view that could be observed through the lens and slowly swept through the group of orcs.

Green face, fangs, and strong muscles.

Most of the orcs are bald, and only a few of them have different decorations on their heads that look like hair... and iron armor on their bodies.

The field of view of the lens shifted, and finally moved to the center where all the orcs gathered and looked up.

Two orcs who were obviously stronger than the surrounding orcs were confronting each other. The iron armor on one of the orcs only covered the regular important parts of the body, while the other, stronger orc was covered in armor.

Even those armors seemed a bit ridiculously small and extremely crude compared to their strong bodies.

Judging from the slightly undulating bodies of the two confronting orcs, it seems that both of them spent a lot of energy in this duel.

"Their weapons and armor look so crude..." Wang Wenbo, holding a telescope, muttered to himself.

Facing the "beasts" that looked like a group of primitive people, he had the urge to take a swing.

"Weapons are not important to them." Dai Lian shook his head, not taking it lightly at all.

In his opinion, the equipment of this kind of creature is just an embellishment, and its body, which can run rampant without restraint, is their greatest support.

Therefore, the scene of holding a heavy ax full of spikes and striking the rusty-looking armor piece only to be bounced off was extremely reasonable.

Although the armor is not good, the weapons are equally impressive.

Wang Wenbo's eyes were excited and he asked: "What should we do now?"

"Wait." Dai Lian's eyes were cold, watching every move of the orc tide.

"Wait until they leave, or... get closer."

If they leave, then naturally they will wait for these orcs to leave before the group behind them continues to move forward.

If you get close... you may have to ask the entire group behind you to take a detour.

"Can't we fight?" Wang Wenbo licked his lips, somewhat unwillingly.

"Fight?" Dai Lian glanced at the players beside him, "If you want to die, go ahead."

"But their numbers are not large..." Wang Wenbo is not convinced. Although this buddy is quite good, he is too timid and too cautious, and he does not have the courage of "Saint Yan". No wonder he can only act as a scout in the team. character of.

Dai Lian shook his head slightly and explained helplessly, "One of them is too small to beat ten of us."

The number of orcs they encountered for the first time was not that large, but they still beat the team of players who had jointly set out on a mission into a panic.

The combat effectiveness of the players at that time was pretty good, but now I and others are leading a group of old, weak, sick and disabled people. Although there are thousands of people, but in a real fight, the useful combat power may only be one or two hundred. How could it be these hundreds? Orc rival?

"You can only avoid it." Dai Lian said, and other plans suddenly appeared in his mind. "Of course, if you really want to have a chance to meet them, you can ask other people if they have the same problem as you." The idea is that if you can form a small team, you can try to lead them in other directions... Of course, the premise is that these orcs really migrate in the direction of our rear group."

He knows that players' nature is to yearn for adventure and confrontation.

It goes against the nature of many players to let them hide like turtles. If the situation is urgent, throwing out some bait to lure this orc tribe away is undoubtedly the most appropriate plan.

"If you can survive in their hands then, continue walking southwest. Our group is not moving fast, so you should be able to catch up."

"..." Wang Wenbo curled his lips and said nothing.

Too careful and too cautious.

More than a thousand versus hundreds.

The advantage is mine.

A dead NPC is a dead NPC. What does the life and death of the natives in the game world have to do with their players?

As long as this group of so-called orcs can be wiped out, then there will be a lot of loot and experience, right?

Now let them players form a team to act as bait? If there are fewer people and more people are beaten, isn't that just to die?

He doesn't do this kind of thing.

So it was quiet for a while.

There are also new changes in the duel circle in the distance.

The orcs, who seemed slightly smaller in size and with crude body armor, obviously fell into an inevitable decline after a long confrontation.

However, just as someone was spinning around after being hit by an axe, a cunning look flashed in the eyes of this relatively smaller orc.

A small hidden sword that had been hidden under the iron armor was pinched by his thick fingers, and in the flash of lightning, he shot it towards the proud big man behind him.

"call out!"

The violent hurricane rolled up in the path of the Hidden Blade belatedly, but the big ugly green head had already disappeared.


It landed on the ground not far away and bounced a few times.

The neck that was disconnected from the body was a mess of blood and flesh, but the eyes on the head were still spinning, as if thinking about what happened.

Everyone thought that the smaller orc was about to be defeated unexpectedly. There was a collective silence among the onlookers, and then there was a sudden explosion.



The cry was loud.

The story of the weak challenging the strong and winning is the most popular pleasure among the orcs.

As long as they can win, no matter what method or moves they use, they will jointly recognize him as the king!

Amidst the roaring shouts of the younger brothers around him, the smaller orc walked toward the headless body that was still standing there in a daze with a ferocious smile.

Raising his big foot and kicking the headless body over, the victorious orc took off all the armor from the opponent's body and randomly put it on his own body, which didn't fit him well.

"Waaaaagh!" The victor raised his arms and shouted, then stepped on the loser's restless head under his feet.

So followers gathered.


Under the gaze of all the orcs, the orc's body instantly underwent changes visible to the naked eye.

The green muscles began to bulge instantly, and the whole body quickly swelled up as if inflated. After it calmed down, it was even larger than the previous loser's size.

So much so that the full-body armor that was barely on his body was stretched tightly on his body, and the iron helmet on his head was comically pushed up, making him look a little ridiculous.

The ferocious look on the orc's face combined with a somewhat "honest" laugh made this scene both strange and ridiculous.

The sword-faced beast glanced around him, and there was a somewhat unusual look in his eyes, "This is too boring..."

"It's gone up... it's gone up..." Wang Wenbo, who had witnessed everything, murmured in disbelief.

Dai Lian also said nothing with solemn eyebrows.

What kind of special sacrificial ceremony is this?

Or is it a trait of the orc race?

The game information on the official website only contains a few words about the orc race, and the secrets of this race are left in the game for players to explore on their own.

I have never seen this kind of scene in previous battles. Will the orcs whose size has increased dramatically become the BOSS among the orcs?


"Click, click, click~"

There was a startled sound beside him, causing Dai Lian to look over alertly. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that the small telescope rolled down the rugged rock surface until it stopped in a groove.

"What's wrong?"

Wang Wenbo, who subconsciously threw away the telescope in his hand, met Dai Lian's eyes, "He... he seems to have looked over."

The victor turned around to receive the enthusiastic gazes from his compatriots, but when scanning the direction where he was, he seemed to glance here lightly.

Wang Wenbo, who could see clearly with the telescope, met the opponent's eyes. Feeling the violent aura coming towards his face, Wang Wenbo was so frightened that he threw away the precious telescope in his hand.

Even in the game, the opponent's energy is so terrifying that it makes people's hearts tremble.

It wasn't until this moment that he realized that Dai Lian's caution seemed not unreasonable.

"I...what are we going to do?"

"What should we do?" Dai Lian had already jumped down to pick up the telescope thrown away by Wang Wenbo. "Go back! Let them move out of the way quickly."

The strange movement of the orcs was not just the look in Wang Wenbo's eyes. Following a commanding gesture from the victor, all the orc boys rushed towards him like crazy.

Dai Lian, who had picked up the telescope, had stuffed it into his arms and told Wang Wenbo his plan at the same time, "I will distract them as much as possible. You go back and tell them to have the guards prepare for the battle and cover them." Everyone retreat."

"Got it!" Wang Wenbo responded hurriedly, then turned around and jumped down behind him, running towards the distance in a few ups and downs.

Gong Yan, who had already received the news, did not wait for the next news to arrive. Things like orcs moved irregularly, and even monitoring at all times may not be able to accurately control the opponent's movement path.

If you want to avoid these orcs, you can only choose to avoid them as much as possible.

"Order, everyone should return to the original route. We can't wait for the news to come back from the front!" Gong Yan made the decision as soon as he received the news.

(I went out to play during the National Day...now I'm back and will resume updates.)

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