On the way back to the city where Gilder's group of refugees who were trapped by the fear of demons passed, they passed by an abandoned human town.

The Silhouette of Time gave himself the ability to repair this human town, but only if he needed to find...or build the things needed to activate those urban functional buildings.

The second is population.

No matter how many and good buildings there are, someone has to use them. The former residents of the black streets are obviously not suitable to be relocated directly. For them to abandon the safety and warmth around the city to work in a new and unfamiliar wilderness, normal people will probably not accept it. , the city will not sit back and watch so many people leave suddenly.

And now...these refugees abandoned by the city happen to be in a desperate situation with nowhere to go.

Let them work hard with their own hands to create a place for themselves to survive, and become the first owners of that land. They must be very willing.

"I can't take them directly back to the underworld." Bai E shook his head and looked solemnly at Dai Lian, Kuang Xin, Gong Yan and others who were surrounding him.

A sincere look is full of power even if it means rejection. After getting along for a long time, these players have absolute trust in their adults.

Even if you refuse, the adults will never leave it alone.

"But I'll give them another option..."

"Use your own hands to create a choice that belongs to your city." Bai E looked at the crowd of refugees looking at him in front of him. Perhaps for the city, refugees of this size are not worth mentioning, but For an individual, the eyes of more than a thousand people already carry enough weight.

This amount is full of expectations.

“You will be the first owners of that land, and your homes will be your own.

The new home is still a wilderness, and you need to cultivate it yourself.

But don't worry, I'll help you.

There are no volcanoes spewing ash endlessly, nor are there gangs always ready to eat people.

In the new land, you can breathe the fresh air freely without fear of being discovered as unmodified.

In the new land, you can obtain your own wealth with both hands without worrying about being occupied by powerful forces.

The fresh and free air will be yours, and the sweet and delicious bread will be yours.

There may be more people joining your home in the future. In your new home, I will guarantee one thing:

There will be fairness for all of you... and freedom - the freedom to choose to say 'no'!

We are human beings, and we have the qualifications to remain human beings! "

The wind hummed softly on the silent earth, but there was indeed a leaping flame brewing in everyone's heart.


"Made by our own hands?"

There was obvious confusion in the refugees' eyes.

They never dared to imagine how glorious their future would be.

At most, he just went from one cannibal city to another that wasn't so bad.

But cities...are probably all gray, right?

Even if it's not that dark?

The city is like that, it has always been like that, it is the same here, it is the same there.

Endless dirty work and endless food and water.

They were born and grew up in a city like this. The rumors they heard about other cities were also like this, and there were even some that sounded more terrifying...

But now...

A pure virgin land?

A... home built by their own hands?

Isn’t the wilderness scary?

Those endless beasts and heard bugs...

oh! correct!

Looking at the so-called "adult" in front of them, the eyes of the refugees lit up again.

Beast? insect? Orcs?

What just happened?

The hundreds of orcs who could easily capture them were treated like underage children when faced with this adult, and were unilaterally tortured and killed.

If they hadn't run fast, they might have joined the fire not far away that seemed to be able to burn everything and become its fuel, right?

With such a powerful adult protecting them, they should be able to live in the wilderness of this era...probably.

"Sir, please guide us in the right direction."

"Sir, I am willing!"

The more clever refugees even rushed to the front and bowed down, shouting loudly.

So it aroused a lot of resonance.

"Bang!" The gunshot interrupted those who were trying to bend their knees. Bai E's face calmly glanced at the faces of everyone in front of him, and then he raised his eyebrows and shouted: "No kneeling! The city asks you to kneel, but I want to Stand up! You don’t need to kneel down to anyone, and there is no one worthy of your kneeling down!”

Then he turned around and waved, "Let's go! There's still a long way to go and we don't have much time."

The car driving the off-road vehicle slowly leading the way murmured in a low voice, "Captain is so cool..."

"He is a born leader." Yuzu murmured softly. After a moment of pause, he added in a sticky tone, "Our former captain said it."

Rose glanced behind her through the rearview mirror and nodded, "He is indeed a natural leader..."

Then Army Boots stepped on the accelerator and accelerated away.

They need to be on guard at the front.

Now that they are here, there is no need for the unprofessional refugees to do this kind of thing themselves.

[Side mission - Genetic Disintegration (Combat and Resource Composite Commission) has been completed and the rewards have been distributed. 】

[Additional commission: Side mission - City of Transformation (complex commission of combat and resources) has been completed and the reward has been distributed. 】

Both tasks are completed at the same time, and a large amount of experience and item rewards are received at the same time.

Looking at the "biochemical components" in the mission rewards, several players looked at Bai E in confusion.

After passing through Gray Iron City and his party, they are now somewhat resistant to this kind of biochemical modification surgery.

The risk of surgical failure was too high for them to accept.

Bai E smiled at them and explained softly: "The same surgery also has technical differences. Technology is not good or bad, only people's hearts are. We cannot give up the entire future because of temporary limitations. This is from the golden age. There may be some gap between the crystallization of creation and the current technology. If you have the opportunity, you can find a way to use it yourself."

The technology that was able to create the strongest ancient warrior who guarded the server base certainly had its merits. Although the practices of Gray Iron City, which now inherited its main body, were a bit barbaric and bloody, it did not negate this. a technical direction.

You have your own limitations, maybe the players are wild?

Throw things that you don't need for the moment to the players, and maybe they can find a way out on their own.

Just like the current situation, these guys have attracted more than a thousand people to themselves without even opening their mouths...

I can’t say it’s good or bad, but I have to go down.

"Yes! Sir!" Dai Lian was the first to respond.

The trust in his own sanity was shattered by Bai E's unparalleled performance. Now Dai Lian has a tendency to gradually transform into Kuang Xin.

"Sir, when we get to the place you mentioned, what exactly do you want us to do?"

When they first came into contact with the adults, they suffered a lot from the task of building an underground warehouse. Now that they encountered the idea of ​​"building their own home from scratch", it touched their sensitive nerves.

Shouldn't they be asked to dig and dig in the small piece of land again?

At that time, digging a small warehouse was very tiring for them. Now, if they have to dig enough space for thousands of people to live, why don't they have to scrap their old backs?

"They will do the basic construction content themselves." Bai E shook his head and had no intention of leaving such basic things to the players. "You have more important things."

"What's going on?" Kuang Xin's face was full of excitement.

The words "kill monsters" almost blurted out. Bai E pursed his lips and suppressed his impulse. "After my rough survey at that time, I found that the target area is occupied by a group of wild creatures. If we want to occupy the target area, we must first obtain the original Master's consent."

"Original owner?"

Stepping on the gray gravel and going deep into the underground cave, the moonlight saw the white threads everywhere, and some players began to quietly beat their hearts.

It wasn't until the white fluff on the surface of the round body and the long claws appeared in the area where the light could shine that any player spoke with trembling lips.

"Is this the original owner that your Excellency mentioned?"

"Big spider wow!"

The player who turned around and was about to run hit an iron plate. Kuang Xin stood behind holding his chest and raising his chin and asked: "Why are you running?"

"Spider... Spider wow!"

This game is so real.

People who are afraid of spiders in reality are just as afraid here.

Not to mention the spiders here...have added a lot of excitement.

"What happened to the spider? Kill them all the same!"

Kuang Xin took off his alloy giant ax from behind and strode towards the front.

The spider's legs, which were two or three times taller than humans, were like sharp sword blades. However, Kuang Xin, holding an iron shield in one hand, plunged in without any care.

Dai Lian carried two submachine guns, turned into a firepower shooter and scanned wildly, hitting the vital points of each spider's body with precise bullets.

These spiders look ferocious, but in fact their defense capabilities are not very strong, which means they have an advantage in numbers.

Under the fire of submachine gun bullets, large amounts of body fluids splashed from the damaged shell.

Although the remaining players were not very powerful, under the leadership of Kuang Xin and others, they still fought in a methodical manner, retreating while fighting.

"Aren't you going to help them?" Rose, who was watching the play from a distance, asked Bai E curiously.

She knew that Bai E didn't want to see innocent people suffering. For Bai E today, a "beast" of this level should only be able to clear the place in an instant.

Bai E shook his head, "You can't always rely on others, your own strength is the real strength."

Players need to grow too.

There is no point in fighting for this little bit of monster experience from them. If you kill too many monsters of a single type, you won't even get any experience in the end. Instead, you'll get more benefits by letting the players fight on their own.

Looking at the historical information left on the panel, Bai E smiled.

[Your force has added a group of new members. The increase in the number of people has given you more permissions and qualifications. From now on, you can release limited time-limited tasks in the area where the main members of the force are located. 】

[Basic limited entrustment (can be released 1/1): Permissions (commissioned general experience quota authority 1~???, or the special experience you have for personal abilities, the quota is halved); expenditure (services that the region can provide to individuals) Reputation value); reward (all "basic attribute improvement*1/10" and "special experience gained*1/20" obtained by the target player's training during the mission). 】

The income from large-scale regional tasks is obviously not as good as the income from issuing tasks for a single player.

Think about it, if the benefits of issuing tasks to large-scale players are so great, if those in high positions and with higher authority inadvertently release a large-scale task to players within their jurisdiction, then the attributes should not take off directly?

But even so, with the attributes that these dozens of players can provide, their strength has still surged to a considerable extent.

After all, for those players born in Gray Iron City, who have never experienced such a stimulating battlefield, their growth rate is much faster than that of Kuang Xin and other experienced players.

When you're done, you can also provide them with a series of services including bullets and other resources, repairing firearms, treating injuries, teaching expertise, etc. to recycle the mission experience rewards the players just received.

They have improved their strength, and they have also improved their strength, a win-win situation!

Everyone has a bright future...

"Hey! Watch your back!" Shitou, who was also watching the show, couldn't bear to see a player injured, so he stood far away and kept reminding him loudly.

"Bang!" The calfskin boots kicked the spider's leg that was raising its sword limb. Dai Lian, holding two guns, stepped lightly on the back of one of the big spiders through the ruins, his body spinning. The two guns fired in all directions.

The torrent of metal bullets shot away faster than usual.


"Damn! He's so handsome!"

"Brother, where did you learn it?"

"Da da da!" Dai Lian, who was completely crushed by a bullet from the spider under him, stepped on the spider that slowly softened to the ground and jumped off the ground lightly. At the same time, he casually glanced into the distance, "My lord, Who else could it be?”

"I...can I learn it too?"

"Yes!" There was a furious player nearby who had just received treatment from Sheng Yan at the rear and hurried back to the battlefield immediately.

Hearing his companion's question, he replied excitedly from a distance: "I just took a look. There is a skill teaching panel there, where you can learn everything. However, it is a limited-time station now, and it is only for us to complete the preliminary development of this area." .Hurry up and kill monsters to gain experience, there is no shop like this after passing this village!"



One stone stirs up a thousand waves.

The girl who was afraid of spiders just now suddenly raised the spear in her arms and rushed towards the big spiders deep in the cave with red eyes, "I'll kill you!"

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