"The steel plant over there is being rebuilt, who of you is going to help?"

"Wenyan, you go."

Wang Wenyan has a serious personality, so it should be appropriate for him to control production.

"The supplies we brought are not too sufficient. The distribution to everyone needs to be just right. Before we can obtain a new stable source, we all need to live a tight life. And even if we find a new acquisition channel, we cannot If you are extravagant and wasteful at will, you must have enough control over the overall situation.”

"If you don't mind, I want to give it a try." Yafei volunteered.

Bai E chuckled lightly and waved to them, "Go ahead, I'll wait for your good news."

Bai E is full of confidence in players.

Although these guys are often out of tune, they are the most willing people in the world to work hard for the goals they want to achieve.

Because... I am also a player.

After giving the daily mission qualifications that originally belonged to Kuang Xin and others to these three players, Bai E waited with peace of mind.

If these three players are successful enough, then the general framework of town development will be basically established.

Before waiting for the good news to arrive, in order to be prepared to teach these players, Bai E first pointed out his own skills. After all, he didn't know how to teach them, so how could he teach them?

Basic steel smelting technology...recharge!

Basic parts forging technology... top it up!

Advanced steel smelting technology...fill up!

Advanced parts forging process... top it up!

[Technology - Basic Steel Smelting Technology (Level 3/3): You have mastered the basic steel smelting technology and can smelt and forge most ordinary ores. From now on, you can preside over the construction of steel production furnaces to produce most of the conventional steel and improve production efficiency to a certain extent. The production rate is +30%, and the qualification to learn "Advanced Technology - Advanced Steel Smelting Technology" is unlocked. 】

[Technology - Advanced Steel Smelting Technology (Level 1/1): You have mastered a more advanced steel smelting technology and can produce special high-grade steel with a small probability. From now on, the steel production you are responsible for smelting has a certain probability of producing high-grade steel, and the yield rate of high-grade steel is +10%. 】

[Technology - Basic Parts Forging Technology (Level 3/3): You have mastered the basic parts forging technology... the production rate is +30%, and you have unlocked the qualification to learn "Advanced Technology - Advanced Parts Forging Technology". 】

[Technology - Advanced Parts Forging Technology (Level 1/1): Higher-level materials require more advanced forging technology... The forging yield rate of advanced parts is +10%. 】

These skills are all derived from the last smart weapon. After you have the skill book, you only need to use your experience to point out the actual level. It is the same as the "knowledge - firearms maintenance" that you first acquired. Same.

The only difference is that these abilities all belong to "technology". According to Bai'e's own understanding of technology and knowledge, technology is content that can be reproduced on a large scale, so the demand for experience for these skills is much higher than knowledge.

Basic technology level one costs 1,000, and reaching level three requires a total of 9,000 experience points.

The advanced technology is only level 1 and requires 1,000 experience points. However, with the experience compensation of the mechanical body, it only costs 16,000 experience points in total to activate the four technologies, as well as most of the technology point inventory so far—— 10 technology points.

Each upgrade of basic technology requires 1 point, and advanced technology requires 2 points.

Bai E named the four technologies without hesitation at all, for fear that after hesitating, he would have to regret the hard-won experience.

After all, this is a huge amount of experience expenditure. Previously, Bai E had been unwilling to use his general experience to add points. If he had not just harvested a large amount of experience from the players, he would have been powerless even if he thought about it.

But now if you want to seriously develop your power, you either don't do it or you have to do your best if you do it.

The development of a small town must have an initial core pillar industry, and steel is a very good business.

The Black Street side received the order, and he also had basic technology on hand.

Both external and internal conditions are met, and there is considerable room for future development using steel as a starting point.

The basis of all modern facilities is steel. With steel, it is possible to build your own space army.

As for parts forging, it is the basis for development.

Those who can smelt qualified steel can only become a businessman who provides "raw materials". Only those who can utilize steel can truly develop and become bigger and stronger.

one day……

Two days...

"Captain, we should go back."

You looked at the still-busy construction site in the distance, then looked at the time on her wrist, and reminded Bai E beside her.

The time for them to come out is not short. Although the military camp has a certain degree of time flexibility for the special team to perform tasks, the spring cannot be broken...

If the time is longer, it will not be so easy to fool him when he returns.

"I know." Bai E nodded and turned his gaze away from the land reclamation players who were pursuing various threats from remaining wild animals in the hidden corners of the town but also gradually fell to the end.

After the frenzy of the first two days, in the end the frequency of players coming to study has become much less frequent.

Not having so many monsters to provide experience is one factor, and having enough to learn is another factor.

Bai E did not provide them with all of his abilities. It was only equivalent to the first and second floors of the power store, which was not enough to make Kuang Xin and the others feel that their previous efforts were not worth it.

After seeing the development of the town get through the initial chaos, Bai E was able to relax.

Scanning the panel, the results of the past few days came into view——

[Combat Experience]: 27000

[General experience]: 7364

[Force]: Dawn Town:

Ministry of Infrastructure - Wang Wenbo: Construction quality +20%, construction speed +10%;

Logistics Department - Yafei: 95% satisfaction, -5% material consumption;

Production Department——Wang Wenyan: None.

The total experience gained is more than 50,000, and the officials of the three towns and cities have been set up.

Everyone is playing their due role, except Wang Wenyan, who is the director of the production department...

After all, even the steel plant itself has not been completely rebuilt, and his title as Minister of Production is not worthy of his name.

He has paid the most for his experience. Under his dedicated training, he has already learned level 2 basic steel smelting technology from himself, but he has no chance to practice it.

This opportunity... won't come too late.

Bai E stood up and watched the time limit he set for the players approaching.

He knew exactly when to leave, and had even announced it to the players in advance. It was just an interaction with the players, and there was no need to elaborate on it with Yuzu and others who were pure aborigines.




time up.

Bai E turned around decisively, and his light voice floated in the wind, "Let's go."

The player who finally gathered enough experience to learn the skill but could only see Bai E's back when running over from a distance was stunned in place, "Fuck! It's time!"

Time is up……

"We're leaving." Bai E looked at the group of people, including aborigines and players, who gathered around after receiving the news and said with a smile: "But don't worry, we will come back again. A short separation is just a process of life. , we will meet again. I will bring surprises to you then, but I also hope that you can accelerate your development during this period. I did not bring you out of Gray Iron City to let you muddle along day by day. , the times are destined to be completely changed in our hands. I hope that no one here will fall behind in this process. No one wants to live a mediocre life like a pile of mud. I don’t want to, I want to You don’t want to either. Goodbye, everyone!”

"When I see you again, I just hope that you are like candlelight, like a lamp, like the first morning light that lights up this world. When dawn comes, I hope it will be you and me joining hands."


‘It turns out that in the eyes of adults, we are all useful. ’

‘So the Lord thinks so highly of us? ’

‘So, we are not a bunch of trash that no one wants? ’

In the silent crowd, countless thoughts circulated.

Watching the two vehicles leave, the silent crowd remained silent for a long time, until the shadows of the two vehicles disappeared below the horizon.

"From today on, be a useful person to adults." Someone turned around with a firm look.

"I don't know what the world needs me to do, but I know what adults need me to do."

"Be a useful person to adults!"

["Lucky Blow" charge +50. 】

The vehicle shook and Bai E's body swayed freely.

Looking at the 50 points of skill recharging that had just been recorded, Bai E had a smile on his face.


Enough to use two lucky strikes on your own.

TM’s delicious paste machine! I'm finally here!

The first time he saw that thing, Bai E wanted to explode it.

It's just that the skill charging value has been quite tight before. Until he has enough self-protection ability, Bai E doesn't dare to spend the precious charging value on aspects that have nothing to do with combat effectiveness.

The recent battle with the Orc War BOSS allowed Bai E to fully understand his current strength position.

Perhaps it is still impossible to walk sideways on the entire planet, but in most frontal conflicts, unless you seek death yourself, it is difficult to find yourself in a desperate situation where it is difficult to struggle.

After solving the embarrassment in combat effectiveness, Bai E, who needs to start developing his power, also needs to make a certain investment in the development of his power.

One person may be able to do anything, but what is the most basic thing for a group of people?



Food is the most important thing for the people!

If you don’t even have enough to eat, how can you work? What to use for development?

Returning home is like an arrow, traveling with lightning speed.

Most of the day passed by in a flash, and the off-road vehicle slowly stopped on the school grounds.

The few people who got off the bus went their separate ways.

"I'm going to report on my work." You said first.

As a "veteran of two dynasties", she took the initiative to take on all clerical-like tasks in the team.

"I am going to eat."

Bai E turned into a rice pail and went straight to the canteen.

There are few people in the cafeteria. After all, they came back not for meals.

Looking around without anyone paying attention, Bai E quietly approached the blurring machine and a surge of spiritual energy surged in his hands.

The surging spiritual energy turns into a substantial impact, and the attack power is even more powerful under the critical hit increase of "Lucky Blow".

The simple paste machine didn't know the evil thoughts of human beings, and with a loud explosion, the whole thing collapsed and shattered.

The huge movement attracted the immediate reaction of a few figures in the canteen. They looked at Bai E, who was also "dumbfounded" standing next to the paper paste machine, and then looked at the fragments of the paper paste machine that were shattered on the ground. These figures Falling into deep contemplation——

What kind of meal-taking method can cause such a big reaction from the paste machine?

The alarm sounded, and the emergency response personnel in charge of the canteen in the military camp rushed to the scene immediately.

Looking at the fragments of the paste machine that seemed to have been torn apart by an explosion but could not find any gunpowder residue, the emergency responders also fell into deep contemplation——

How did those bastards in the logistics department turn a food-making machine into a "bomb"?

Although this world is not peaceful, is this technology too preventive?

"Are you okay?" Someone looked at Bai E looking up and down with concern.

"It's okay, it's okay." Bai E just shook his head as if in shock, and even turned concerned about the safety of the machine, "How is the machine?"

The young lady who cared about Bai E looked at the debris on the ground with regret, "If there are no accidents, this machine will probably be scrapped."

"……it's a pity."

"……it's a pity."

[Obtain dropped items: Delicious Gooey*250kg, 500 cooking experience points, Recipe: Delicious Gooey. 】

Got it!

A recipe that can provide sufficient nutrition is also a great piece of knowledge in this era.

Bai E, who looked calm, felt a little happy in his heart. Sure enough, the scrapping of a paper-gluing machine was not a big deal for the military camp, even if the scrapping of the paper-gluing machine was a bit spectacular.

After stepping aside and coming to the separate window, Bai E received his share of "Slogan No. 3".

Looking at the long pipe behind the window, Bai E's eyes felt a little regretful.

Slogan No. 3 is obviously not made on site, the window here is just a shipping channel.

Otherwise, the real big fish would be to blow up the No. 3 slogan making machine.

Putting the No. 3 slogan into his breast pocket, Bai E looked at the lucky shot with one trial opportunity left on the panel, and then turned his attention to another victim...

"Sir, I want to visit the food factory in the city."

That's right, even though what everyone eats on weekdays is synthetic "goo", the raw materials of the goo are still those original food raw materials.

In this era, such a harsh environment and such a large population in the city cannot allow people to harvest crops from limited land. Industrialized greenhouse cultivation is the only way out in this era.


[Get dropped items: native wheat*5000kg, 2000 points of industrialized basic planting experience, technology: industrialized basic planting. 】

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