Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 424 Transit Factory

Feeling the abundant information flow in the signal base station, the "virtual world" in the psychic storage space began to move uneasily as if it smelled a fishy shark.

After gaining Bai E's approval invisibly, the flow of information transformed from computing resources merged into the void above his head like a substance in front of his eyes.

Under the spiritual power of the "Sky Eye", things are invisible.

The long-hungry virtual world is sucking up the computing resources from the signal base station, so much so that the central control screen in the base station seems a bit laggy at this moment.

The independent small signal base station is not as good as the greatest masterpiece of mankind in the golden age, but fortunately the basic functions are still complete.

Many functions, except for Bai E, who has the highest authority, have not been able to discover or block even the omnics that have occupied this place for a long time.

A video was being played on the central control screen. The time was the day they breached the signal base station and then quickly escaped.

Heavy rain fell in front of the camera, and the small puddles on the ground reflected the moonlight in the sky.

The tremors of the earth made the camera shake, and the dark steel army slowly approached from a distance.

After receiving the news that the fortress here was attacked, the omnics sent troops again to recover, but what awaited them was only a silent base.

Fortunately, he left early at that time, and Bai E felt a little lucky after watching it.

At that time, it was no different than now. If so many omnics were to catch up with them, their team would be in trouble.

As my mind turned, my thoughts continued to move forward unconsciously along with the video.

After a complete search of the entire fortress base, the omnic army remained silent.

The number is much greater than what we saw this time...

There was even a colorful first-generation omnic in it. Bai E, who was slightly distracted, did not notice an obvious fact. Only the sound of rain in the video played tirelessly.

At a certain moment when Bai E didn't even pay special attention, another group of figures wearing black raincoats suddenly appeared within the surveillance range of the camera.

"Da da da da da da!"

The sound of the gunshot jolted the distracted Bai E back to his senses. When he saw the scene on the screen, he instantly narrowed his eyes.


Humans and omnics fighting?

The battle almost presented a one-sided advantage, and the new humans' combat power was extremely terrifying.

Occasionally, when the flesh body collides with the steel sword or even when it resists the bullets of omnics, the crisp sound of metal collision can be heard.

This familiar scene reminded Bai E of several Cyborg warriors from Gray Iron City, including Nova.

The fighting style of the black raincoat humans in the video is very similar to that of Nova's teammates. They are all facing each other head-on, regardless of their own fragile bodies... Maybe their bodies are not fragile after all. .

And after the black raincoats teamed up to fight off the first-generation omnic, they stood silently everywhere like a group of robots, with their eyes all focused in the same direction.

A tall figure even in these black raincoats strode in from the world outside the video angle.

"Find the number one!"

"where is the guy?"

"Where are the people! Where are the people! Find them for me!"

"Doctor, I've searched all over, but there really isn't..."


Is that the Doctor? !

Bai E's eyes narrowed as he looked at the man in the picture who couldn't see his face clearly but had an unusually tall figure.

Nova was right, the doctor would definitely find her.

The other party even directly located the signal base station where Nova last appeared.

"Pause." He silently recited the command in his mind, looking at the "doctor" who had frozen the moment on the screen, a dangerous cold light flashed in Bai E's pupils.

The other party... has roughly located its direction.

At the last moment of the video, the direction the doctor commanded his men in black raincoats to move forward... was exactly the direction of Blackwater City!

Has he already discovered it? Or is it just a guess?

The calmness over the past few days almost made Bai E think that Nova's crisis might have passed long ago, but now it seems that the danger is only brewing secretly.

But how long has it been since that incident? If the other party has already arrived in Blackwater City, why has he never heard anything about it?

This kind of hierarchical connection between cities should logically make a lot of noise, right?

Or... the other party actually sneaked in secretly?

Judging from the skills of those black raincoats, it is not difficult for them to break into pieces and integrate into Blackwater City.

The other party does not want to alert the official forces of Blackwater City, and at the same time, the other party has not fully confirmed his identity and Nova's whereabouts?


After returning home, Gilder must pay more attention to whether there are any suspicious people around.

Even if the opponent is very powerful, as long as he is a human being, there are traces of his life.

Everything in terms of food, clothing, housing and transportation cannot be escaped. It is impossible for the other party to carry endless supplies from Gray Iron City. Such a large population will definitely have a certain impact on the underground market of Blackwater City.

You can definitely find it! If the other party really comes to Blackwater City.

"What are you looking at?" Rose's voice suddenly sounded from behind.

"It's about Nova...the other party is chasing her." Bai E stepped aside, allowing Rose to see what she could see in the video.

Rose looked at it intently, her face also looking a little solemn.

The fighting style of those black raincoats in the picture brought a lot of pressure to her.

The level of each one is much better than the teammates Nova met at the beginning.

Pick anyone at random and let yourself go one-on-one. Rose can't guarantee that she can definitely win.

As for the number of those black raincoats...the monitoring screen showed a limited number, and the number was not known at all. It was only known that it was at least a few hundred.

If these people are all enemies...

"Don't think so much." Bai E patted Rose on the shoulder, "Let's go, it's time for us to set off."

Knowing the existence of the doctor only brought an expected enemy to the surface, and it had no impact on the actions they were about to carry out.

After about twenty minutes of "gobbling", the virtual world also responded with a belief similar to "I'm full."

It's time to go!

The off-road vehicle once again headed towards the unknown wilderness.

The end of the earth quietly fell on the horizon. Following the horizon of the end of the world, Bai E and others gradually saw an unusual black color.

The black engine oil was like covering the earth with a thick black quilt, and the sticky and greasy feel was clearly transmitted to Bai E's senses through the touch of the soles.

"We're almost there." Bai E, who got out of the car and looked into the distance, subconsciously squinted his eyes to try to see things further away.

In the distant place beyond sight, the dark factory was rumbling day and night.

So that low-frequency high-frequency vibrations are always affecting the ground under your feet.

Countless fresh "ruts" on the ground are converging on the same spot.

"Hide the car." Bai E patted the car door and motioned to Rose to find a place to hide, "I'll go take a look myself."

Omnics possess technologies inherited from the Golden Age. If mankind inherits the great cause of mankind from the Golden Age, then omnics inherit the various cutting-edge technologies of that era.

The technology for reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance is quite excellent. Perhaps due to the cost, it cannot be applied to every new omnic. But when you come to a place like this that looks like a large base at first glance, if it is not fully secured, there are unimaginable ways to monitor it. Here comes the visit from “outsiders”.

Only by going out alone and using Pan Sen's "eye of the sky" spiritual power can we slightly reduce the risk of early exposure.

"I know." Rose responded quietly without any objection.

After watching the off-road vehicle drive towards an apparently man-made but abandoned bunker, Bai E ran alone towards the omnic base camp in the distance.

Any monitoring method is essentially the interaction of information. The "eye of the sky" spiritual energy envelopes the body, and even the reflection of light must be approved by Bai E.

This powerful concealment ability gives Bai E strong confidence. The psychic energy from Pan Sen is really easy to use...

There was silence on the ground, even the comings and goings of several motorcades seemed silent and dead.

The rumbling tremors made by the steel factory when it starts working will only make a huge steel factory even more silent.

Omnics are such a cold existence. Low-level omnics do not have the so-called self-will. Even if high-level omnics have thoughts similar to humans, they will only be transmitted through the connection established by the mechanical force.

A...large transit mine?

Bai E, who had been secretly observing from various angles for a long time, finally concluded the role of this factory in the omnic community, which was slightly different from his previous speculation when the information was vague.

All the raw materials and ores collected by the so-called ore-stealing trucks were indeed transported to the factory, but at the same time Baie also saw many semi-finished products that were half-processed and semi-assembled and collectively transported to the factory by larger trucks. The other direction.

Not only is the human territory cut into pieces by various forces on the planet, but the omnic tribe is also unable to avoid this trouble.

In addition, the original computing power resources collected from the signal base station seemed to have also been initially processed in this factory. Bai E, who boldly approached one of the large transport fleets leaving the factory, felt that Among them, the more active computing power data.

A transit point...

The scale is quite large, but not despairing.

The scale of the internal guards is not yet clear, and whether there are any omnics is also unknown, seems to be consistent with the preparations I made before coming.

The omnic base Bai'er didn't dare to be too big, so he took four teammates and went up.

The touch that the first-generation omni-machine brought to Bai E last time was still vivid in his mind. Bai E, who was split into two, believed that even if he encountered such a weapon again now, he would still not be able to escape the fate of being split into two. .

Last time, there was only one first-generation omnic, and it was heavily restrained by Nova.

What about this time?

One or two can also try to see if they can sneak attack and create a duel opportunity. If there are too many first-generation omnics, they can only run away.

A transfer station of this size is not the core headquarters of omnics, so there should not be too many first-generation omnics stationed there, right?

You can really try it.

The previous ideas were just ideas. Only after the target information is initially ascertained can the ideas be implemented and have the possibility of real implementation.

Seeing Bai E suddenly appear in the consciousness not far away from the open space, the team members except Rose were obviously surprised.

"team leader!?"

Bai E waved his hand, "It's okay, it's me."

"Captain, when did you learn this ability to sneak?"

"It didn't take long." Bai E casually ignored it. His psychic ability was not disclosed even among his own team. You must know that many secrets in this world may be leaked even if one more person knows about them. It has nothing to do with each other. relationship or personal credibility.

"Captain is so awesome!" Zero's eyes were filled with admiration.

He is the person in charge of sniping and fire suppression in the team. Insight is his most advantageous attribute. However, a sniper who is good at insight only discovered when someone touched him that if he had been on the battlefield, he would have been dead.

Professionalism brings happiness, and he knows better than anyone else the horror of the captain's ability.

["Lucky Blow" charge +5. 】


"How's the observation going?" Rose took the initiative to help Bai E change the topic.

In her eyes, Bai E just walked back magnanimously, but combined with the surprise of other team members, she had the experience of an arbitration office and she roughly understood what happened.

It must be Bai E who used spiritual energy to hide his traces.

I don’t know how to use psychic powers, and I have to cooperate with him... tui!

Facing Rose's slightly disdainful eyes, Bai E's pupils revealed a hint of apology - 'Forgot~'

"A medium-sized transfer station." Bai E said the facts he observed with a calm face, successfully attracting everyone's attention.

"Transit station?"

"'s just a factory used by omnics to initially process raw materials, not their core hinterland."

Therefore, the guard power may be strong, but it will never be hopelessly strong.

"What are you going to do?"

Bai E glanced at his team members and asked softly: "Try?"

These thoughts all come from my own personal thinking and have nothing to do with the mission of the military camp.

Although these team members are his trusted confidants, Bai E has never ignored their personal thoughts.

"Listen to the captain." Shitou looked indifferent, as if he had never considered who his opponent was.

"I'll fight wherever the captain tells me to fight." The cold-looking handsome boy Ling was just looking at Bai E with a cute smile. Ever since Bai E was rescued from the mantis's blade arms during the recruit trial, At the moment of his death, under the righteousness of mankind, there was only the captain "Bai E".

"Click." You said nothing, and the two commonly used submachine guns were already loaded with bullets.

"No rush..." Bai E twitched the corner of his mouth slightly and pressed his hand, "I called some people and they are on the way. Wait for them and we will start taking action again."

It was while thinking about this issue on the way back that he forgot that he still had his "Sky Eye" activated.

If we can win, how can we get all the loot with our five-person team?

Moreover, omnics have always counterattacked quickly. If they wait until the factory is actually captured before attacking, the day lily will be gone.

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