Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 434 Desperate Madness

Thanks to the surge in physical energy, all the injuries sustained by bullets on the charge were quickly repaired in a flash of red light.

The player holding the shield actually rushed all the way to the side of the steel chariot.

When there was still some distance, the player stepped on a boulder on the side of the road and took off. His strong physical strength allowed his body to leap into the air and span a huge space.


The physical body hit the chariot, and the conical sharp spikes on the surface of the steel chariot instantly pierced the player's body with countless holes.

Gurgling blood gushes out, and blood foam drips from the corner of the mouth. However, the player does not feel pain. On the contrary, there is only a fascinating and crazy pleasure.

[You have suffered a lot of puncture damage and have fallen into "endangered" and "hemorrhaging" states. 】

[Health value -48! 】

[You are suffering bleeding damage, and your health is -3. 】

【...Hit value -3. 】

【...Hit value -3. 】

[You are on the verge of "serious injury and coma", please leave the battle as soon as possible! Please get out of the fight as soon as possible! 】

Numerous prompts sounded from the panel one after another, but they were all subconsciously ignored by the players at this moment.

It’s just a life in the game, give it if you want it.

Pleasure is the most important thing!


The safety latch popped open, and a string of grenades fell into the soft and fragile interior of the steel armored vehicle along the cracks.


Violent fire burst out inside the armored vehicle's compartment. The ammunition used by the omnic detonated in a chain of explosions, and even more spectacular flames exploded from the inside of the armored vehicle in an instant.

The seemingly indestructible armored facade was instantly disintegrated from the inside, and the spiked steel fragments flew everywhere, along with the body of the player hanging outside, which was torn apart and shot away in all directions.

We eliminated those light omni-machine basic combat units, just like human infantry-tank coordination tactics. Without the cover of infantry, heavy armor also has its fatal weaknesses.

The blooming fireball illuminated the ground at night. Gong Yan and others who were watching from a distance subconsciously covered their eyes with their hands. The orange light still illuminated the lower half of their faces.

The sweeping heat wave blew through everyone's hair, and the aborigines following Gong Yan remained silent.

There were soft murmurs between players further away.

"Is this the second time the old bear has died?"


"There are four more cars..."

"Whoever wants to go can go, but I won't go anyway."

Completing tasks is for experience, but what's the use of having experience when everyone is dead?

Behind Gong Yan, a dark shadow emerged from the inspired aborigines.

"Sir Shengyan, I have always been under your care. At this time when this territory is threatened, I think we should do something."

They were all ordinary people who were depressed in Gray Iron City, and it was only with adults that they found their second spring in life.

The adults gave them a second life, gave them dignity, and gave them a future.

They have to give something back.

"Be a useful person to adults!"

This is a sentence that is on the minds of almost all the indigenous people who were selected into the town's armed guard.

"Let's go."

Gong Yan waved her hand silently, her tone so calm that it was almost cold, "Go ahead."

Sacrifice is predictable.

But it is inevitable.

This world has always been cold and cruel, but the adults have always protected them very well.

They should also learn to face some cold facts on their own.

An arm was raised in the shadow, and the man's voice was firm and powerful, "Brothers! For the sake of your lord! Charge!"

So everyone used their human bodies to press against the four heavy armored vehicles that continued to march.

They know that their strength is not as good as those weird guys who are incompatible with this world, and they also know that the person who succeeded just now is considered strong and lucky even among those weird guys.

But if one is not enough, then there are ten; if ten is not enough, then there are hundreds.

Everyone swarmed forward and used their bodies to block all the bullets for the teammates behind them, but they could still tear off a piece of the target's flesh.

Simple and pure.

"Snap, snap, snap!"

The sound of bullets hitting various shields or flesh was endless, and the flesh torn apart by the bullet storm did not let out any screams before death.

A little uncontrollable groan is the last sound they left in this world.

Silent charge, silent death, only the deafening roar of machine guns.


The players who witnessed all this gradually fell silent.

Many players don't care much about any background story in the game. They only care about the benefits they can obtain to support themselves in showing off in front of other players or NPCs.

But when those background stories that they regarded as insignificant suddenly hit their faces, they didn't stop and took a moment to indulge in them.

"For the sake of this territory, they can abandon their lives like this..."

"Is faith in your heart more important than life?"

There is no answer after all.

No one will give an answer.



Fireworks went off one after another, and the corpses and minced meat on the ground gave off an unpleasant smell of burning.

Most of the 100 aboriginal warriors brought out by Gong Yan were injured, and the remaining 20 or 30 who were still standing were all injured.

"The next wave is coming soon!"

Before everyone could clear up the battlefield and regain their composure, the aboriginal scouts sent out to observe the follow-up situation quickly reported back with the information they observed.

It seems that the news that the first vanguard team encountered resistance was received through some unknown means. The second omnic vanguard team, which was originally far away from the town, suddenly accelerated its march, leaving almost no one behind. The injured town defense force had little time to breathe.

"What should I do?" Kuang Xin, who was next to Gong Yan, asked directly.

He only knows how to cut, and he doesn't provide any advice on anything other than cutting.

Sometimes just emptying your mind is actually a very comfortable experience.

"Withdraw! Withdraw the second front!"

There is nothing to hesitate about.

Perhaps fighting on the second front close to the town will cause a devastating blow to the town that has begun to take shape. However, just relying on the remaining combat power of these people who have experienced a wave of shocks and have not been well repaired, other Talk about a wave of stronger omnic vanguards, even if it is just another vanguard group of the same size, they will be completely wiped out.

While retreating, Gong Yan sent out men, "Go and ask everyone if they have made proper arrangements."

The town is actually quite large, and the area they are rebuilding is only a small part of it.

The defense line was built close to the current reconstruction area of ​​the town, and its original intention was to defend against threats such as wild beasts that accidentally strayed into the wild.

However, this is the disadvantage. Once a fight breaks out, any stray bullets will affect those newly established facilities.

Everyone's efforts in recent days are destined to be scrapped, but ensuring that personnel are not damaged in the aftermath is the best effort they can make.

If the town is completely lost before the help of adults arrives...then it will be over together.

"Yes! Lord Shengyan." The soldier was ordered to leave.

The remaining soldiers on the second front had completed all combat preparations before Gong Yan and others returned and were ready.

The second vanguard of omnics did not keep the town's garrison waiting for long.

"Buzz buzz~"

Coming almost close to the retreating buttocks of Gong Yan and others, the machine slowly drove in with a low roar.

Due to limitations in raw materials, low-level omnic units may not be able to use top-notch materials and use all cutting-edge technologies like the first-generation omnics.

But at least the creations of omnics are not like those junk machines in small towns that can wake up dogs within a ten-mile radius when activated.

"It looks bigger than the previous vanguard..."

"More than just big? It's much bigger!"

"It would be great if we could capture all those good things and turn them into something we can use!" Some players were filled with greed when they saw the heavy armored vehicles driving in from a distance.

"We've almost been bombarded here, why are we still trying to steal other people's equipment?"

"Hey~ Zhan Zhan, isn't it okay?"

They are players!

The possibilities for players are endless!

As some whispers disappeared in the wind, fireworks suddenly burst out on the ground entering the town.



Trench, mine.

These basic traps are one of the meanings of the existence of this front.

However, only the basic light combat units of the omnics were injured. The thick armored tanks were unscathed and drove out of the flames easily.

"Da da da da da!"

When they got close enough, the heavy machine guns deployed on the defense line also opened fire.

The strong recoil even required two or three people to control it at the same time, but they still couldn't control the endless rise of the machine gun muzzle.

Without supporting mechanical devices, humans with ordinary combat power would not even be able to use weapons with heavy firepower.

The "ding-ding-dong-dang" hit those heavy armors and splashed sparks, and even the light armors could tear one or two fragile bodies apart. The scene looked quite lively.

However, the omnic's counterattack came quite quickly.

"call out!"

The small rocket dragged orange flames forward and suddenly penetrated into the machine gun position.




Now that it starts firing, the omnic's firepower is no longer stingy.

The general distribution of the hostile creatures was determined through scanning, and the rocket cluster directly launched a round of bombing.

"Get in cover!"

The preparations for the battle line were quite complete. Facing the omnic vanguard with full firepower, Gong Yan only had time to give one final instruction before he had to dive under the iron plate under him under the threat of rockets.

"Boom boom boom!"

The explosions spread out in succession, and the blazing heat almost turned the bunker space where everyone was hiding into a scorching furnace.

"Hot, hot, hot!"

The next moment the explosion subsided, a soldier suddenly kicked open the steel plate of the hiding place, raised his weapon and charged towards the omnic vanguard.

Human flesh versus steel.

Infantry versus tanks.

High technology and primitive combat styles suddenly appear on the same battlefield, but this is "Galaxy OL"!

"Shishashaha!" A player looked at his palm being stuck to the red-hot steel plate and a burst of green smoke emitted, but his eyes showed hysterical madness and intoxication.

"It's cool! It's cool!" The palm and the iron plate were inseparable, which did not affect the player as he dragged the thick steel plate on the ground and rushed towards the array of omnics.

"Come on! Come on!"

"Tear me to pieces! Or let me! Tear you to pieces!"

[You have been praised by the God of Joy, your will is sublimated by extreme sensory stimulation, mystery +1, psychic power +10/10. 】


An unspeakable twisting sound resounded on the thick steel chariot, and the chunks of steel were quickly deformed in a tooth-aching sound as if being pinched by an invisible fist.

However, the toughness of the steel itself is undoubtedly competing with that mysterious force, and the slightly raised deck is undoubtedly not a devastating blow to the chariot.

But this is enough!

Under the armor lifted by the mysterious force is the soft and fragile core of the steel chariot.


Grenades from all over the place drew graceful arcs in the air, and some of them accurately fell into the huge gap that was torn open.

The next moment, the chariot shattered into pieces, and the aftermath of the chain explosion caused many soldiers who were already close to be swept up by the heat wave and took off instantly.

At the same time, a little further away from the chariot, a soft muffled sound was mixed in with the fierce explosions on the battlefield, hardly attracting the attention of others.


The player who was dragging the hot iron plate and sprinting stopped in the middle of the sprint. His body still maintained the bent posture of dragging the steel plate with one hand, but his head exploded under the unknown power.

Like a watermelon chopped into pieces by a punch, a piece here... a piece there...

"John!" The player who had been paying attention to his friend not far away roared, "I'm not dead yet! Why the hell did you die again!"

Looking at the headless corpse standing there, the player cursed angrily. He looked down at his stomach, which had a big hole opened——

Realistic organs flowed out like running water. The player, who could not feel any pain, wrapped his muddy hands together and stuffed them back casually. He found another roll of bandages and wrapped them more than a dozen times with his eyes closed. .

"Fucking afraid of a ball!"

Although the life points are passing by every moment, there is no time when encountering such a scene and not getting ahead.

No matter how many thoughts and personal plans you put in before the war, they will be overtaken by crazy fighting spirit on this fierce frontal battlefield.

The player who stood up again took the spear from John's hand and charged again towards the next nearest steel chariot.

"I am Gan Xun!"

[You have been praised by the eternal god. Your body has been sublimated in the desperate situation of dying, with physical energy +0.5 and health +50/50. 】

"call out!"

The spear was like a shooting star, flashing past in this night.

Just inserted into the barrel of a machine gun.


Jammed and exploded.


The countless black figures that crowded around the chariot took advantage of the chaos and swarmed up, overwhelming this terrifying machine that was baring its teeth and claws on the battlefield.

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