Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 444 Leaking Secrets

With the arrival of early morning, the guards were handed over in batches.

Seeing Xu Ruoguang standing in front of everyone with a silent expression, even these retired android veterans who were born in the military camp had to admire him from the bottom of their hearts.

Their artificial humans are already famous for not treating themselves as human beings, but the captain of the Black Street Guard is far better than this.

Ever since these veterans served under this captain, no matter day or night, the captain was always leading the team. None of them had ever seen this captain take a moment's rest.

Simply superhuman!

So when facing Xu Ruoguang's questions, he seemed a little embarrassed because of awe.

"Where are the four old Song people?"

"He...he's not feeling well today."

"...uncomfortable?" Xu Ruoguang frowned slightly, but his face that looked young and handsome was unexpectedly dignified.

These veterans are all retired from the battlefield and can be released from the military camp. They basically have extremely serious disabilities.

Even though almost all of these veterans have been replaced with mechanical prostheses, pain is still always with them.

Because minor pain caused by old injuries has already sharpened the nerves of these veterans, minor pain will even be directly filtered by them subconsciously.

And if the pain is enough to make them feel overwhelming... they probably won't be able to resist it alone in the camp.

Therefore, even after such a long time, these veterans still don't fully understand the underworld...or adults.

Privately, they still have access to resources that only they can control.

For example... prosthetics.

Money is one thing, but channels are another.

The current Black Street is quite wealthy due to several steel business transactions. Especially since a fleet of steel that was shipped back from outside just two days ago has just been traded, the Black Street's current wealth is quite considerable.

But it is still difficult for them to find relevant resources on their own.

Nowadays, the so-called excuse for being uncomfortable is probably to contact people from unknown channels in private.

'We must find an opportunity to deal with these guys...' Xu ​​Ruoguang's eyes flickered, he glanced at the row of veteran guards in front of him, and shouted, "Stand at attention!"


"Recently, the underworld has become a lot richer under your leadership, and the outside forces have become more aggressive in coveting us. I think you all know this. We are a unit, and your lord has also given me the responsibility for the security of the underworld. ...With you. If there is any problem on the underworld, the adults will not be happy. If the adults are unhappy, none of us can escape."

Xu Ruoguang's eyes slowly swept across the faces of each veteran, and his tone was cold and stern, "Don't be careless, adults will be angry, and I will be angry too. Remember, you have no chance to make mistakes!"


Even though they have been away from the military camp for a long time, the discipline of the veterans is still there.

The answers were all uniform.

After Xu Ruoguang turned around, several veterans looked at each other silently, communicating the meaning in their eyes.

‘What is this Song Laosi doing? The doctor hasn't contacted us recently? ’

'Who knows...'

‘Maybe he’s from the military camp, right? It's not like you can just cut it off. Just remind Song Laosi later. ’

As usual, the guards first patrol the edge of the dark street.

When the guards came to the direction of the black street closest to the wild, Xu Ruoguang raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard something.

There was movement in the distance.

"Quiet!" With an order, the guards stopped.

Xu Ruoguang closed his eyes and listened.

"Rumble, rumble..."

The image flashed by.

Xu Ruoguang opened his eyes, his eyes were like lightning.

‘A small convoy is coming? ’

The Black Street convoy came back two days ago, who will it be this time?

army? Or other forces in the city?

As the tattered motorcade appeared in Xu Ruoguang's eyes in the white light of the morning light, several familiar faces poked their heads out of the car windows.

Kuang Xin, the one with the loudest voice, took the lead, standing on the front of the car and waving his arms hard, "Hey! Xiaoguang! We are back!"

It's Kuang Xin and the others!

Xu Ruoguang felt happy.

After the motorcade slowly drove to a stop nearby, he asked aloud: "Why are you back? Didn't you go on a mission with the adults?"

"I can't do it until I come back..." Kuang Xin was the first to jump out of the car and turned around to open the doors for other vehicles.

Dai Lian jumped off the driver's seat, stretched on the spot, and explained with a smile: "The mission is completed, but the brothers are also disabled. Why don't you come back to the organization for help..."

Kuang Xin, who opened the car door, patted the metal car door with a smile and shouted, "Brothers, come down, we're home."

The Gray Iron City players who were missing arms and legs helped each other out of the dark carriage and walked out. Looking at the row of guard veterans waiting in front of them, they did not dare to make any noise for the first time.

For their players, missing arms and legs is not a big deal. As long as they don't die, they can explore new game content.

But a place with orderly order, like the Gray Iron City, makes them subconsciously feel a little scared.

It's not a fear of power, but a fear of boring game content under power.

"Is this our chassis?" A player approached Kuang Xin cautiously and asked.

"Of course... don't be afraid, we're home! This is our real territory." Kuang Xin looked at the rows of fields in the distance with a somewhat pleased smile.

Dawn Town is too far away from Blackwater City. Even if you call for help immediately, it will take at least more than an hour for the adults to drive a mecha to support them.

Only next to the military camp in Blackwater City can they truly feel the peace of mind under the protection of adults.

Looking at the lineup where almost all members were injured, Xu Ruoguang's eyes were full of surprise, "Gitui! What mission did you do? To make it so miserable?"

"Stop talking about it, we encountered the revenge of those small-minded intelligent machines. Fortunately, you are driving a mecha pilot to support us, otherwise we would be really doomed this time." After what happened, every surviving party had their own plans. As a qualification to talk about, he said easily, "Mecha! This is the first time I've seen a real mecha in this game! Damn! He's so handsome!"

"Mecha?" Xu Ruoguang's eyes narrowed slightly.

Last night, someone on the black street said they heard a huge noise in the direction of the military camp. It was said that a "giant" dozens of meters high flashed past.

Then there was an entire motorcade driving out of the military camp.

There was also a commotion in the military camp all night long, with dazzling laser lights illuminating half of the sky.

Such a big commotion couldn't have been caused by adults, right?

Hearing Xu Ruoguang's feedback, Gu Lan nodded thoughtfully, "Probably so. Anyway, the so-called commissioners in the military camp have been asking us for a long time. My lord seems to have gone out privately this time, and it will probably be a bit troublesome when we get back. But this is the first time we know your true identity in the military camp. I didn’t expect that in addition to the captain of the special forces, you are also the pilot of a mecha.”

He waved his hand indifferently and said, "Hey, stop talking, and quickly find a way to install prosthetics on them... These are the players who followed us from Gray Iron City to join the revolution. This time, the Revenge Army who resisted the omnics all did it. They are disabled, we can’t treat them badly.”

The identity of the adult in the military camp is not important. No matter what the identity of the adult is in the NPC world, in Gu Lan's eyes, the adult is their adult. Even if an adult with that kind of strength does not have a high status in the military camp, he is still a hidden dragon. Yuan, just deliberately hiding his edge.

Judging from the words and attitudes of the investigators in the military camp, it was an unimaginable miracle that my master alone drove a mecha and destroyed the entire omnic revenge army.

As long as those NPCs in the military camp are not stupid and my master has exposed his strength this time, he will probably only get more important job responsibilities after returning.

The adults have nothing to worry about, it’s them, the player brothers, who should be more concerned.

"Prosthetic limbs..." Xu Ruoguang hesitated.

I just thought of this, but I didn't expect that it would be involved now.

The channel for the prosthetic limbs is in the hands of these veterans behind them. Although on the surface they treat him respectfully, whenever their private "relationship" is mentioned, these veterans keep it secret, and each one is more silent than the other.

Seeing Xu Ruoguang's troubled face, Dai Lian asked curiously: "Is it difficult to do it? The underworld should be quite rich now, right?"

"The money is okay, but there are some things that cannot be accomplished with money..." Xu Ruoguang glanced at the guards veterans standing in a row behind him, then approached Dai Lian and whispered: "Let's not talk about this anymore, let them rest first. Regarding the prosthesis, I will talk to you privately later."

Dai Lian didn't waste any words and said, "Okay."

The convoy drove into the black street, and the scenery along the way fell into the eyes of every player in the car who came from Gray Iron City.

Although the buildings in the Black Street are old, most of the people there are ordinary people.

However, the cheerful vitality was indeed something they had never experienced in Gray Iron City.

Kuang Xin and the others are really lucky to be born in such an environment, and to have a boss who protects them so much...

When they came to a newly built slab floor area, Xu Ruoguang stretched out his hand to guide them, "This place was originally intended to give some people with poor living conditions a new environment, but when they come, let them repair it here first, and wait. We will find a way to equip them with prosthetic limbs."

As he spoke, Xu Ruoguang turned to look at the guards who had been following him, "You go on patrol first. I have to arrange various affairs for these new arrivals."

The leading vice-captain saluted and responded calmly, "Yes! Sir!"

Seeing the guards trotting away and facing the gazes of Kuang Xin and others, Xu Ruoguang smiled bitterly and shook his head, "These veterans have never surrendered to me wholeheartedly. They are the only ones who have the channels to install prostheses. If we are in a hurry to find them ourselves, , they will only be brutally slaughtered. Even if they are slaughtered, all the spare money in the underworld will be thrown away, and they will not be able to equip all these brothers with safe and useful prostheses. "

"What should we do?"

"We promised these brothers that we would definitely help them install prosthetic limbs that are more powerful and useful than their original bodies."

Xu Ruoguang smiled bitterly and shook his head, "Don't be impatient. We must catch them and make them contribute, otherwise they won't let go."

"Then do you have any idea?"

"It's hard to say..." Xu Ruoguang's eyes were weak and he looked into the distance, "Some of them still have disconnected relationships with the outside world. I don't know who they are for the time being. If there is any ready-made evidence, it's not impossible. Maybe force them to submit.”

Xu Ruoguang's eyes brightened as he said, "But it will be much easier when you are back. I used to be the only one, and I always had to lead the team in public. It was easy for them to avoid me. Now that you are back, I think it's up to you to follow up and investigate privately."

"Okay!" Kuang Xin said happily, as long as he had something to do, he was happy, "We will be your spies!"

After a whole day of work, the sun slowly sets over the distant mountains.

Everything in the black street at dusk seemed quite lazy, and the veteran guard, who was divided into three replacement groups, once again ushered in a handover.

The veterans who returned to the veterans' camp couldn't help but get angry when they saw a figure swaying on a rocking chair in the camp.

"Song Laosi! You are really good! What did you do today? Let us give that boy a scolding!"

"Reprimand?" The swaying rocking chair paused. The tall and thin veteran lying on it tilted his face, which was so thin that it was scary, but his eyes were as bright as two shining black gems. "He will no longer be qualified immediately." Teach us a lesson!"

"Scared!" The veterans didn't hear what Song Laosi said clearly, but were frightened by Song Laosi's now terrifying appearance, "Song Laosi, how did you become like this?"

"What have I become like?" Song Laosi, who was as dry and thin as the bark of an old tree, exaggeratedly tilted his neck to the right, the angle even reaching an incredible 90 degrees, "What has become of me?"

The faint-sounding tone and strange movements made several veterans who looked at Song Laosi feel a little hairy all over their bodies.

"Song Laosi, are you okay?"

"Something? What can happen to me?" Song Laosi raised the corners of his mouth in an exaggerated arc to both sides, hanging behind his ears inhumanly, "The one who is in trouble should be the owner of this underworld, the mysterious... ……grown ups."

"Sir? What's wrong with us adults?" A veteran asked curiously.

Regardless of whether they still retained some of their own little thoughts, they were all in awe of the mysterious man who completely changed the underworld.

Knowing that the other party was also from a military camp, they had always secretly planned to draw that adult into their final plan.

Song Laosi nodded slightly and said in a faint tone, "I... met with Ge Lan in the military camp today. Guess what he said to me?"

"What did you say?" A veteran answered subconsciously. He was suddenly startled and realized the logical relationship between Song Laosi's previous words. "You mean... it has something to do with our adults?" (End of Chapter)

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