Light weapons include various types of weapons. Swords, shorthands, axes, etc. all fall into this specialization category. The key lies in the quality and size of the weapon itself compared to the strength and size of the user.

[Absolute Mastery] is an in-depth study of a specific weapon, just like the sword skill that could be obtained from Yueying before, which can greatly increase the proficiency in using this kind of weapon.

As for [Enhanced* Magic Blade], it is an enhanced version of the original first-level skill [Magic Blade].

By killing specific creatures multiple times, your enchanted weapons can gain a permanent special attack bonus.

To put it simply, it means that you are allowed to rub the magic weapon with your hands.

Neither of them are leap-forward skills that can make people achieve rapid progress immediately. They are more like growth abilities. After enough "training", one can achieve a powerful ability in a certain aspect.

For creatures of heterogeneous size like the Zerg, the battle benefits that can be obtained by improving skills after reaching a certain level become very small.

No matter how powerful the technique is, it is just a matter of one blow when faced with the master's biological bone spur blade.

Instead, it was the [Enhanced Magic Blade] that could carry out special attacks against specific races. Bai E felt that it was more suitable for his current needs.

make a decision--

[Payment: Latent repair points*4, 10,000 combat experience points. 】

[Acquired Skills - Strengthen* Magic Blade. 】

[Enhanced* Magic Blade: From now on, if you have mastered the "Magic Blade", you can hunt specific targets when turning on the Magic Blade, so that the enchanted weapon in your hand can gain attack effects and special attack effects on specific targets. The intensity is increased depending on the number and level of hunting targets. Current hunting targets: None. Record template: None. Basic bonus: final attack power +10% (no consumption). 】

Enhanced* Magic Blade is an incidental enhancement to the Magic Blade, so there is no additional cost.

And even before getting any special attack bonus, learning to directly increase the attack power by 10% is still an extra multiplication at the end, which is very profitable.

The brand-new aura spread again with Bai E as the center, and extended to the alloy sword in the mecha's hand. The surface of the blade that had been attached with "high frequency cutting" once again shone with a layer of colorful aura, waiting for blood to record the enemy's information. , to obtain targeted special attack strikes.

‘Increase the intensity of special attacks based on the number and level of targets killed? ’

Bai E thought softly in his mind, staring at the three seemingly indestructible giant ape-shaped beasts with stern eyes.

The first target to activate the special attack effect is you!

The powerful psychic energy erupted again, and even Yueying, who was far away in the command vehicle, could keenly detect the burning psychic energy on the battlefield.

'Such a powerful cultivation...' Squinting his eyes slightly, Yueying, who was hiding under his hood, felt unspeakable horror in his heart.

Bai E's spiritual power was taught by her. No one knows Bai E's beginnings better than her. However, in just a short period of time, this powerful human being's spiritual power has soared to such a level that even the speed of his progress is... Among their elves, they are second to none.

["Lucky Blow" charge +3. 】

Bai E, who has roughly understood the opponent's certain characteristics, no longer holds anything back. In a melee with fewer enemies and more enemies, it is always the only truth to try his best to make the opponent reduce their numbers first.


The mecha buzzed, mechanical power surged, and the burning of spiritual energy was converted into mechanical power suitable for the mechanical structure and took effect after a short delay of 0.79 seconds.

Kill a hundred heads instantly!

The blue-white body changed direction and struck, and the sword in its hand almost blurred into an invisible shadow in the air.

The high attack speed bonus brought by the greatly enhanced light weapons made Bai E's shots like ghosts.

One sword falls, and a thousand swords follow.

Endless knife shadows traced the position where Bai E's knife struck, and struck down continuously, each knife faster than the last, and each knife deeper than the last.

However, this belated scene that can only be seen from a psychic perspective is only a "moment" in the real world. The powerful bone armor of the insect nest guard, who has never shown any weakness in the face of any attack, was attacked for the first time. Cut deeply into the insect's body.

Pulling it smoothly, a piece of flesh and blood was brought out.

[The basic Titan-class armed mecha you drive uses skillful weapon attacks to hit the target, and the "Specialty - Mechanical Rhythm" experience +3. 】

[Causes 500 points of slashing damage to the target! 】

[The bloodthirsty magic blade absorbs a little bit of the target's flesh and blood, and the special attack effect is being generated 2/1000. 】

Bai E, who drew his sword and walked away, turned around and struck out with his sword. While dodging the pursuit of three other giant beasts, he struck another guard in the back with his sword.

The bone armor on the backs of these giant beasts, whose main tone is crimson, is so thick that it appears dark in color. The powerful adamantine chitin bone armor makes them never afraid to face the enemy with their backs. However, when the enemy faces them head-on, they always They have to face a pair of giant hammers and a smaller diamond tearing claw on the side of the head.

Their past tactics were based on this. Even if the enemy relies on dexterity to stick to their backs, if they cannot break through the defense, they will lose if they attack for a long time. They are willing to use their backs as some kind of cover to suppress the enemy's movement. To ensure that their own siege will eventually take effect.

But now...

The blue and white phantoms that wander like ghosts can cause tons of damage to them with every blow. This past tactic no longer works.

Bai E also relied on the ability of these insect nest guards to block damage to the Overlord without any brains, and borrowed their bulky bodies to always avoid the Overlord's supreme blade.

No matter how powerful a weapon is, it is of no use as long as it cannot touch anyone.

Facing Bai E's wandering front, the four giant beasts restrained each other, and for a moment they were unable to do anything against Bai E.

There were only slashes that continuously tore out flesh and blood, gradually eating away at the lives of the three insect nest guards.

"How can a machine spirit do this?"

The elite pilot of the Mechanical Tribunal, who was lying on the ground with serious injuries, stared wide-eyed, feeling completely puzzled by the scene that happened before him.

"The organic soul means that you can do whatever you want." The pilot next door was greatly relieved, looking at the blue and white mecha that shuttled among the giant beasts. It looked simple due to repair marks, but unexpectedly gave people an indescribable sense of reliability. His eyes were filled with envy.

It is the superstition of almost every Mechanical Tribunal pilot to be able to give birth to a machine soul in the mecha he drives and communicate with it.

These high-level urban combat forces, born from the cutting-edge human technology, are all pursuing magical and unpredictable things.

"A gun with ten bullets can shoot twenty bullets. This is the machine soul! Do you understand the value of the machine soul?"


A flower of hope once again sprouted from the despairing command vehicle.

Looking at the blue-and-white mecha in the surveillance screen that single-handedly "surrounded" four giant beasts, Hamilton clapped his hands in relief, "My decision was indeed the right one."

If they hadn't brought Bai E with them, they would have packed up and prepared to run away.

"So what? Didn't you kill one at all?"

Not all eyes are focused on domination-related battlefields.

Important positions in the rear main battle organization, such as tank and chariot operators, wear psychic anti-stress helmets and can quickly wake up from the dominant spiritual realm. However, it is always the thousands of people who really fill in the line. Ordinary warrior.

Their ability to quickly break away from the influence of the master's spiritual realm determines the outcome of the front line.

Obviously, these ordinary soldiers cannot fulfill the deep expectations of their officers.

The sea of ​​low-level insects, no longer suppressed by the master, slowly advances forward like a surging carpet. The bloodthirsty insects will eat alive all the flesh and blood they encounter and swallow them into their stomachs.

The sound of chewing permeated the entire frontal front, and the occasional shelling and gunshots could only trigger an instant counterattack by large swaths of insects. The strongest bones of human beings were the biggest contributors to resisting the spread of the sea of ​​​​insects at this moment.

The master who had let go of his suppression had cold eyes. The repeated "reminders" obviously failed to make these humans learn their lesson. Perhaps only a complete destruction can make these humans truly realize the gap in strength!

As for the present... what kind of role can a human being with a slightly stronger individual ability play?

The Lord is immortal!

The strength of the opponent will only become an opportunity for their dominant creatures to evolve again. When they are defeated, it is also the beginning of plunder!

["Lucky Blow" charge +47. 】


The chaotic voice of unknown meaning sounded again in the deepest part of his heart, and Bai E felt the most primitive and hottest desire from it.

The main front behind him was completely defeated, and Bai E certainly saw it.

Now he just hates that he has no ability to take care of both sides at the same time.

From the moment the Overlord appeared, this battle had already descended into a pure race of life and death.

Let's see whether the human mecha beheads the master first on the high-end battlefield, or whether the insect swarm eats every living human warrior.

Without Bai E, both sides of the battlefield were defeated.

And even if Bai E joins the war, he can only hold on to one side.

Each cut can cause tons of damage to the Hive Guards. However, even if every cut hurts to the bone, the Hive Guards' 20,000 health points still keep them standing.

He can strike at the same position on the giant beast with every slash, but he cannot strike at the same giant beast with every slash.

Not to mention that each sword consumes 100 points of spiritual energy to instantly kill hundreds of heads. In addition, various continuous skills are continuously consumed. This crazy consumption is evenly distributed among the three guarding behemoths. E didn't know if he could really successfully cross the guard of the three guards before the spiritual energy he could quickly replenish was exhausted, and kill the Zerg master who really decided the victory of this battle.

The anxious mood turned into the fiercest fighting spirit. Bai E knew that he had to race against time and capture the four giant beasts in front of him as soon as possible in order to break the siege of the battlefield.

During a roll, while avoiding the impact of the Juggernaut, the mecha controlled by Bai E abandoned the shield in his left hand and picked up another undamaged alloy sword.

With the two knives in hand, increasingly hot spiritual energy surged out in an instant. The two magic blades were used at the same time to "kill a hundred heads instantly", and the spiritual light on the surface of the mecha showed a dazzling bright red.



The moment the sword was slashed out, Bai E suddenly seemed to feel that the entire real world was far away from him for a moment.

All sound images were instantly isolated. After a few breaths passed in his consciousness, these isolated sound images filled Bai E's consciousness again without any gaps.

Bai E, who reacted extremely quickly, instantly eliminated the discomfort of interruption of consciousness. The next moment, he discovered that the "temptation" of one of the four giant beasts towards him was extremely shocking.

He was focused on nothing but killing the only target.

The dense red light surged almost into reality in the cockpit, and countless phantom ghosts in the synchronously mapped high-dimensional space danced wildly beside the blazing ball of light.

They felt the breath of "war" from this aura of light reflected from the creatures in the "lower world".

There is no absolute respect for order in the high-dimensional world. These demons, born from the most extreme desires, will do anything to achieve the "power" they instinctively pursue.

Such a rich soul must taste delicious.

In the space illuminated by the light ball, countless demons gathered from all directions like sharks that smelled fishy smell in the sea.

Rose, who was originally seriously injured and lying not far from Bai E, looked weakly at the violently shaking transparent light curtain in front of her. She, who was originally seriously injured, only felt sick and nauseated in the endless rolling and tumbling.

However, at the moment when Bai E rushed towards the Lord crazily, Rose's eyes subconsciously looked at a place in the void.

A twisted tentacle-like biological limb suddenly grew out of the deck on the ground. Rose subconsciously reached out and pinched it. The twisted tentacle emitted an invisible howl and was instantly shattered.

Rose, who came back to her senses with a frown, looked at the palm of her hand curiously, but found no sign of anything else appearing in her hand.

It is like an invisible and qualityless "black hole" loyally guarding the edge of the huge ball of light. Any evil spirits who dare to invade will be instantly absorbed by this "black hole", just like soybeans crushed by a millstone, and eventually they will all be dissolved. Be a ray of high-dimensional composition origin in high-dimensional space.

In turn, it was absorbed by some strange suction force and merged into the gradually expanding ball of light.

[Your "Skill - Soul Black Hole" digests a ray of alien spiritual energy and converts it into your ability, spiritual energy +2/2. 】

[…Psychic energy +3/3. 】

[...Psychic power +5/5. 】

The support of twos and threes is like a stream flowing into the sea. However, Baie's progress in entering a special state is far more than that——

[Your will is burning fiercely, the spiritual energy is turbulent like never before, and the high-dimensional gaze is all shattered. You are the only God here! Psionics +100/100. 】


The arrogance of psychic energy surged again, and the magic coating on the two swords shone with amazing magic power.

[The bloodthirsty magic blade absorbs a large amount of the target's flesh and blood, and the special attack effect is being generated 100/1000. 】(Superimposed) (End of this chapter)

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