Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 473 Can Bai E do it?

Murphy held the sword in his hand and slashed at the Yunu rushing in front of him.

Being beyond the distance and unable to be blessed by the "Death Rattle", the Desire Slave only had the initial strength and was almost powerless to resist Murphy's knife.

"Hurry up!" Dai Lian called for everyone to follow quickly. Only Gong Yan, who was left behind, looked back at the auction hall where they escaped.

Kuang Xin is still among them, completely unaware of his condition.

The dark mist was like some kind of inherent barrier, stopping precisely at the boundary of the auction house door. The interior was mysterious and elusive, exuding an elusive aura.

Occasionally, some tentacles poked out from the rolling mist, but there was no trace of the ghostly figures hidden in it.

The feeling of being in the fog just now echoes in my heart, but that extremely real feeling always seems to be separated by a layer of something, like an itch that is just behind the wheel, making it difficult for people to truly integrate into it...


"Follow me quickly!" Murphy was clearing the way ahead, and when he saw the figure falling behind from the corner of his eye, he couldn't help but shout.

Since we want to save them, naturally no one can die!

When you save someone, have you ever abandoned one?

"Coming!" Gong Yan responded immediately and ran to catch up.

Everyone's physiques are now very comparable to others, and a platform several meters high is not a challenge to them.

Jumping instantly from the edge of the high-rise corridor, the floor beneath your feet was the lowest floor of this building.

The elevator has long been damaged, and there are many corpses and demon soldiers at the edge of the stair entrance. If you want to get to the first floor as quickly as possible, this big hole in front of you is the fastest and safest way.

Surrounding the big hole, Murphy and Kilolan looked a little amazed.

They had understood the construction technology of this castle, and thought that with their ability, they would never be able to shake any of the inherent walls in this building in a short period of time. The current ability to penetrate the floor between the two floors was hard to believe. accept.

"Is it him?" Murphy looked complicated.

His emotions made him want to believe that this was the work of the devil, but his reason told him that there was no one else who could do all this in this place except Lord Bai E!

Has your physical skills reached such a terrifying level?

But unfortunately, no matter how strong the physical skills are, they are still powerless when facing demons.

Master Bai E has no psychic talent. When he rescued them, he relied on the exorcism essential oil he got from nowhere and aroused the will of resistance in all of them to successfully fight off the evil spirit. Fear the devil.

Now, in the realm of demons, only he is the real savior!

‘This time, it’s me who will save you! ’

Glancing at Killolan who was following closely beside him, Murphy put aside his distracting thoughts, stretched his head out from the edge, and looked at the situation on the next floor through the big hole in the middle of the floor.

There are still a large number of lust slaves wandering around below, trying to find any human figure who can still provide them with some fun.

Without looking, Murphy used his backhand to chop off the arm of one of the slaves. Then he turned around and kicked the slave in the direction of other incoming slaves.

The desire slave who was kicked away knocked down several other desire slaves who were chasing him. Murphy's eyes quickly glanced around.

Looking at the companions who were forming a circle in front of him, he said: "I'll go down first to clear the way, and you guys should follow quickly! Don't be afraid, I will meet you below. Do you understand?"

Murphy's eyes fell on Wolf Scorpion, who looked the most mature and leader among the people he had just rescued, "Do you understand?"

Wolf Scorpion nodded blankly and said, "Understood."

It's just that she, who was born in an ordinary war gang in the city, has never seen such a battle before. Her own strength is almost useless when facing the devil. At this time, she can't do anything except running along. As long as she doesn't Adding trouble is the highest requirement she has for herself.

"Okay!" Murphy nodded and jumped down.

The group of people did not engage in any entanglement. They killed the lust slaves they encountered if they could, and drove them away if they couldn't. They ran to the first floor wholeheartedly to join the survivors.

Only the floors of ordinary lust slaves were unable to block Murphy's sword. When they landed on the second floor, a four-legged demon with a crab claw-like lower body blocked Murphy's sword for the first time.

Even if Murphy subconsciously increased his psychic output, the four scorpion-like claws still firmly clamped the sword that Murphy had chopped off, and his forward progress was blocked for the first time.



The sounds of falling to the ground came from behind. Murphy was a little impatient. He drew his sword with his backhand and burned his spiritual energy crazily.

Under the intense spiritual energy, the surface of the sword seemed to be covered with a layer of orange hot flames.

Murphy jumped up on the spot, his body leaping high, and when he slashed down again, the four tongs set up by the four-legged demon were like butter cut by a fire knife.


There was a burst of white air, and several pieces of the severed scorpion pincers fell weakly from the air.

Kilolan, who was following Murphy, activated his psychic energy and clapped his hand forward.

The palm that landed on Murphy's back came with an additional bonus provided by Kilolan. Murphy drew out his sword, turned around and struck again.

While chopping, the sword enlarged crazily. The four-legged demon, who was two or three times the size of an ordinary person, was struck on the side of the shoulder by the sword, and let out some kind of joyful and weird cry.

"There's one in the back too!"

"There's one on the left side too!"

Dai Lian and others who landed later discovered at a glance that several of the same demonic monsters that were entangled with Murphy were rushing towards other corners of the entire second floor hall.

The demon types on the second floor are obviously completely different from the demon types on the upper floors. They are two or three times taller than ordinary people and have four arms and four legs. They don't look like they are easy to mess with.

Moreover, this NPC, which is already very fierce in their eyes, cannot kill one of them quickly. How can they just stop beating them?

"I'll wrap it around it! You guys run forward!" Murphy kicked the four-legged demon back in the air, and rolled down from the air, looking extremely dexterous.

Apart from the one he was facing, there was only one other person left in front of the hole in the floor that led to the first floor.

Although this new demon is powerful, it is better to face one than to face more demons coming from behind and attacking from all directions.

Staying where you are and resisting is undoubtedly waiting for death. Only by quickly reaching the empty position and jumping to the first floor can there be some hope.

"Follow me!" Kilolan made a decisive decision. Even before Murphy spoke, he had already begun to take action, leading several people behind him past Murphy and rushing forward.

While walking, Kilolan stretched out his left hand and drew a circle on it with his right hand, and then a light blue ball of light formed instantly.

The ball of light was dazzling and exuded a slight chill.

When the four-legged demon blocking the road raised its four-armed scorpion pincer, Kilolan pushed hard with his left hand, and the ball of light above his palm was instantly pushed out and slammed into the demon's chest.

With a "crunching" sound, the frost armor spread from the point where the ball hit to other parts of its entire body.

However, as the four-legged demon shook, some of the frost instantly shattered, and the ice crystals fell into the air, turning into nothingness before they even hit the ground.

The impact brought by the magic ball failed to delay the four-legged demon for more time. Dai Lian and others who followed behind also knew that they could not sit still and wait for death.

Gu Lan took out his small psychic pistol from the root of his thigh, and Dai Lian bent his bow and drew an arrow. The psychic energy burned crazily in his body to drive his skills.

A powerful strike is the strongest attack he can perform.

Gong Yan followed closely, mobilizing spiritual energy to apply to Dai Lian's arrows.

With the familiarity of working with each other and the development of psychic abilities, abilities similar to combined attacks can occasionally show their power.

"call out!"

The violent wind that tore everything apart followed the arrow and swept in. Seeing a hole as big as a bowl on his chest, the four-legged demon's scarlet eyes immediately stared at Dai Lian who had delivered the blow.

A weird smile appeared on the face that was neither male nor female but had some similar human features. Then the demon opened its four crab-like thighs and attacked Dai Lian crazily like a chariot.

"call out!"

A ray of light and shadow flashed by, and the strong wind it brought up picked up everyone's clothes.

Murphy, who stepped on the corpse of the four-legged demon at the beginning, still held a long bow of light in his hand, but the bow was empty.

Obviously, the arrow of light just now was shot by him.

The four-legged demon blocking the road had a bowl-sized hole in the center of its forehead, and its entire body was stiff and motionless.

After standing still for a moment, he suddenly fell down in the direction behind him, and the floor shook.

"Let's go!" Murphy looked grim, showing no joy.

When these two four-legged demons died, he could clearly feel the remaining demon's aura surge instantly.

The "deathrattle" characteristic possessed by ordinary lust slaves is naturally not lacking in such high-level demons.

And because of class reasons, the bonuses this high-level demon can bring to his companions will only be more terrifying!

"Understood!" Kilolan took the lead. When Murphy finally cut off the rear, there was no doubt that she was the only one who could take the lead.

Murphy, who fell at the end, opened the long bow of light again and glanced at Dai Lian's side face while looking back at the other demons behind him.

There was something weird in his eyes.

These seemingly incompetent guys can actually possess this level of stunts.

The inspiring flag and this otherworldly arrow…

Both he and Kilolan were able to analyze everything about the abilities used by these people the moment they took action, but they didn't expect that the abilities used by these guys were surprisingly useful.

If they hadn't temporarily learned these two techniques for using psychic powers, their profession might not have been so easy.

"call out!"

Another arrow...

Another arrow...

Another arrow...

Under the three arrows, another four-legged demon that had been pursued after being strengthened by two layers of "deathrattle" fell crashing down.

"Murphy! Come on!"


The corpse fell as if to welcome the new king of this place.

Holding the Longbow of Light, Murphy feels that his goal of becoming the savior of this place is one step closer!

Apart from consuming a little too much spiritual energy, he felt that his condition had never been better.

I'm afraid even their teacher wouldn't be able to kill a demon of this level as quickly as he could, right?

Sir, can you still do it?

Several figures fell one after another. The moment they landed, Murphy held the long bow of light and looked around vigilantly to guard against possible demonic attacks.

However, after a quick glance, no tall figure came towards him.

On the contrary, a flying black shadow in the distance quickly enlarged in front of the eyes. The moment before it hit everyone, Kilolan controlled it with spiritual energy and slowly lowered it——

A freshly baked corpse of a four-legged demon.

The dead four-legged demon looked extremely peaceful, and the scars that almost tore the entire body almost split it into two.

Murphy took a breath after seeing the scene on the first floor clearly.

corpse... corpse...

It was all corpses.

A large number of corpses of four-legged demons were displayed throughout the huge hall on the first floor like rubbish.

The edges of the corpses of some four-legged demons have begun to dissipate. It is obvious that the essence of their high-dimensional space is being recycled, thereby brewing new and even more advanced demons.

Five...ten...or twenty or thirty?


Murphy swallowed subconsciously, looking for the strong man who accomplished all these feats.

Although he had already had speculations in his mind, he was completely unwilling to accept such speculations.

However, outside of the trembling crowd huddled in the corner, there was only a figure holding a sword standing in the center of the hall in front of the arch...

Bai E.

"They've joined together!"

Without the obstruction of those demon bodies, through the arch with a wide field of view, the outside world can clearly see most of the events that happened in the hall on the first floor of the castle.

When they saw the rumored military war god using an ordinary noble-decorated long sword to kill a steady stream of elite-level demons, and Murphy and Kilolan, who had been missing, also came to the first floor, outside Everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Their eyes were focused on the figure holding the sword, and all the observers had only deep awe in their eyes.

"Even the child of desire can be killed like a dog. What is the origin of this person?"

"I heard that his name is Bai E, and he is the military god of war who has been very popular recently."

"Isn't he a master at piloting mechas? Why is he also an expert in demons?"

‘Not an expert. ’ Aglaiya’s eyes flashed and she thought softly in her heart.

This Bai E is by no means an expert in facing demons, and even seemed particularly unfamiliar at the beginning!

With the terrifying dominance he displayed when he faced the Son of Desire in the end, his performance when he first faced those slaves of desire would never be that unbearable.

He only broke through himself in the battle with demons and quickly made adjustments to his psychic characteristics. Only then did he show completely different terrifying combat abilities in a short period of time.

A natural warrior who can quickly gain experience in battle!

No wonder he, who was just an ordinary android, could rise up in the military camp at such a speed that astonished everyone, so much so that even she had to look at him with admiration.


'Next, it depends on the choice of Murphy and Killoran...'

The threat in front of them has been eliminated for a short time. Kilolan and Murphy, who have the ability to break through boundaries, may not be able to come in and out unscrupulously. They may only be able to carry one person with them and must make a choice. Before they enter, they and their teachers The only advice is——

Bring out Wesling.

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