Kilolan took out a carving knife created by psychic energy from nowhere. When the tip of the knife containing psychic energy penetrated the wall for the first time, some invisible impact instantly hit Kilolan's body.

The initial impact was quite slight. After a subtle tremor in his body, Kilolan continued to look serious, holding the carving knife tightly with his little hand and pinching it a little.

Bai E stood not far away, his "eye of the sky" spiritual energy covering everything within the range.

Everything can be seen within the eyes of heaven.

However, the knowledge content obtained through insight also needs to be limited by the psychic master's own knowledge and understanding.

If everything could be analyzed and learned, then the psyker Pan Sen, the original owner of the "Celestial Eye", would have long since become an omniscient and omnipotent god.

At the moment, the great formation portrayed by Kilolan is also beyond Bai E's basic understanding.

He could only "see" lines containing some strange rules being slowly outlined under the influence of spiritual energy, as if they were carved directly into the void, separated from the physical walls of the castle, and directly in his dark mind. A bright thread swam like a snake lit up the world.

You can also "see" the backlash from the "wall" infiltrating into her body bit by bit through Kilolan's characterization.

And as the scale of the engraving grew larger, the backlash accumulated deeper and deeper in Kilolan's body.

But it has nothing to do with others. Only Kilolan can face this level.

Bai E didn't know how long Guilloran could hold on. He only knew one thing -

Relying on the spiritual power of the "eye of the sky" obviously cannot help you complete cheating on-site learning, and you can't play a little without cheating.

[You are watching the target professional's formation demonstration, if you have some insights...]

[Teaching: Feeling the opponent's professional skills and abilities, you are determined to pay a certain price (combat experience/general experience) to learn the corresponding abilities. Note: The skills displayed by the target are too high-end, and you need to pay more to accelerate your understanding of this ability. 】

Add, add, add!

It's just experience. The previous inventory still had more than 20,000 points, and from the fighting just now, another 3,000 points of combat experience were recorded.

As long as you can master new abilities, experience is there for it!

[You are paying combat experience to understand and memorize the magic circle drawn by the target...]

[The target successfully completes the node, and the node record is +1. 】

"Ding~" As the first node was completed, a soft moan suddenly sounded in the spiritual senses. In the dark spiritual world, at the end of the wandering bright line, a bright star with focus suddenly lit up.

Bai E, who was always observing, immediately discovered the sudden change with his "eyes from the sky"——

A thicker black aura started from where the carving knife in Kilolan's hand had carved it, followed the carving knife all the way back to the source, and suddenly rushed into Kilolan's body.

The impact was continuous, but Kilolan, who was holding a carving knife, could not escape even half an inch.

Once you relax, all your previous efforts are in vain.

Facing the strange impact, Kilolan's face turned pale and he groaned involuntarily.

However, the carving knife in his hand never stopped, always moving forward.

"No! She can't hold it!"

The outside instructor, who could see some action in the distance through the wide arch, spoke urgently.

Carving an exorcism array on the entire castle is equivalent to filtering the ultimate desire to corrupt the entire castle through one's own will.

It’s hard to imagine what kind of determination it takes to accomplish this unimaginable feat.

As long as you always maintain inner clarity under the fierce confrontation, it is indeed a rare test of your own will and spiritual power, and your strength will naturally increase.

However, Kilolan has only been in the second level of psychic power for a short time. Is it really expected that she will be promoted to the third level in the confrontation with those desires?

"Why don't we invite the holy weapon to come out?"

The Arbitration Institute could accept the loss of one Wesling, which would just be facing the wrath of the city lord.

But they couldn't accept the loss of two future city pillars. Even if they ignored the city's foundation and invited the holy weapon to risk it, it was still worth it.

Aglaia's eyes were fixed on the two children inside and the steady figure holding a sword. Her intuition told her that the people inside would not be so desperate.

Through the strange behavior shown by both parties after receiving Weslin just now, Aglaia knew that the ruthlessness shown by the two children in front of her was all disguise.

They have never forgotten who brought them out of that nest of fear, and they have never abandoned the bond with Bai E.

These two children did not ask to go in out of the idea of ​​training themselves or rescuing Weslin for arbitration.

They went just for Bai E!

Looking at everything Bai E did on the way to his rise, we can see that this android warrior is not a foolhardy man!

What is he planning? !

"Just wait, maybe something will turn around..." Aglaiya frowned and suppressed the uneasiness in her heart.

Endless sounds swirled in my ears, and dazzling lights and shadows surrounded my eyes.

The most dissolute, indulgent, enjoyable, and exciting pictures, sounds, and even feelings in the world are corroding Kilolan's body all the time.

In a trance, Kiloland even seemed to be able to see himself as an adult in his fantasy, doing some indescribable things with some knowledge that he had occasionally learned.

The charming pleasure stimulated her whole body, almost making her moan.

The figure in front of me is so fascinating. The familiar face seems to be so close that you can reach out and touch it.

When his eyes were blurred and confused, a cold sun rose far away in the distance of his sight, its endless brilliance shining on every people who believed in it.

It also made Kilolan's consciousness clear for an instant.

The spiritual energy that grew out of thin air was like a sudden spring of clear water. With clear eyes, the carving knife in his hand suddenly moved forward again, accompanied by the steady infusion of spiritual energy...

[You are paying combat experience to understand and memorize the magic circle drawn by the target...]

[The target successfully completes the node, and the node record is +1. 】

[...Node record +1. 】

Probably after getting over the initial discomfort, the pale-faced Kilolan was in surprisingly good condition for a while.

Describing flowing clouds and flowing water, the speed is only faster than at the beginning.

However, this fallen castle will not leave them endless time.

The black aura visible in the psychic senses set off a violent wind in the consciousness, and a thousand-handed monster covered with various weird organs slowly appeared in front of all the survivors in the castle.

Seeing the sudden appearance of the monster, Arnold's face turned pale and he exclaimed, "Big devil!"

The instructor's eyes were dark and his tone was dead, "...Thousands of people have thousands of faces."

Every big demon is the absolute main combat force among the demons of a faction.

No one knows how many demons there are in high-dimensional space.

In addition to the supreme masters of the four major factions, there may be many original demons from other factions who have abilities that are not inferior to those of the four pillars.

Under the four pillars, the few demon princes, or the chosen sons of gods who ascended to demons from among humans, are the best after the pillars.

Next, there is the level of big demons, which are the highest-level high-dimensional demons that humans can usually come into contact with. They are also the main manifestation of combat power in the demon camp.

Unless humans go deep into high-dimensional space, higher-level demons will probably never be seen in this world.

There are quite a few demons in this group, and the powerful ones among them can even compete with some demon princes, while the weak ones... are not much weaker.

Thousands of people and thousands of faces are none other than the Arbitration Institute...or rather, a desire-based demon that the Arbitration Institute encountered before the empire was completely split.

In that battle, thousands of second-level psykers were almost killed and injured. However, the final result was just to smash the body of the great demon in the real world, and then return to the high-dimensional space to wait for the long " resurrection".

I didn't expect that now... this kind of opportunity would show up in this fallen castle.

Almost all demons who come to the real world are suppressed by the laws of the real world, so that their original strength cannot be fully exerted. But now, even if the strength of the big demon in the sandwich between the two worlds is not as strong as that in the heyday of the high-dimensional space, , I’m afraid it’s not comparable to the great demon that first came to the real world.

"This is really troublesome!"

"If I want to leave... I probably won't be able to leave!"

"Quickly go get the holy weapon!" The instructor's eyes were cold and stern.

"Sacred weapons can't be moved just as you want..." Aglaia narrowed her eyes slightly, "You have to apply for the Elder Council."

"Then apply!"

However, Eglaia, who looked at the movement inside the castle, said calmly, "You might as well... take a look again."

When the big demon comes, those with low-level abilities should be killed instantly.

However, let alone low-level ability users, the survivors without psychic powers were standing there as if they were not affected in any way.

Apart from the obvious confusion, Aglaia didn't notice anything strange about them.

In fact, she had already noticed something was wrong from the beginning.

When they first faced the desire slaves, the other survivors except Bai E had already shown that they were struggling.

With the "deathrattles" layered one over the other, the effectiveness of the "slowness halo" is maximized.

However, after the arrival of the four-legged demon "Children of Desire" who inherited the "Deathrattle" ability, the performance of those survivors became much lighter.

Desire slaves have many abilities, but why can those survivors suddenly ignore the existence of the "slowness halo"?

The answer may lie in Bai E, the military god of war who has created endless miracles!

The long sword in his hand exudes a cold glow, and waves ripple out in circles. No one can notice it except Bai E himself.

In addition to gaining enough proficiency in "Absolute Mastery" to successfully form his own style - "Flow", his sword, fed by the essence of each demon, finally successfully unlocked the solidification magic of special attacks against demons. blade.

[Noble Sword (Magic Blade): As a blade blessed by radiance, this decorative noble sword has completely completed the transformation of its mission. From now on, it has permanently possessed the attribute of eternal brilliance. Blessing - exorcism, flow, +30% attack power against "Desire" demons, all members under the leadership will ignore the influence of the "Desire" law, unless actively "touched" or the sword holder falls first. You can name this sword, and only those who have your permission and chant its true name can use it to exert its full power. 】

[Your skill - Enhanced* Magic Blade has successfully recorded a brand new racial special attack attribute: +30% attack power against "Desire System" demons. All members under the leadership will ignore the influence of the "Desire System" law. Unless you take the initiative to "touch" or the sword holder falls down first. From now on, when you use any enchanted weapon, you can add these special attack attributes to the weapon you are holding. But if you want to continue to improve the effect of special attack attributes, you must use the "original blade" that initially completed the jump. The current progress of the second-level special attack effect is: 2300/3000]

Rhythmic Blade!

This is the new name of the noble sword.

Before Bai E falls, all warriors who believe in him will not be bewitched and dominated by the demon of desire.

Not even the newly arrived demon!

The long sword in Bai E's hand shook, and he immediately took the initiative to attack.

The eyes on the spire-like body of the great demon immediately stared at the charging human warrior.


With an angry shout, the illusion was shattered.

Under the flow of the heart, the world is only carried out by Bai E's will.

Realizing that the illusion was useless, the big demon instantly changed his fighting style and filled the entire first floor of the castle with a large phantom that looked just like the real thing.

Countless arms waved on each illusory and real body, and the sharp black aura hit Bai E quickly or slowly.

Suddenly, the entire first floor of the castle seemed to be filled with dense black evil energy.

The color is a bone scraper.

A knife cuts people's hearts.

The shadows of the Baie sword are chaotic, and the evil spirit is difficult to get close to.

However, simply being beaten passively is not an option.

A sword cut through a curtain of light, and Bai E instantly reached out and pulled out a bow and arrow from the void.

Flying upside down in mid-air, he bent his bow and set an arrow. Seven cold arrows shone with an icy cold light on the bow body at the same time.

The next moment, endless spiritual energy gathered in the hand, and the spiritual energy exploded at the tip of the arrow, turning into real power.

Living in the interlayer between these two realms, not only is the devil's power reflected in its original form, but his spiritual energy is also more active than ever before.

Kill a hundred heads instantly!

The seven arrows scattered like a swimming dragon, and the shadows of more arrows followed closely and sprang out together.

An arrow shot out is like an army of thousands of horses.

The endless arrows showed an arc-shaped trajectory, piercing the bodies of several big demons one after another.

It has to be said that the demon's strength is particularly terrifying, and every body he transforms into has a physical body like his real body.

But when it takes a blow, its performance is far inferior to what the body can withstand.

[Your attack successfully hit the target, causing 100 points of penetrating damage to the target. 】

[Your attack successfully hit the target, causing 100 points of penetrating damage to the target. 】

[Your attack successfully hit the target, causing 20 points of penetrating damage to the target. 】

Among the densely packed damage figures, the smallest feedback clearly allowed Bai E to lock the target. (End of chapter)

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