[You are paying combat experience to understand and memorize the magic circle carved by the target...]

[The target successfully completes the node, and the node record is +1. 】

[The collection nodes have reached 50%. You can pay 10,000 combat experience points to perform your own deduction, or you can choose to continue to watch other people's demonstrations. 】

Of course, the experience cost of observing and learning is much less than paying directly, but now is the time of life and death, and Bai E has no time to save that experience.

Direct payments!

[You have mastered all the key nodes of the exorcism array. From now on, you can set up the "exorcism array" anytime and anywhere, and depending on the situation, you can activate the magic circle and use it after injecting enough spiritual energy. Potency. 】

"Kirolan, that's enough."

Bai E, who slashed away a black evil aura with one sword, said suddenly.

I don’t know what level the demon in front of me belongs to, and when I am in their home field, the power of the demon seems to be endless.

Although I have been causing damage to it, I can never see how long the final health bar is.

It was as if what was always in front of him was just a shadow of nothingness, even the so-called "real body" was the same.

The idea of ​​​​solving everything with war is not absolutely useful when facing high-dimensional demons. Only by using corresponding means can the original demons born from these world ripples be purified.

Right now, the "Exorcism Array" is his only choice.

Kilolan's body shook when he heard Bai E's voice, and he suddenly looked in Bai E's direction.

A weak voice replied stubbornly: "I can still persist!"

Bai E cut through the shackles of a piece of flesh and blood rattan with a sword and came to the front of the two little ones.

"Trust me, you've done everything I needed you to do."

Facing Bai E's calm and confident eyes, Kilolan pursed his lips and slowly relaxed the carving knife in his hand.

As the carving knife fell to the ground, her body seemed to have lost all support.

Bai E immediately caught the girl's body from behind, and a ball of warm spiritual energy passed through the palm of his hand pressed on the vest, soothing his turbulent will.

Under the nourishment of Bai E's spiritual energy, Kilolan slowly opened his eyes, and his childish-looking face was full of heart-wrenching determination.


She also knew that with her current ability, it was still too much to lay down an exorcism array covering the entire fortress.

What I said just now was just harsh words.

Master Bai E may have also seen that his energy was exhausted, so he was relieved to give up.

Right now... Your Excellency is probably going to give up on this place, right?

Let an adult make such a decision that goes against his character...

"It's okay, leave the rest to me." Bai E smiled softly at her, turned to Murphy and shouted: "Murphy, protect Kilolan."

"I know!" Murphy was a little excited and a little complaining when he heard that Bai'e was willing to let him take Kilolan first.

If you know you can't accomplish something, you shouldn't take risks. You have to wait until everyone is in a bad state before you think about running. What if something unexpected happens again and you can't run?

A fallen castle, fall into high-dimensional space.

According to his initial thoughts, as long as he and Bai E left, wouldn't everything be fine?

As for whether the city lord will be held accountable for the death of his son... that will be discussed later.

According to the potential shown by the three of them, the city will not touch them.

As long as you can live, anything is possible.

What is more important than living?

As for other survivors who might still be alive in this castle?

Is it important? What does it have to do with them?

'This decision is long overdue. ’


Bai E took the lead and drove away the demons with his sword.

After Bai E exited the state of "fanatical emergence", the spire-shaped monster once again split into endless clones.

The screen was filled with attacks, and only the sword light dancing into a ball of light could protect his surroundings.

The outside psychics who saw this change through the gap were a little excited.

"He finally got it!"

"That's right! Those who can't be beaten should have run away long ago."

"It's good if you can escape. If Weslin dies, he will die. Don't let anything happen to these two."

People always compromise.

When everyone has the possibility of falling, the death of a Weslin does not seem unacceptable.

"No! He doesn't seem to be giving up on Weslin."

Everyone's eyes widened when they saw what happened inside the castle.

Bai E, who broke out of the demon siege, took back Weislin from the hands of Dai Lian and others. After a break, he threw Weislin to Murphy, "Take him away!"

"Sir?" Murphy was stunned and looked at Bai E, his eyes full of astonishment.

The adult's intention is obvious, give up on yourself and let them leave with Weslin.

Although Murphy finds it difficult to accept Killoran's attitude of always treating adults as more important than his own life, if he really wants to separate from adults forever...

So unwilling and unwilling to give up.

"You come with us!" Murphy held Weslin's limp body with one hand, looking at Bai E's figure and trying to win over the Lord, "The city lord won't do anything to us!"

"My lord..." Kilolan was unable to say much, so he just called softly.

She knew that it would be difficult for others to change even the slightest bit of things decided by an adult's character.


Bai E held the sword, and behind him were endless tentacles of flesh and blood extending towards him.

On his face, there was still only the same confident and calm smile as before, "It's just a little difficult situation, I will lead them out. Weslin is not in the right state, you take him and leave first. I promise you, Will be back!"

The psyker who is good at lip reading completely reproduced every word Bai E said to the two children.

Coupled with Bai E's actions, this fact was clearly displayed in front of everyone's eyes.

"He won't leave?!"

"In the end, Weslin was brought out?"

For a time, everyone had mixed feelings in their hearts.

It would be fine if Bai E had died upright from the beginning, then there would naturally be no dispute over his choice between him and Weslin.

But it happened that the God of War of the military region was not only the backbone of their military region, but also showed unimaginable terrifying strength even on the battlefield against demons.

It also made all of them feel a little entangled that they shouldn't have originally.

But right now...

This military god of war who showed his strength and charm still chose to devote his life to Weslin at this last moment...

The two little ones can only take away one person, and if they take away Weslin, the remaining people can only die inside.

There was even no chance of a comeback.

It can only be said that the artificial human's thought stamp is so terrifying.

"Didn't he say he had a way?" Some executives were confused.

Seeing the scenes of Bai E fighting the demon inside, this executive who immersed himself both physically and mentally in the cause of fighting the demon gained faith for the first time.

Believers are capable of anything!

"What can he do?" The more senior executive smiled helplessly, with a sad smile.


A blinding white light flashed through the twisted barrier.

Murphy, who took the lead with the knife, struggled to crawl out of the gap, and Kilolan, who was providing assistance behind him, also staggered out.

Weslin's limp body fell to the ground, and a group of arbitration office executives who noticed the movement rushed to take care of him.

Murphy's sword plunged into the ground in front of him, his face full of reluctance.

If Lord Baie dies like this, then he will never be able to surpass the image of an adult in Kilolan's heart for the rest of his life!

The last trace of Kilolan's strength was drained out, and returning to the living world from that spiritually active mezzanine caused the gossamer-like spiritual energy in her body to lose its last bit of support.

Lying on the ground, she looked desperately at the parallel ground, which was filled with cold silence.

"Hurry, save people! Save people!"

Vague tentacles can be seen tumbling around on Weslin's body, which is a typical sign of being infected by a demon.

If it is not dealt with in time, the son of the city lord who was brought back to the world with difficulty will still be treated as a fallen devil.

Amid the chaos, only Aglaia's calm eyes were left staring at everything in the castle.

After seeing the only possible savior sent by the Arbitration actually leave, even the survivors inside who had been protected were completely desperate.

However, the leader who made all the decisions did not seem to give up resistance because of this.

Bai E, who was chased by endless tentacles of flesh and blood and black evil energy, did not launch an attack on the demon itself as before.

In the long process of fighting against the demon, he should also know what the characteristics of this big demon are.

Thousands of people with thousands of faces... In addition to having thousands of abilities, they also have thousands of lives!

This is why this big demon is so difficult to kill.

Eglaia knows everything, but cannot actively spread this detailed knowledge.

It is impossible for Bai E to clear away these thousand lives in a short period of time.

His purpose...is something else.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

The sparks as the sword tip scratched the wall flashed in her eyes, and bright light paths flashed across the strange lines.

A terrible possibility suddenly flashed through her mind. For the first time, Aglaia truly lost her composure. Her eyes widened and her whole body froze in place, trembling.

'He will not……'

'He will not……'

'How can it be! ’

There was chaos inside.

She thought about countless ways Bai E might choose to deal with it, but she never thought about the possibility that this would never happen!

"Lord Aglaia! Kilolan and Murphy are fine!" The tutor of the two children came to report the good news as soon as he found out that the two children were fine. However, he noticed something was wrong with Aglaia and whispered curiously. Called: "My lord? My lord?"

The instructor, who had called twice in succession but saw no movement, then followed Aglaia's gaze to look inside the barrier that had long been judged to be a dead end by everyone.

At a glance, there was another warm stone sculpture on the spot.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

Sparks fly!

On the solid castle wall, the tip of the sword wandered like a dragon.

The injected spiritual energy is like a dragon snake that wanders wantonly, leaving mysterious and beautiful strange lines on the wall.

The patterns of the exorcism array that were difficult to appear in Kilolan's hands now seemed to be simply written on by Bai E's hands.

Endless black breath flowed into Bai E's body along the blade of the sword, but there was no strange reaction on the expressionless face.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

The demon, who seemed to be aware of Bai E's intention, immediately attacked even more crazily.

However, when the tip of the sword crossed the wall, Bai E actually blocked all the attacks from the demon.

The sword was swung at an incredible speed, and it seemed as if both sides were doing it at the same time.

The speed is so fast that the magic circle cannot even determine that the outline of the lines has been interrupted.

Under the dance of swords from front to back and left to right, there is a feeling of beauty like dancing.

"He, he, he... what is he doing?"

More and more people are starting to discover what is going on within the barrier.

The snow-like sword light always shined, leaving behind walls illuminated with lines of light.

The lines containing magical power flicker like breathing, and a certain strange aura can make people feel sad even through the void barrier that isolates everything.

"what is that?"

"Is that... an exorcism array?"

"It looks a bit like..."

Most people here have never seen a real exorcism array, but just now Kilolan demonstrated it in front of all of them.

"Has he also learned the exorcism array?"

"Is he also from our arbitration office?"

Endless speculation instantly arose.

Aglaia and her mentor looked at each other silently, with a hint of horror flashing in their eyes.

The Exorcist Array is an undisclosed secret of the Arbitration Institute... Of course, it's not that we don't want others to learn it, but that there are too few people who have the ability to learn it.

They also hope that everyone can learn it. It would be best if everyone has one of the demons and can exorcise themselves.

But the reality is no.

Every psyker who can learn the exorcism formation is their first-class treasure.

Is there ever a list of Bai E in it?

Even before Helen's research came out, no one knew that this warrior actually had psychic powers.

So the only answer...

'Just now Kilolan used it in front of him...'

Not even used completely!

After realizing this, Aglaia felt her eyes darken.

It wasn't until this moment that she realized how wrong her original decision was.

But what followed was a burst of joy that could overwhelm everything.

Fortunately, he learned the magic exorcism circle. Fortunately, this powerful warrior is not an enemy of mankind, and he also has full goodwill towards mankind.

Sword dance, dragon and snake!

In less than a moment, the entire wall on the first floor of the castle was covered with magnificent patterns exuding a mysterious aura.

Endless spiritual energy circulated in it, and a mighty aura began to wash away the entire space like a wave.

Not even close...

There is still not enough psychic energy to completely start this purification frenzy!

Bai E stood at the center of the magic circle. With one strike to drive away the demon, his long sword fell behind him, and endless spiritual energy condensed in the center of his palm.

Kneeling on one knee, his will has already connected to the magic circle, endless spiritual energy is absorbed by the surge, and the bright light almost completely drowns Bai E... (End of this chapter)

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