Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 486 Psyker Management Center

After gaining enough experience, Bai E finally had the confidence to step into the door of the Psyker Management Center.

Theoretically, all psychics in the city need to be controlled by this management center. Even the executives of the arbitration office theoretically have to return to this place regularly to undergo various psychic inspections. The understanding provides important basic data, thereby allowing humans to have a clearer understanding of psychic energy.

It's just that as time goes by, most psykers with other identities generally don't abide by this rule.

However, the Psyker Management Center is still the absolute core institution in the entire city that represents the most cutting-edge achievements of psykers.

The library that stores all psychic secrets is in this place.

Bai E, who had obtained the permission of the city's secret order, had an unobstructed journey. Aglaiya personally received him and took Bai E all the way to a dark building underground in the management center.

"This is your first time here. Before taking you to the library, we first need to conduct a comprehensive investigation of your psychic properties. It will not delay you for a long time, but this is a necessary process. .”

What Eglaia did not fully explain was that the entire research center was very interested in Bai E's psychic abilities.

It is quite incredible for them that an artificial man can possess psychic powers, not to mention that this artificial man can even use psychic powers to do many things that are difficult for normal psychic talents to do.

Bai E was able to learn even the secret technique of exorcizing the magic circle, which is difficult for normal people to acquire, by himself after only watching half of the demonstrations. If this kind of incredible understanding does not have some spiritual factors, it all depends on the individual. Talent, they don't quite believe it.

This is an extremely rare case in the history of human psychic development. No one is not curious about the attributes of such a psychic.

Technology and psionics are in perfect harmony at the Psyker Management Center.

Standing in a small room, Bai E could feel the touch of various spiritual tentacles on his spiritual energy.

"Relax and stretch your spiritual energy freely, just like meditating." The voice from Aglaiya sounded from the speakers in the small room.

Bai E hesitated and chose to do so.

Of course, the reason for hesitation lies in the choice of psychic attributes.

His original spiritual attribute has no tendency, and the spiritual attribute he learned through simulation from Pan Sen is "Eye of the Sky". Which spiritual attribute to display is a choice for Bai E.

After a moment of thinking, Bai E decided to show others his spiritual power.

Pantheon is a registered psyker at the Psyker Management Center, and the management center probably has quite detailed data on his psychic powers.

If he and he showed the same psychic attributes, the difference between the two would be too great, which would easily make these people doubt their lives...or doubt themselves.

It would be better to give them a psychic attribute that they have never seen before, so that they can accept all unreasonable behaviors.

As Bai E released his psychic tentacles aimlessly, their wills began to connect.

Aglaiya's voice continued, "Keep releasing, don't stop."

Most of the research on psychic energy can be quickly documented in contact, but for the ultimate test of the amount of psychic energy retained, you need to look at the release limit of the psychic.

The higher the level of psyker, the slower this process becomes.

Bai E's previous performance was so exaggerated that many people speculated that his spiritual power level has actually reached the third level, and may even be the fourth level, of which there are only two cases in the entire human empire.

With the process of detecting the limit, the first phase of the contact report has come into the hands of Aglaiya and others.

"How's it going?" A middle-aged and elderly man with silvery sideburns but still handsome appearance stretched his head from the side.

There are several talkers in the entire management center, and Aglaiya is just one of them, and she is even the youngest and most junior among them.

They were all present for the first research on Bai'er's spiritual power.

"..." He didn't say anything, but there was a look of doubt on Aglaiya's heroic brows.

The man who turned his head from the side also saw clearly the words on the report: Grade - Second Grade.

The quantity of psychic energy needs to touch the limit, but the quality of psychic energy is a dead thing.

No one can change the nature of their psychic powers at will.

If the first-level spiritual energy is like air, then the second-level spiritual energy is like water vapor, and the third-level spiritual energy is like a real liquid.

The boundaries between them are clear and there has not been a single case of ambiguity so far.

There has never been an error in this test... In other words, Bai E is a genuine second-level psyker? !

"How can a psyker of this level learn the exorcism formation?"

"Guilloran is also a second-level psyker."

"The performance is not on the same level at all, okay? Moreover, how can a second-level psyker withstand the consumption of the exorcism array?"

"Maybe a special 'wartime' psyker?"

In the long history of the empire, even special cases have happened.

In the previous research on Bai E given by Academician Helen, there was a relevant description of this - Bai E seemed to be able to sense the unwilling remaining will of other warriors around him.

Will can transform psychic energy, and wherever human will stirs up, the psychic performance of such psykers will be quite terrifying.

Even one's own agitated will can be quickly converted into spiritual energy. If one's own anger is not extinguished, the spiritual energy will not be cut off.

"That's not right... If it was just a second-level psyker, it would have reached its limit long ago, right?" Someone looked at the figure in the surveillance video.

Even a "wartime" psyker can't suddenly have his blood burning during such a safe and sound inspection, right?

"In the past, there have been some psykers whose existence exceeded the class limit but never advanced. There are quite a few such cases."

That kind of psyker is usually a failed psyker.

The special spiritual world allows them to carry a lot of spiritual energy, but their limited qualifications prevent them from breaking through and advancing.

However, this kind of accumulation can only slightly exceed the limit of the realm. If the upper limit of the second-level psyker's psychic energy stock is 1,000, a 50% increase in stock to 1,500 would be the most exaggerated case.

General Bai, will this be the case?

"And...his psychic attributes are also very strange."


In other words, it cannot be detected?

Without any psychic tendency, there is no advantage.

In this world, characteristics are advantages.

No features means no advantages.

"Where did his spiritual power come from?"

"Cultivation sects are not the method of our human race."

Any means of spiritual practice will form habits and form performances.

Bai E's performance... was completely something they had never seen before.

"But it's not the method of the elves."

Apart from humans, the only people known to humans who can actively practice psychic techniques are the elves.

And the magic method of the elves... humans can't use it at all, right?

"Or is it just instinct running?"

Bai E had no one to teach him, and even when he was discovered, he was only discovered after his spiritual power had become as powerful as it is now. How did he get through the time in between?

The use and exploration of psychic powers probably come from instinct.

"That's possible."

Looking at Bai E, who has been testing his limits but never showed them, another old woman speculated in a low voice, "The psychic attribute without attributes may allow him to directly communicate with high-dimensional space. He is only psychic." Emerging understanding, so he can have endless spiritual energy to use?"

"But wouldn't such people...generally become the carriers of demons in the human world?"


Turning oneself into a channel can only be done by fanatical believers who are completely controlled by the devil.

This question truly exceeds everyone’s cognitive limits.

"There are always situations on the psychic path that we have never encountered before. Just write them down. There is no use in guessing."

Everything must be analyzed uniformly after there are enough cases. In the case of Bai E, there can be no comparative analysis.

"That's right... why not see how long he can last?"

"Even a fanatical believer who turns himself into a channel to withstand the infusion of demonic power has a limit, right?"

Otherwise, if the four ultimate evil gods find a channel, wouldn't they be able to bring all their power directly to the world?

At this thought, everyone stared at Bai E to see how long this android warrior could last.

Until when?




"Don't watch it!" The man with white temples waved his hand and left, "It's annoying."

A second-level psyker has so much psychic energy.

From the normal testing time till now, it would have to have at least over 10,000 spiritual energy reserves to support it, right?

No wonder people say that a monster has come out of the city... If this isn't a monster, what is a monster?

Realizing that he might not be able to realize the limits of General Bai, Eglaia also terminated the final test.

["Lucky Blow" charge +4. 】

Bai E saw Aglaiya appearing at the door of the small room to lead the way.

"Let's go, I will take you to the library where secret techniques are stored."

"Can I see the test results?" Bai E asked curiously.

He didn't know how accurate the city's test indicators for psychic abilities could be, and wanted to see how far the city's perception of its own strength would reach.

"No problem." Aglaiya agreed and handed all the test reports to Bai E.

[Psychic level: Level 2/Escape 87.3%]

[Psychic attributes: none/not manifested]

[Spiritual Energy Stock:? ? ? 】

The three core items are left with a bunch of dense analysis and small print, but they are not important anymore.

Bai E was relieved a little after seeing the report.

Sure enough, psychic energy is the most mysterious thing in the world. Even if you let it go completely, with the current level of human beings, you still can't tell where the strange manifestations in you come from.

If it's unreasonable, just figure it out yourself.

"Click, click, click, click." Aglaiya's high heels tapped the ground, leading Bai E all the way to a more private part of the management center.

The library appears to be somewhat surreal and magical amid the mechanization.

Fluorescent green words appeared in the void everywhere, and the mechanical bookshelves stored not only books and scrolls, but also CDs and crystals.

The origins of psychic secrets are diverse and their carriers are also diverse.

Different carriers require different forms of viewing. Some so-called psychic secrets are actually just a piece of knowledge that only top psychics can view, while some psychic secrets can only be felt with pure spirit and will. Thoughts beyond words.

"Relax your psychic tentacles. When you come to each secret skill, you will instinctively know how to check different secret skills through the feedback of psychic energy." Aglaiya just led the way here.

The authority of this library has not been fully extended even to her, so it is not good for her to stay here for too long.

After watching Bai E step into the library and the door slowly close, Aglaiya closed her eyes and sighed softly.

The voices of other senior management of the management center came from behind, "What are your plans for locking him here?"

The library is both a treasure house of knowledge and a prison.

Those taboo knowledge about the field of psychic energy will be like tempting poisons, tempting everyone who comes into contact with them to continue to study and learn in depth.

The knowledge stored here... wouldn't take a normal psyker more than a few years, and he probably wouldn't be able to get out of it.

Even the best among psychics like them would need at least a year and a half to overcome their obsession with forbidden knowledge.

If you want to finish studying...that's impossible.

The field of psychic energy is different from other things. If you can't learn it, you just can't learn it. You won't be able to learn it in your lifetime.

But those who cannot learn, the more they want to learn, this is the curse that psykers are destined to bear.

No matter how unbelievable General Bai E's previous performance was, no one thought he could come out on his own initiative after being locked up here for several months.

Aglaiya opened her closed eyes, and a softness flashed in her eyes, "There have been many incidents in the city recently..."

The failure of external expansion caused all the city's efforts to be wasted. The incident in the underground castle intensified the conflict between the interests of the nobles and the security of the city to the extreme.

General Baie is a simple person, it is best not to get involved in these impure things.

Locking him up here for a few months until everything outside settles down and the city has a new order before letting him out will be the best outcome for him.

After all, with General Bai's strength and temperament, no matter what the city turns into in the end, the real people in power will not waste a top strategic talent like him.

"Let's go." Aglaia turned her back and stopped looking behind her. "The situation in the city is treacherous, and the elven negotiation team is about to arrive. There are still many things that we need to worry about..."

In the dark green library, Bai E stood in front of a crystal-like gem and let go of his spiritual tentacles. (End of chapter)

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