The city's parliament hall was filled with people.

"Those elves have gone too far! They are not here for cooperation at all!" A nobleman who was also greeting the team was the first to stand up and accuse.

"Yes, the attitude of those elves is too arrogant, and they don't regard us as a partner for discussion and cooperation at all."

The humans greeted him with full goodwill and enthusiasm, but the elves were not even willing to do more than a minimum of communication. They directly used the excuse that their prophets had consumed too much and ended the meeting in a hurry.

"No! I think they are completely protesting!" A person from the psyker management center came forward and said: "They want to take the absolute initiative in cooperating with us, so they want to give us pressure."

"What their elves can do, can't anyone in your psyker management center do it? They have been occupying so much of the city's funds to study the upper limit of psionic power, but now these elves can scare you just by teleporting into a high-dimensional space "?" Some people turned to bombard the psykers in the psyker management center. If the psykers in the city could show similar attainments at the psychic level, then they would not be so despised by the elves.

"It's pointless to say anything now. Let's see what the elves say next."

Suddenly, an official in the council was stunned. After receiving the summons from his subordinates, he stood up and attracted the attention of everyone in the room. "Members of Congress, those elves sent five people to say that there is a small matter related to the cooperation between the two races. We need to communicate and discuss it first.”

"Discuss? Then let's hear what they want to say." An old man present at the meeting said, "Just invite them to the House. I want to see what conditions they are prepared to put forward."

The invited elf looked arrogantly at all the humans in the room. He was in the center of the rotunda, opposite to the high-ranking officials of the human side. He was surrounded by important members of the city. Those who received such gazes Any living thing tends to experience a certain amount of stress.

However, to the five elves who came to the meeting, they looked like a nest of ants watching them. In their eyes, those gazes had the same meaning as the worship and admiration of the ants.

Even these skinny monkey-like humans dare to talk so brazenly that they want to establish close cooperation with their elves?

The leading male elf had a braid in the center of his head. His slightly golden face stared at the few old men who might represent the highest will of the city. He said in a scornful voice, "In fact, we have a lot of problems with many of your human cities." I have sent tribesmen who have expressed preliminary intentions for cooperation, and those tribesmen have also reported back on the relevant characteristics and unique advantages of many cities. I know that you humans are also divided now. The so-called empire exists in name only, and each city is a separate autonomous city. Government. But we elves do not have time to deal with each of your political systems in depth. The partner we choose to cooperate must be a special center that has absolute advantages in the entire human empire. So I would like to ask all of you present Human officials, what advantages do you think your city has compared to other human cities?"

It sounded like a superior questioning a subordinate, which undoubtedly made every human being present feel uncomfortable, but even if it didn't sound good, it was indeed the truth relatively speaking.

There is only one elven race, but there are many human cities.

There are many cities that are willing to cooperate with the elves. Why should the elves choose Blackwater City?

The human reception group had already made plans for such problems. One of the old men sitting opposite the elf envoy smiled kindly at the other person, and then said: "We in Blackwater City have mature experts in building an artificial human army. At the same time, in the era of global Internet recovery, our technology is also at the forefront. In terms of various materials and war weapons, we have also inherited most of the gifts from the golden age. Because we are adjacent to the Zerg lair, we are Having experienced hundreds of battles, we have the most heroic and capable army in the world; top scholars, psykers who master mysteries, and demon-hunting executives... We are the most well-developed of all existing human cities, and the one with the most complete inheritance of the Golden Age. City."

"If the Golden Age was really so beautiful and powerful, then why did it fall apart under time? If inheriting some of the so-called Golden Age technologies of your human empire can be counted as your unique advantage, then please forgive me for your city. It’s hard to put too much trust.”

The elf's words made many of the participants present look angry, but even the old men who were facing each other did not say a word. Naturally, others did not have the right to speak at will on such occasions.

"Besides, I didn't see it..." There was a strange smile hanging on the corner of the male elf's mouth, which seemed disdainful but also friendly. "I haven't seen anything you said for the time being."

The old man's eyes flashed coldly, "So what you mean is..."

"It's very simple, let's see with our own eyes." The male elf's gaze swept across the audience, and every participant seemed to be able to feel the gaze passing over him and paying attention, "The warriors, scholars, and Psykers, Executors, unparalleled legions, great technology...etc., let us take a look. If we are really impressed by all the things you have in your city, then we will consider joining this city. The city must establish closer and deeper connections, will be difficult for us to persuade other tribesmen why they should give up other better options."

"Okay, what do you want to see?"

The smile on the corner of the male elf's mouth grew brighter, whether it was happiness or contempt, "It just so happens that among the tribesmen we came with, there are also what you call warriors, scholars, psykers, and judges who specialize in hunting demons. Wait, how about this, just as you said, our tribe will conduct some simple competitions with the most proud individuals among you. If you all have unique attainments in these fields, then I think our cooperation will There will be no more disputes. If the results of the competition are not ideal...then I think this cooperation may still be discussed."

No matter how angry you are with the elves' arrogant attitude, the strength they showed when they first arrived cannot be underestimated.

The other party took the initiative to propose a competition, and he was probably well prepared.

The old man's heart trembled slightly, but he replied without any fear on his face: "Okay! Since the distinguished guests from the elves want to see the strength of us humans, we will definitely not let you back disappointed."

"Since it's a competition, then you have to have some luck, right?" The smile on the corner of the male elf's mouth became brighter. "This is not the first time we have dealt with your human cities. The cities we have dealt with before are all very generous. Woolen cloth!"

‘This is not the first time these elves have dealt with humans! ’

‘This is their purpose! ’

For a time, these thoughts popped up in the minds of many smart people present.

Blackwater City is not special, and these elves may not really come here with a cooperative attitude.

They are just here to get benefits!

If you win, you will get some benefits from humans; if you lose... Judging from their attitude, I'm afraid they haven't lost yet.

What about those cities that have already had contact with elves? Why hasn't there been any news? !

For a moment, many participants secretly cursed those federations with sinister intentions.

But the situation is in front of us, and no one wants to lower their arrogant human pride in front of the alien race.

"Okay! That's as you wish!" The old man flicked his sleeves and said with a stern expression, "If you have any ideas, just mention them. Our human race is not yet so scheming about our friendly allies. "

"Really?" the male elf smiled coldly, "Then let's keep it simple. The winner can make any three requests to the loser that are not too excessive. They are just the prizes of the competition. The requests will not be so excessive as to hurt everyone's feelings. Peaceful."

"I'll do as you say!" The old man said directly, "For the sake of you coming all the way, the time for the competition is up to you."

"No...we don't need to rest, just come on."

The development of the situation was beyond everyone's expectation, and even the occurrence of this incident was unexpected.

Not understanding what was going on at all, in a blink of an eye the participants had arrived at the largest arena in the city.

Occasionally, there will be some formal performances or warrior selections held in the city, which are only for the purpose of selecting talents or some celebration activities, and are not for any profit.

The frequency of use is not high, but the venue is quite spacious and well-arranged.

The humans and elves sitting not far from each other on the high platform exchanged glances. Looking at the sparsely seated human audience in the circular arena auditorium, the male elf leader of the elf trip asked with a smile: " For the first competition, let’s compare it with the martial arts that we have gained a foothold in this world, right? I heard that Yueying, the clansman sent as a sentinel, said that there is a warrior named Bai in your Blackwater City who has outstanding martial arts skills and can even compete with me. He must be the strongest warrior in your Blackwater City, right? We might as well let him fight with our clansmen to see if the strongest warrior in your Blackwater City is what Yueying said. outstanding?"

Blackwater City is indeed not the first human city that their elves have come into contact with, but it is not without any special features.

This special point lies in the human warrior Yue Ying mentioned... In fact, in Yue Ying's feedback, the praise for that human warrior can be said to be far beyond what any elf can accept.

If everything Yueying said is true, then the human warrior surnamed Bai may even have the strength and ability to be no less than their prophet!

it's out of the question!

If not, their prophet would not take action personally.

You know, when in contact with other human cities in the past, when did their prophets come forward in person?

Storm wanted to see what kind of person the human warrior Yueying mentioned was.

The old man sitting not far from the elf wears a technological headset on his ear. Every word the elf says can be transmitted through his headset to the ears of the think tank behind him.

Cooperation with the elves is a big deal, and the current competition is even more important among the big things. It determines whether Blackwater City can take the lead in contact with these elven missions. It is of great importance.

Therefore, they had to dissect every word spoken by the elf leader and pay close attention to the hidden meaning behind it.

After hearing what the male elf said, the think tank behind the old man started to activate instantly——

"Can't promise him!"

"That's right, if they ask General Bai E to fight by name, they must have a means that can definitely defeat General Bai E. Their clansman named 'Yue Ying' has been lurking in the military camp, and I'm afraid they already know the information about General Bai E very well. .These elves have come prepared, and we must not let them get what they want!"

"Maybe he just wants us to think like this. In fact, he is afraid that we will let General Baie appear?"

"Everyone! It's just a small android warrior like Bai E, why are you so panicked? This is not a battlefield where you can drive a mecha, nor is it a battle to expel demons. General Bai E is originally He is not the best candidate, so why argue over his existence? I suggest asking Nolan, our city lord's captain of the bodyguard, to take action. He is the strongest individual warrior who has been genetically optimized three times. With his help, we will be safe in the first battle. "

No matter how General Bai E has the false reputation of being the undefeated god of war, it is because of his endless spiritual energy and firm belief that he can control mechas on the battlefield and when facing demons.

But if we talk about martial arts alone, General Bai E has no outstanding performance in this aspect.

The only record in the military camp is that in a certain selection, he faced off against the "Blood God" who was also an android warrior. As a result, an ordinary android warrior without any genetic optimization was able to brutally beat General Bai E. The "soldier" In the battle, it is obviously inappropriate to let General Bai E play.

"makes sense!"

"Go and ask for the captain of the guard, Nolan!"

"Where's the city lord..."

"It's a matter of cooperation, the city lord will understand."

Looking at the ferocious-looking, muscular figure on the field, the male elf Storm's brows almost turned into the word "Chuan", "Is this your warrior named Bai from Blackwater City?"

"Oh, no." The old man pursed his lips softly, "General Baie is now our military general. He is not a warrior who is good at using martial arts to fight. The one who is fighting now is a guard beside me. He follows After many years, I still have some confidence in his martial arts."

"Guard?" Feng Feng glanced at the old man's profile, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

With a slight movement of his lips, he used his spiritual power to command the tribesmen who were about to go into battle from a distance: "Destroy him!" (End of Chapter)

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