Someone sighed softly, "General Bai'e is an artificial human after all..."

Mutants are not considered humans, but are artificial humans considered humans?

"In addition, I think everyone can also think about it. If we do it again, which candidates will we rely on to win this competition with the elves?"

"I'll put my words here first. Whoever can help the city win this competition with the elves, I don't care whether they are artificial or not, even those messy war gangs underground, if they There are some among us who can win these competitions. The right to speak should be given up. In the final analysis, this division of boundaries was intentionally created by you."

Bai E, who was practicing psychic powers, suddenly received a summons from Aigleya. When it came to something that was not suitable for many people to know, even if Bai E, as the supreme commander of the military when Weislin was away, had no right to participate. .

Now that she is looking for herself, it is probably the result of the upper-level discussions.

It was agreed that the opponent would win three out of five games, and the opponent had already won four games. The result of this competition was already determined, but the purpose of the competition was to promote friendship between the two parties, so it was still necessary to finish the competition.

In Bai E's opinion, this is what it looks like...

The reason why he came to me specifically now was probably to inform him of the result that he was the one who participated in the final competition, otherwise there would be no reason to come here privately.

Bai E, who was mentally prepared, heard Aglaiya say these words with a serious face, "In the last game, we must win."

Bai E's usual expression of Furui Mubo showed a little astonishment on his face, and at the same time he made a puzzled sound, "Huh?"

You have already lost like this, are you still afraid of losing again?

Or do those big shots think that winning at least one out of five games would be an honor even if they lose?'s a reasonable idea.

Aglaia explained, "If you win, we will have another chance. Those elves see arrogance and no one, and would rather give us more opportunities than trample our dignity under their feet. After the elders' efforts, It was unanimously agreed that we must win this competition with the elves. If we do not defeat the elves, even if we reach cooperation, we will be worthless in their eyes. Dignity only lies on the edge of the sword. !Are you confident?"

"Probably..." It's just a group of wandering orcs. Of course there is no problem in defeating the orcs.

Of course, if the opponent is more lucky and happens to run into an orc, there's nothing he can do about it.

"It's not that we should! We have to win!" Aglaiya looked seriously, "If we win this game, we can have a chance to compete with the previous four games! In addition, among the first four games, which one do you think you are confident about? ? We are already discussing the candidates for those four games."

Although the city is big, there are really not many middle- and high-level candidates suitable to come forward in this kind of situation.

Of course, big bosses such as the Dean of the Scientific Research Institute and the Grand Inquisitor of the Arbitration Institute can secure the victory if they come forward, but as some congressmen said, if they just take action casually, their entire family fortune will be taken away?

If you turn around and let people know the truth, won't you laugh your ass off?

Where does dignity start?

Bai E concentrated and thought seriously for a moment before replying: "It should be fine."



Aglaiya looked confused and asked tentatively: "Both?"

Bai E nodded, "Both."

He has watched all the competitions, and if he is not good at fisting and kicking, just practice.

Exploring the realm of psychic energy... The high-dimensional space is just like my home, I really like it.

As for exorcism... I'm pretty good at it.

And the aspect of technology that he is least good at...if he chooses to jointly research omnibuses, he happens to have some experience.

You can try it.

"You can't joke about this." Aglaia stared closely into Bai E's eyes, trying to find the slightest hint of joking in the eyes of this general who was always a stereotypical android.

But alas, no.

For a moment, Aglaiya didn't know whether she was disappointed or happy.

I'm happy that Bai E is confident, but I'm disappointed that he wants to try out all the fields. He can't win them all, right?

In other words, Bai E's confidence... is actually not that confident.

Bai E nodded seriously again, his tone a little stronger, "I think it's okay!"

"..." Looking at Bai E's eyes with extremely complicated expressions, Aglaiya nodded slightly after a long time before saying: "Okay, I understand. Anyway, you win the last game first. If you win, we will try again." Talk about something else.”

"No problem!" Bai E showed the reliability of a soldier again, "I guarantee to complete the mission!"

In the early morning of the next day, as the sun began to rise, everyone gathered on the battlefield in the military area.

Under the milky white sunlight, two pairs of people and horses were ready.

On the human army side, there was an entire regiment of one hundred people, standing solemnly.

On the side of the elves are twelve lightly dressed warriors, with some kind of motorcycle with a special shape and streamlined beauty standing beside them.

"Whether you are dead or alive, capture or annihilate the group of orcs who are wandering around the city and posing a considerable threat to our outsiders. This is the goal of your trip. Whoever completes the goal first will win." Standing between the elves and humans In front of both battle groups, the commentators composed of elves and humans explained in detail the key points of the competition.

Since what is tested is the so-called "military formation" ability, then of course the test is not only the ability to fight face-to-face, but also a real-life fight between two races that are ready to cooperate. How impolite would that be? ?

For the sake of fairness, the target can naturally only be outsiders.

And since it is an army, the capabilities of tracking, reconnaissance, and encirclement and suppression should all be the basic capabilities of the army.

There are more humans, so more people can be dispatched, which is more suitable for carpet searches. It may be a bit troublesome just to gather them together.

The elves have fewer people, but they are more mobile. They can come and go at a moment's notice, but when encircling and suppressing, they can easily let the opponent go.

Each has its own advantages and each has its own disadvantages.

"In addition, you will all be monitored from the beginning to the end. If the monitoring equipment on everyone is damaged, it will also count as a loss. Do you understand?"

Since we are going out to perform combat missions in the wild, there are bound to be dead people.

In order to prevent one of the two sides from going crazy and doing whatever it takes to win, monitoring of both sides is necessary.

Bai E, the team leader, responded loudly, "Understood!"

The elf next door glanced at Bai E, who was not far away, and responded lightly, "Understood."

Human beings are human beings, they only know how to rely on the number of people.

Useless waste is more or less waste.

One of the useful elites is also the God of War.

"Everything is ready... let's go."

The old man and Elf Storm stood on the high commanding platform, looking at the two battle groups prepared below, they smiled and nodded.

Elf Storm smiled and winked at the old man, "I hope this is not the last competition between us, and I hope you humans still have the courage to send people to fight again."

The old man smiled coldly, "You will see."

The other party could only see the bloatedness of their human establishment, but they had no idea that General Bai E was the only one who really contributed.

It's just an orc, but General Bai E was killed because he didn't have all the mechas in operation?

Firearms and vehicles are part of the equipment, why can’t mechas be part of it?

This is our human mechanized army! Do you understand?


What about the mecha?

Why did you set off directly?

Hello! General Bai! You forgot your mecha!

Looking at the back of the man who directly led the team to raise a cloud of dust, the old man on the stage was a little confused.

What about the mecha?

Where's the mecha you promised?

"What happened to General Bai'e?" The old man suddenly turned his head and looked at the person behind him fiercely.

Considering that there was a foreigner around, he asked in a calm tone and gritted his teeth.

"I do not know."

"Oh~ General Bai E said that there is no need for mechas. He said that it is inconvenient to move in the wild and can only be used in large-scale positional battles."

"Presumptuous! Who told him to disobey the arrangements?"

Wasn't the original plan to allocate a hundred scouts to him to look for the orcs' whereabouts, and then Bai E, who was sitting in the center, would just kill them with his mecha? Wouldn't it be over?

Now... now! ?

"But General Bai'e is the supreme commander-in-chief of the military region now..." The person who answered blinked his eyes and replied in a daze.

When it comes to military operations, shouldn't you listen to the most professional among a group of professionals?

They couldn't forcefully reverse the arrangements made by General Bai E.



The old man gritted his teeth and looked fiercely at the salon that was gradually going away.

If we lose this competition, then this android warrior should just be his front-line soldier!

As expected, he is worthy of his prejudice against artificial humans. These low-level things should not be entrusted with important responsibilities!

As soon as the army drove out of the gate, Bai E took out his one-man motorcycle and handed over the command of the regiment to Zero, who had been following him.

Yuzu is not good at commanding everyone in the team. Rose wants to cooperate with Helen but doesn't come at all. Shitou is a fool. Only Zero can take some responsibility.

"Work hard and see if you find those orcs first or we find them first." Bai E smiled and patted Zero on the shoulder. He turned the accelerator and shot out like an arrow.

It was actually not much different from the plans arranged for him by the so-called big shots. He was the main force in actually arresting the wandering orcs.

The only difference is that they let themselves fly the mecha, but they don't want to.

Currently, I only have a light weapon proficiency with the level of flow, and none of the other specializations have reached this level.

In the battle between warriors, both sides have the opportunity to ban and choose, and the test is the multi-faceted ability of both sides.

The captain of the guard and Zorobi use simple fists and kicks, while the Shadow King and Zorobi use smart weapons.

If the light weapon you proposed is banned by the other party, then you can only rely on luck to decide what will be compared in the end.

It's better to have extra options than to gamble on luck.

[The current combat proficiency experience is 212/5500. When you reach 5500 points, you can master "Level 7 Combat Specialization". (Note: At level 7 of specialization, the attached skill tree (second level) can be unlocked.)]

[Tip: Your current specialization level has reached the limit of a mortal body. It will be difficult for you to make more progress until your ability exceeds the physical limit. If you want to continue to increase your specialization level, you need to increase your physical fitness and reflex attributes to a level beyond 15 points. 】



The attributes are also up to standard, so Bai E directly adds points.

[Have learned "Level 8 Fighting Specialization", and simultaneously obtained potential cultivation points*2. 】(superimposed)

[Fighting Specialization (Level 8): Strike power +24%, dodge +16%, block +16%, continuous attack (special) +8, enhanced defense (special) +350%, opportunity (special) +14 %, joint technique (special) +140%, volley (special) +30%, acupuncture (special) +6%, whip tip (special) +6. 】

[The current combat proficiency experience is 0/30000. When 30000 points are reached, you can master "level 9 combat proficiency". 】

[It is detected that the character currently has fighting expertise (level 8). According to the character's current mastery of all tactical characteristics, the second-level advanced skill tree (random pool) is unlocked: absolute mastery, decentralized mastery. 】

[Current unlocking requirements: general/combat experience*10,000 (the cost is doubled for each additional skill of the same level unlocked), latent repair points*4 (fixed). 】

He has a lot of experience, and his main focus is to be a tyrant, so just click on it.

[Payment: Latent repair points*4, 10,000 combat experience points. 】

[Acquired skills - absolutely proficient. 】

[Absolute Mastery: From now on, every time you fight with bare hands, you will improve your understanding of combat and yourself. When fighting with bare hands, you can gradually strengthen your understanding of yourself and your abilities as your proficiency increases. Demonstrated fighting ability when unarmed. Basic bonus: Strike power +10%. 】

[The current boxing proficiency is 0/1000, and the "personal style" is being formed...]

The newly acquired skills are in urgent need of the blood of prey to activate them. He has already added the skills and is waiting to be awakened by the blood of the orcs.

This time when I went to hunt for orcs, I needed to practice with them first.

In the wilderness, a group of wandering orcs were shouting and laughing among themselves, and it was extremely lively.

A slightly thin orc stood beside his boss, looking in a certain direction with him.

He knew that that place in the invisible distance was the place that his BOSS wanted to defeat the most right now!

"Scar, do you think I can beat that guy now?" Scar, the sword-faced beast waved his hand and swept past the group of orc boys in front of him, and raised his thick lips, "I have already defeated all the nearby tribes. Once you've been beaten, you can always fight with him again, right?"

"That's necessary! Our boss is the most powerful!" A boy nearby immediately echoed enthusiastically in a slow and thick voice, "The boss is invincible!"

"The boss is invincible!"

The sound spread into a tide, and visible to the naked eye, the muscles of the sword-faced beast's body expanded a bit more in the air.

"Not enough!" Feeling the real power filling his body, the sword-faced beast still felt a dull pain from the wound on his shoulder. This was the scar the other party left on him when they first met.

He thought that his archery skills were his strongest ability, but he was beaten to a pulp the second time they met.

The memory may be blurred, but the physical genes will not be forgotten.

"I want to become stronger!" Sword-faced Hunter pointed at the shadow of the city in the distance, "I want to conquer a city! Let all the clansmen fall into my hands!" (End of Chapter)

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