Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 507 ‘Fortunately we are allies’

Realizing that his performance might have disgraced the elves, Feng Feng's face tightened, and he quickly returned to his normal cold and arrogant attitude, "Humph, the next competition is about understanding of technology. What can he do as a martial artist? ?”

There can be no omnipotent talents in this world. Even elves whose life spans are much longer than humans, it is difficult for their people to be proficient in every aspect.

Hands-on and brain use are naturally two opposing fields. As a prophet who is stronger than them, after concentrating on the study of destiny, her talent in combat is gradually retreating.

Their prophets cannot cover everything, and Feng Feng doesn't believe in just a human being... Even if he is indeed a bit stronger as a warrior, in terms of technology, is he also a great scientist who conducts in-depth research?

impossible! Absolutely impossible!

There was an arrogant but cold smile on Feng Feng's lips, "I'm just reminding you that if you humans insist on making such a decision, we won't refuse."

Although the old man also had some doubts about General Bai E's scientific research ability, he still refused to give up at this moment, "Wait and see!"

"Then just wait and see."

Both parties snorted coldly and turned to leave.

The competition in science and technology was very simple. The previous competition was about pushing back on each other’s race’s technological products, so this time, it was about finding a product that was a “public good” and pushing back.

Apart from the impressive technological levels of humans and elves on this planet, there is only one last option left: omnics.

"So the second competition is to see who can transform these omnic creations into types that are suitable for their own tribe and can be easily used as quickly as possible!" The referee who spoke looked at the two contestants, elves and humans, in front of him. He asked expressionlessly: "Do you all understand?"



Bai E and the elven scientists all nodded calmly.

The technological products of omnics are unfamiliar to both parties.

Although the origins of omnics are inseparable from humans, since they became omnics, a new life form, the technology they inherited from the golden age has needed to be optimized and changed to adapt to the new life form.

This kind of optimization change to adapt to the machinery is the core barrier in their technology, so even humans who are nominally on the same technological level have no advantage in this regard.

At least on the surface, it's fair to both parties.

There are many kinds of omnic-derived creations captured by humans, such as carrier vehicles, armored vehicles, motorcycles, gun carriages, etc.

As creations from omnics, these things naturally have research value.

However, the cost of transforming it to be suitable for human use is too high. It is far better to directly dismantle and recycle the materials. Even building a new one is cheaper than transforming it.

In addition, the number of samples is actually not that large, so it cannot be scaled up.

There was no recycling, and no interest in researching it. It was all thrown into the warehouse to gather dust.

Only on this special occasion today did it finally come in handy.

Looking at the various omnic creations lined up in front of him, Bai E whispered in his heart, 'Add more! ’

[Payment: 600 scientific research experience points, 300 general experience points. 】

[The current Omnic Creation Mastery experience is 500/500. You have successfully mastered "Level 3 Omnic Creation Mastery" and simultaneously gained 3 technology points. 】

[Mastery of Omnic Creation (Level 3/3): You are already familiar with all the knowledge of transforming all omnic creations except "giant constructs" and "first-generation omnics" into human-adapted creations and exerting maximum effect, and Synchronically, you have skilled hands-on ability. From now on, you can transform the omnic creations in your hands into creation types suitable for humans with "extremely high" efficiency, provided that you have certain auxiliary equipment. 】

This is the ability to transform and master the creation of omnics that was previously revealed from a first-generation omnic.

That first-generation omnic was probably the mechanic in the omnic. Almost all low-level omnics were made by it, so it knew the core barriers of low-level omnics very well. At the same time, it inherited the technology of the golden age of mankind and its characteristics for humans. Pretty clear.

It can be said that he has a clear understanding of the mutual transformation between human beings and intelligent machine technology products. Using this special knowledge to conduct the current competition is the right professional.

The next moment the knowledge was present, after looking at the creation in front of me again, the vision that originally saw the creation as just a creation suddenly became clear.

Also looking at those integrated mechanical creations, the various internal structures were extremely clear in Bai E's eyes. At the same time, regarding how to carry out transformation, he instinctively came up with various transformation plans in his heart. The plans even More than one.

The difference between manned driving and unmanned driving is so great that it is unimaginable. The design that does not require human observation, including modifications, also needs to comply with detailed technical indicators such as fluid mechanics.

Omnic creations that look like "cars" are completely different from being able to maximize their true functions and simply modify and adapt them.

After pushing the car violently into the simple modification room, Bai E started to work on the familiar road.

The pictures of the two renovation rooms were simultaneously displayed in front of all the audience, but many viewers showed a lack of interest before the show started.

The last scholar competition was quite boring. The two so-called scholars worked hard for a long time, but in the end they could only perform extremely calm and cold operations.

The whole process was silent, not even a scene of excitement could be seen.

However, the next moment the competition started, the eyes of the originally drowsy audience suddenly widened.


"Did this guy open it again?"

Familiar faces, familiar incomprehensible operations.

Compared with the careful scanning and research on the other side, the activities here are extremely lively and vigorous.

The sound of mechanical cutting clearly echoed in the ears of every audience through the broadcast screen, and the excitement even seemed to be composed into an exciting wind instrument.


Feng Feng tilted his head and stared at the old man with a suspicious look in his eyes, 'Are you playing dirty tricks? ’

Could it be that humans have already analyzed the technological barriers of omnics, but have kept it secret, and are not even willing to use it to supplement their strength, but just want to hold back in today's competition with the elves?

It makes no sense!

If you have skills, don’t you just need to test them for today’s illusory competition?

Do humans also have their own prophets? !

"He must be messing around!"

"It's just a bluff, don't panic!" There was also some commotion among the other elves sitting next to Storm.

"What's the use of being fast? Reluctant modifications are in vain."

The speed of transformation is one aspect of the competition score, but the functionality of the transformed finished product is also another important component of the score.

There’s no need for too much guessing, and the results will appear quickly.

Looking at the brand-new technological creations on the field, everyone's eyes are eager to try.

It looks decent, but does it really work?

"How about we find someone to drive out and give it a try." The old man glanced at Elf Storm beside him and ordered the men around him with some anxiety.

Is it possible to transform it so quickly, even faster than the people at the Research Institute?

Don't be an empty shell with only flower shelves and fall apart as soon as you open it?

Then you will be laughed at by these elves for the rest of your life.

"Understood! Sir!"

The driver responsible for testing the vehicles drove several different vehicles around the professional test site for several laps. When he finally came down, his eyes were blank and asked, "Didn't you really call me here to test some new type of vehicle?"

Modified from an omnic vehicle?

Don't feel it?

It perfectly conforms to human driving habits, and all the details are natural, like a finished product specially designed for human characteristics.

How could this be transformed from an omnic creation?

Everyone must be kidding me.

The driver is so sure.

Under Bai E's "pressure", the elven scholars had to speed up their transformation.

Products with slightly uncoordinated shapes appear in front of everyone's eyes, just from the look of them.

Baie's products are integrated, as if they are perfect samples customized according to the drawings specially designed by professional designers.

As for the products of elven's hard to describe them in one word. I can only say that they have the beauty of orcish technology.

After driving the vehicle modified by his own scholar for two rounds, the elf wanted to say something nice, but he couldn't help but spit out a big mouthful of foam.

But he still stubbornly stuck out a thumb and shouted, "Okay!"

The vehicle behind him burst into pieces, expressing his deep approval.



Storm's face was as black as coal, "Next game!"

"Although we have won three out of three games, we humans are the masters of this world after all, and we are still willing to give you a certain chance to challenge. As long as you can win one game, we can accompany you to compete again." The old man spoke with a smile.

There is nothing more satisfying than returning the words that your opponent once said intact.

"No need!" Feng Feng's face turned completely dark.

He never expected that this human warrior, who seemed not very bright, would actually have such profound attainments at the technological level.

No wonder Yueying mentioned him several times in the clan's correspondence. At present, it seems that he is indeed somewhat extraordinary.

And a city that can cultivate such an all-round talent probably does have some unique advantages.

Was the previous total defeat really just a sign of their weakness?

If that's the case... forming an alliance with this city doesn't seem completely out of the question.

Storm's mentality has changed inadvertently.

But the next moment, his eyes became determined again - no matter what, it is impossible to lose the next two games!

If they lose again, what they need to consider is whether the status of elves will be far lower than humans in the cooperation, and they will have no say.

After all, if you are inferior to others in every aspect, how can you negotiate with others?

"The next step is to explore and understand high-dimensional space, and the person we sent is still Danilo." Accepting the development of possible cooperation, Storm instantly changed his arrogant attitude, and the narrative was serious and rigorous.

But the old man's words made his blood pressure surge again, "The people we sent are still Bai E."


‘Are you humans the only one with a talent like Bai E? ! ’

The thought in his heart was barely written on his face. Storm looked at the old man in front of him with an unkind expression, thinking that he probably wanted to give their elves some so-called dignity after winning three games.

Human beings like to do this kind of superficiality!

After all, how can anyone really know everything?

...are they all proficient?

...and mastery?

...Where is Tong?

"Danilo? Danilo? Wake up?!" Listening to his own tribe calling the names of the participating tribesmen, Feng Feng just closed his eyes and felt his eyebrows twitching.

There is a very simple way to understand and explore the high-dimensional world——

The two parties go to each other's "spiritual" world to feel each other's knowledge and experience of the high-dimensional world. This is also a method often used by the psykers within their elves to communicate.

Generally speaking, this kind of mutual "visiting" behavior will only reveal some indescribable and indescribable superficial content, which is vague and similar to psychological suggestion.

This kind of behavior can be a competition, but more often it is about mutual improvement and mutual compensation.

The original intention of the five competitions was actually to understand each other and enhance feelings between the two races... At least on the surface, everyone had to maintain this statement.

But right now...

What happened when Danilo fainted after taking a glance at the other person's world?

What on earth did you see? Hey!

Storm walked directly in front of Bai E, and for the first time he took the initiative to ask this special human being: "What did you show him?"

Bai E calmly replied: "It's the 'image' I saw when I first awakened my spiritual energy."

This kind of "visiting" each other was something Bai E had never thought of. Following the instructions of the Elf referee, he controlled his spirit step by step and let the other party enter his own spiritual world. The next moment, the other party fainted.

Looking back now, Bai E could roughly know from the vague feedback of spiritual energy that the other party saw the magnificent 'image' of the universe that he saw when he first awakened to spiritual energy.

As for why it is this image... maybe it is because this image of the initial awakening exists like the "home background board" of every awakened psyker?

If you don't deliberately control it, you will see it at the first glance when you "drop by".

"First awakening?" Feng Feng felt his temples beating violently, and he couldn't help complaining in his heart, 'Yueying, how much do you still have that you haven't told us clearly? ’

The image when he first awakened could make Danilo faint just by looking at it. What level of image was this?

This Bai E... what kind of monster is he! ?

Fortunately, he is already an ally of our elves!

"Then let's go straight to the next one." Storm has happily accepted the fact of failure.

If your skills are not as good as others, you have nothing to say.

"Next game, hunting, devil!" (End of this chapter)

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