In the deep darkness, Garuda felt as if his body was floating in the clouds, and as if he was in a blazing hell.

The various gentle touches coming from his body made his whole body feel as if he was immersed in a tingling sensation, as if the vibrations coming from the depths of his soul were impacting his mind all the time, as if it was about to bring his whole body into To the paradise of bliss.

Uncontrollable moans came out of his mouth unconsciously, and his entire body, from physical body to spiritual body or soul, fell into a deep and unextricable enjoyment.

The elves are sensitive from body to soul and easily corrupted.

Any little external stimulation will make them feel the most direct feeling to their souls.

However, the clear spirit coming from the deepest core of his soul made him always wary of his situation.

He deeply remembered where he came from... He came to the human Blackwater City with his compatriots, and needed to conduct several simple competitions before formally reaching cooperation. The one he was participating in was the last competition - —

Enter the high-dimensional space and hunt demons!

Yes, I am hunting a demon!

But this is definitely not the time for such enjoyment.

Not to mention that the current sensual scene is obviously a trap woven by those cunning demons.

The beginning of depravity always begins with enjoyment.

This is the most common trick used by the bastard who is the mortal enemy of all elves.

It was this vigilance that made him feel as if he had fallen into a different place!

There are threats all around.

However, the more critical the moment, the more sensitive the whole body and the depths of the soul become.

‘Leave! ’

‘Get out of this situation! ’

'No! I can't leave! If I return to the material world, I will also bring this disaster to my tribe. ’

I don’t know whether pleasure weakened the mind or reason made the decision.

Garuda only felt that he should not return with this body in ruins.

If your soul really sinks completely, then your physical body in reality will become a channel for high-dimensional demons to corrode the material world.

People outside still don’t know what happened! Or are they still unwilling to give up on themselves?

So at the very least...I should do something!

In the process of Yueying carrying Bai E's spirit body from the material world to the high-dimensional space following the light spot of the clansman's spirit body, the clan members' qi machine that actively connected with him has slowly transferred the feeling he felt to the high-dimensional space. A certain direct form is felt to be transmitted to oneself.

A certain hazy haze made Yueying's consciousness relax for a moment.

His eyes were slightly blurred, and he felt that everything that happened in front of him seemed to be covered with a thin veil, and began to become ambiguous and hazy.

All sounds, lights and shadows, conversations and figures in front of you seem to be quietly far away from your own perception, maintaining a feeling of aloofness.

Yueying began to feel a little restless in her body...

She tried to say something to get rid of the strange feeling she felt at this moment.

So he asked softly: "Why did you come back on your own initiative?"

But in her ears, the other party's answer had become like an empty echo in the horizon, and like a whisper in her ears.

The strong breath from the opposite sex was mixed with warmth and hit her especially sensitive pointed ears. The strong impulse that she had had almost instantly emerged from the deepest part of her heart, covering her instantly. All sanity.

Wave after wave of sensitive stimulation invaded her whole body, inside and outside her body. In her last consciousness, her will traced the aura of her clan members and "flyed into the flame" towards the light.

'I still overestimate my resistance to 'desire'...'

This was the last clear thought that came to Yueying's mind.

And then...the world fell into a pink veil.

The expression on Bai E's face when the spirit body appears in the high-dimensional space is slightly weird.

The spirit body that was as graceful as a mermaid that was originally holding hands beside her was already clinging to her body like an octopus.

The perception of the spirit body is actually not much different from that of the physical body, otherwise the perception of oneself will suffer huge deviations in the process of "dimension ascension".

But now, that ice-cold body with a bit of warmth in its core, like a jade-like body that had just been taken off the chest, fit tightly with his body, and those uneven body parts were clearly visible. The ground is transmitted from the various senses of the body to one's own perception. The other person's body is gently rubbed up and down. The touch between spiritual bodies is more intimate than the physical body in the material world, and reaches directly to the soul.

The little hand that was originally holding hands with hers and intertwined with hers still maintains the same closeness. She is just gently stroking her palm unconsciously, like a poor little beast praying for some kind of favor. .

When Bai E looked down, he could only see the beautiful face belonging to Yueying looking up at him. The spiritual face, which was almost the same as the real one, was even more illusory and delicate.

And this beautiful face was filled with confusion and infatuation at the moment, her eyes were watery, and her pink lips and teeth were slightly open, as if she was actively asking for a more intimate next step...

Under the absolute stimulation, even Bai E couldn't help but feel his heart tremble. The fighting spirit he originally had in his heart instantly disappeared under the stimulation that reached his soul.

And as if she felt Bai E's gaze, Yueying, who was just hanging on Bai E's body, exerted a little force and moved her whole body upward. A pair of pink lips instantly pressed against Bai E's body, which was very close at hand. lip……

The intercourse between spiritual bodies reaches far more directly into the soul than the physical body, and the stimulating pleasure produced is far better than ordinary normal contact.

Under this sudden encounter, Bai E's brain exploded with a "boom", and he felt that his mind was empty and white.

Not only the personal stimulation, the surrounding environment also became extremely ambiguous in an instant.

Just in the corner of the eye, the spirit body that has been tightly entangled by several fleshy thorn tentacles extending from the dark void reminds everyone that they are still in absolute danger.

Under the constraints of those flesh-and-blood tentacles extending from the void, the spirit bodies that symbolized the elven contestants were gradually dimming at a speed visible to the naked eye, and were about to be completely assimilated into a member of the high-dimensional space.

If no changes are made, the spirit body of this elf contestant will completely become the plaything of the desire demon, and at the same time, the physical body in the material world that is closely connected to it will also become a high-dimensional channel for the desire demon to flow out. (End of chapter)

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