what to do?

Their war gang has never liked killing people, but when they encounter such a big right and wrong, they have to kill even if they don't want to.

But... these guys are people Wenjie knows after all. If he really kills them, Wenjie will seem to not care on the surface, but in fact he will be sad, right?


Wolf Scorpion sighed softly and waved his hands feebly, "Just lock it up like this."

When it comes to the success of their actions... or their failure, then the information these people possess will naturally be of no use, and it will no longer matter whether the secrets are leaked or not.

"I understand, sir!"

As soon as he finished his instructions, his subordinates came over and said, "Sir, the leader said he has something to ask you."

"Yeah." Wolf Scorpion frowned slightly, knowing that the matter had reached the final step.

After all... this is not the first time that adult has come to see them.

The first two times, they could use the excuse that the "ultimate weapon" was not ready yet and wait. But when the opponent's attitude really became tough, they had no possibility of refusing.

After seeing a white-haired old man in the dark room who was wearing a single blindfold and whose body was wrapped tightly in clothes, only his strong muscle lines were outlined, Wolf Scorpion nodded and said, "Chief..."

"Well..." The voice of the old man with a head full of white hair was full of energy, and he just talked about the core things calmly, "This is the third time they have come to us, and their patience has reached the end."

"But isn't the 'ultimate weapon' still not ready?" Wolf Scorpion couldn't help but ask.

This is not only an excuse, but also a fact.

The old man shook his head dejectedly, "They don't care whether our 'ultimate weapon' is ready, they just want us to cause some trouble."

The financial backers behind supporting their development naturally hope to help them do something that they are obviously not able to do at critical moments.

In order to ensure this kind of control, they naturally have something in their hands that can destroy their entire war gang at any time.

Apart from obeying orders, they had no room for resistance.

And this time, the other party's meaning has been made very clear. They don't care at all how successful their war gang can achieve. What they want is just "a little movement".

In other words, this time the warband is likely to be wiped out.

Only by being able to survive the "movement" and evade the hunting dogs after that, can the remaining war gang members gain true freedom.

This is a calamity fire. Once it is crossed, there is new life.

The leader was well aware of all this, but when he first accepted the other party's funding, he naturally had his own plans.

The other party only wanted "a little noise", but he was trying to make "bigger noise" of his own.

The "ultimate weapon" is what he hopes to use to fulfill his ambition.

But now... it still hasn't been completed before the fateful moment arrives.

"I'm not willing to ruin all these years of development at this moment..." The leader's old eyes were a little lost in thought, "In these last few days, I still want to give it a try."

"How to try?" Wolf Scorpion asked immediately.

She was an orphan girl adopted and raised by the leader, who was like her father to her.

The scar across her eye was caused by a fight with a group of older children who bullied her before she was adopted by the leader.

However, a 6-year-old girl is no match for six 14-year-old or 15-year-old children. She relies on her unyielding ruthlessness to catch and bite...

At that time, the leader's hair was not so white, and he was still using the most rudimentary prosthetic limbs. When he rescued her from the hands of the older children, he just smiled and said to her in embarrassment, "Like a wolf cub. How about following me from now on?"

It's already quite difficult to survive in the Lower City.

She heard that many girls who were only a few years older than her had to learn to put on heavy makeup and receive customers to make a living.

She didn't want that, so she followed the leader.

As soon as I followed...it lasted more than 20 years.

No matter what the leader wants to do, she will try her best to help him accomplish it.

"I want Zhou Wenjie."

The old man spoke calmly, and stared at the wolf scorpion quietly with a pair of wise and old eyes, "I know that he is a very special person to you... but we have trained him for so long, and this final technical challenge Maybe only he can do it.”

He knew that Wolf Scorpion didn't want the boy named "Zhou Wenjie" to come into contact with the "Ultimate Weapon", so that even if their war gang was finally broken up, the hunting dogs would not chase after such insignificant peripheral personnel.

But once you touch this thing, even if you don't die in the "movement", you can't escape the subsequent pursuit.

Is it possible that you really think that “technology is not guilty”?

There are many things that are a threat if you know them.

If there was nothing he could do, he wouldn't want to go to this last step.

But over the years, I have tried every possible method.

The few researchers under him have also studied the same thing with him since they were young to the current age. Every time they say there is new progress, they say every time they will be able to install and test it soon.

However... the "ultimate weapon" never really started operating.

Even though these old brothers have been working hard to overcome the final difficulties recently, there is no result.

Perhaps only the little guy who is said to be an absolute genius in these technical fields can complete the final piece of the puzzle.

In the past, of course he would not have been so naive in placing his hope on one person, but in this situation...if he didn't believe in miracles, what else could he believe in?

"..." Wolf Scorpion bit his lower lip and said nothing.

After three to five minutes of silence, Wolf Scorpion smiled brightly and raised his head, "I'll call him over..."

"..." The old man sighed softly, "Thanks to you for all the hard work these years."

"It's not hard..." Wolf Scorpion stared at the wrinkles on the old man's face. Each one... she remembered the time it appeared, "This is the life I want!"

Leading Wenjie on the path leading to the secret room, Wolf Scorpion gently caressed the back of Wenjie's head with her palms. Walking beside her, she looked at Wenjie's soft hair, her eyes flashing softly, "Without me, you You can't survive in this city. After all, this is a place for people to eat people. If there is a next life, don't come here again. Now, let me take you with me... to die. ’

Zhou Wenjie met the real boss of the war gang for the first time.

He is an old man with an intimidating figure but a very kind face.

"I've heard about your deeds..." The old man looked at Zhou Wenjie and said with a smile, "Now there is a final technology in the organization that needs to overcome the final difficulty, and it requires a genius like you to try to solve it. Time is tight. , the task is heavy, I won’t force it.”

The old man who was speaking glanced at Wolf Scorpion who was standing next to Zhou Wenjie.

When things came to a head, he felt a little weak.

On one side is his commitment to those old brothers, on the other side is his "daughter's" happiness in the second half of her life.

If those old brothers could still talk, I really wanted to talk to them... what should I do.

But now no one can give him any advice. He can only look at this little guy that his "daughter" likes... What kind of person is he?

"Let me tell you the truth, this technology is not a good thing. Once you touch it, you will be hunted by the city in the future. I don't know what will happen. And we have been studying this technology for decades. It's not completely successful, even if you join... you may not be able to achieve any results. You have to understand this."

Listening to these words, Wolf Scorpion moved his lips and wanted to speak out, but was stopped by the old man with a wave of his hand. His eyes just stared at Zhou Wenjie's face quietly, "So I want to ask Asking you, are you willing to join? If you are not willing... I will let Wolf Scorpion take you away. Leave, go outside the city. Don't come back again!"

The resources outside the city may be a little more limited than in the city, and life is a little boring, but as long as you are careful, you will not lose your life.

With the abilities that Wolf Scorpion has honed over the years, they should be able to live a good life outside the city.

And I heard that the old brothers outside the city seem to be doing well recently. If you can't help it, taking refuge with them is also a way out.

Wolf Scorpion couldn't listen anymore and opened his mouth to retort, but he only heard another voice ringing in his ears first, "Of course I'm joining!"

Wenjie raised his hands with a look of great interest.

There are new techniques to learn!

The task that the adults assigned to themselves at that time was short of the last piece of knowledge/technology that they could not complete. Now that they finally have the opportunity to get in touch with new things, how could they miss it?

As if feeling the silence after he spoke, Wenjie glanced carefully at the face of the wolf scorpion beside him.

Is there anything wrong with what I said?

Why don't you both talk?

‘Are you really so happy? ’ The leader’s heart was full of weirdness, ‘Is there something I didn’t explain clearly? People will die...'

There can't be anyone who isn't afraid of death, right?

Even if these people in Xiacheng don't live like human beings, they are still trying their best to survive.

But after seeing the little guy glance at his "daughter", the leader realized.

It's like love!

The daughter likes him, and he also likes the daughter.

For his daughter, he is willing to do anything.

Even if we die together.

"Okay, okay!" The leader laughed with rare laughter, "Then it's settled, Wolf Scorpion, you take him to find Lao Qi and the others. I'll give you three days. After three days, before the 'action' begins, , you take him out of the city and never come back! And don’t ask what happened to us in the end, we will have nothing to do with each other in three days!"

Whether it can happen or not depends entirely on God’s will.

As for whether the daughter and the boy can escape the pursuit of those hunting dogs in the end...it depends on their own luck.

Wolf Scorpion glanced at Zhou Wenjie with a frown, his eyes filled with joy and worry.

If "father" just asked her to join without talking about anything, it wouldn't make her mind waver.

And if Wenjie firmly refused, she might not force it.

But now...

Wolf Scorpion stretched out his right hand, grabbed the back of Wenjie's neck, and pushed him out with half intimacy and half annoyance, "Let's go! Go see your research!"

Wolf Scorpion's hands were cold, Wenjie just shrank his neck and protested in a low voice, "Just leave, why do you have to pinch me..."

"Not convinced?!"

"I'm convinced! I'm convinced~" Wenjie raised his face and just smiled, "Sister, I will listen to you, you have the final say."

The long-silent feedback information came back again, and Bai E was somewhat pleased to receive the information prompt from the panel.

In fact, after releasing some tasks to players recently, he has received a lot of feedback tips one after another, and now he has summarized them all together.

[Feedback from the commission, your insight +0.7, physical fitness +0.9, reflex +1.1, mystery +0.3, light weapons proficiency experience +350, light firearms proficiency experience +105, long-range weapon proficiency experience +437, combat proficiency experience + 115. Knowledge - Biological Master Brain Theory Experience +50. 】

Only this time, an additional knowledge and experience of "Biological Master Brain Theory" was added, which surprised Bai E a little.

This was the knowledge necessary for the blueprints of his mecha transformation plan 2.0. How could something he hadn't heard about in Helen suddenly appear in the mission feedback?


Of course, the feedback attribute of the task comes from the player who does the task, and among the players who do the task, there is only one person related to technology——



"What's wrong?" Seeing the change in Bai E's face, Helen asked curiously.

"Nothing..." Bai E shook his head and stated his purpose of coming, "I came to you this time just to ask when the second genetic optimization solution can be injected?"

"The second genetic optimization fluid?" Helen raised her eyes slightly and looked at Bai E with a strange look in her eyes. "If I remember correctly, your first injection of genetic optimization fluid was not more than half a year ago, right?"

"Yes..." Bai E nodded, "I just want to ask what conditions need to be met for the second injection of genetic optimization fluid?"

"Injecting the second genetic optimization solution generally requires the effectiveness of the first genetic optimization solution to be completely absorbed and digested, and the optimization and transformation of the gene to be completely stabilized. This process does not take less than half a year. In fact, in the past In actual operation, we will only pay attention to the optimized body indicators of those targets who have been injected with the previous optimization solution for more than one year. Not to mention that even if the actual attributes of the body are completely improved to the optimized upper limit of the body, It’s not a simple thing, it means that your familiarity with yourself has reached the extreme. Although this is not a hard indicator, it is also an important reference indicator in our clinical practice.”

Helen, who was speaking, glanced at Bai E's body, looking at the body exuding great vitality, with a little more curiosity in her eyes, "But... if it were you, I would also like to see you now. To what extent.”

This artificial man named Bai E has already created so many miracles, so it doesn’t seem like something unacceptable to break the convention of using genetic optimization fluid, right? (End of chapter)

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