Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 540 Kuang Xin is not affected

" could it happen?" Seeing all this happening in front of her eyes, Gladys's eyes were a little dull in the green mist, "How could it become like this?"

The bloated green body in front of him, as well as the mist that emitted after it appeared, all showed that the arrival of the other party was far from his original intention!

The other party is not the God who saves all sentient beings from the beginning to the end! He has never been the true God who can bring liberation to the world in his ideals!

This strong cloud of epidemic viruses will only bring the most profound destruction to this world.

Although everyone's life was a bit harder before, it was not impossible to survive.

But at this moment...

The good-looking sister who came in alone was tortured by the cloud of the epidemic virus and besieged by those phantoms including "unclean", and her breath had become extremely weak.

The colorful gauze clothes on his body were already in tatters, and the tip of the long sword in his hand was broken off, leaving only a vague aura that appeared and disappeared on his body.

However, the female swordsman still stubbornly supported her kneeling body with the blade of her sword. She raised her head and looked at her target stubbornly with her face covered in blood—that is, the eternal evil uncle. By.

The other party didn't even take action personally. Just the little demons that emerged from the high-dimensional gaps, with the addition of the epidemic virus cloud, already made her tired to deal with them.

more importantly……

Franka glanced at the human girl whose limbs seemed to be linked by light green light or entangled and imprisoned. Her body had completely become a channel for demons to pass through the material world, so much so that the little demons who emerged from this channel were also It also has the characteristic of being "blessed" by it.

Not to mention that the little devil of the eternal system already possesses extremely strong defense and vitality capabilities. Coupled with the immunity to negative status and damage reduction capabilities given by it, her sharp sword edge is now eclipsed.

But the flame of the soul ignited unyieldingly again, and Franka stood up again with force from her mouth, and the sword finger passed over the sword.

The shattered sword tip regenerated in the form of light again, and Franka's eyes glowed with incandescent light, "As long as there is one executive left in this world, I will never let your filth invade the world!"

With a "click", the crystal necklace that Franka had been wearing on her chest suddenly shattered, and powerful spiritual energy that was difficult to control instantly filled Franka's sea of ​​consciousness.

The huge psychic energy that was difficult to control caused her control of her body to go awry, and her right arm holding the sword slowly waved with obvious tremors.

However, this "slowness" is just a deception for other people's senses. The long sword that seemed slow but was actually urgent shot out instantly after turning around in Franka's palm.

The long sword rotated around the center, and its blade danced into a blurry white whirlwind that raged throughout the circular square.

The extremely lethal sword wind centered on Franka's body and circled around to kill all incoming enemies.

If those little eternal devils who had only managed to kill two of them were unfortunate enough to be caught in this blade whirlwind, they would have all their flesh and blood cut off in an instant and die instantly.

It's just that the direction of this blade whirlwind is difficult to control and is extremely chaotic.

Even though Franka tried her best to control it, she could only control the direction of the whirlwind to a certain extent.

The ultimate stunt that combines swordsmanship and spiritual power - the Sword Dance - is still difficult for her to control for the time being.

If she hadn't detonated the last amulet left to her by her family to release this terrifying spiritual energy reserve, she would have been unable to even release it.

Fortunately, everything in sight is full of enemies, so there is no need to worry about this attack accidentally injuring a friend.

Franka's rising attack made Gladys' denial of what she had done reach its peak. Her tenacious will broke through the blockade of the ceremony. At this moment, the girl, who was completely helpless, spoke bitterly to her former respected target. Xian launched the last inquiry, "Teacher...didn't you say that we are the right ones?"

The face of the unclean Thorgroth still retains some of the appearance of past humans. Facing the girl's question, he just opened his mouth and laughed happily. He waved his hand lovingly and pointed to those around him who were not in the circular square. The armed personnel who did not disappear directly as sacrifices, including the light believers, were now under the influence of the plague poison cloud, turning into horrific, rotten and dilapidated images.

The towering pustules on the shoulders oozed light yellow fishy mucus, and white worms drilled in and out of the muscle fibers under the ulcerated skin. However, under these horrific appearances, it is these individuals who are more powerful and more powerful. Rich breath of life.

With far more powerful physical fitness than ordinary people and the damage transfer of "Pain Link", Dai Lian and other three players also found it difficult to deal with the entanglement of those armed men.

"You should also be able to feel the current state of these people, right? When do you think their bodies have been so strong?"


"But they are all sick?" Sogros smiled disdainfully, "This is the shortsightedness of you humans! If illness can no longer end your life in pain, then what does it matter whether you are sick or not? Just take the initiative to hug , the epidemic is eternal. The virus is small and will last forever! All the current battles come from these guys who went to Europe to resist. If they can join our family, then naturally there will be no more disputes and pain in this world. .”

"They already understand, and so does your teacher." Thorgros' thick, swollen and ragged index finger swept across the huge steel cave, and finally landed on the girl not far from him. "So, what about you?"

"Me?" The girl lowered her head again, a little confused in her eyes.

‘Maybe what he said is really right? ’

If illness can no longer make people feel the pain and suffering and the loss of life, then the illness itself does not mean any disaster.

If everyone can really join this big family, then it seems that there is no need to fight with each other for the scarce living resources in this world, and the ideal world of peace will naturally come.

The teacher is such a knowledgeable and even wise and kind person. The path he agrees with is probably really the right one, right?

However, in the corner of her eye, the female swordsman who never gave up fighting inadvertently broke into her thoughts.

The executive lady who protects the human world is really... very beautiful!

Why does it have to look so ugly?

"I think it's wrong..."

The girl chanted softly.

The mind becomes more determined.

The spiritual energy in the body is entirely centered on will.

When there was a firm shift in belief, the originally stable high-dimensional channel suddenly began to flicker.

Chains like beams tightened the girl's limbs, and the pain all over her body invaded her mind all the time.

But she has long been accustomed to this kind of piercing torture, and the pain has never been able to break her will. Even under the resistance of this will, her spiritual power has increased day by day.

It is precisely because of this talent and heart that no one else has that she can become the channel that allows the eternal demon to pass through.

It is precisely because of this talent and heart that no one else has that she can now completely reverse the high-dimensional passage with herself as the core.

"I don't think it's right."

The girl's body slowly turned up and down, and the beam chains that bound her were twisted into a twist.

The invisible psychic whirlwind that had been spinning since the passage opened suddenly reversed from this moment on. The counter-rotating psychic whirlwind began to re-engage all the little devils in the circular square, sucking in the unfolding oval light above the high platform. In the cave.

The endless suction force was aimed at the back of Sogroros from the light hole, but for the first time, a look of anger appeared on the face of the unclean one who always smiled.

He took out a bone staff with a skull on the top from nowhere, and pointed it lightly at the gray light hole above his head.

Then the reversing whirlwind stopped, the endless suction stopped, and the little devil figures that were being sucked into the light hole... also stayed in the moment of eternal shrinkage.

Thorgros stared at the girl tightly, his eyes full of sorrow, "I was very optimistic that you would become the most powerful child of our 'loving father'. I firmly believe that you can grow to the point where you can surpass me." shouldn't refuse me!"

"Reject your mother!"

A powerful ax suddenly hit Sogros' fat head from the side.

Kuang Xin dropped from the sky with a giant ax in his hand and struck down with the axe!


The attack after the ritual baptism was even more powerful with a bit of spiritual burning power, and it instantly cut into half an inch of flesh and blood like a hot knife cutting into butter.

He was suddenly attacked by an unexpected attack. In the middle of the moment when Sogros cast the spell, which he had not expected at all, the little demons whose bodies were drawn into the passage gradually became smaller and shrunk to a small point. They were suddenly involved in the light group again in the rotation. .

The violent suction force acted on Sogros's back again, so that the flesh and blood on his entire back showed a weird pulling appearance.

Kuang Xin, who easily picked up the ax and dropped it to the ground, took a step back and looked at the huge body in front of him, which was more than twice as tall as himself, with a provocative look on his face. "You are so ugly and you have the nerve to recruit people? Why don't you take a pee and look in the mirror?" Look what you look like!”

TM’s orcs are ugly too! Desire demons are also ugly! There are no good-looking aliens in this game!

The elf was better looking, but he wasn't interested in that thin, white guy with thin arms and legs!

Everyone is so ugly, what else can they do if they don't fight?

Damn it!

"Fuck! Xin!"

"Kuang Xin! My God!"

Gu Lan and Dai Lian made strange screams in the distance.

"How can you still be armed?!"

"Is it reasonable for me, a holy son, to have some privileges?" Kuang Xin raised his face, feeling proud.

He looked at the big man in front of him with a provocative and warlike look on his face.

He absorbed a lot of power in the ritual just now - Insight +0.9, Reflection +1.1, Mystery +2.0, Psychic +50/50.

Such a violent growth makes him feel that there is a violent force roaming in his body that wants to vent wildly, but strangely there is some weird barrier that makes this impulse to vent always be separated by something, like scratching an itch. Refreshing is difficult to truly implement.

But no matter what, there is always something right to do!

"You..." Thorgros stared at Kuang Xin with eyes full of surprise, "How could you!"

The power discerned by the authority given by the loving Father is always infallible, and the "sacrifice" provided by the so-called "Holy Son" for his coming is also true.

Although it itself will not completely die, it is a certain fact that it will be possessed by a powerful demon whose strength is only inferior to itself.

When he came to the material world, he considered that anyone might become his enemy during this trip, but he never thought that this certain companion would become his enemy.

Not to mention that at the moment, it seems that the other party has not suffered any reaction that a normal human should have after being possessed or affected by the poison cloud.

"Be careful! Be careful to use your spiritual energy to resist the poisonous cloud, otherwise your strength will be greatly limited!" Gong Yan warned outside the scene.

Fighting in the poisonous cloud, the enemy's strength is slightly enhanced, but they have to use spiritual energy to offset the various negative effects that the poisonous cloud brings to them...such as blinding, weakness, reduced mobility, weakened vision, etc. This is why they can't even deal with a group of armed believers who are just ordinary people with guns.

"I know!" After hearing the reminder, Kuang Xin stared at the opponent in front of him. He had realized that the suction force that was only effective for demons might not be of much use to this big guy, "But I am not affected!"

Kuang Xin grinned, "After all, I am still their holy son!"

Even though he was clearly counterattacking, the opponent's field-controlling poisonous cloud still failed to modify the process of distinguishing friend from foe in time. He was obviously a fool!


Thorgroth's right hand holding the staff casually waved at the gray light hole above his head, and the suction force pulling his flesh and blood disappeared immediately.

When he focused entirely on the little creature provoking him in front of him, Thorgros used his higher-dimensional authority.

Being able to deceive the power identification ability delegated by a loving father, even if it is only the most basic level of identification, means that the other party has an incredible background.

So at a glance, Thorgros' eyes suddenly narrowed into a dangerous slit.

The opponent's body... has several auras from different sources.

If you want to deceive the authority delegated by your loving father, you must have the same level of authority as a cover...

"We are all here to stay together, but not in the river..." Sogros stared at Kuang Xin closely, and his dull voice sounded a bit honest, "We have been at peace for so long, there is no need to stir up unnecessary disputes."

Kuang Xin ignored him ruthlessly, "Who the hell is in the same group with all of you?!"

My hands are itchy and I just want to fight!

With the ax in his hand flashing, Kuang Xin took the initiative to attack!

Thorgros, who had repeatedly tolerated it, finally couldn't hold it back anymore, "I've already given you enough respect!"

"call out!"

Green energy bombs shot out from the bone staff instantly and headed straight for Kuang Xin! (End of chapter)

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