The unclean Thorgros, who had hid in the high-dimensional space, "looked" at the corner of the material world that was rapidly losing his "vision" and felt a little frightened.

The strength of the other party was extraordinary, and that arrow was completely unlike the attack that humans could make. Except for those reckless men who had no brains, it was difficult for him to connect it to other people.

Although He is not afraid of those muscle sticks, if his body is really beaten to pieces in the material world, the origin of the high-dimensional world will be damaged to some extent.

Even if they don't really die in the material world, mere damage to their strength is also unacceptable to them.

This time... forget it!

However... Thorgros opened his palm with a smile. In the corrupted ball of light in his palm, a condensed model of a human girl was curled up and slowly rotating.

Although the retreat was urgent, it was not a problem to kidnap a human girl who had lost the ability to resist.

Although the girl's spiritual power is powerful, her spiritual power has been exhausted due to her strong resistance.

With a soul with such potential, I think my father would be pleased...

After Thorgroth the Unclean ran away, all that remained was the emaciated and gaunt body of the former pope of the sect.

Wrapped in a loose robe, it was empty and looked shaky even standing where it was.

And in those turbid black eyes filled with extreme fear, a green whirlwind was rapidly enlarging from the field of vision.

"call out!"

Like sweeping through ashes and sweeping wood, the slender arrow passed through, and the whirlwind carried by it instantly blew away the already decayed body, turning it into embers in the wind.

The arrow's momentum continued unabated, and it suddenly penetrated the mechanical wall and shot out a spiral eye.

The green poisonous mist gradually dissipated along with Sogros' position, like boundless water, losing its support.

After the enemy's aura had completely dissipated, Bai E put down his bow and arrow and stepped into the mechanical cave.

Those cult believers who were twisted by demons were corroded too deeply and naturally cannot be saved.

But without the poisonous mist and pain link blessing, even if they mutate, they are no match for the few players still on the field.

Bai E doesn't need to worry about cleaning up such small things.

The remaining executive officer immediately faced Bai E, "Thank you so much for your help! I just don't know where you came from?"

Although the tone was respectful, there was also a hint of inquiry.

The demons are full of scheming, and they are now being forced back by this new man. In fact, they did not pay much price. They seem to be somewhat interested in pushing this man to the top. Maybe he will be the one who conspired. The handwriting of the Lord.

The caution that flowed in his blood when dealing with demonic incidents made him find out the origin of this person even at the risk of offending Bai E.

Bai E asked calmly and slightly curiously, "You don't know me?"

"I have been chasing traces of demons in the lower levels of the city all year round. I am not familiar with the adults in the city..."

"Oh." Bai E nodded, "I am the military general, Bai E. I came all the way here after receiving a request for help from your executive officer, Miss Franka."

As he spoke, Bai E's eyes circled around the surroundings, and his tone was a little regretful, "But it seems that it's still a step too late."

The executive officer's inquiry was his duty, and after explaining it, Bai E didn't bother with him anymore.

She quickly walked over to Franka who was lying on the ground. This noble lady who came from a big family had never had a superior mentality. After becoming the executive officer of the Arbitration Agency, she was even more direct in the battle with the devil. Be on the front line.

Fortunately, this time it was just a temporary collapse and coma, and no serious injuries.

The spiritual energy was mobilized and gently injected into Franka's slender body. Under the nourishment of a warm current, Franka's eyelashes trembled slightly in the coma.

Then it opened suddenly.


With a quick breath, Franka suddenly sat up straight in Baie's arms, "Unclean!"

"He has run away." Bai E comforted him softly from behind.

Turning back and glancing at Bai E, who was close at hand, Franka's tense body relaxed again, but her eyes subconsciously turned around her body.

It wasn't until she realized that an important character seemed to be missing that Franca was startled again and asked eagerly, "Where's Gladys!"

Bai E didn't know the existence of this girl, let alone everything that had happened before. At this time, he just asked the name curiously, "Gladys?"

"Sir, when the unclean one escaped just now, it seems that Miss Gladys was also taken away." The attentive Gong Yan softly explained to Bai E not far away, and at the same time informed Franka of the girl's final outcome.

"Taken away?" Franka was startled, with a hint of sadness in her eyes, "She shouldn't have been taken away..."

"..." Bai E pursed his lips, remembering that when the demon escaped just now, he indeed took the girl beside him with him.

But looking at the way the girl is closely connected to the devil's aura, isn't it because of her that the devil was summoned this time?

Is there something else hidden behind the matter?

But even if he had known that there was something hidden, it would have been difficult for him to snatch the girl directly from the other party when he was fleeing.

Franka obviously didn't have the energy or mood to explain in detail, so the thoughtful Gong Yan explained to Bai E on the side: "Although the girl named 'Gladis' is the main summoner of this demon incident, she It was also caused by being deceived by her cult Pope teacher. Her talent was extraordinary, and she also had a great desire to save the world. However, she was deceived by bad people, so that all the harm suffered by the entire cult's followers was transferred to herself. At first, she just wanted to share more pain for others, but gradually she wanted to bear the suffering of the whole world with her weak shoulders..."

As she spoke, Gong Yan carefully glanced at Franka who was sitting there blankly, "Miss Franka is worried that she will be captured. Maybe she is afraid that her power will be used by the devil and a more difficult opponent will appear in the future, right?" "

"You shouldn't!" Franka, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly raised her head, her eyes staring ahead but without focus. Her weak voice seemed to have some strength, and she was probably speaking to herself, "He is a good person. She shouldn’t be treated like this! She shouldn’t be taken to that hell-like place by the devil and tortured!”

After being silent for about a second, Franka looked steadily at the ground in front of her and said firmly: "I want to save her!"

"Are you ready?" Bai E was not surprised by Franka's decision.

When the other party first proposed the expedition plan, no one was prepared.

Although no one knows what kind of preparation is best when facing unknown things, it is always a better choice to reach the limit that one can foresee in a short time, so everyone always keeps that plan deep in their hearts. .

But never forgotten.

Franka didn't forget it, and neither did Baie.

High-dimensional space always has to be visited.

Gladys was just an opportunity.

And if in the past it was just to save those souls enslaved by high-dimensional space, then now there is an additional reason - to clear the heart of human beings from the heartfelt fear of high-dimensional space.

"I don't know, but I think this is the best time." Franka's eyes turned to look at the back of the fellow executive who was starting to clean up the mutant cult believers.

The next two executive officers arrived in a hurry and did not understand the cause and consequences of the incident.

But after Gong Yan's explanation, it became clear that the other party was a little angry when dealing with those mutated cult believers.

Anger fueled by Gladys.

Franka can see this, Gong Yan can see this, everyone can see this...

There was a clear look in Franka's eyes, which meant that her idea was not due to impulse.

People’s hearts are available!

"Perhaps I can use this opportunity to persuade some companions to join our operation?" Franka said her plan and looked at Bai E, "So, what about you? Are you ready?"

"Me?" Bai E smiled brightly, "I've been waiting for this day... for a long time."

Bai E has been waiting for this day since the last time he took Yueying to kill everyone in the high-dimensional space.

After several battles in which he came into contact with high-dimensional space, it seemed that this strange, infinitely terrifying and abnormal place in the legend was not as scary as others said.


To what extent can it be considered sufficient?

From the moment he came to this world, Bai E understood one thing.

This world has always been like this, from ancient times to the present.

There are always things for which there is no previous experience to learn from, and some people need to pay the price of blood and tears to bravely explore.

Since someone has to do it, why...can't it be me?

When facing the unknown, let the warrior go first!

"Okay!" Franka nodded suddenly, "Since we have decided to rescue, we have to be quick! I will contact my colleagues in the arbitration office now to see how many people are willing to follow our actions."

"I'll inform Killoran."

This little girl told her everything about how she secretly recruited and assisted in training the hundreds of talented refugees. Now these refugees are following Kirolan's lead. Without her orders, it would be difficult for others to mobilize these psykers to do things.

And only by greeting him personally can Kilolan be trusted to help. This side... always needs to be seen.

Now that he has become one of the few high-ranking people in the entire Blackwater City, when he goes to see the two little ones, he is no longer being watched as tightly as he was in the past.

With anticipation for the upcoming action in her heart, Franka's exhausted face seemed to have a red light again, "I'll make arrangements."


Franka, who had recovered a little, walked in vain to find her fellow executive who had taken a short break alone because she had cleared out all the mutant sect believers. "Hey buddy, I want to discuss something with you..."

"...I'm very unhappy about what happened this time." Franka's amber pupils were full of sincerity and determination. She pointed to the void above her head and spoke enthusiastically, "They can't always hide in that place. They attack us from anywhere and at any time. They should pay a price!"

"The price..." The executive turned his head and looked at the corpse of his companion who had been traveling with him for several years.

The body that was still a little warm seemed to still be laughing and chatting with him with its former warmth.

"...You should pay a price." He responded in a deep voice.

Bai E didn't listen anymore and strode away from the scene.

When she found Kilolan, the girl had just finished a training session.

Heat was rising all over his body, beads of sweat were brewing on his forehead, and his face was flushed. The moment he saw Bai E, a rose-like smile bloomed on his face, "Sir!"

Bai E smiled lovingly at her and said softly, "Something's wrong."

"Yes." Kilolan nodded obediently, and then ordered around to create a separate space for solitude.

Baie never regarded this child as a mere tool, and carefully explained to her the decision he and Franka made as well as the relevant details that led to this decision, waiting for her opinion.

While listening to Baie's explanation, Kilolan kept a gentle and bright smile on his lips. Until Baie finished speaking, he stared at Baie's eyes with his eyes as bright as stars and said: "If it is Sir, I will abide by your decision no matter what it is. Since you have made a decision, you must have your reasons. However... purely regarding this incident, I actually have something to talk to you about."

"Huh?" Bai E didn't expect this and asked with a little curiosity. He didn't know what Kilolan's special views were on this incident.

"As you just said, through their investigation, we learned that there are many so-called 'losers' in the entire city who are dissatisfied with their lives. They are desperate for this bad world and have no hope for their own abilities. Hope, apart from placing their hope in the 'omnipotent' 'god' that may exist in nothingness, how can they convince themselves to continue living their lives?"

Because he had been in the same situation, Kiloland couldn't relate more to the mentality of those people.

When she was driven away from that wild oasis and lost in the boundless wilderness, she also prayed for an omnipotent god who could rescue them and lead them out of their predicament.

The result is obvious, except for the demon that smelled "fear" and grew among them, no god cast a pity on them.

There is no God in this world.

Kilolan's words made Baie realize some issues that he had never considered.

But as his status gradually increases, and he even plans to steal the city, he must face and solve these problems that he has never paid attention to in the past.

After a brief thought, Bai E had only one solution: "Perhaps, we should give them some real faith." (End of Chapter)

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