"All march!" Bai E quickly ordered.

No one knows how long Fernandi's soul light and fire can persist in this dark dimension. Only by pursuing the light with all their strength can Fernandi's sacrifice of his soul not become an empty talk.

There is no sense of space and direction in high-dimensional space. It seems that they are moving in a "straight line" in the direction of the "fire". However, the real situation is that they are "close" to the location of Fernandi's soul light and fire in a certain metaphysical sense. "Absolute position".

Once the light goes out, even if they feel they are still moving in the same direction, they will eventually miss their true destination.

They must, must, reach the realm of eternal authority before Fernandi's soul is completely burned out!

In order to speed up the journey, everyone's spiritual energy was encouraged, and the originally dim and luminous spirit became slightly brighter in Bai E's eyes.

From a distance, it looked like a large meteor streaking across the dark sky.

The mysterious lines of dark purple embellish the edge of the spiritual perspective like lightning. Darkness is the absolute main theme from everyone's perspective.

Except for the flickering light like a candle in the far distance, everything in this world is chaotic and mysterious.

Occasionally, the stinging tentacles growing out of "space" came and whipped them, but they were cut into pieces and destroyed as soon as they appeared.

Bai E holds a sharp blade and cuts across all directions.

While rushing on the road, you will occasionally encounter some lonely demons passing by.

The high-dimensional space is like a mysterious deep sea, and demons in charge or born under various powers are distributed throughout this deep sea like fish in the sea.

Some are alone, some are in groups.

Bai E did not let go of the deflection layer around him as arrogantly as last time. After all, if it really attracted a large number of wandering demons, even if it was not a problem for him, it would delay "time" to some extent.

No one knew how long Fernandi could hold out.

Burning one's soul completely is a painful thing that tests one's will. The torment of knowing everything clearly and watching everything about oneself being melted bit by bit like a candle is enough to defeat the entire perseverance of any soul.

Fortunately, the demons he encountered along the way were all small-scale and low-level, and Bai E easily killed them all with one strike of his sword.

A small number of small-scale demons that ran into the spirit expeditionary force following Bai E were surrounded and suppressed by the excited executioners, and they were also cut into pieces with random knives.

Everyone tried their best to chase the light.

Until a hazy green light appeared in front of my eyes.

The high-dimensional space is not all chaotic and uncertain. Beings with extremely powerful psychic abilities and willpower can distort this mysterious realm with their own power.

There are even human records of human psykers briefly shaping a garden in this space with their own will.

The areas of authority recognized by the four major gods in high-dimensional space can naturally be easily shaped to suit their own pursuits based on their will.

Bai E and others saw a "garden".

After comparisons between Bai E, Franka, and even the many second- and third-level psykers following behind them, they confirmed that the scenery they saw was exactly the same.

Flower buds made of carrion are in bud, three-legged toads jump in the yellow-green mucus, and plague spirits like preserved eggs run wildly in the "jungle" formed by fleshy tentacles and carrion flowers.

The green plague, who had a strong and plump body and was covered with thick sores and hyperplasia of granules, was lying or sitting in various places in this huge garden, with big teeth on his face and a silly smile on his face as he scratched his armpits.

A large number of squirming follicles as big as goose eggs are dotted in every corner like bunches of grapes. Each follicle seems to be engraved with a vague human face. If you approach them with your own will, it seems that you can I heard a faint groan.

"Those are the chaos eggs." Franka whispered to Bai E.

They are chaotic, their souls have become mutilated under the destruction of divine power, they have lost their understanding of the world, and they can only become a group of chaotic eggs that have almost no perception and no response to external things.

There is no future and no hope, only eternal torture and confusion.

In fact, eternity treats the corruption of living beings almost equally. The experiences of every unlucky person corrupted by eternity can be said to be surprisingly similar——

Suffering trauma in battle and suffering from serious diseases, or contracting infectious diseases due to the environment in life, the endless pain brings endless torture, and the huge pain stirs up slight ripples in the high-dimensional space, causing The demons who hold such authority are concerned.

The injured began to hear vague whispers, and the buzzing of flies echoed in their ears. The will that they once thought was firm and incomparable gradually became numb, the concept of time began to collapse, and even the soul seemed to be rotting in the torture day after day.

At this moment, the God of Plague begins to show his "mercy". As long as he gives up the last resistance, just nods, accepts despair, embraces the pain, merges with it, and transcends death itself, all the torture will disappear immediately.

Will you agree? Are you still resisting? It doesn't matter, a loving father has plenty of patience.

Because His existence is eternity.

And once the sick and injured begin to compromise, begin to accept their fate, and begin to try to integrate with the pain, then the loving father will generously send down his mighty power.

But not every creature is lucky enough to carry that generous divine power. Those who can endure it will become the chosen ones and become princes...just like lucky ones like Fernandi.

Those who are unable to survive will be transformed into the lowest chaos egg in the high-dimensional space under the impact of divine power, with a destiny that is least controllable by themselves.

Of course, chaos means infinite possibilities.

Perhaps one day the Chaos Egg will hatch into a great demon that shocks the world due to an accidental change.

But more often than not, countless chaos eggs can only huddle together and become playthings that can be seen everywhere at the devil's feet.

But you must know that each of these chaos eggs represents a suffering soul...the soul of intelligent life.

Whether it's a human or an elf!

The expeditionary force is here to rescue these souls trapped in eternal torment.

Bai E wants to set a fire, set a fire in this garden.

Burn everything here!

Let all the souls trapped in the Chaos Eggs truly rest in peace.

But first, we must first save those souls that have not completely fallen and been completely assimilated by eternal corrosion!

The fire is still lit in front, and that is the core of the entire eternal domain of authority.

Bai E held the Rhythmic Blade and strode into it.

The soft ground undulated slightly underfoot like mud, and the passing of the large group of people disturbed a budding ball of flesh.

Under the rapid expansion and contraction like breathing and heartbeat, the flesh ball that expanded to the maximum suddenly exploded, and green pus was instantly scattered all over the sky.

Even if the spirits of the expeditionary force approached immediately and evaded them, many people were caught off guard and got wet.

The deadly germs in the eternal realm all carry supreme divine power, which can cause horrific erosion to both spiritual bodies and spiritual energy.

White corrosive smoke immediately rose from the part of the spirit body where the pus had touched, and the spirit body of the expeditionary force who was soaked all over suddenly let out a painful wail.

No matter how firm your will is, it will be difficult to restrain your instinctive impulse when encountering such unexpected and rapid erosion. The heart-stopping howl of spiritual thoughts echoes in the souls of the soldiers of the expeditionary army in the same link, which can't help but frighten people.

The Rhythm Heart Blade in Bai E's hand emits rippling ripples in circles, and the authority from the Rhythm Heart Blade takes care of every favored person within the authority all the time.

However, so far, the Rhythmic Blade has only killed demons of the desire type, and has not specifically targeted demons of the eternity type.

At this moment, faced with the erosion of bacteria from the eternal system, the protection of the Heart of Rhythm Blade cannot allow Bai E's expeditionary army to ignore the attacks of bacteria and viruses.

"Start a comprehensive cleanup! The whole army sweeps forward!" Bai E shouted the order as soon as he stepped into the Eternal Garden.

With a sword, he sliced ​​off the head of Xingwen, who was laughing and charging from a distance while wielding a flail. Bai'e himself continued to stride forward without stopping.

[Your attack successfully hit the target, causing 200 points of slashing damage to the target. 】

[Through this attack, you discovered the following relevant information...]

[Plague (Devil) (Chaos): HP 800/1000; Defense 50; Action 50%; Traits: Mutation and proliferation, de-vitalization...]

High blood volume, high defense, strong regeneration ability, but slow movement.

In fact, from the last time when he led Yueying to kill seven in and out of the desire-based demons, Bai E had a strange understanding——

When these demons are in their own high-dimensional space, their strength may not be as invincible and terrifying as humans imagine.

The strength of these low-level demons outside the garden was obviously limited. Bai E knew from the first encounter that these beings were not the opponents of the expeditionary force following him.

Maybe you can give yourself enough time to clean up all the demons you encounter along the way. Maybe the soldiers of the expeditionary force need to pay some price to defeat these eternal demons, but this is what they must do. There are more important things to do!

The lonely soul who broke into the core of the Eternal Garden alone at the cost of everything is burning there with all his strength. He must go to him in time and tell this warrior that everything he has paid is not meaningless...

I am already here!

What's more, the eternal demons have too much health and are too difficult to kill.

And this garden... is also too big.

Relying on one person to clean up slowly, even if he is always undefeated, it will take too long. This is why he needs an army.

But if some ignorant Xingwen jumps in front of him, Bai E won't mind giving them a blow.

[Your attack successfully hit the target, causing 200 points of slashing damage to the target. 】

[The soul-eating magic blade absorbs a small amount of the target's essence, and the special attack effect is being upgraded to 30/5000. 】

【……45/5000. 】

【...80/5000. 】

The second-level Rhythm Heart Blade requires too much "experience" to advance to the third level, and Bai E has no intention of slowly gaining experience here.

Today is a great day for the Eternal Garden to have another chosen god. The high-level demons headed by the unclean Thorgroth gathered around this new brother laughing and laughing.

Joyful laughter echoed in the center of the entire garden. The lively plague spirits slithered around every demon's body and feet. Their small hands and feet connected with each other to form a long chain, and randomly threw the tip of the plague spirit out with a "whoosh". Far away.

A black iron cauldron taller than Sogros was bubbling thickly, exploding into clouds of green liquid vapor.

Occasionally, unlucky or lucky plague spirits are accidentally thrown into it, and they instantly melt into it and disappear.

However, under the horrified and puzzled gazes of these higher demons, this thin brother who had just joined their eternal home shed a string of muddy tears in full view of everyone.

Then, a sky-high fire suddenly rose from his body.

"It hurts... it hurts..." Fernandi, who should never feel pain again after becoming an Eternal Believer, once again felt the long-lost pain that was heart-breaking and bone-gnawing, even more intense and intense than any time before. thorough.

A sense of detachment swept through his body, as if he had to squeeze his entire soul out of his body. It was probably as if he had peeled off his own flesh and blood from his skin inch by inch, and personally removed the flesh and blood that still had the touch. Lit with fire...

The boy's hoarse voice echoed in this warm and peaceful garden, and the high-level eternity demons around him had no idea what was happening.

The frightening firelight made them take a step back in fear for the first time. Then a bloated demon asked thoughtfully in a simple and honest voice, "Brother, what's wrong with you? If you have any pain, can you tell us?" Everyone, tell me, there’s no need to torture yourself like this!”

"Don't burn it, don't burn it, my father will feel bad."

Thorgros frowned. He wanted to get closer but did not dare to touch the light and fire. He just stood far away and consoled him, "Although we are immortal, brothers who burn their souls like you will still be completely annihilated!"

Witnessing all this, Fernandi felt some weird emotions in his heart, as if his views on hygiene after becoming an eternal believer were so disgusting to outsiders.

When you become a believer of the devil, your thoughts and thoughts will gradually become distorted and biased towards this devil's faction.

If he really stayed here for a long time, it would be difficult for Fernandi to ensure that he could still stick to his original intention.

But it doesn't matter...it doesn't matter...

Fernandi, hold on.

Even if it really hurts, just hold on.

Sir, they are coming soon.

'It's really warm...'

'It feels like home...like, sister. ’

'No! Not like my sister! Not like my sister at all! My sister is much prettier than them...'

His consciousness gradually blurred, and there seemed to be noisy movement from the distance in the garden.

‘Is the lord here? ’

'Sir...I did it. '(End of chapter)

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