Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 549 Third level of psychic energy!

"What happened over there?" The changes in the aura caused by the death of one big demon after another are so obvious that every soldier of the expeditionary force who is advancing from the periphery can completely understand this obvious change. Variety.

Everyone was inspired by General Baie's heroic singing, which also made their fighting spirit higher than ever.

"I didn't expect General Bai E to be able to kill those high-ranking demons one by one!"

"That is the eternal demon that has always been a threat to the entire world!"

"General Bai'e is the true god!"

["Lucky Blow" charge +50. 】

It was just the sudden change that made many expeditionary soldiers who were taking a break from their busy schedules slightly stunned and looked up in the direction of Bai E.

How come another terrifying aura suddenly emerged from the core that had just been wiped out of many demonic auras.

This newly born Qi machine even created a circle of invisible impact, causing every one of their fighting warriors to be knocked back several steps.

Some warriors whose spirits had been impacted to a certain extent were so affected by the shock wave that their spirits themselves shimmered and collapsed.

This overpowering and overpowering attitude suddenly reminded every warrior of a word that had been deliberately forgotten by everyone - "eternity".

Eternity, the Lord of Demons, one of the four gods in high-dimensional space, is the biggest obstacle to their trip.

I haven't encountered it before, so is it really impossible to encounter it?

at the moment……

"No that the one here?"

Franka also looked in the direction of Bai E and frowned, but even if Eternity appeared, she still had to do what she needed to do.

"Pour oil and start a fire!"


Father's body?

Are you talking about the pot?

Is this cauldron eternity? !

Bai E's will, which was at the core, was in a daze for a moment under the shock wave sent out by Sogros' anger, but his original intention to overturn the cauldron made his eyes look for the object he wanted to see in the green boiling juice thrown all over the sky. ——Human girl Gladys.

No no……

There is only juice in the juice, and there is no trace of other large pieces existing as a whole.

"Did you overthrow your father's divine body just because of that despicable human?!" Thorgros's anger began to spread rapidly around him along with the aura of despair.

In this lush green garden world, the body of Thorgroth the Unclean stands tall. The enlarged image is completely the embodiment of the plague, surrounded by the aura of corruption and whispers of death, like a totem of plague, full of unspeakable horror.

A swollen and rotten body is completely composed of countless germs and plagues. The skin seems to be ashen-like pale and green at the same time in a trance. It is covered with black spots symbolizing disease and decay, as if every inch of the skin All are breeding deadly pathogens.

The pair of dark green fluorescent eyes are deep and cold, like two whirlpools that condense thousands of diseases. Just one glance can make people feel the pain and despair deep in the soul.

The entire eternal authority seems to be in His hands at this moment, and the power derived from plagues and germs has become synonymous with destruction in His hands.

Even a slight wave of the arm can evoke a raging plague frenzy, in which thousands of bees and insects buzz, wiping out all life and withering everything in its path. Above this world is the perfect combination of chaos and decay, and no one can escape his omnipresent corrosive power.

Thorgroth the Unclean, the greatest demon under Eternity.

He is the embodiment of disease and the master of plague. With his terrifying and powerful power, he reveals the boundary between life and death.

Now, the entire high-dimensional space is shrouded in his irresistible terrifying shadow.

[You are affected by the "Aura of Despair", losing 1% of your maximum health every second, and your health is -3. 】



Bai E's blood volume began to drop rapidly. It was not the corrosion of the divine plague that made it difficult for the Rhythmic Blade to withstand this continuous damage.

But when Thorgros's eyes gradually looked farther away, he became completely and completely violent.

" dare you do this?! How dare you do this!"

The soaring fire gradually spread from the outermost periphery of the Eternal Garden to the interior.

The flame ignited by spiritual energy purifies everything in the flame. The countless "exorcism essential oils" preserved by the Arbitration Institute are the best accelerants for this fire.

The blazing flames ignited from the sky, igniting the body of Plague, igniting the rotting pool of pus, and igniting the wriggling eggs of chaos.

The painful souls trapped in the Chaos Eggs finally got rid of the shackles of Chaos because of this group that burned everything.

The unrestrained soul dissipates freely in this mysterious high-dimensional space.

Perhaps from now on, they will no longer have their own consciousness, and as a pure soul energy, they will no longer be able to have the form of "self", but at this moment, they finally feel the eternal peace...

They are free.

Ethereal figures flew out of the flames.

Countless painful souls throughout the ages still have the clothing marks of various eras on their bodies. However, the souls gathered here across time and space are all sending their blessings of hope to these warriors who came to rescue them.


"thank you all……"

Vague thanks in various forms and languages ​​resounded in the hearts of every warrior, and Bai E also heard the sounds that touched the depths of his soul...

[Your "emotional absorption" absorbs a large amount of gratitude and converts it into a large amount of spiritual energy to add to your spiritual energy, spiritual energy +1055/155. 】

[The soul of attachment and freedom deeply blesses you. Your "soul black hole" absorbs a large number of escaped soul fragments and successfully transforms them into 9520/520 spiritual energy to add to your spiritual energy reserve. 】

Throughout the ages, how many suffering souls have been trapped in "eternity"?

The blazing flames burned from the periphery of the garden to the deepest core, and the countless eggs of chaos dotted everywhere were purified by this holy flame.

After the egg breaks, there is new life.

An endless sense of fulfillment fills Bai E's spiritual body. The long-standing "emotional absorption" and "soul black hole" capture all the "energy" they can capture, and turn it into the purest spiritual energy, adding to Bai E's own body. in the will.

In order to maintain stability, the spirit body cannot of course absorb too much power at once.

But the original limit of 575 points of psychic energy was increased to 675 points, and the upper limit of the reserve of psychic energy instantly broke through the 1,000-point mark.

The 1,000-point mark is the biggest dividing line between second-level psykers and third-level psykers.

Of course, the practice of spiritual energy is never based on quantity.

There are many psykers with strong willpower but poor talent who have forcibly improved their psychic energy reserves to over 1,000 points through long-term practice, but they have not been able to reach the threshold of the third level.

However, at this moment, Bai E only felt that this extremely abundant pure spiritual energy was forcibly squeezing into his body.

Over 10,000 usable spiritual energy completely enveloped his spiritual body at this moment. These purest spiritual powers were forcibly compressing Bai E's own spiritual energy to the limit.

There has never been any record in history of any psyker who has broken through the third level and looks like Bai E now.

However, under the pure power that numbered more than ten thousand and truly belonged to Bai E, Bai E's spiritual realm was pushed to the third level in an almost absolutely crude form.

[After countless cleansing of your soul, your soul has become extraordinary and holy. From now on, your spiritual energy level has entered a new realm...]

[Your mystery +3. 】

The third level of spiritual power is as you wish.

Even in the material world, third-level psykers can already fly to the sky and escape from the earth using only their own abilities, and are omnipotent.

The whole soul is free and unfettered by any rules.

The core manifestation is that it has great resistance to the laws of the world.

In the face of some places that the world says no to, you can use your own power to forcibly open a "channel" that belongs only to you.

Of course, there are also levels of ability.

As the psyker's cultivation in the third level becomes more profound, the development of the third level ability will become more and more extreme.

For Bai E, who had just entered this realm, he only felt some strange feelings.

These touches come from... oneself?

My own...soul black hole?

In the black hole, there seems to be some... little things with the will to move on their own?

The changes in his will were as fast as lightning. With just a thought, Bai E's "eyes" were locked on the "black hole of the soul" that was bound to his soul at all times but was invisible to the outside world.

"Why did so many people come in at once?" The soul body Garudayu maintained his characteristics as an elf.

"I don't know..." Phil Ed, the soul of the white-haired girl who handed over her body to Nova, skillfully controlled his body and flew towards the souls that appeared in large areas in this pure white space. Go over and say, "Hello, I'm Phil Ed. It's our first time meeting you. Please take care of me."

The souls whose consciousness gradually dissipated in a blur were also extremely confused about the place they had arrived at. A large number of souls looked at the white-haired girl in front of them and asked curiously, "Excuse me, where is this? We... are now what's the situation?"

"I don't know exactly where it is, but if you go there, it seems that you can go to a dark place. That place always gives me a dangerous feeling, so we haven't explored it too much." Fei Ed bowed and showed full apology, "After all, I just got here some... time before you did."

"The dark place you mentioned is the high-dimensional space." From among the large swath of new soul bodies, a small figure strolled out.

After breaking away from the human body covered with scars, the girl's soul became more flawless, like a piece of human jade that exuded milky white light.


"Lord Saint..."

The other soul bodies around the girl's soul body respectfully gave way to a space around the girl, so that when she appeared, she was as bright as the stars holding the moon.

After all, after this human girl first appeared in the garden full of rot and stench, the countless souls trapped in the eggs of chaos felt that their conservative, tormented and cracked souls finally ushered in The first sip of sweet rain and dew after I don’t know how long.

The first time they were freed from torture, pain and confusion filled their souls with reassuring warmth, which also tightened their mental will. It was the first time in countless centuries that they were able to have a complete long rest.

Although this long rest did not last long...

But every soul that has been baptized by this rain and dew knows that there is such a girl named "Gladys" who once briefly shared the ever-changing and never-ending pain and torture they felt.

Girls who have the ability to share the pain of others naturally also have the ability to feel that pain.

When she saw the endless souls that spent every moment in mourning, Gladys's soft heart made her shed tears instantly.

And he also decided to use his own strength as much as possible to make them feel even a little bit of warmth.

It's a pity that her limited power as a human being was not enough to protect the countless souls. The girl who almost tried her best to burn and contribute also burned all of herself.

Those demons who earnestly advised her to join the eternal family saw that she was so determined and felt that her talent was rare in the world, so they threw her into the arms of the so-called "loving father", hoping to use the supreme power of a loving father to Her divine power and big heart completely influenced her.

It's just that the reformation didn't go smoothly.

The first time the body was put into the pot, the once human body was instantly corroded to the point where no residue was left.

Only a clear soul was left, turning in the soup filled with divine power and various germs.

The soul of the girl who fought against the pain was always clear and uncontaminated by any germs.

Instead, there was a trace of divine power that was invisibly stewed into the depths of her soul.

Through the embrace of her "loving father", Gladys gained a glimpse of the truth of the world for the first time.

Her eyes glanced around.

Although this pure white space bound their souls here, it did not impose any imprisonment or blow on them.

Even the essence that makes up this pure white space does not have the natural evil erosion like those chaos eggs in the Eternal Garden.

Where is this place?

she does not know.

But I couldn’t be more grateful to be able to give these souls who should have dissipated a peaceful and warm place to stay...

Until... a cold and eternal sun descended into this pure white world from the dazzling white light overhead.

Although the cold light has no warmth at all, it makes people feel peaceful.

"Thank you for your rescue." Gladys bowed to the light... (End of this chapter)

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