[Feedback from the commission, your physical energy +0.3. 】

This was the only feedback he got from the whole night. Bai E sat up from the bed with some regret, only to find that the atmosphere in the tent was a little weird.

Yuzu was putting on a tactical vest, and the others were also sorting out their weapons and equipment, rustling and looking a little serious.

"Today...you also have to train?"

Although training is the obligation of every soldier in the military camp, the four members of the team have been either following or watching the show these days. Bai E, who has seen them from a distance many times around the training ground, has found it difficult to associate them with normal training.

And...even for training, there seems to be no need to wear these formal equipment?

Tiger buckled the belt and replied: "I received a short notice and need to perform a task."


Bai E subconsciously wanted to ask himself, "Don't you need to go?" But considering that I was still a recruit, the three-day recruit training period had not yet passed, and they already knew the answer without calling me.

After a long silence, Bai E could only say "Have a safe trip".

"I hope so."

Song Ying came over and patted Bai E's arm, "Train well."

Every combat mission is a journey on the edge of life and death. No one is sure whether they can come back alive.

This sentence is considered a farewell.


While walking on the assembly road, Bai E noticed that there was movement everywhere in the military camp. Countless figures poured out from everywhere like ants flowing into the torrent. The dust splashed as they walked made the entire campus look gray.

Not only the special team, but the entire battalion seemed to be mobilized... except for their new recruits.

"There's so much movement..."

"Shitou" who followed from behind said in a surprised tone beside Bai E.

Bai E closed his eyes and felt a little uneasy, "What's the big deal?"

"I do not know……"


The whole camp became much quieter.

During usual training, there were noises from veterans training elsewhere, and the sound of mechanical transmission from the armored battalion next door would cause slight earth vibrations from time to time.

And now, it's quiet.

As the recruits gritted their teeth and went through physical training, the entire military camp was as quiet as a ghost town.

It wasn't until the confrontation training in the second half of the morning that I felt a little more energetic.

Rose was still in high spirits, "Hey! Are you ready?"

Bai E hooked his hand and said, "Come on!"

In order for everyone to learn to fight together, or to master the characteristics invisibly - well-trained, the group confrontation has arranged two stages.

The slow improvement of the basic attributes of most recruits is obviously not as much as the improvement obtained after stimulating this trait. The locals do not have the panel and mission system like Baie, but the abilities they can acquire to what extent they are trained are probably the same.

It's just that Bai E, who has the panel, knows better the direction of his efforts and the characteristics... He got it yesterday.

"I hope you can hold on longer this time."

Rose wielded a wooden knife, which had no edge but was quite heavy.

Even though Bai E may be the first person to master "trained training", the confrontation between the large groups still ends with Rose's side winning.

This female warrior who blooms like a blazing flame possesses an unimaginable appeal, and the battle group under her leadership is as brutal as a pack of hungry wolves.

Until an individual's strength is extraordinary, a tiger will never be able to defeat a pack of wolves.


As the wooden swords crisscrossed each other, the strength briefly resisted, Bai E was still concerned about the strangeness of the military camp today.

"Do you know what they did?"

Rose stared fiercely at Bai E, who was close at hand, gritted her teeth and replied: "I don't know, never mind him!"

The team battle was won, but Bai E did not lose, which made her particularly worried.

Seeing that Bai E had distracting thoughts, Rose was a little unhappy and slashed hard, "Those who don't pay attention will be severely punished!"

Holding the knife in both hands, Bai E was still surprised, "I asked the instructor but he didn't know. Aren't you worried?"


Rose smiled casually, "Why should you worry? I'm just sorry, regretful that I couldn't participate in it! Stop talking nonsense and accept the move!"

After resisting the knife, there was some shock. Bai E, who may be far ahead in physical fitness, still gritted his teeth and gasped, "Reckless man!"

But Rose rubbed her arms, her eyes filled with excitement, "You are getting stronger and stronger!"

"You are getting more and more reckless!"

Bai E collected his thoughts and focused on what was in front of him.

His teammates are being attacked by Rose's teammates. If he doesn't protect his teammates while resisting Rose's attacks, the team will collapse faster.

However, this kind of disadvantage is what Bai E is happy about. The downwind battle cannot reach the limit. Bai E also wants to see what kind of results he can achieve in a disadvantaged team battle and being besieged.

Exercise exists all the time, and anything that cannot knock you down completely will make you stronger.


Bai E swung away Rose's wooden sword, swept it across, and rushed into the enemy's formation.

There was a loud roar, and the tiger roared in the forest.


Fight a great battle!

[If you persist in fighting against multiple enemies in a melee, your heavy weapon proficiency experience will be +46. 】(superimposed)

[You support your teammates in time to assist in the attack, and your heavy weapon proficiency experience +23. 】

[Your body is quickly repairing damaged muscles, don’t worry! warrior! 】

[Injury repair progress is 50%, quick recovery (not unlocked) unlocking progress is 7%. 】

[Your body senses your urgent desire and quickly converts a little physical strength from your "mobility reserve" for you. Please use it wisely, it has reached its limit. 】

[Physical energy recovery is 2%, quick recovery (not unlocked) unlocks progress by 8%. 】

[You control your body in fierce battles, with insight +0.1 and reflex +0.1. 】

In the melee, the reminders were naturally filtered by Bai E. Faced with the four wooden knives that were slashed at him at the same time, Bai E mustered up his last remaining courage and gritted his teeth to push forward.

The four recruits who had just forced back the attack suddenly hit Bai E's right leg with a heavy knife back from behind.

The next moment, the remaining recruits of the Rose Regiment swarmed forward, and Bai E only had time to hold his head with his arms.

"Don't slap me in the face."

Every battle between battle groups was played on the monitor screen. The space inside the base vehicle was spacious. Generals with two stars and above sat on both sides, watching one of the magnified team battles together.

"It's quite cruel..."

"Is this 95B27? It's really powerful. It's amazing how long one person has been able to hold on."

Comments were made casually in the carriage, and the atmosphere was relaxed.

There is no large-scale combat mission, just a simple training camp-wide training.

Training veterans is not the main goal. Freeing up the military camp for the new recruits to perform freely is the real purpose of mobilizing the entire battalion.

Using a little bloody baptism in exchange for better battlefield adaptability of the survivors, isn't this a matter of making money without losing money?

Give the recruits a little bug surprise!

"Are there any protection measures? If Carlos's descendant dies, he won't be able to find another one." Someone said in a sinister tone.

Deva, who was as hard as a stone, hummed, "Anyone can die, but the rose cannot die!"

"95B27 can't die either!"

Weslin knocked on the small tactical table in front of him and said solemnly: "No one can die. War is war. If you don't have the ability to survive, no one can protect them for the rest of their lives."

"That's right..." Hamilton smiled openly, "Anyone can die!"

A two-star general frowned, feeling a little distressed for his hard-won combat power. "But there was no notice. Is the trial decided at the last minute too sudden?"

"Is there anything in this world that is not sudden? Isn't it just right to reuse the things that have been studied by the institute?"

"But they are just new recruits..."

"New recruits need more experience."

The argument resumed and there was a lot of uproar.

Someone in the torrent looked at the scene of the battle that was coming to an end on the monitor screen, and suddenly his eyes narrowed.


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