[Node Perception: From now on, through the connection of "collective consciousness", you can clearly perceive each individual including "vision", "hearing", "touch", "smell", "taste", and "spiritual sense" ” and so on. At the same time, when obtaining the target’s consent, you can also directly attach your will to the target in the form of “coming down”. Your will carries all of your combat experience and most of your psionic abilities with it, allowing you to use your will to control the target to do whatever you need it to do. A single target cannot be "descend" continuously, nor can it withstand your will infusion for a long time (the duration of the descend and the descend cooling time are affected by many factors such as "target physical fitness", "target will strength", "target spiritual energy level", etc. comprehensive control). 】

It has been a long time, and the master who was once invisible has now become the dead soul of Bai E.

The panel that could not even be viewed through the explosion rate at that time now only provides 80,000 points of combat experience.

When Bai E's strength increases higher, the benefits that the same opponent can provide will naturally become lower and lower.

The master's body fell down amidst the terrifying roar, and the huge body hit the ground like an earthquake, causing the earth to tremble.

The spiritual realm that enveloped the entire audience instantly disappeared without a trace, and the sea of ​​​​insects that lost its unified command instantly fell into chaos.

Small node commanders like mantises can also command low-level bugs within a certain range, but the details and scope of this command are limited, and there is no way to achieve perfect coordination and communication between them.

The biggest advantage of bugs is the Hive Mind network they share in real time.

But now, the master as the network provider has fallen, and the bugs in each patch can only fight independently under the command of a few mantis bugs.

The insect swarm that lost its master showed no fear. Instead, the presence of a large amount of flesh and blood at close range drove their hungry appetites crazy.

Madness does nothing to increase their lethality.

The chaotic insect swarm will only become the target of human tactics, not to mention that the human warriors who have lost the suppression of the dominant spiritual realm still have the blessing of "collective consciousness" and are more powerful.

One situation ebbs and flows, and the situation instantly becomes one-sided.

Feeling the terrifying ocean of spiritual energy belonging to the master dissipate in an instant, Yueying in the armored vehicle suddenly opened her red lips.

"Really...really killed."

The collapse of the dominant body on the screen cannot be a decisive fact for her, but the dissipation of the psychic ocean can undoubtedly prove that all this has definitely happened.


And even just watching that supposedly invincible figure fall down made everyone in the team of messengers from the imperial capital feel sincerely incredible.

Even though the Blackwater City general named "Bai E" had shown enough strength to compete with the Overlord in previous actions, when he actually killed the Overlord, they still couldn't help but feel a sense of time and space changes. Unreality.

Even for the imperial capital, the master who was extremely troublesome was successfully killed by a poorly equipped army like Blackwater City. It is self-evident who played the central role.

The point is not that Blackwater City has the strength to destroy the insect nest on its own, but that this insect nest can be said to have been destroyed by General Bai E almost alone.

If you calculate it this way... General Baie's existence is of great strategic significance for humans to regain their lost territory.

Although their imperial capital can also wipe out insect nests one by one, it will require a lot of resources, and each time it is wiped out, it will take a certain amount of time to repair and reproduce.

But what about General Bai E?

With this kind of strength, he can travel around the world and lead the army in each city to directly kill the master.

The efficiency of this kind of recovery is unimaginable. Perhaps the ambition to bring mankind back to its peak can be fully realized in their generation!

"You must report this matter to the Imperial Capital as soon as possible!"

"The existence of General Baie is the biggest discovery of our trip!"

Several team members suppressed their fear and looked at each other carefully for the first time, exchanging their plans.

After the death of the master, the remaining insects no longer pose any threat.

The three guarding behemoths no longer have a target to protect, nor do they have a master to direct their actions to give instructions.

Faced with the threat so close to them, they had no desire to escape.

Waving two strong arms that were shaped like balls, they attacked Baie from different directions.

It's a pity that without the master's control, their fighting methods are even more disorganized, and Bai E easily kills them with his sword.

[The bloodthirsty magic blade absorbs a large amount of the target's flesh and blood, and the special attack effect is being upgraded to 9500/5000. 】(superimposed)

[Star-eating Blade (Magic Blade):...+40% attack power against Zerg, ignores 40% of Zerg armor...]

[Your skill - Strengthened* Magic Blade has successfully recorded the upgraded racial special attack attribute (Star-Eating Blade) (Level 3):...The current progress of the fourth-level special attack effect is: 4500/10000]

The dim yellow sunlight that was gradually setting in the sky hit the blue-white body, reflecting a bright orange glow.

The armored vehicles that had been stationed at the rear of the rear army also arrived on the front line of the battlefield after the dust had settled.

The senior officials of Blackwater City and the messenger team stepped on the high steps and landed on the charred ground.

As if it had been baked by fire, there was still a bit of warmth on the earth.

The hot and humid smell rose up from the ground, stimulating everyone's senses.

Among the insect remains and flesh on the ground, there were many human corpses mixed in.

On a battlefield that smelled of pungent bodily fluids and gunpowder smoke, the Aquila flag, which represented the will of the Imperial soldiers, was forever flying over the insect nest.

On top of the insect nest filled with mucus, countless human warriors were holding flamethrowers to burn them completely.

This burning needs to be done over and over again for several rounds.

Whether it is all the pollution left by the bugs or the severed limbs of the orcs, fire is their biggest nemesis.

Insects that don't know how to fear or escape don't need humans to bother looking for them. Their bloodthirsty nature will make them rush in front of humans without missing a beat.

Now all that's left is an empty nest with no more bugs in it.

Empty nests need to be cleaned up, and the ecology of insects that pollutes the world also needs time to be purified or assimilated...that all takes time.

But no matter what, there is no longer any threat here.

The insect nest in Black Rock District was destroyed!

The darkness here will no longer be an absolute restricted area for humans.

Humans can freely choose to spend the night here or return to the military camp to rest.

Today, many years later, everyone in Blackwater City can finally proudly say to the world: "We humans are back!"

The Zerg have been defeated, and all remaining threats in the wilderness are no longer an absolute major concern for Blackwater City.

Expanding the pace of development outside the city is just a matter of time and strategy.

And all of this... can be attributed more to that tall figure standing quietly.

Every figure doing his own thing would always stop temporarily when he had time to look at the blue and white mecha standing among the corpses of the four giant beasts from a distance.

No one spoke, no one disturbed.

No one knew what this rising human star, who led the Blackwater City warriors to conquer the insect nest, was thinking about at the moment.

Are you immersed in the joy of victory? Or are you planning for the future of mankind?

Bai E didn't have time to think about this.

[Side mission - Kill the Overlord, completed. 】

[Task reward: 10,000 general experience points, title - Zerg Nemesis, has been distributed. 】

[Title - Zerg Nemesis: You personally killed the absolute master of the Zerg vanguard in the Zerg nest. The secrets of the Zerg can no longer be hidden from you. No Zerg can easily get close to you. You will You can easily sense the breath of any Zerg within 10 kilometers from you. The closer the distance, the more accurate the positioning. But if you are infected with the will of the Zerg masters, you will also face the craziest revenge of the Zerg. Their fleets wandering in the star sea will quickly move towards your location. You die, or it dies! 】

This long-ago mission also popped up on the panel in front of me at the moment after killing the master.

However, the reward of this title may not necessarily be called a simple reward.

If you want to level up, then the humanoid bait that the bug will follow you wherever you are is undoubtedly the best reward.

But if what you want is development, the safety and happiness of mankind, then this so-called reward is no different from the most profound curse.

No matter where you are, the Zerg will always come looking for you.

Not two bugs one by one, not even two bugs one team by two.

But...the fleet.

Bai E, who has a certain background knowledge of this "game world", has always known that the background of this game is by no means just on this planet.

In the future, he is destined to wander among the stars and see what the stars in this universe are like.

However, at present, this plan, which was not expected to have a deadline, may really be put on the agenda as soon as possible.

After all, it was the vanguard of a Zerg fleet that caused a terrifying blow to humanity in the so-called golden age of this planet.

No one knows the size of the real Zerg fleet, and no one knows when the follow-up fleet of the Zerg vanguard will arrive on the planet.

Maybe tomorrow, maybe in the near future, maybe not at all...

This was before.

And now, Bai'e, who holds the title of "Zerg Nemesis", will bring the Zerg fleet here as long as he is still on this planet for one day.

A resident insect nest under a vanguard is almost its limit. Who knows what terrifying strength the real Zerg main fleet will have.

If he continues to stay on this planet, he will undoubtedly bring destruction to this planet that has just ushered in hope.

Bai E pursed his lips and stood on the tall mecha looking into the distance.

The earth and sky are almost connected in the distance, and the afterglow of the setting sun burns unwillingly on the horizon, dyeing the snow-white clouds into dazzling golden red.

Bai E suddenly laughed.

I no longer have any rivals on this planet. Where can I go if I don't go to the stars?

Turn around and put away the knife.

Bai E walked in the direction of Blackwater City alone without looking back.

The ambition to reach the stars does not need to be discussed with anyone.

As long as he has enough strength to carry it out, it will be his path.

I hope that...the imperial capital's joint move will achieve ultimate success.

Otherwise, Bai E doesn't have much confidence that he can build a spaceship that can fly into the stars with just one Blackwater City.

In his spare time, Bai E had not never discussed such topics with Helen.

But from Helen's professional perspective, Blackwater City, with the power of one city, has no hope of safely sending humans to the stars.

Only union! Only union!



Every step the mecha took caused a tremor on the ground.

Watching the blue and white mecha leave, all the onlookers gave way to a wide avenue in awe.

"I don't know if it's an illusion, but why do I feel that General Bai E's back is a little desolate?" A senior official from Blackwater City pinched his chin in confusion.

"You must be tired, right? One person killed the Overlord and its three guards. I can't even imagine how he did it. If you're not tired from fighting at this level, are you still a human?"

"But to be able to do this, I feel like it's not something that humans can do..."

"Bai'e...Bai'e!" The captain of the messenger looked at the departing figure with light shining in his eyes.

He suddenly turned his head and looked at the old man from the Blackwater City Council of Elders who was traveling with him this time, "Sir, in view of the great strength displayed by your city, there are some things that I need to go back and report to the adults in the Imperial City before I can formulate a more detailed plan. In-depth details of the alliance. In order to save time and implement the alliance as soon as possible, we plan to set off now, and we ask for your permission."

"Go ahead, go ahead." The old man agreed with a smile, "We will wait for your reply in Blackwater City."

This is the unanimous opinion reached by him...or rather the decisive high-level officials of the entire Blackwater City.

Using the power of destroying the insect nest, the imperial capital will pay attention to their status of Blackwater City, thereby establishing the originally dispensable area around Blackwater City as a geographical center for the development of the new United Empire.

This is an ideal plan that will not abandon the city during the alliance and will not sacrifice the interests of any Blackwater City resident.

Yueying, who had been wandering on the edge, his eyes flashed slightly, he stepped back and escaped everyone's perception, and quickly chased in the direction of Bai E.

"Bai E..."

Bai E, who was striding back, suddenly heard a voice transmission from Yueying, and the next moment he found that Yueying was sitting on the shoulders of his mecha at some point.


"When I go back, my sister will look for you."

Before setting off, Feng Ling explained to Yueying.

"After Bai E leads his troops to destroy the insect nest, let him come back to see me as soon as possible." (End of Chapter)

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