Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 580 Forced into the Palace

The lower town of Blackwater City was in chaos.

Screams and flames were everywhere.

The nobles issued the final death order, and the war gang members also risked their final madness.

After all, the insect nests in the wilderness have been completely wiped out by the military. Without the insects, the most targeted and irreducible enemy, most humans have the courage to explore the wilderness.

How about one last fling in the city?

If you succeed, you can escape into the wilderness with a large amount of material support and live the free life of those wilderness warlords.

If you fail, you can run away completely with a certain amount of wealth. It is better to start over in the wilderness than to stay in the city and be a dog caught between two sides.

Except for those unlucky ones who unfortunately died directly or were captured during the turmoil.

In this feast, everyone is a winner!

So in this turmoil, those war gang members who had completely lost control performed beyond their level, bringing chaos and robbery to the extreme.

This was something that no one expected, including the nobles behind the turmoil.

Secretly observing the chaotic elements who were causing chaos everywhere, even the middleman who personally directed it felt his eyelids twitching. "Isn't it a bit too much for them to do this? The security team that was obviously blocking the road have all been eliminated. They are beasts." I would rather search for property, burn, kill, and loot here than move on to complete your mission.”

Looking at the buildings burning in the flames of war, the people in the middle felt their hearts twitching, "What the adults want is oil and water... What's the use of all this if it's all smashed up."

However, facing those war gang members who were already red-eyed at this moment, even he did not dare to show up at will.

After all, in this chaotic situation, whether it is from the war gang or the security team, as long as they show their heads, they may be shot.

Facing the crazy war gang members, members of the security team with limited manpower will no longer choose the gentlest possible form of law enforcement as they once did. As long as they are vigilant, it is enough reason for them to empty their magazines.

"Boom boom boom!"

A series of howitzers roared from a distance and blasted towards the streets of Midtown.

Several members of the security team who rushed over on motorcycles were instantly shattered into pieces in the violent explosion. The violent aftermath made the middleman huddled in the corner jerk his head.

"Damn it! Where did they get this level of heavy firepower! Are you going to die if you use these things in the city?!"

The middle and lower city areas are deep underground. If it collapses, no one can escape.

Although the quality of the core building cannot be any worse, no one can guarantee if it explodes too much. Therefore, weapons with heavy firepower have always been strictly controlled contraband!

The assistant next to the middleman leaned into his ear and whispered in his ear, "Viper Type 3, if I remember correctly... this thing was included in the armed supplies we provided them last month."

"..." The middleman pursed his lips and swallowed hard, "Fuck! That's not for them here! These lunatics!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the roar of the locomotive continued to come from the direction of Zhongcheng.

There was even the roar of engines from heavy ordnance!

The leading locomotives were just the guides for the security team. The real main force in suppressing the rebellion were these freshmen.

The special sound of the tracked vehicle cannot escape the ears of anyone with sensitive perception. The huge engine roaring like the heart of a giant beast drives a behemoth that can move on the steel avenue in the middle and lower city.

Heavy shadows blocked the light of distant street lamps, and neat footsteps beat like drums in the hearts of every turbulent person.

The middleman hiding in the dark suddenly felt his heart sink, "Army!"

"Why did the army come so fast? Didn't some people say they would delay their entry into the city as long as possible?"

The assistant looked at the raging flames in front of him and felt a little bitter in his mouth, "Maybe... you're afraid?"

After all, at the beginning, no one thought that the people in these war gangs could become so crazy.

Not only these informants and intermediaries who were secretly observing, but even the war gang members who were making craziness, could not help but feel sincere trembling when faced with the steel behemoth slowly approaching from a distance.

"The army is coming!"

"It's the army that's coming!"

No matter how strong the flesh and blood body is, how can it fight against such war weapons?

The slowly advancing heavy tanks are the ultimate weapon to defeat all their desires.



"Go through those lanes and their tanks can't get in!"

The tanks were crushing them all the way, and they were naturally unbeatable from the front.

However, not all roads within the city are smooth roads that can allow tanks to pass. Those numerous trails are the main component of the city.

As long as you get into those places and take advantage of your familiarity with the terrain, you might be able to deal with the bulk of these armies and continue to complete the orders of those nobles.

"Tap! Tread!"

Neatly dressed soldiers lined up from the back of the tank.

"Pursuit! Leave no one behind!"

Cold orders were issued from the mouths of the junior officers. The soldiers holding explosion-proof shields were immediately the first to rush forward. In a certain team formation, they cautiously and quickly got into the dark passages.

Intense gunfire and explosions also resounded in every dark street.

Looking at the whole situation, countless surveillance pictures are burning with fires that reach the sky. From time to time, a surveillance picture will lose connection in the white screen of snowflakes.

The violent sound of gunfire was just like the city conference hall that was now a noisy mess, where countless politicians from different factions tried their best to criticize their political opponents.

"The security team can't hold on any longer. We have long said that these losers are unreliable!"

"Isn't the fact that they are unreliable the reason why you are cutting back on funding? If you don't give them money or equipment, how can they supplement their personnel and enhance their combat capabilities? If there are so many war gangs causing chaos together, how can you hold on to one of them and show me?!"

"It was their failure to detect the intentions of those war gangs in advance and strike in advance, and to defeat them one by one. What can be said about such a heavy responsibility?!"

"Fuck you! ****! I think you are crazy! The Insect Hive has been wiped out, the alliance between the imperial capitals is imminent, and our city is in ruins. It took a lot of effort to get to where it is today. You are going to completely destroy it. Is it? Just for your little bullshit profit?"

"Fuck you! It's you who ruined this city! I said it when we banned 'Castle', if there are no toilets in the city, there will be toilets everywhere! These guys have nowhere to vent their desires. If we hold it in until today, it will lead to such a bad situation today!"

"It's funny! It just happened to happen at this critical moment? The city's development order has just been issued, and the imperial capital's joint order has not yet been issued... What a good time to choose!"

"What do these rogue war gang members in the middle and lower cities know? Anyway, with the support of the Development Order, after finishing this job, they will just go outside the city and never come back. Who can do anything to them?"

"Fuck you!"

"Fuck you!"

"Stop the fucking noise! ​​The army has entered the city! Let's see if they can guard the entrance to the upper city."

Any unrest cannot spread to the upper city area. This is the inverse scale that Blackwater City is not allowed to touch.

"How many people are in the army now?"

"About ten thousand people."

"It's okay. As long as those tanks are placed on the only passage, those stupid war gangs won't be able to enter the upper city area."

"But is it possible that we have to leave the entire middle and lower city to them?" The speaker's eyes widened, "Isn't this nonsense?"

"Then what can be done?! The middle and lower city areas are so large. Even if 20,000 people are thrown in, let alone 10,000 people, they won't be able to make much of a splash. Unless one soldier in their army can be used as a hundred, Otherwise, how can we wipe out all the rebellious warbands in one fell swoop? We can only rely on time. I guess negotiators will have to come on stage by then."

Some people looked at the surveillance screen with some doubts in their eyes, "Have you seen it? Those tall soldiers in the army wearing dark blue armor, why haven't you seen them before?"

Less than a moment later, someone pointed at the surveillance screen and asked with trembling fingers, "...No, they really pushed it out!"

"Where are the people from the military department? Who is in charge of the military department?! Didn't we just agree to guard the upper city area? Who asked them to push them out?!"

"Where's Weslin! Weslin hasn't come yet?!"

The door of the conference hall suddenly opened, and a figure in military uniform suddenly strode in. Bai E announced the news to everyone in the room with a calm face, "The marshal said that he would be stationed in the military area and ordered me to lead the army into the city to quell the rebellion. "

Looking at the man stepping in, everyone present had a strange look on their face.

Some people keep it secret, while others show their coldness.

Some people look forward to it, and some people are afraid of it.

Some people also questioned, "The order we issued is for your military headquarters to guard the upper city area. Didn't you hear it? Get your troops back quickly!"

Bai E turned his eyes and stared at him coldly.

The silent gaze was full of pressure, and in the silence of the audience, the doubters' cold sweat flowed down their collars.

Fortunately, on the eve of his collapse, Bai E slowly opened his mouth again and explained: "The order I received from the marshal is to put down the rebellion as soon as possible. Just defending the city cannot put down the turmoil!"

Under this explanation that was not an explanation, the questioner recalled the fatal suffocation just now and did not dare to say another word, but just retracted his body angrily.

During this period of silence, the army quickly cleaned up the middle and lower city areas.

And when the entire army moved into action, those dark blue armor wearers who were mixed in with the crowd naturally could no longer hide their figures.

They no longer need to hide their presence.

Putting down the unrest as soon as possible was the absolute order they received.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

The blue shadow moved as fast as the wind. The next moment it appeared in the field of vision of a war gang member, the war gang member felt that he had flown high into the sky.

The insidious guys who thought they were hiding no matter how concealed they were and preparing to launch a sneak attack suddenly froze while continuing to plan the sneak attack.

It wasn't until a moment later that a line of blood appeared on his neck.

The head slowly slid down along the oblique wound under the influence of gravity, and blood surged like a column from the broken neck.

Looking at the dark blue shadows that could barely be captured in the few videos, everyone's horrified eyes were focused on the figure of the man who had not moved since entering.

Finally, an old man from the Council of Elders swallowed his saliva and asked with difficulty: "Bai...General Bai. What's going on with those dark blue armors?"

Bai E slowly turned his head and looked at the other person with indifferent eyes. After a moment, he responded softly, "Military region secrets, no comment."

"What about you? You should know, right?" The speaker turned and looked at the direction of the representatives of the Scientific Research Institute, "The weapon assembly in the military camp should be all made by your Scientific Research Institute, don't tell me that you Don’t know? How can such powerful technology be directly handed over to their military region for testing?”

The bespectacled representative of the scientific research institute who was asked was equally confused, "I...I don't know either!"

"No need to ask." Bai E lowered his eyelids indifferently, "I told you, this is a secret of the military region."

"Huh! What a majesty!" Suddenly, a majestic voice sounded from the high platform of the conference hall, and a figure that did not exist before was standing on it.

The city lord wearing a golden cloak stared at Bai E who had just stepped through the door with a cold look on his face, "General Bai E? Is this your attitude of neglecting your duties?!"

Bai E turned to look at him without saying a word.

The cold energy dispersed, and some astute people in the venue noticed something was wrong and secretly moved towards the surrounding corners.

Everyone is more or less aware that on this turbulent night, Blackwater City may need to change.

The soldiers wearing dark blue armor who were attacking in the middle and lower city areas simultaneously received orders from their superiors from the built-in voice in the armor, "All soldiers listen to the order and clean up for one last minute, then enter the inner city and execute The ultimate combat goal!”



Bai E looked at the images in the surveillance video without arrogance or impatience.

The picture seen here has a certain delay, and many things actually happened earlier.

For example... the current 200 storm warriors have actually entered the inner city and completed their set combat goals.

Cleaning up the rebellion in the middle and lower city areas is what Bai E needs.

The core vital points of the nobles in the upper city area are also what Bai E needs to control immediately.

Bai E does not allow anyone to destroy this city, nor does he allow anyone to take it away.

Looking at the still aloof city lord, Bai E sneered and stepped up to the stage step by step.

Facing Bai E's disrespectful actions, the city lord frowned and burst out with dignity, "What do you want to do?!"

"Nothing to do." Bai E stepped onto the stage and stood side by side with him, keeping a certain distance.

Turning around and looking at all the dull-looking people in front of him, Bai E sneered and announced loudly, "It's time for you to make a choice!" (End of Chapter)

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