Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 585 The Imperial Capital’s reply

["Lucky Blow" charge +50. 】

["Lucky Blow" charge +50. 】

["Lucky Blow" charge +50. 】

Big parade!

For several days, Bai E was either touring the middle and lower districts of the city, or on his way to the wilderness to explode materials.

Your special abilities cannot be exposed. Every time you use your abilities, you have to go to the wilderness to use them.

Then directly notify the city and ask them to send people to pull it.

As for the reason, Bai E didn't give half of it.

Anyway, the facts are in front of them, and it is up to them to make their own guesses.

"Is it the supplies that their Gray Iron City supports?"

"Fart! Their Gray Iron City can hardly survive on their own, so they can still support us with supplies?"

"Then where did these things come from?!"

From food to building materials to medicines to industrial products, there is nothing they can't think of that City Master Bai cannot provide.

"I heard that City Lord Bai also has a private power outside. Could it be something produced in that place?"

"I think it's almost the same. Otherwise, if there are so many batches of things being delivered, they can't all fall from the sky, right?"

"The scariest thing is that these people deliver goods without any trace at all? I have sent people to wander in the wilderness these days, just to see who is the person behind providing so many resources to City Master Bai, but guess what? ? ! I can’t find one!”

"I can only say that our City Lord Bai is very capable, and he is indeed a man who can snatch the sovereignty of the city from the hands of the old City Lord!"

["Lucky Blow" charge +25. 】

Bai E was stunned for a moment, wondering where these 25 points came from.

In the past few days, the +50+50 ones have been added badly, and the sudden appearance of a +25 one looks so conspicuous.

"Sir?" Kilolan's request came to his ears, "Sir, you have worked hard these days. There is still the last urban area, and our operation is about to end for the time being. Shall we set off now?"

Blackwater City is very large, and the middle and lower city areas are divided into countless smaller areas.

In order to allow each of these low-level residents to see the true appearance of Bai E and establish true faith as much as possible, Kilolan arranged the itinerary for these few days as carefully as possible.

But no matter how careful the journey is, there will always be an end.

Not to mention that judging from the feedback received from his intelligence officers, the residents of the middle and lower city areas have gradually become tired of this kind of patrol activity that lasts for several days.

Although it is the first time for some people to see the real Bai E, information is circulated after all. After listening to so many promotional materials about Bai E and descriptions of him, they have no idea about it. fresh and exciting.

Even in their view, this kind of parade is more like a show, a "performance" by upper-class people.

Some people have gradually developed a rebellious mentality towards this.

However, this kind of "criticism" is even more obvious among the silent crowd.

Considering that the general public has a natural tendency to follow the herd, if it really causes any rhythm, it will have the opposite effect and the gain will outweigh the loss.

It’s time to end this first round of the “god-making plan.”

Bai E was also roughly aware of this change. His "emotion absorption" ability and his psychic "eye of the sky" attribute gave him some experience in controlling the emotions of the residents around him.

Everyone... is starting to get annoyed.

This also made him relieved.

Getting what he wants through this kind of performance-like form is something he must do for development, but it always makes him feel disgusted from the bottom of his heart.

Now that we have reached the limit, it makes people feel a little lucky, "Then let's go for the last time..."

No matter what some people think, at least for most residents who have not seen the new city lord, it is satisfying to see with their own eyes what the new city lord who has announced so many welfare policies and ensured their effective implementation looks like. .

Before Bai E arrived, the residents who received the news crowded the roadside in a lively manner, waiting to see the new city lord's face as soon as possible.

Warm words were passed among them, and everyone seemed very excited.

"I heard that the new city lord is touring all around to see with his own eyes the living environment of ordinary people like us, so that we can make better rectifications in the future!"

"Yes, yes! When will those noble gentlemen from the past be willing to take a look at us? Even if you accidentally smell the air, you will have to wash your nose with clean water for a long time after you go back, right?"

"I think you are out of your mind. You can believe such an outrageous rumor. It's just the first time you show your face after taking office. Do you really think that these masters can care about our sufferings?"

"City Lord Bai is not a master! He is also an ordinary soldier, and he is also a person who climbed up from the bottom!"

"That's right! You said these rumors are false, but what do you say about the physical examinations and medical treatment, including free education and growth funds, that are starting everywhere?! Aren't those already being done? Didn't you go Have you had a free physical examination or received free medical treatment?”

"Ha!" The residents who were attacked by the group shrank their heads, but still insisted, "We'll see, it's just that he has just taken office, what will happen if he looks back, he can't run away."

"Speaking of which, my gangster went to the wilderness with a group of war gang members. He just came home last night and went for a physical examination early this morning. There is still no news. I don't know if he got any diseases after he went out. ?”

Bai E, who was on his way to the last area, suddenly saw that Kilolan seemed to have received some news. She came to him excitedly, leaned closer and said, "I just received news that in the area we are about to go to, If there is a 16-year-old child who has just undergone a special physical examination and meets the target requirements, you can directly announce on the spot that you will provide him with a special growth fund. This example will make it easier for them to feel your favor.”

"Okay." Bai E nodded calmly.

After a while, the so-called 16-year-old child was brought to Bai E.

The body is a little thin, but the eyes are big and bright, and he looks energetic.

Facing the destined huge formation around Bai E, apart from a little awe, there was not much fear at all.

"May I have your name?"

"Enoch, my lord."

"You will be one of the pillars of our Blackwater City's future. Work hard." Bai E patted his shoulder and didn't say much.

However, even so, countless young children who heard about Bai E's deeds along the way still felt unimaginable admiration for this new city lord who had met him in person and even had physical contact with him.

"Yes! Lord City Lord!" Enoch looked into Bai E's eyes feverishly, "I will definitely work hard to become a useful person to the city!"

The convoy moved forward slowly, and finally arrived on a crowded road.

Countless people were crowded on both sides of the road, and Bai E could instantly ignite the enthusiasm of all the residents in a small area with just a wave of his hand.

["Lucky Blow" charge +50. 】

Never before has the charge of Lucky Strike increased so quickly.

It was exactly as Bai E had expected. When his status grew, the way to obtain the lucky blow charge was that simple.

When the vehicle slowly stopped, Bai E stood on the off-road vehicle and called the boy named "Enoch" from behind.

Below you can see that the boy's father is almost crazy, shouting crazily in the noisy crowd, with tears streaming down his face, "That's my son! That's my son!"

Facing all the residents who looked directly at him, Bai E smiled and announced the news about the boy, "Just now, after repeated confirmations from our frontline staff, we are sure that Enoch is the talent our city needs in the future! And From now on, we will provide him with personal growth funds worth at least 1,000 Blackwater coins every month. In fact, not only him, but every one of you here will have the opportunity to become what our city needs through hard work. Talent. We humans have been silent for too long in this dark era. It’s time to devote all our lives to the rise of all mankind!”

Bai E raised his arms and shouted, "Long live mankind!"

Then the followers gathered below and shouted loudly, "Long live mankind!"

After a few days, when he returned to this strange city with that man's order, the captain of the messenger team felt as if he had come to the wrong city.

If they weren't sure that the coordinates they locked were absolutely correct and the city was indeed called "Blackwater City", they would even plan to go back and look for it again.

Are the confident faces of these residents on the road, full of expectations for the future, still the expressions he saw last time in the despairing, gloomy urban environment?

When he left the city and went back to report the information, what happened in the city? !

Finally, when he saw the diplomat he was familiar with in the past, the captain of the courier team instantly relieved his tense expression and quickly stepped forward to inquire curiously, "I haven't seen you for a few days. What's going on in your city?"

The diplomat glanced at the residents holding their heads high on the road and shook his head helplessly.

"They are all from Zhongxiaocheng."

After City Lord Bai took office, he even came into contact with the circulation restrictions between the upper, middle and lower districts.

Those residents who have been smelling the musty air almost exclusively in the middle and lower urban areas since they were born finally have the opportunity to come above ground.

And with the support of City Lord Bai, they finally no longer have to worry about being driven back underground by those fierce security teams at any time.

Naturally, everyone gradually gained confidence.

"Of course, it is our new city lord who has brought these changes to the city."

The diplomat said this fact with a sigh, and his eyes were full of admiration.

Although almost all officials in the city were born into nobles, there were also nobles who had good and bad fortunes.

How many interactions had there been with other cities or forces in this chaotic era before? He is a useless diplomat.

Being able to get into such a position, he is naturally the kind of person who is not popular in the aristocratic circle.

The nobles who were on the fringes at that time naturally suffered less of a blow after City Lord Bai came to power.

Therefore, no matter from any aspect, the diplomat admired the new city lord from the inside out who injected new blood into the city.

Hearing the diplomat mention this kind of thing so mysteriously, the captain of the messenger team blinked and asked nervously, "The new city lord?"

When they came last time, this city must still be in charge of the former city lord, and according to the wishes of the time, the former city lord of Blackwater City was more inclined to join forces.

Don't change the city lord, so that the friendly negotiations they reached with Blackwater City before will not count. What should we do?

However, the diplomat winked at him teasingly, "You also know the new city lord...and are very familiar with him."

I'm so familiar with it that the report back home should have this adult's name written all over it.

The captain of the courier team who was familiar with him instantly understood the diplomat's signal, and his face was full of surprise for a moment, "It's that General Bai E!"

"Hey~ now it's time to call City Master Bai."

"Yes, yes! It's time to call you City Lord Bai." The captain of the messenger team finally felt relieved, "I said last time that our strength has reached this point. How short-sighted are you people in Blackwater City to keep letting others do this? A man only becomes a general."

The diplomat did not answer such words. Although he was quite familiar with the captain of the messenger team from the imperial capital and had a good personal relationship, it was better not to let him know about such a "scandal" thing.

The diplomat coughed slightly and regained his serious expression, "Enough nonsense. Last time you said you were going back to ask for instructions from the Imperial Capital. When you come back this time, you must have a definite answer, right?"

When it came to business, the captain of the messenger team also had an equally serious look on his face, "That's right. In fact, we have contacted many important regional cities around the world, and most of these cities have expressed their willingness to cooperate. But after all, participating in the joint There is a gap in strength between these cities, and the combined alliance will definitely not have so many resources to support every city around the world at the same time. Therefore, after discussions with the senior leaders of the Imperial Capital, it was decided to hold a global conference in the Imperial Capital. There will be people from all the cities participating in the networking event.”

"The first purpose of this event is naturally to allow everyone to get in touch with each other. Due to the shelving of Internet technology, all of us have lost contact. Taking this opportunity to let everyone get to know each other again and establish connections is the most important thing. the goal of."

"The second thing... is to select the leaders of some regions." The captain of the messenger team smiled flatteringly at the diplomat and continued, "Although our imperial capital already knows the strength of your city, if you will The area where the city is located must be regionalized into a large region. We must first make other cities in the region convinced of your Blackwater City. Are you right?" (End of Chapter)

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