Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 590 Qualifications for Upper and Lower Parliament

When the mechas that were regarded as decisive weapons were easily cut off, the soldiers of Jia Lai City no longer had the confidence to support victory.

Defeated, they looked at the dark blue armor worn by the Blackwater City warriors with unwilling and greedy eyes, 'What a waste of such good equipment! ’

During the meeting between the two teams after the game, the captain of Jialai City said to the captain of Blackwater City with a face full of regret: "I would rather hope that you can win the final command than let those lunatics win."

The people in Blackwater City seem to be a little timid, but if they are leaders, it might be a good thing for all the cities in the region.

If those lunatics from Gray Iron City really gain the upper hand, the captain of Jia Lai City is afraid that the style of the entire regional alliance will be led astray by them.

In this world, being crazy is not a good thing.

As the finals were played in this area, a scene that no one expected happened happened——

"We throw in the towel."

Before the fight even started, the lunatics from Gray Iron City loudly announced to the people from the Imperial Capital who were acting as referees on the sidelines.


The referee obviously didn't react, so he picked his ears and asked again, "What did you say?"

"I said we give up! Give up! Did you hear me?" Gray Iron City's captain repeated over and over again, "We give up! We can't beat him!"

Everyone is an old acquaintance. After these guys from Blackwater City reformed, their training partners will even be these dead men from Gray Iron City.

Although I don’t know why these guys from Blackwater City put a lot of water in the previous games, they still have the specific numbers.

These warriors in Blackwater City have both genetic optimization and physical modification enhancement, and their ability to adapt to transformation is far better than these "experimental subjects". It can be said that the transformed warriors in Blackwater City are the true template of the doctor's ideal.

Except when these warriors were first transformed, they could also use their status as seniors to bully them. By the time the other party became familiar with their transformed bodies, most of the warriors among the dead warriors had lost any chance of winning.

As for fighting spirit and so on...

Perhaps it was because the opponents they encountered before were so weak that the people from Blackwater City were not interested.

Only the dead men of Gray Iron City know how ruthless these people can be when they fight.

With or without their Blackwater City's exclusive Storm Armor, these Blackwater City warriors are far stronger than anyone thought.

If they wanted to spar, it wouldn't be a problem if they could spar slowly after returning home. Why should they fight to the death in this situation?

The referee's brain was at a standstill for a long time, and then he finally came to his senses, "Are you really admitting defeat?"

If the two sides in this game exchanged identities, the referee felt that this surrender made some sense.

If the opponent is a madman, who knows whether the fight will really hurt his life?

Although the rules before the game strictly prohibit players from both sides of the game from hitting hard, the madmen are desperate when fighting. Even if they have off-site escorts, they may not be able to save the contestants in time.

Facing such an opponent, it is normal to give in.

But in fact, he had finally reached the regional finals. He couldn't understand it if he didn't work hard.

Not to mention that right now, it’s these lunatics who are giving in!

Where did you go wrong?

"I need to remind you that the rules of the competition allow you to admit defeat, but once you admit defeat, you cannot go back on it! And the terms agreed in the competition treaty must also be strictly implemented. Remember, you are not fighting for yourself, but for the people behind you. "Fight for the city." The referee warned seriously, not wanting to cause any turmoil in the league after the game. "I can let you go to your diplomatic team to discuss it now. If you still insist on surrendering, then The result of this competition will take effect immediately!”

"No need to look for it!" Gray Iron City's diplomat strode out of the preparation area and shouted to the referee: "Surrender! Can't beat him!"



"彳亍." The referee nodded with difficulty, and after taking a deep look at the opponent, he loudly announced the winner of the finals in this area, "District 41, the final champion, belongs to the warriors of Blackwater City! Let us fight for them My sincerest applause.”

Everyone in Gray Iron City from top to bottom took the lead in applauding.

"Snap, snap, snap!"

Those who didn’t know thought they had won the championship.

Representatives from the other twenty-two cities in Area 41 who had witnessed the entire process were all dumbfounded at this moment.

"What are you doing?"

"Why, just give up?"

"Damn it! There's something shady!"

"It turns out that these people from Gray Iron City have been bribed by Blackwater City! I don't accept it! I demand a rematch!"

"Don't be ridiculous! They bought Gray Iron City but they didn't buy you. If you can't beat me, you're like a fart!"

Only the people from Jia Lai City were full of regret, "If I had known that Gray Iron City could be bribed so easily, we would have fought tooth and nail to reach the finals!"

When he thought that as long as he defeated the weak Blackwater City, the regional leadership of District 41 would fall into the hands of his own city, the captain of Jia Lai City felt so distressed that he could not breathe.

"It turns out that leadership is so close to us..."

And having obtained leadership for his own city, when he returns to the city, he will undoubtedly become a superstar in the city in an instant!


And no matter what they think, the final result cannot be changed.

The news that the first regional champion had been born spread throughout the participating leagues almost instantly, and every city secretly remembered the name of this city - Blackwater City.

After all, any city that wins the regional competition may need to face an opponent who can quickly break through the regional lock-in league to qualify for the upper and lower councils.

Immediately after District 41, where Blackwater City was located, decided on the final champion, the remaining 49 districts also quickly decided on the only winner in their own region.

A total of 50 winners formed the rough prototype of the upper and lower councils of the alliance, but these 50 cities still had to use a points system to determine the only five places for the upper council.

Ten to one.

Everyone is a city champion who has won in their respective regions, and no one is easy to bully.

And now it is even more important to choose one out of ten. Each city that can stand out can undoubtedly serve as the core beacon that guides mankind in this troubled world.

"There are five main opponents that need attention right now: Thousand Faces City, Science and Technology City, Yongye City, Wild Beast Island and... us. Of course, that sea city is also quite strong. If we compete with these cities when grouping We’re grouped together, so you’d better be careful.”

"Thousand-faced City has a large amount of hallucinogenic ore magnetic field underground, so that people living there need to constantly examine their own souls to ensure daily survival activities, so their spiritual energy levels are almost all very high. It can represent These people who fight in the city are even more skilled in the use of psychic skills. I think your style is more inclined to technological weapons and physical enhancement, so you must be more careful when facing them."

"Technology City is actually the city that has inherited the most material science and other fields from the Golden Age. They are far ahead of other cities in the level of technological creations. Their warriors have a jetpack that can help them move quickly in the air and a short-term The phase transfer method that is separated from the material world moves elusively, and the attack method is even more unpredictable and difficult. "

"Eternal Night City is located at the pole. Only about one-fifth of the days in a year have short-term light, and the rest of the time is plunged into darkness. It stands to reason that apart from keen hearing and vision, they would not have any big advantages, but in reality Their warrior bodies are extremely powerful and can easily tear apart the body of every opponent. Among the urban opponents they encounter in every match, no one is spared. They are far more powerful than your opponent Gray! Iron City is even more ferocious.”

"The surrounding area of ​​Wild Beast Island is besieged by countless orcs, and the entire city is like an isolated island in the sea. Fortunately, the orcs are not unified with each other, and they do not necessarily want to kill humans, which gives them room to survive. Orc worship is strong They are only willing to communicate with the strong. Therefore, everyone born on the Wild Beast Island is born to learn to fight. They have a special method of "madness", which will most likely occur once they are beaten. ”

"As for need to say more."

The messenger from the Imperial Capital gave the participants in Blackwater City detailed instructions on the opponents and characteristics they needed to be careful about in the final stage of the competition.

"On the other hand, those people from Haicheng, although they have an arrogant attitude, do have a lot of tricks up their sleeves. I wonder if you are willing to meet them again..."

"Yes!" the captain of the Blackwater City team insisted, gritting his teeth and sneering, "I'm tired of hearing their barking, and I haven't found a suitable opportunity!"

The envoy from the Imperial Capital suddenly smiled mysteriously and winked at the Blackwater City team leader, "Then please be prepared. Maybe when the lot is drawn, you will be assigned together?"

Yes, the final method of selecting the upper and lower councils is still drawing lots.

Each group of ten cities is a group, and the final winner of each group is one of the five old stars who will go to the parliament.

But this time, the Imperial Capital, which has basically figured out the strength of all cities through regional competitions, is no longer willing to let this process be completely random.

The so-called drawing of lots has actually been decided for a long time.

The strongest ones are almost among the five appointed members of the Upper Council. Unless someone breaks out or hides, the qualifications of the five upper councils are actually decided now.

The only pity is that if Blackwater City is included, there are actually six candidates for the Fifth Council, which means that two seeded contestants must directly run into each other.

After thinking about it, Yongye City and Wild Beast Island, whose fighting styles were equally manic, became one of the victims.

Of these two cities destined to become rivals, one of them was bound to lose its right to sit in parliament.

The Upper House is not only a symbol of the strength of the alliance, but also a representative of planning.

It doesn't matter if a brainless fanatic joins, but if there are two fanatics at the same time, it may be a devastating disaster for the new alliance.

In troubled times, everyone's time is precious, especially for these representative teams that can represent every city in the imperial capital.

Every city is anxiously waiting for their reply, so all matters related to the alliance are advanced with extremely fast efficiency.

After the predetermined "drawing of lots" ended, the points competition for each group of ten began again.

Just as the imperial envoy revealed in advance, Blackwater City and Haicheng faced each other head-on as expected.

On the playing field, the five single-player games started simultaneously. The captain of the Haicheng Warriors, who had some strange physical changes, looked at the opponents in Blackwater City in front of him and smiled disdainfully, "I thought you were so powerful when we first met that day. As a result, even the regional competition was stumbling, and you even had to rely on bribery to win the final championship. Now you are unlucky to meet us in the first game! Otherwise, you let all your players follow ours. How about you go in and admit defeat, and we'll spare your life so you can continue fighting?"

"Not very good..." The captain of Blackwater City tried his best to restrain his excitement for fear of scaring away the group of turtles.

The captain of Haicheng glanced at the dark blue armor in the combat preparation area of ​​Blackwater City, a trace of greed flashed in his eyes, "You don't even bring your own secret weapon, but you still want to fight with us? Are you overestimating yourself?"

The captain of Blackwater City couldn't help but smile, "I don't need a battle armor to deal with you."

With a whistle in his ear, Captain Haicheng, who had a cruel smile on his face, suddenly turned pale, and his figure rose up, "Seeking death!"


"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

The pure sound of physical collision resounded crazily in this competition venue. After the war, separated from the various weapons and props of the regional competition, the points competition to determine the upper and lower councils returned to the original fighting style.

To save time, five single-player matches are played simultaneously.

There is no room for both sides to challenge the order of players according to their opponents, and there is no Tian Ji horse racing routine to speak of.

This is a stage for pure competition of hard power, not a battlefield where so-called tactical tricks are used to win by any means.

The people in Haicheng suffered various fatal tortures due to radiation, but these warriors who were able to adapt and survive naturally had extraordinary physiques far beyond ordinary people.

Even when faced with the Blackwater City Stormtroopers who had undergone both genetic optimization and physical transformation, they still maintained a short-term advantage.

However, following an order from the captain of this Storm Warrior team, the minions that had been hidden for a long time finally broke out for the first time in this league competition!

"Stop playing! Kill them!"

The hidden organs exploded to their intended effect instantly under the intentional control of the will. The multiple lungs provided more oxygen, the modified blood could provide more nutrients to the limbs, and the connected bone plates fiercely blocked the Haicheng warriors. With fists, the storm warriors began to crush them together with an extremely powerful attitude! (End of chapter)

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