The first reaction of many senior officials of Yongye City when they heard that their city had been invaded by insects was of course disbelief.

They have been fighting against the Zerg for so many years, can they still not recognize the Zerg?

So Ares, the God of War, directly pulled a human disguised as an insect that he had previously forcibly controlled in front of everyone, causing an instant exclamation.

"Do you know him?" Ares kicked the human over in front of everyone and asked with a sneer.

The number of mother bodies of lurkers is obviously not large. The several officials disguised as bugs that Bai E and others caught among the high-ranking officials in Yongye City were themselves only lurkers of their daughter bodies, and their combat effectiveness was not high.

For their colleagues, these officials in Yongye City obviously know each other, "House!"

"What’s wrong with you?"

"Why were you caught by them? Did you do something to disgrace Mr. Imperial Capital?"

"Sir, there must be some misunderstanding here!"

House, who was under control and unable to resist, struggled wildly while trying to ask for help from his former colleagues, "They are crazy! They are not from the imperial capital! They just want to take over our city! The diplomatic team was hijacked on the way back. Betrayal! Don’t believe them! Ugh~”

Ares didn't wait for the other party to finish these meaningless quarrels, and chopped off the other party's head with a knife.

As the man's head fell to the ground, Gululu rolled several times on the ground.

The head that originally belonged to a human was transformed into a monster's octopus head.

Nothing can prove everything more than the facts that happened before our eyes.

Seeing the monster's head that almost rolled to his feet, the nearest senior official of Yongye City shrank in horror, "What... what is this?"

Ares still smiled coldly, "Don't you know each other? Why would a colleague who has been with me for so long ask me what I am?"

"We know House! Not this monster!"

"When did it happen?! How could House become a monster? I watched him grow up!"

The smarter ones realized the crisis immediately, "What do you mean, adults, that many of us have been replaced by bugs?"

As soon as these words came out, many senior officials of Yongye City present immediately distanced themselves from their colleagues who were close to each other.

Those scrutinizing eyes seemed to be questioning whether the colleagues they had been with for many years had become the puppets of the bugs at some point.

"Everyone present does not need to guess each other." The deputy captain of the Imperial City's vanguard team also took a step forward at this moment and said: "You who can appear here are already a group that has been screened by our Lord Bai E. A total of eight monsters have been selected. We are under control. To prove that what we are saying is true, you can try to kill them one by one! See if they are still the same humans you once knew."

After all, for human beings who have feelings, being able to attack people they know well in the past is the biggest psychological obstacle.

If this obstacle cannot be overcome, the people of Evernight City will have no chance of winning against the lurkers who have invaded the entire city into a sieve.

As he spoke, the vice-captain waved to the men behind him and said, "Bring them all up!"


The other seven humans who were brought up and parasitized by the lurkers saw their colleagues and began to beg for mercy frantically.

"Save us! Save us!"

"They are not from the Imperial Capital! They are all lies! They are all lies to you!"

"Don't believe their lies! We are all normal people!"

The accompanying Imperial City scientific research department personnel came between Bai E and Ares, and whispered to the two of them: "In the past time, I have had individual conversations with these lurker offspring, and finally I found a very... Interesting things..."

Ares' eyes flashed and he asked with interest: "What?"

"They... really don't seem to think that they are bugs. They really think that they are human beings psychologically. But some of the individuals also said that they seem to feel that a great will is secretly watching over them. And they will feel that no matter whether they meet the great will in the dark, as long as the other party has an idea, they can't resist the other party's order. According to my guess, it should be the lurking person in their mother body. As long as the order is given, these sub-body lurkers will really only continue to run according to the life trajectory of the humans they replaced. "

"Can we directly find their parent body through the link between them and the parent body?"

The researcher smiled awkwardly, "This...can't. The connection between them is absolutely one-way. The mother body has absolute control and monitoring rights over each child, but the child cannot be found because of this. The location of the mother body, but it is certain that they must at least remain within some kind of 'communication' range."

Ares discovered another blind spot, "Does that mean that when we caught the lurkers of these child bodies, the lurkers of the mother body hiding in the dark already knew about our arrival and our purpose?"

"This... is not sure." The researcher shook his head. "We are still unable to judge how well the mother body monitors the offspring. So what I want to remind adults is... if you want to act, you have to speed up."

No one knows what kind of actions the mother body will plan after getting the news?

Did other lurkers in the ruling city come together to suppress their vanguard team?

Or use your wisdom to encourage other humans in the city to kill them, outsiders who have restricted the freedom of movement of senior officials in Evernight City?

Or, seeing that the conspiracy is exposed, directly launch the insect nest outside the city to launch a devastating general attack on Yongye City?

Even if Bai E and others have taken all the isolation measures they can think of to prevent the things here from being discovered by the surveillance mother body that may exist secretly, they still cannot guarantee the secrecy of the operations here.

No one knows the outcome.

So it must be as soon as possible.

"Bah bang bang~" Ares clapped his hands. The God of War from the imperial capital glanced sharply at the senior officials of Eternal Night City who were still hesitant to face their former companions. "There is no time, the mother body of these insects." You have learned of our arrival, you must make a decision now! Believe us, organize the people in the city to be inspected by Lord Bai, and help us subdue the targeted targets. Or... refuse to believe us. You will take your own measures, and the consequences...are not guaranteed. The right to choose is in your own hands."

What the empire wants is an alliance, and what the empire wants is an alliance in which every city can be united.

A disobedient ally and an ally that suffered heavy losses were of the same value to them.

"I know...I know, adults." The city lord of Yongye City finally took over this important task.

He raised the technological sword handed to him by the soldiers of the vanguard squad and put it on the neck of a senior official with whom he had a good relationship in the past.

"Longirus, I'm sorry. If it turns out that what we believe is not human, they will immediately resist even if they risk their own lives! And I will come with you as soon as possible. I will pay you with my life. One life!" After saying this, the city lord of Yongye City raised his sword high, closed his eyes and slashed hard.


The sharp sword easily cut off the head.

Bright red blood spurted out instantly.

However, after the head fell to the ground and rolled twice, the city lord couldn't bear to open his eyes to observe, and then his eyes suddenly widened, "This..."

"Really are……"

"Lonchirus too!"

"They are right."

If one is a coincidence, then it is even more difficult to say that two are coincidences!

What these adults from the imperial capital said is true. Some people in their city have indeed been infected by bugs, and these adults from the imperial capital do have their own detection methods.

"I come!"

An official who looked like a blind soldier suddenly stood up and snatched the sword from the city lord's hand.

"They are afraid of getting their hands dirty, but I am not! I want to see if all these people have really been replaced by insects!"



The sub-body lurkers controlled by the vanguard team had no ability to resist in the face of the slaughtering sword. One after another, their heads were chopped off by the sword, revealing their true identity as lurkers.

The smell of blood permeated the entire secret meeting room for a while.

"It's a bug!"

"They really are bugs!"

"So, have they been lurking in our city for so long?"

"Fortunately, the adults in the Imperial City discovered Chongzi's conspiracy, otherwise our city's fate... would be simply unimaginable!"

"I don't know how the adults in the imperial capital found out..."

Knowing that these people still had doubts, Ares patiently explained any possible doubts, "What I said before did not lie to you. The five warriors you fought in Eternal Night City did get the five votes for you from the alliance's parliament this time. One of the qualifications. But... they used insect methods to gain this victory. Therefore, we have locked them in, so after this matter is over, we will have to witness it in other cities. Will be discussed later.”

"This is nature, this is nature!"

"Then, sir, what should we do?" The city lord of Yongye City is not an indecisive person. When he realized the seriousness of the situation, he immediately looked at Ares, the emperor's god of war, who was leading the incident. "You said, we are completely Cooperate!"

"As I said just now, call everyone to line up for inspection in an orderly manner, and help us subdue every target that tries to cause trouble and kill every targeted target. If we misjudge any target during this period, you can terminate it at any time Action. Do you hear me clearly?"

"Listen clearly!" The Lord of Yongye City nodded fiercely, "We will start taking action now!"

When a city is determined to do something, its efficiency is astonishing.

Not to mention that Yongye City is always under the threat of death. The nearly 100% governance of the residents in the city is one of the resources that they can always survive.

After the city lord gave the order, the residents who lined up in front of Bai E formed an unimaginably long queue.

In order to speed up the progress, Baie asked these residents to work in groups of ten.

As long as there is no Zerg aura within a group, everything is safe. As long as there is a little aura, the ten people in this group can be checked one by one, so as not to delay the progress of the entire city.

Looking at the adults from the outer city who were just standing there alone, without any tools, the senior officials who maintained order in Yongye City were a little dumbfounded.

"Can an adult tell at a glance who is a bug and who is a human?"

"What else?" A soldier from the Imperial Capital's vanguard team glanced at him sideways, "Normal detection methods are slow, and the resources required are probably extremely high. Even for us in the Imperial Capital, it is a big drain. The entire The Lord of Baie City is the only one in the Human Alliance who has this kind of identification ability. If he personally makes a trip to your city, he should know how much our imperial capital attaches importance to your Eternal Night City, right?"

The obedient Yongye City officials automatically filtered out a lot of nonsense, only extracted the key information and asked with some disbelief: "This gentleman named Bai E... is the city lord?"

City Lord... there can't be a few, right?

The city lord of their imperial capital actually deigned to personally make a trip for the safety of their Eternal Night City!

With such an alliance leader, why aren't juniors like them simply following suit?

But he didn't expect the warrior to glance at him again, "What are you thinking about? Who is the city lord of our imperial capital? Even if he has this ability, he has no time to come here. This Bai'e city lord is the city lord of their Blackwater City, and he is also the city lord of our alliance. One of the five seats in the Upper House!”

"Oh~ It turns out he is the city lord of Blackwater City..." Several officials from Yongye City exclaimed clearly, looking at each other, silently remembering this kindness.

Bai E's detection does not require any technological aid, his eyes are rulers.

It looks as if all residents in the city simply walk through a "gate", which is extremely efficient.

Only occasionally, a group of ten people need to be separated from each other and inspected individually.

Whenever a target is detected, the target will be taken to be treated privately.

No one knows where the people who were taken away went.

Fortunately, the probability of such separate treatment is not high. Even if rumors have spread everywhere among the residents of Yongye City who are queuing up for inspection, it has not had any impact on the order under this high pressure.

There were only a few figures in the dense crowd at the back of the crowd. After realizing that there were not many surveillance eyes around, they fled towards the dark shadows on one side.

There are too many residents in the entire city, and there are obviously not enough people to maintain order. Not to mention that most places in Yongye City do not have clearly visible light sources. This kind of fleeing and hiding behavior cannot be easier.

'Hurry up! ’

Bai E looked at the crowd in front of him, feeling anxious for some reason, as if... something bad was brewing secretly. (End of chapter)

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