Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 599 The First Shrine

After there was no external trouble, the Yongye City soldiers in the city became more brave.

When countless octopus head corpses were displayed on the ground, all the survivors collapsed on the ground one by one, either waiting for rescue or soothing their tired bodies.


"Alive again."

"Hahaha! It's great! I can't get enough of this dark night in my lifetime!"

No matter where you live, at least you are alive.

Eternal Night City has been sinking in darkness for countless years, and has also been fighting against external threats for countless years.

But at any time, no one thought about getting it over with.

After life is born, it should be inherited alive.

Generation after generation, Yongye City has been like this.

The city may one day be destroyed, but no matter what, it cannot be at the hands of this generation.

"See? This is the meaning of my alliance." Ares, the God of War, stood on the tallest building in the city and slid his fingers to every corner of the city.

In those dark corners, there is the sparkle of every life.

"Those old men in the city only want to maintain the last dignity of mankind, and are not willing to try to use our last wealth to push mankind to fight."

"I know that with the strength of our imperial capital, it is difficult to help every city around the world get a bright future."

"But time is never on our side. I don't want to lose even one chance to fight, and our human heritage will be completely lost in the world."

"When I put a knife on the necks of those old guys and forced them to make this alliance, I didn't know where the future of this alliance would go."

"Fortunately!" Ares patted the figure next to him on the back vigorously, "Fortunately for you! Only after seeing you did I know that this alliance finally has a future!"

An extremely powerful combatant who can single-handedly destroy an insect nest. As long as he is willing, he will definitely be able to eliminate all alien threats on this planet bit by bit throughout his life!

Give mankind a blue sky and white clouds to breathe freely!

"You are the real hope for us humans!" Iris pursed her lips, "You are also a more perverted freak than me..."

Although he is known as the "God of War", due to the huge gap between him and other people, some people often call him a freak.

Now... finally a guy who is more perverted than himself appears!

Iris was a little relieved.

I can finally get rid of this title from my head.

"Well..." Bai E turned his face and did not answer directly.

The world is too big. With his own power, how many years will it take to clean up the world?

The attention he carries on his body does not allow him to stay on this planet forever.

When will the Zerg fleet come back?

a hundred years? Two hundred years?

Or five or ten years? Or a year and a half?

So he couldn't meet Ares' expectations.

Recovering this planet will ultimately depend on the efforts of most ordinary people.

Ares didn't notice Bai E's avoidance at all, and just said with a smile to himself, "It would be better if you showed up earlier..."

Bai E pursed his lips and shook his head, "I have just settled the matters in the city."

I wouldn't have had the strength I have now if I had done it earlier. I can only say...everything was just right.

Ares laughed and said, "That's right! After all, I heard that you were still a general before. There should be something going on in between."

Ares said, patting Bai E on the shoulder, "You are better than me! They actually thought about letting me be the city lord, but I know that I definitely can't be the city lord. I just want to lead my troops and search for him all over the world. Those bugs and orcs are troublesome! When you conquer the world, you must take me with you... Oh, you won’t need me either.”

Ares was a little discouraged.

The man in front of me can destroy an entire insect nest army by himself. What else does he need to do with this level of combat power?

Joining him is a complete waste of troops. Instead, it is the most appropriate choice to split up with him and start from another direction to clean up the global insect plague together.

Destroy the insect nest with your own strength!

What an incredible feat for humanity!

And when the news spread throughout the city, almost the entire Yongye City was completely boiling.

The city has been invaded by bugs!

Surprised, panicked.

The adults of the Imperial City have come to help clean up the bug traitors!

Delighted and moved.

The insect nests outside the city are out in force!

Dead silence, despair.

The insect nest army was wiped out by the city's adults alone!

What? ! ! !

This is probably the common psychological change of all residents of Yongye City who know what happened in this series of events.

When the initial shock gradually cooled down in everyone's heart, everyone slowly realized that everything that happened in this short period of time was true!

It is true that bugs turn into humans and sneak into cities and may be neighbors to humans for many years.

It is also true that the entire Hive Army attacked in an attempt to destroy the city.

But every disaster that could cause catastrophe to Yongye City was all solved by the same person.

In the central square of the city, countless residents of Yongye City gathered around the broad central tower, listening attentively to someone telling the legendary story that had just happened around them in an excited voice.

"Who, in the Imperial Capital Alliance Conference, saw through the plot of the bugs trying to infiltrate our human society?!"

"Lord of Baie City, Blackwater City!"

"Who is it that turns the tide and prevents the building from falling? Single-handedly wipe out the entire insect nest army attacking our Evernight City?!"

"Blackwater City, Lord Bai'e City!"

Each call was louder than the last.

A moment after everything was settled, Bai E's origin and name had spread throughout the entire Yongye City through everyone's mouth.

"So do you think we should do something for the Lord of Baie City?!"

"Do something!"

“Build a shrine!”

"Make a statue!"

"Every people in Eternal Night City should always remember this human hero who saved our Eternal Night City!"

"Build a shrine! Build a statue!"

"Build a shrine! Build a statue!"

The sound resounded in all directions and the whole city shook.

This kind of movement undoubtedly deeply shocked everyone's heart.

After all the dust settled, all the senior officials of Yongye City gathered together in the conference room of Yongye City.

"The spirit of those residents is a bit scary..." someone said softly.

Many officials in Yongye City who feel the current fanatical atmosphere in the city will basically feel panicked subconsciously. For any ruler, when the people under his rule have such a fanatical mental state, it generally means that they must When something big happens.

But this time...even if something big happened, they would admit it!

One of the officials stood up suddenly and said in a loud voice, "What's so scary?! I agree with what they did!"

Another official stood up suddenly and said, "I also agree with what they did!"

"Build a shrine! Build a statue!"

"Build a shrine! Build a statue!"

When all eyes turned to him, the Lord of Yongye City gave a helpless smile, "Aren't you just forcing me?"

Then the city lord suddenly stood up and gritted his teeth, "Build a shrine! Build a statue! Damn, I wanted to do this a long time ago! If it weren't for the city lord Bai'e, all of us here would be sinners of Yongye City! Even in high-dimensional space We have no face to meet the seniors of Yongye City! Lord Bai'e saved our entire city, so what if the entire city belongs to him! If he wasn't willing, what you are forcing is real? Bai E’s the ‘Lord of the City’!”

On the word "city lord", the city lord of Yongye City especially emphasized the tone.

The officials below were all surprised, "City Lord, you..."

"Has the City Lord already contacted City Lord Bai privately?"

"Actually, that's what I meant. I didn't expect City Lord Bai..."

"For the first time, I feel that you, the city lord, are somewhat self-aware..."

"You don't need to say that last sentence." The Lord of Yongye City waved his hand lazily, "It's a pity that Lord Bai'e is not willing, then we will have to accommodate each other in the future. The current matter can be regarded as unanimously approved. ?”

As he spoke, the Lord of Yongye City took the lead and walked towards the bustling city outside, joining the torrent of voices and shouting loudly——

"Build a shrine! Build a statue!"

"Build a shrine! Build a statue!"

The sound was so shocking that even the Imperial Capital's vanguard squad, who needed a rest after the most arduous battle, couldn't help but wake up from their extremely exhausted sleep.

In the dark room, the deputy captain of the vanguard team went to Ares and whispered, "If this continues, the reputation of our imperial capital may not be as good as their Blackwater City..."

As the deputy captain of the vanguard team, he is shouldered with absolute responsibility before he goes out for action.

Among them, attracting qualified supporters for the imperial capital is his biggest task.

If you want the alliance to be able to do things, you need everyone in the alliance to have their own voices.

It's not about ambition.

If you want to do something, this is the only way.

An alliance that is all about voices means there is no voice.

What can a piece of loose sand do?

But right now...

"It doesn't matter." Ares waved his hand and laughed, "In the worst case, if I turn around, I will put a knife on the neck of our city lord and ask him to abdicate in favor of City Lord Bai."

As long as Lord Bai becomes a member of the Imperial Capital, won't this reputation still belong to the Imperial Capital?

Anyway, these so-called voices have always been attributed to the Lord of Baie City. If this Lord of Baie City is in power, then Ares feels that it doesn't seem to matter whether the Imperial Capital can obtain this prestige.

"It's up to you." The vice-captain also sighed softly, "Honestly, I'm just reminding you. The thought of having to fight with that man makes me feel unrealistic."

The vice-captain smiled helplessly.

A ruthless man who can wipe out the insect hive army with a single soldier, who can compete with him?

As for what the imperial capital thinks...never mind that!

I am only responsible for providing some opinions to Ares. In the end, it is up to Ares to make the final decision.

He just has a generous and cheerful personality, but he is not without brains.

He didn't even care, he was worried.

Why not...let go of the stress together and join this carnival wave!

A statue with "Bai E" as its god officially appeared on this planet for the first time.

["Lucky Blow" charge +50. 】

[You have been eroded by a belief, and your high-dimensional characteristics are deepening...]

[You have been eroded by a belief, and your high-dimensional characteristics are deepening...]

Dense information flashed across the panel in front of Bai E like a screen.

After being stunned for a long time, Bai E chose to fold the message and closed the light blue panel with a wave of his hand.

‘Damn it, have you become a god? ’

Of course, the gods in the minds of ordinary people are still far away from the real gods.

But in any case, it is always a new discovery that the beliefs of others can deepen the properties of high-dimensional space.

If... I have been immersed in such a belief for too long, will I really become another "god" in the high-dimensional space one day?

The key point is that those gods... don't look very powerful, do they?

And based on my current understanding, those so-called gods are actually the embodiment of certain high-dimensional space rules.

If I become one of them, what kind of authority should I have?

Or become a low-level "demon" far inferior to those gods?

Or is it another acquired high-dimensional space creature other than those demons?

I don’t know, I can’t figure it out.

For humans, high-dimensional space is still chaos.

What's more, this so-called erosion of faith, at least from the current point of view, has not produced many substantial changes in myself.

Even if you transform yourself into something closely related to high-dimensional space, it may still be calculated in "years".

What a waste to worry about something so early.

Shaking his head, Bai E threw away these thoughts.

His thoughts were flying, and he wished he could fly back to Blackwater City right now.

By the way, more than half a month has passed since then, and I don’t know what happened in the city?

The team sent to the imperial capital to go back and deliver the message, I don’t know if they have reached it.

Did the nobles in the city who got the news follow their instructions and obediently spend their energy on other cities, instead of always thinking about squeezing the limited wealth in their own city?

After staying for half a day for so-called repairs, Bai E made a request to the people from the imperial capital and the officials of Yongye City that he needed to go back.

"Now that things have happened here, it's time for me to go back. I've been out for so long, and I don't know if there's any trouble in my city."

Bai E's request can naturally be implemented thoroughly, but both Ares and others from the imperial capital, as well as the high-ranking officials in Yongye City, all looked reluctant when they said goodbye.

With sad expressions, all of them looked like they were about to cry.

"Well done, Lord Bai." The Lord of Yongye City held Bai E's hands tightly, "Come and play often when you have time... On behalf of the people of Yongye City, I welcome City Lord Bai to come and give guidance anytime and anywhere!"

Ares brought up business with a solemn expression, "I have asked them to prepare the list you want and send it to you as soon as possible! Speaking of which, the plan to recover those signal transfer stations should also be put on the agenda, otherwise The efficiency of communication is too low." (End of this chapter)

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