Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 604 A plan to make up for the loopholes

Bai E's answer undoubtedly gave every Thorny City official present the greatest confidence.

Those officials who had heard a few words gradually guessed the origin of this supporter.

A man with a big belly squeezed towards Bai E and asked in a cautious tone, "May I ask if you are the Lord of Bai E from Blackwater City?"


"As expected!" The man who asked the question had a happy face, "I heard from the missionaries who came back from the competition that the leader of the Blackwater City team who led his soldiers to win our regional championship this time is you. It is also in your discernment. , those bugs disguised as Yongye City soldiers have nowhere to hide! I didn’t expect that the reinforcements coming to support our city are you! It’s really a blessing for our Thorn City! I just don’t know how long you plan to stay here. If you have any special requirements in terms of daily life, we can also arrange to build a palace for you. "

Bai E's eyes were unwavering, too lazy to pay attention to these flattering words, and even more too lazy to pay attention to the temptation in the other party's words, "Let your people be most nervously prepared and let me check every resident in your city as quickly as possible. The most responsible action for the Alliance. In addition to you, there are many other cities that are also under threat from the Zerg. I don’t have time to stay with you for too long, so don’t bother.”

After hearing this, many officials from Thorn City looked at each other, some happy and some sad.

Only the man designated as the city lord by Bai E showed concern.

‘Sure enough, what I was worried about at the beginning happened. ’

‘This Lord is just trying to solve the problem, not really supporting anyone to become the Lord of Thorns City. The first person to stand up was treated as a useless outcast. ’

However, facing this man who could fight against the insect nest and the city by himself, even if he was unwilling to do so, he still did not dare to make a sound.

‘Just waiting for him to leave, maybe it’s time for me to flee. ’

Bai E, who seemed to be aware of the man's thoughts, strode towards the city, glanced sideways at him, and then said to the man casually, "What's your name?"

The man suddenly became energetic, took a step closer and replied: "Sir, my name is Eugene!"

"Okay, I'll remember it. I'll ask some people from Blackwater City to help you restore the order and economy of Thorns City later. Do your best and don't let the people of Thorns City down."

The man's face instantly became overjoyed, "I will live up to your trust!"

"Yes." Bai E nodded expressionlessly and took the lead into the city.

It is a matter of life and death for everyone. Even cities with heavy bureaucracy must show their most decisive execution ability.

In less than half an hour, a long queue of exquisitely dressed people from Thorn City had already lined up in front of Bai E.

At a glance, it was obvious that these people were the blood relatives of those officials. When they learned that someone around them might have been replaced by bugs in disguise, what everyone cared about most was, of course, their family and friends.

At this time, Bai E was not interested in demanding that everyone be equal. It could even be said that ordinary people might not be able to gather as quickly as these officials had their own networks, and it would not be a waste of time.

The method is the same as that in Yongye City, each group of ten is separated by a certain distance, and each group passes in front of Bai E.

As long as there are no targets that trigger stronger Zerg imagery, safety is confirmed.

For a city with a population of tens to millions, a group of ten people is certainly not very efficient.

What Bai E hopes more in his heart is actually like what happened in Yongye City. After the news of clearing bugs here spreads, those bugs that know that they cannot escape Bai E's eyes will take the initiative to hide and entangle the rest. The lurkers fought tooth and nail and fought to the bitter end.

Looking at the reinforcements who were just sitting there as if they were distracted, even if they knew that they were coming to support officials from their own city, they couldn't help but murmur in their hearts, "Don't you have any special detection tools, sir? Like X-ray or thermal imaging" What? Those are bugs in disguise. We have been together day and night without noticing anything is wrong. How can you spot those bugs just by looking at them?"

"Shh! You don't want your life! It's natural to say what the adults say! The adults' eyes are rulers, just look at them carefully. How can there be so much nonsense?!"

"I'm just... I'm just curious... When did such an awesome person appear among us humans? Even the rumored God of War in the Imperial City is not one-tenth of his opponent, right?"

If the God of War in the Imperial City also has the strength to fight against the insect nest alone, wouldn't it be spread all over the world long ago? !

"What the hell do you know? If you knew, would you be the God of War?! Just watch the show, talk so much bullshit?"

"...Wait a minute! There seems to be some movement over there, sir!"

While he was speaking, Bai E, who had been in a daze, suddenly narrowed his eyes and waved his hand to stop a group of inspection teams who were walking in front of him with panic-stricken expressions.

This was the first group of subjects to be stopped. Both the subjects themselves and the Thorn City soldiers who were maintaining order felt a little confused.

"grown ups?"

Bai E did not answer, but calmly ordered, "You ten, separate a fixed distance apart and walk in front of me again!"

Many of the subjects looked confused and looked at Bai E subconsciously, then looked aside at the local people from Thorn City who they were more familiar with.

The official responsible for maintaining order waved his hand with a cold expression, "Do as the adults say! Don't talk nonsense!"


The ten people looked at each other and returned to the place where they were queuing up. Then they lined up one by one and moved forward alone, passing by Bai E one by one.

The sudden change aroused the concern of everyone present.

This is the first group the lord has received special treatment since he requested testing.

Whether his test results are reliable or not may be the most direct proof right now.





The light of the sword flashed across the sky, and the other people watching even forgot to scream.

It wasn't until the head that looked like an octopus rolled around on the ground several times that the soldiers responsible for maintaining order immediately concentrated on pulling the gun bolts in their hands, "Don't move! Wait for us to deal with it!"

The officials who had been waiting for the first-hand results took over all command of the scene on the spot, instructing various related personnel to clean up, clean up the corpses, and maintain order.

Make sure everything continues in an orderly manner.

Only in the minds of those senior officials who stood at the back, there was finally no doubt in the minds of the adults from Blackwater City.

"He can really spot the bugs lurking among us humans!"

"Mobilize the whole city quickly and cooperate with the adults as much as possible!"

As long as you are willing to think about it, there are always more solutions than difficulties.

In order to increase the detection speed, people at the back of the queue have been sent to the vehicle in groups.

Every time the front group passes the inspection, the driver of the vehicle carrying the next group of people will step on the accelerator to make the inspection go as fast as possible.

Hurry up!


One after another, the octopus heads couldn't hide from Bai E's eyes, and they were chopped off by his sword one after another.

Until night began to fall, Bai E had not encountered any group of subjects with abnormalities for half an hour.

‘Come again? ’

Bai E looked into the distance and waved to a senior official of Thorn City who had been waiting not far away. "Is there any place in your city that is easy to defend, difficult to attack, and easy to hide people?"

"In the city?" The official was stunned for a moment and shook his head. "There may be small corners, but there shouldn't be large strongholds that can accommodate many people. What do you mean by asking this..."

"There haven't been any new lurkers for a long time..."

The official was overjoyed at first, but then he realized what Bai E meant, and his expression instantly became serious, "My lord, are you suspicious that those lurkers learned the news here and hid them all?"

"It's very possible that they did this when they were in Yongye City."


Bai E shook his head, indicating that he didn't need to worry, "This is actually better. It gives us the conditions to focus on eliminating them."

However, while they were talking here, his companion suddenly seemed to have received some unexpected news, and walked over quickly with a serious look on his face, "Sir, something has happened!"


"I just received a notification from the guard that a group of people just left the west gate of the city with a warrant saying they had an urgent mission!"

The other officials were immediately furious, "What urgent task can there be at this time? Isn't this nonsense?"

The "human being" who chooses to run away at this time almost makes his identity clear.

Once those bugs, which are no different from humans, return to the wilderness and return to the city or wander to other cities in the long days to come, it will undoubtedly be a disaster for the city without this Lord Baie to guard it!

"What do those guards do for food? Can we let people go?"

"I can't blame them..."

Time is urgent, and the city cannot explain in detail what happened here to every corner of the city.

Therefore, loopholes arise from this.

"The top priority now is to catch up with those people and eliminate them all. Otherwise, even if one is missed, it may cause serious trouble in the future."

Bai E frowned slightly and discovered another detail that he had not noticed before.

Yes, what should they do if another human being in the form of an insect sneaks into the city after they leave?

Cities with their own capabilities, including Blackwater City, have already manufactured a large number of instruments that can distinguish humans from lurkers and placed them everywhere. It is difficult to sneak into the city from the outside.

But for these cities that originally lacked resources and were unable to face the crisis on their own, it was undoubtedly a fantasy for them to manufacture a large number of instruments themselves.

There are neither resources nor sufficient talent reserves.

When he thought of this, Bai E instantly thought of a special group——


There is no group in this world that has the ability to learn more quickly than this kind of creature.

When I went back this time, I had already smelled the scent of a large number of players in Blackwater City's military camps and even scientific research institutes.

As long as the city's key functional institutions are open to the outside world, these players with far more talents than ordinary people will inevitably penetrate into all aspects of the world in the first time.

And players are not just a specialty of Blackwater City. When Gong Yan and the others went to Gray Iron City for a visit, they abducted many Gray Iron City players from there.

So naturally, there will be no shortage of those guys in this Thorny City.

As long as they are gathered together, a group of exclusive technicians belonging to Thorn City can be trained in a short time!

With his eyes flashing, Bai E instantly took off into the air and flew toward the west gate of the city.

As the figure walked away, the voice echoed, "Everyone, stay where you are and wait until I come back to continue checking!"

Through his unique perception of those bugs, Bai E can easily detect the general direction in which the lurkers are escaping and pursue them quickly to ensure that no fish slips through the net.

Seeing Bai E's figure flying away in an instant, all the officials in Thorn City felt envious, "This city lord of Blackwater City is so fierce..."

"Is this what it feels like to have such a city lord? A sense of security... I really envy the people of Blackwater City!"

["Lucky Blow" charge +50. 】

It didn't take much time for Bai E to come back again, holding a bunch of octopus heads in his hand and throwing them casually on the open space in front of everyone.

As those lurkers took the initiative to purify the gold content of the people of Thorn City, they speeded up Bai E's detection in disguise.

Flying over the long queue of people in the city, Bai E could only say that these lurkers had closed the net very cleanly...

"No more." Bai E returned to the long-awaited officials with a stern look on his face and calmly stated the issue that everyone was most concerned about.

"Very good!"

"Thank you City Master Bai!"

"Master Baicheng, why don't you leave..."

"Yes, City Lord Bai, we think you are more suitable to be our City Lord."

"..." Bai E shook his head helplessly, "But you have to be careful about one problem in the future - what should you do if a lurker comes from outside the city?"

Or was it the pot-bellied official who stood up and said, "I heard that the Imperial City said there is a technology that can tell the difference between these bugs and us normal humans?"

Bai E nodded and said, "Yes, how many units have you produced?"

"One..." The official looked embarrassed.


"Not even one..."


Fearing that Bai E would be disappointed, the official quickly explained, "The main reason is that our technical capabilities in Thorn City are limited, and the material and technical support promised by the Imperial Capital failed to arrive for a while, so... so..."

Bai E shook his head, too lazy to listen anymore, "I will solve this problem. But I need you to help me find some people..."

"Looking for someone?" The official immediately patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, sir, no matter what kind of talent you want, we can find it for you?!" (End of Chapter)

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