Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 606: Blackwater City, want to build a starship?

"What should we do? Don't tell them at all?" Kuang Xin felt a little panicked.

It is natural to be happy to obtain supernatural powers, but if the real world also encounters the same level of disaster as the game world, Kuang Xin feels chilled all over just thinking about it.

You can play games, but if such a disaster comes to the world...

Gong Yan frowned, feeling a little confused for the first time, "It's troublesome whether you say it or not."

According to the world view of the game, this is the nature of high-dimensional demons. The more people know about them, the easier it is for them to communicate with the real world.

The fewer people who currently possess psychic powers or know about them, the slower their intrusion into the real world may be.

But if they completely pretend not to know, their progress in eroding the world may only be a little slower.

If humans in the real world do not have psychic combat capabilities similar to those in the game, how will they deal with the invasion of high-dimensional demons?

Deliberately training strength is accelerating demonic erosion.

Not training strength at all is a slow death awaiting your fate.

Facing the existence of high-dimensional demons, no matter what you do, it seems to be wrong.

Unless an extremely powerful being like an adult appears in the real world, it will be possible to protect the real world for a while.

"So should we tell Xiao Dai and the others?"

"It's not impossible to tell them in advance not to spread, but it doesn't make any sense whether you say it or not." Gong Yan frowned, "Now, even after we die once, we can get the power from the game. There is something wrong with this speculation... Death may not be the key to gaining power. The 'real game' option we choose may be the core reason why we can gain power. Whether this option comes from the devil's conspiracy, it doesn't matter. It’s not yet known if these are really the devil’s plans…”

Gong Yan bit her upper lip and said in a bitter tone, "Then we who have gained strength now may have become the real minions of the devil. The official name for us in the game as 'sons of the devil' may really become a reality. I don't I hope Xiao Dai and the others will follow the same path as us..."

"Ah?" Kuang Xin was completely confused, "What should we do?"

"Hey... I don't know either. But we who have gained strength should strengthen ourselves as much as possible! If the world is in crisis again in the future, Kuang Xin..." Gong Yan's voice was low and she called softly. With.


"Perhaps you will become my hero again!"


Gong Yan's voice echoed in Kuang Xin's heart, and he felt that the hot blood in his body was like magma rushing from ancient times, warm and lasting.

When I lay back in the game cabin and entered the game again, in the darkness before connecting to the game, a pair of strange scarlet eyes quietly emerged from the void, staring evilly...

The excitement at the scene was beyond the imagination of every Thorn City official.

No one expected that those fanatics who had been against them for a long time would actively sign up because of such an announcement, and each of them would shout strange words such as "I am the dog of Lord Bai'e City".

"If we had known that these people were so easy to deceive, we would have used this excuse to catch them all..."

"Catch them all in one swoop? I've already caught them all in one swoop. What can I do now for you? You can probably tell at a glance whether the person you want personally is a true fanatic or not."

After all, you can tell at a glance that those bugs disguised as humans are much more outrageous than this.

"That's right...haha! I didn't expect us humans to be so powerful. We were really ignorant before."

It takes half a day to recruit, it means recruiting half a day.

Once the time is up, the recruitment location will close immediately.

No matter how much those players who rushed back from outside or were late to learn the news begged, no official dared to disobey the will of Lord Baie.

A total of more than fifty players gathered together and formed a square formation in front of Bai E. They whispered among the squares, "Is this the Lord of Bai E?"

"So handsome?"

"It's not that he's extremely handsome, but he has a reassuring temperament... Is this the strongest leader of mankind right now? He certainly deserves his reputation!"

"I wonder what you want to teach us? I'm so excited!"

Next to the square formation of players, there are also some craftsmen and technicians selected by Thorn City itself, and there is a clear distinction between the two teams.

The officials of Thorn City vowed to let the Lord Baie from Blackwater City see the understanding ability of their Thorn City craftsmen!

Otherwise, everyone is an ally. If Thorn City behaves too badly, wouldn't it make a joke in front of City Lord Bai?

Bai E started teaching...

Seeing that there was hardly any explanation, but just dismantling and assembling the machine on the spot, and then talking about various matters that should be paid attention to when using the machine, it was said that the Lord Bai was the Lord of the City who came to preach and teach. The eyes of all the Thorn City craftsmen were a little confused. straight.

'what is this? ’

‘This is teaching? If there are no core principles and no apprentice attempts, does this count as teaching? ’

‘How the hell do you learn this? ’

What makes people even more eye-popping are the "crazy gangsters" next door who are said to be mentally disturbed.

"I've learned how to do it, my lord!"

"That's it, sir, can you do something exciting?"

"Can you teach other adults something?"

["Teaching" is over. Through the feedback of "Teaching", you have gained a total of 29,800 general experience points. 】

Looking at the lively players in front of him, Bai E smiled fondly and said, "Okay."

Anyway, my core purpose has been achieved. If I teach these players some other abilities, it can be regarded as a familiar face first.

"I think it must be quite difficult to improve your attributes, so let me teach you a set of exercise tips that can quickly train your physical fitness."

Advanced Physical Training 3.0 should be the most versatile of all his abilities. Players should be able to benefit a lot from it no matter what development direction they prefer.

Seeing the rumored Lord Bai E who took the lead in making some strange moves on the field, the craftsmen of Thorn City felt that they were not well.

What the hell?

We said we were going to teach knowledge, but now why are we teaching postures?

Didn't the adults in the city explain it clearly to them?

What on earth are they doing here?

As time gradually passed, Bai E also ended the training plan teaching for the players.

["Teaching" is over. Through the feedback of "Teaching", you have gained a total of 73,000 general experience points. 】

‘Through this global support, it seems like a good option to harvest a batch of experience from players at the same time? ’

With this thought in his mind, Bai E waved goodbye to the bright-eyed players and the blank-eyed craftsmen of Thorn City in front of him.

"Train well and grow up as soon as possible. Our Blackwater City caravan will soon set foot in every city in the region. When their arrival comes, they will bring you what you want most."

Before leaving, Bai E did not forget to draw a big cake for these players.

The so-called most wanted thing... is nothing more than genetic optimization fluid.

After saying this, Bai E instantly floated into the air.

The shadow of a blue-white mecha appeared out of thin air. After an almost undetectable slight descent, the entire body of the mecha instantly erupted into a gust of wind and flew into the distant sky with a whoosh.

Bai E was very pressed for time and had no time to stay in any one place for too long.

"Damn it! Are you so cool?"

"City Master Bai, please take me away! I am your dog!"

"I'm the!"

"Woof woof woof!"

Different from the joy on the player's side, Thorns City officials rushed in from outside instantly when they saw Bai E floating away.

"The Lord of Baie City is gone?"

"Why did Lord Bai'e leave now?! Didn't he even say hello to us?"

Some officials immediately found the craftsmen who were responsible for learning "cutting-edge technology" and asked, "How is it? How much have you learned?"

"..." The craftsmen were silent one by one, not daring to make any sound.

The official who asked the question was disappointed and said, "You won't..."

"It's unfair, sir!" Finally, one of the craftsmen couldn't bear the grievance and cried and complained, "That sir didn't teach me much... It's impossible for anyone to learn it!"

"Who said that!" A player over there who had always been dissatisfied with the officials from Thorn City sneered and retorted, "Didn't we learn it?"

"You can learn shit!" the craftsman said bluntly.

The player laughed ferociously and immediately thought about it, "How about we make a bet?"

Things left behind are never in Bai E's attention.

Countless cities in suffering around the world are waiting for his salvation one by one.

The lessons learned in each previous city will be made up for in the next city in advance.

Regardless of whether the rescued cities trust Baie's single-soldier support or not, the ability to single-handedly destroy the insect nest is Baie's real stepping stone.

After months of fighting along the way, every city they passed by, no matter whether they were completely convinced by Bai'e or not, at least knew and feared that there was such a existence among humans.

There are even many cities that are in the most critical situation. After being rescued, just like Eternal Night City, they built their own shrines for Bai E.

For those human beings who are on the verge of destruction, whoever can save them from the sea of ​​suffering is the real god in their minds!

["Lucky Blow" charge +50. 】

[You have been eroded by a belief, and your high-dimensional characteristics are deepening...]

[You have been eroded by a belief, and your high-dimensional characteristics are deepening...]

The same information bounced almost non-stop over the past few months.

But even so, Bai E, who had been baptized for several months, did not feel any obvious changes in his body or spirit body.

Maybe this level of faith is still far from enough, right?

When the last insect nest close to humans was pulled from the earth, for the first time, human society showed a flourishing and joyful atmosphere.

Perhaps there are still many insect nests located in the wilderness far away from human cities, or perhaps there are wandering orcs and silent omnic bases in the wilderness.

These human threats have not really disappeared, but every city will no longer be threatened by bugs, which is already the most accomplished progress in the eyes of all humans.

"Although we have achieved initial victory in the battle against the aliens. But... we must not relax because of this!"

After the threats to all cities were clear, thousands of cities once again held a meeting of the Thousand Alliance in the imperial capital.

Of course, most of the thousands of cities are just observers, and only 50 cities with upper and lower parliamentary qualifications are truly qualified to propose proposals.

Among them, the five cities that went to the parliament are the ones that really have decisive opinions on every proposal.

It is worth mentioning that Yongye City, which had obtained one of the five qualifications for the Upper Council because it was a Zerg lurker, finally determined that its strength did not meet the standards of the Upper Council. They still fell into the hands of their original opponent, Kuangshouyu.

Now, at the Thousand Alliance Conference, the Imperial Capital first put forward its own opinions on the future direction of the alliance.

"We in the Imperial City believe that the next development focus of our alliance should still be on the two top priorities of thoroughly cleaning up global disasters and restoring the living standards of every city."

They want to strive for a bright future for mankind, or are they just so that all mankind can live a good life?

No one wants to continue those days of huddled in underground steel caves smelling mold.

After the Imperial City speaker finished speaking, he glanced around, "Let me put it this way, do you have any other opinions? If not, we can vote on the next development focus of the alliance."

Didu's speech was actually the answer in the minds of many people present.

It would be great if the alliance can get to where it is today and slowly restore global sovereignty step by step.

The planet is here, who can compete with them?

However, no one was in a hurry to respond. Instead, all eyes were turned to one of the five seats in the Upper House.

Under the Blackwater banner that symbolizes Blackwater City, that silent figure is being watched simultaneously by almost a thousand city representatives participating in the conference.

Everyone is waiting for the city to speak.

Seeing this terrifying influence focused on cities other than the Imperial Capital, the Imperial Capital personnel who had always felt that they were the core of the alliance looked a little unhappy.

But no matter how unwilling they are in their hearts, everyone knows that the foundation for the existence of the alliance today... was almost laid by that man!

Under the spotlight, Kilolan, the spokesperson of Blackwater City, stood up with a slight smile on his lips.

She looked around and smiled softly.

"I think the core of the next phase of the alliance...should be exploring the universe!"

When Kilolan spoke, the whole audience could hear it.

Everyone is listening to the voice of Blackwater City.

"I think we should build a starship!"

As soon as the words fell, the whole place fell silent.

After a long time, someone swallowed his saliva and asked with difficulty: "Is this... what City Lord Bai meant?"

Kilolan nodded proudly, "Of course." (End of Chapter)

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