"Do we really have to go now?" Gu Lan's eyes widened, full of interest.

"But the last exploration failed. Wenjie said that our current technology has fatal problems that cannot be overcome. In this case, can you go there again?"

"That's under the premise that we don't know if there are really aliens outside. This time there are people with Stone Hammer, and they have to go there to smash pots and sell iron!"

When I heard that this game existed on other planets, those players were the happiest.

Especially Gong Yan and Kuang Xin, who both had the same secret in their hearts, looked at each other carefully.

In fact, the many characteristics displayed by this game make them more and more convinced that this is a real world.

Especially after turning on the "real game" option and having extraordinary abilities that are only available in the game in reality, they confirmed this even more.

Maybe, their real world is somewhere in this universe.

The so-called game is a certain kind of space channel. The game world and their real world are actually two planets in this universe.

In the game, you have to go out!

Maybe we can let the adults find the planet they are on and protect them too.

Relying on your own strength in the real world, it is difficult to grow up to the point where you can fight high-dimensional demons alone.

The game world has encountered these things for a long time, and they have a more mature confrontation system.

"Go! We must go!" Kuang Xin looked excited, "Let's go to the boss, he will definitely believe what we say."

NPCs in this game world have unexpected reactions to their language. Even if they do not take any relevant actual actions in the game, as long as they speak, they will get feedback from the NPCs.

It's as if those NPCs know that their players can connect with each other on another level.

As for whether this feedback is good or bad, it depends on the personal relationship between their players and this NPC.

If their favorability is enough, what they say will basically be recognized by the NPC.

For example, they have never broken their trust in front of adults.

"As long as we know that there are indeed aliens outside, my lord, they will surely start their second interstellar voyage soon. Without further ado, let's go find your lord now!" Dai Lian's eyes were also full of excitement. As a team decision-maker The author gave his final opinion.

"The test was basically successful." Helen's face was filled with relief.

The experiment of using the biological master brain center to replace the entire starship's central control system went very smoothly.

No matter how much professional knowledge those veterans have or whether they are lucky or not, even if the biological master brain center they created has been hidden and gathering dust for several years, it is still perfectly usable when it is taken out for use.

The computing power level of this system is even higher than that of a normal electronic system. After the replacement, the operation of the entire starship was not affected at all.

"The only thing we need to worry about is the possible instability of this system."

The system composed of the brains of veterans certainly gives the entire system a spiritual glory, but the human brain also means that there may be emotional fluctuations that affect computing power and even judgment.

Apart from the initial appearance and later basic testing, this entire system has never been put into actual operation for a long time.

Since it has not been tested by time, in the minds of scientists like Helen, there are certain risks in its use.

"As long as it works."

When this plan was the only solution, a little risk could not dissuade Bai E from his desire to explore.

"Try driving it first."

It was also a good time to test whether the high-dimensional space teleportation ability I had just learned could move an entire starship.

On the familiar plain, Bai E led Helen, Fengling and others into the starship.

In order to adapt to the new central control system, compared with the previous starships that were full of mechanical steel, many parts of the current starship have been modified accordingly.

Those half-biological, half-mechanical wire harnesses pulsed slightly as if they were alive, and the various indicator lights on the entire starship slowly changed in light and dark like breathing.

The cameras that existed everywhere seemed to have observed the newly entered Bai E people, and a certain feeling of being spied on instantly came to their hearts.

Those veteran brains that still have some human thoughts are curiously observing their sudden figures.

When you come to the central control room, the first thing you see is the large circles of human heads slowly rotating in the communication of countless wire harnesses.

The heads of veterans with different faces were fixed on the periphery of the metal rings, uniformly arranged up and down around a cylinder, and rotated slowly.

The wiring harnesses that connect systems throughout the starship extend from the central cylinder of the system.

Although the cameras everywhere in the starship showed a certain degree of observation to the people who came in, when Bai E and the others came to the center of the biological master brain in person, the veterans who made up the biological master brain center were The head did not show any strange reaction to their arrival.

The heads of the veterans with their mouths slightly open and their eyes open but dull and lifeless had different faces. They obviously had the breath of life but were lifeless at the same time.

So much so that the entire control room was filled with a disturbing and eerie atmosphere.

Fengling, who was seeing this situation for the first time, frowned in obvious discomfort.

However, considering that this is a matter of human beings themselves, and the human heads in front of them also chose this fate out of some kind of dedication, there is no more to say.

For her who has advanced spiritual cultivation, it is only a basic perception ability to distinguish the emotional undertones of these creatures' spirituality.

Helen's eyes swept across the faces of these android veterans, and no matter how many times she saw them, a trace of respect would flash in her eyes.

Then he said to Bai E: "I have activated the starship and it is ready for test flight at any time."

Of course, no special environment is required for high-dimensional space teleportation by a single person or a small team. However, for such a huge starship, it is too dangerous to open a "channel" that is large enough for it to pass through. It is too dangerous to attempt this on a planet. .

Whether it's the "malice" of the high-dimensional space itself or the things on the planet accidentally falling into it, it's all trouble.

They planned to place this attempt outside the planet's atmosphere. As for the end point of the transmission, there were already two storm warriors driving mechas waiting on the distant planet's satellite.

"ready or Not?"

"no problem."

After receiving Bai E's affirmative answer, Helen contacted the tower through the communication equipment on the starship. Helen turned to Bai E and nodded and said: "The route has been cleared and is allowed to pass."






As the entire hull trembled slightly, the huge starship that had been repaired and looked brand new once again rose from the land.

While the anti-gravity engine slowly lifted the starship itself into the sky, it also brought up some scattered sand and gravel.

But as the starship flew higher and higher, the scattered sand and gravel finally fell weakly from the high altitude and hit the ground patteringly.

The take-off of this behemoth will undoubtedly attract the attention of various informants around it.

Whether it is the various aboriginal cities or the player groups, they have obtained some important information——

The man from Blackwater City still did not give up his attempt to explore the universe after a failed trip.

It doesn’t matter what the various Aboriginal cities think.

Their will could never be exerted over the heroic figure who rescued their species from the darkest days of chaos.

The players felt sincerely happy.

The information sent back by those players who chose to fly solo in the first exploration has clearly shown that there is still a lively human civilization in the universe in the game world.

Knowing this, how could they be willing to just wander around the planet?

Many players who had not cared about the first exploration began to gear up, trying to get tickets for the second alien exploration.

Even if you can't get a ticket for the second exploration, you can still prepare for the third or fourth time.

As long as humans know through a voyage that there are planets with other civilized societies in this universe, they will definitely take steps to explore this universe again and again.

However, no matter what the various people who have been paying attention to this thought, the starship finally went straight into the sky and flew out of the sky in front of the eyes of all those who were interested.

Looking at the pitch-black deep space of the universe in front of him and the distant stars that emitted starlight from an unknown number of light-years away, Bai E held his breath and concentrated, and began to use the method of teleportation in high-dimensional space.

As his spiritual energy communicates with the world, the barrier between high-dimensional space and material space is briefly broken.

A cosmic space rippling like water quietly appeared in front of the entire starship.

Helen nervously pushed the forward gear, and the starship hovering in place suddenly moved forward slowly.

The external camera launched in advance faithfully recorded the entire process of the starship entering the high-dimensional space channel.

The moment the front section of the shuttle-shaped starship came into contact with the turbulent area, it was as if the image had been erased by an eraser, losing the part where the front end was submerged in the area.

As the starship gradually moved forward, until most of the starship's body disappeared in that area, the remaining parts of the starship were also blurred and began to become looming.

Until a certain moment, the screen inside the starship that reflected the live camera footage instantly turned pitch black.

This means that the starship they are traveling on has completely entered the high-dimensional space and lost contact with the several camera positions in the physical space.


In the quiet and dead space, only the low sound of the starship itself was heard.

Watching the starship move forward in the darkness, Helen looked around with eyes full of interest.

Unlike the absolute rules of the material world, everything here is full of variables.

Even the definitions of time and space become blurred here.

Its existence is simply a subversion of all scientific definitions studied by humans.

This is a high-dimensional space.

A mysterious field that every human scientist wants to challenge and study throughout his life.

The last days of many scientists' lives are often spent intertwined with this mysterious field, gradually leading to the fate of death.

This is the mountain in every scientist's heart, and it is also the ultimate wish of every scientist.

The same goes for Helen.

But she clearly knew what kind of heavy mission she was carrying.

Until she leads mankind completely out of that dark and chaotic era and into a bright future, she will not allow herself to focus on this terrible place where it is difficult to produce research results.

So the curiosity right now... is just curiosity.

Time has no meaning in high-dimensional space and does not have any substantial definition.

All that exists is the perception of change.

No one knows how long they sailed in it, but after Baie found the high-dimensional space mapped by the satellite through the psychic beacon given by the two storm warriors who stayed on the satellite and performed the detachment operation and returned to the material world, Only then did they learn the real material time spent on their trip from the two storm warriors who stayed behind——

12 seconds.

"When inside the planet, it is difficult to describe the distance in space and the travel time in high-dimensional space with a simple functional relationship. Maybe the actual distance of one thousand meters requires ten minutes of material walking in high-dimensional space. time; it may be that the distance of fifty kilometers only takes them two and a half minutes to teleport in high-dimensional space. But if this distance is extended to the astronomical unit of the universe, the distance in the material world is generally the same. Travel time in high-dimensional space is still positively correlated.”

12 seconds, from the planet to the satellite, is a speed that their starship originally used the curvature navigation technology to dream of.

But now, they are traveling through high-dimensional space and have completed this feat of traveling through time and space in an instant!

"Successful!" Helen, who was responsible for recording data throughout the entire process, looked delighted.

The transmission was quite complete, the starship's self-checking system did not find any faults, and the departure point and destination were both accurate, which meant that this attempt was definitely a perfect success!

"If you still have some energy left, how many more times can we try?"

Any experiment ultimately requires a large number of repeated verifications to ensure the accuracy of the final results.

Helen looked at Bai E with expectation on her face.

"Let me try too." Fengling said with a smile: "After all, according to the plan, it is really my responsibility to take the starship to sail such a long distance in high-dimensional space to find the location of the beacon. Responsibility."

"That's fine." Helen nodded, looking at Feng Ling expectantly, "Then I'll trouble you, Prophet."

Feng Ling shook his head and chuckled, "You're welcome. Your attempt is also the direction we hope for. After all, we originally came from the universe. We elves... also want to trace our origins." (End of Chapter)

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