Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 618 No more human emperor?

"Why not just kill him?!"

In the void, a voice that was neither male nor female sounded charmingly.

This voice echoed in this world, just like the rules of the world itself.

"He wants to!" Another wild voice sneered, "A guy who can only play some conspiracies and tricks, what else can he do besides deceiving? If he really wants to do it, he dare not face the mighty human emperor!"

"Hahaha!" The clown-like voice laughed and sneered, "At least I can still trick him! What can you do? If he hadn't closed himself off, he would always be the first emperor who created the world! If my plan succeeds, maybe there will be no human emperor in this world! It's much better than you guys who only know how to watch the show!"

"Hehe~" The voice as generous as an elder chuckled, and a strange atmosphere of decay and decay mixed with new hope instantly spread, "But you... when has your plan ever succeeded?"

If there is a plan, there will be failure.

This is the fate that a certain primitive authority can never escape in his lifetime.

The clown-like voice laughed and looked down on him, "Change is constant. The only eternal thing in this world is change. The world is always changing. How can a moment represent eternity? You... are obsessed."

"Heh~ I don't care."

"So even if the big pot that you cherish like a treasure is overturned 3,742 times, you don't care?"

"Heh~ at most, just change the pot."


The not-so-strong stranger sat alone in the corner, as if he was in a long thought.

Some eyes in the shadows swept over with ill intentions. The strong body exuding the original breath was so deep and charming.

For a long time...

The free and easy smile climbed onto the handsome and resolute face again. The young figure raised his head from the shadows and looked at the alien scenery in front of him.

"It's just starting over again. What's there to be afraid of..."

He whispered in his mouth, patted his butt and climbed up.

It seemed that he saw the figure he had been watching for a long time move, and the eyes that had been staring at him also jumped out from the corner.

The tall figure arrogantly swung his arms and walked towards Bai'e.


When they passed by, their arms collided slightly.

The strong man who had just taken a step turned his head with anger on his face, glaring at the strange man behind him who was a head shorter than him, "Don't you have eyes when you walk?"

Bai'e paused slightly and frowned.

The man shouting behind him was obviously irritable. He didn't hear Bai'e's begging for mercy at the first time, and he had already raised the huge mechanical fist in anger, "Are you deaf, kid?!"

The huge fist came through the wind, with a fierce momentum.

Some people passing by carefully avoided some of the figures, or simply stopped to watch the show from a distance.

"Where did this guy come from? Why did Wild Wolf target him? This is bad luck!"

"I heard that their Sharp Knife Club has taken a big job recently. Why are they still thinking about such a small job?"

"Who knows~ Maybe this inconspicuous boy is their big job?"

"Indeed... I think this boy is unfamiliar, and his dress is also exquisite and weird. What you said is really possible!"

"This..." The onlookers chatted like this, so some people's eyes also showed some heat.

After all, the big job in the rumor is a way to get in touch with the Sharp Peak Alliance!

Although everyone knows that a big job must have the specifications of a big job.

As long as the people of their Sharp Knife Club are not fools, it is impossible to send out only Wild Wolf, a thug who is not a top master, to act alone.

But...what if?

What if the follow-up support of their Sharp Knife Club is still on the way, maybe this is their only chance to get connected with the Sharp Peak Alliance!

Who wouldn't want an official certificate that would be reliable wherever they go in this sea of ​​stars?

Even if this strange man is not the big guy as rumored, they can just move to another place to live?

It's just a satellite city floating in the sea of ​​stars, who else's belief can it be?

Thinking of this, some people began to get restless.

However, this kind of secret criticism could not even be completely quelled, and the small dispute in the center of attention had a shocking change.

Bai'e glanced back when the back of his head was hit by the fist wind.

For some reason, even if he didn't have eyes behind him, he clearly didn't have the psychic power to observe his surroundings, but he still knew the attack launched by the strong man from behind as if he knew it well.

The strength of the opponent's punch, the corner of the attack... These general information flashed through his mind, and countless sets of counterattack plans were instantly generated in his mind.

As skillfully as if it were instinct... Just like the combat proficiency that had been upgraded to the tenth level, it was integrated into the foundation of the body.

Bai E blinked slightly and tilted his head slightly.

The iron fist almost brushed past his head, and the wind from the fist blew through his black hair, causing a flat ripple.

‘He’s not even willing to give in a little more? ’

Before this thought could fully emerge in Wild Wolf’s mind, the counterattack from the man in front of him had already arrived!

Without even turning his head, an elbow hit his belly fiercely. The opponent’s fierce speed and hidden attack made Wild Wolf completely unable to react, and he was hit hard.

But the strange thing is that this level of skill should have brought tons of blows, but the actual lethality could not make this thug who was not outstanding in the free port lose his combat ability instantly.

So after the initial brief panic, Wild Wolf, who was enduring the pain in his abdomen, continued to reach out and grab, wanting to completely subdue this embarrassing strange man.

Bai Er, who also realized that his output effect was not ideal, took a half step back, with a slightly thoughtful look in his eyes.

Bai Er actually did not have much trust in the voice that claimed to be his system.

What really made him panic was that the system that he regarded as the capital of "making a living" after coming to this world was directly pointed out by someone.

This made him feel that everything about him was no secret in the eyes of others, and that his actions so far were as ridiculous as a puppet on a string being manipulated by others.

But in fact, when you think about it carefully, what can it do?

Without the system, will he not be able to live?

Without the system, will he not be able to make progress?

As he thought, it's just starting from scratch, what's there to be afraid of?

With the help of the so-called system, he has seen many landscapes that ordinary people have never seen in their lives, and has reached a realm that most people cannot reach in their lifetime.

Even if all of this has been taken back now, at least he is still here, and his will is still here.

And now, one more fact has been verified...

Perhaps, his experience is still here.

What is missing is the unrivaled power in the past.

If it were my past self, I would have elbowed him with all my strength, and the man who had undergone a semi-mechanical transformation did not directly return to the factory settings. It can only be said that his product quality is excellent.

Looking at his fist, Bai'e's eyes rarely missed...

How long has it been since I enjoyed this kind of flesh-and-blood feeling?

"Hey! Look at me, you bastard!" The strong man in front of him roared in anger that was ignored.

The big hands moved towards Bai'e. Knowing that this guy was not strong, he was fully prepared to win this battle.

People who can work hard in the free port must have this ability to react quickly!

"..." Bai'e's mouth corners slightly raised, and for some reason he felt a little comfortable.

For the first time after the system was gone, he felt that his every move was more intimate from the heart.

Any action he made in the past seemed to isolate himself from the matter as if there was a faint film.

The sense of precise control that everything seemed to be completed by the system always revealed a sense of alienation.

And now... this crisis that was close to him seemed like a real reality.

It was exciting enough, and also... addictive enough.

Bai'er's vision narrowed slightly, and his blood was surging.

Facing the pair of big hands grabbed by the strong man, his body was like a sleeping beast that suddenly woke up and let out the first roar to the world.

"Pah pah pah pah!"

Under a dazzling series of movements, the hands, feet and arms of the Wild Wolf that attacked quickly were blocked in advance. The seemingly agile and strong physique was easily controlled by the man who was not particularly strong in a blink of an eye.

The fight between the two people with a large difference in size ended in an unexpected way.

Many onlookers who witnessed this scene were shocked...

They thought that the target of the "big life" might not be easy to catch, but they didn't expect it to be this difficult to catch.

"Although Wild Wolf is not a top fighter, he is not so easy to be subdued, right?"

"Nonsense! Even if I fight alone, it may take me several minutes to defeat him! How can I subdue this madman so quickly?"

Many ronin present thought they had some skills, but no one dared to say that they could easily capture the opponent when facing the thug of the Sharp Knife Society, Wild Wolf.

Even those who thought they could beat Wild Wolf had never really fought with Wild Wolf.

After all... Behind the opponent, there was a tricky local snake like the Sharp Knife Society.

And now, this thug with good strength was easily subdued by this man, and Wild Wolf hardly struggled during the process, which shows the crushing behind this method.

When thinking of this, some people's eyes became even hotter.

"If this is the case, the possibility is even greater!"

"Yeah... How could someone with such skills be unknown in Freeport? Maybe he is the big job that the Sharp Knife Society is looking for recently?!"

The speaker licked his lips greedily and glanced around, "Everyone, I know that we may have some small grudges in normal times, but at this time, maybe we can join forces."

In their lives that have passed half of their lives, there may only be this one chance to get in touch with the Sharp Peak Alliance. If they lose this opportunity, they will always be a group of scum wandering around in the vast sea of ​​stars looking for that pitiful opportunity to make a fortune!

"Everyone! I want a business license." The man said in a bewitching tone, "and the opportunity is right in front of us!"

So one call and a hundred responses.

"I want a merchant's license, too!"

"Nonsense! Who doesn't want a merchant's license? Without the approval of the Peak Alliance, you'll be ignored wherever you go!"

The man who spoke first continued to incite enthusiastically, "Let's join forces today, maybe in the future we will all be companions in a merchant team! We will drive our own merchant ship and fly through every star region in the universe!"

The future that was briefly depicted was exciting, and for a moment everyone looked at the figure of the strange man in the center of their gaze, and their eyes turned green like wolves.

"Then seize this opportunity! The Wild Wolf may just be the vanguard to delay the target. The follow-up support of their Sharp Knife Society is likely on the way. If we want to intercept this big job, our chance is only now!"

"Surround him! Don't let him run away! Whoever of us catches him will be credited by all the brothers! Then we will set up a caravan together! We are all brothers here!"

"Yes! We must not let this big job run to the commercial district. They have something to do with the Sharp Knife Society. We can't do it there! This is our only chance!"

"Do it!"


The severe pain from the arm made the Wild Wolf dare not struggle violently.

The madman's temper, which everyone knows, also became gentle and humble in this situation where others are the butchers and I am the fish.

"Big... sir, I'm sorry! I didn't recognize the great man and bumped into you. Please forgive me and let me go."

Traveling in the rivers and lakes, being able to bend and stretch is also a kind of adaptability.

The Sharp Knife Society behind you can only be brought out at the right time.

The guy in front of him looked very unfamiliar. Who knows if he just stopped by their Free Port casually.

If he killed him casually and turned around, the Sharp Knife behind him would not cross the vast sea of ​​stars to chase him all over the universe for him.

The fact that they could find his body and hold a "star burial" was probably a display of brotherhood that only a crazy person could perform. It was more likely that he would be thrown directly from the gravitational edge of the satellite city and become a cold flying corpse in the universe... or simply no one would care?

In Free Port, human life is the least valuable thing.

Bai Er pressed the other party and had some superficial understanding of his current strength-

The basic physical attributes may indeed be similar to those of the newly born artificial human, but the fighting skills that have been honed for many years seem to have become the existence of physical instinct.

There is even no system drive, and there is a little more sense of ease from the heart.

'This feeling seems to be not bad? '

Bai Er pressed his palm, causing the strong man to gasp.

He asked calmly: "Why did you attack me?"

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